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Latest revision as of 13:14, 13 April 2022

Noms for Art
Date of Scene: 12 April 2022
Location: Warehouse, Lower East Side, Bowery, Manhattan
Synopsis: Colossus drew Satana. <Then IRL Colossus' front desk girl's water broke, so things had to be cut short. And he don't know nothing about birthing no babies.>
Cast of Characters: Piotr Rasputin, Satana Hellstrom

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    It was a public forum for various artists to sketch/paint/draw/something a model. The model would be paid by the hour by the artists. Artists can come from all over to the location and, bringing their own supplies, do their work. Basically a forum trying to bring artists and models together for a common goal. There wasn't much of a response for the advert so Satana may have thought that she'd get lucky and find a single, or even multiple artists she could much on as a soul draining snack. Arriving at the location, a flat in the Lower East Side, Bowery, Satana was met by the forum orchestrator; a wiry middle aged balding man wearing a skeezy brown corduroy jacket with leather elbows who goes by the name, Walter (Walt for short). He instructs her to 'get naked' and lounge on the couch any way she wished. Even if she wished, she could use the silk sheet provide for modesty. The room she finds herself in is a second floor warehouse space. Beams of iron maintain the structure, large windows peer out into the city beyond, and sunlight streams down through the eastern set of windows. It's dusty, but otherwise devoid of filth or refuse. The couch is Belmont Chaise Lounge Sofa of leather and flowery fabric atop carved wood. It has a nice silk pillow that matches. https://www.savannahcollections.com/media/catalog/product/cache/8/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/b/e/belmont_chaise_4193-no2cover.jpg

    There are not artists, no easels. Nothing more. It looks like it could be some setup to entrap beautiful models for Walt to enjoy. However, it still seemed legit otherwise.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     Whoooo's hungry! Satana is, in all her fiery glory. Oh and how clever she feels, having pinned down a slippery soul with quite a few nasty tallies against the women he's 'worked' with. Artists can get away with a lot, but not this time. And so when she arrives with a little speech prepared and a the face of her meal in her mind's eye... she sees that he's not here. The fellow she has in mind, known to come to this class and stay a little too late asking models to come to his garage, is not here.

     Walt is a close second, and she considers him as a substitute as she strips down to that gorgeous bare frame of hers and slides onto the couch, tossing up the silk sheet and letting it land over her body, highlighting her feminine topography. Walt's seeming like a better meal by the moment as she lets out a sigh and gives in to wait. Maybe her artist will arrive, maybe he's running late after harassing another women? One can hope.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    Walt watches. He has no shame and plenty of sexual energy that builds while watching the innocent Satana become naked. His mouth is open and almost drooling. Yet...

    He's suddenly interrupted by heavy footfalls from a large man jogging up the concrete staircase to the second floor landing. The concrete floor trembles with each hard footfall in the man's rising approach. As the footsteps draw closer, a rattling of a wood frame accompanies the movements.

    Walt turns to receive the man and he is suddenly wide eyed and begins backing up.

    A voice on the other side of the door is heard stating in a Russian accent, "I am Piotr Rasputin. Here for art exchange."

    Walt appears relieved, yet still in amazement.

    The accented man ducks through the door and reveals his 7'7" frame of pure osmium steel. He wears black combat boots, black cargo pants and a black tshirt that is tight around his massive metal chest. His silvery banded arms and head/face are devoid of covering and all can see his metallic skin quite easily. He carries an oversized easel and a bag filled with art supplies. His silvery eyes look down to Walt for some expected permission and then peer into the room and spots Satana on the sofa-lounge.

    Walt gestures with a shaky voice, "Please." and steps way back to let the large Russian pass.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     Yeah, Walt's pretty much looking like a rotisserie chicken at this point, the poor red-headed woman with those deep eyes such a subject of his leering! She alters her speech in her head and then- oh! Someone new. But still not who she's looking for. He's big. And metal. Which is interesting. She wonders if it keeps the souls in a bit better.

     She remains relaxed, laying out on the couch with her back against the arm, one leg drifting off, chest and hips covered by the cloth. Lots of good fabric folds to capture, if one can take their eyes off the rest of the subject. "Anyone else out there?" she asks. Not that she needs the tips.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    Walt looks down the stairwell and says, "I see no one else."

    Piotr walks to a position that he desires. He states to aid Walt's answer in his own speech style, "Nyet, lovely woman. None that I saw. Further, I apologize for keeping you waiting. Subway was not conducive to my arrival."

    Piotr begins setting up the oversized wooden easel and then withdrawing the supplies to sit them on an extended shelf from said easel.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     Does he even fit in the subway? Sheesh. But she's not getting any vibes off of him with her particular brand of demonic vision that seem to be that of anyone deserving to be separated from this mortal plane. Besides, she's only ever done this posing for very official portraits in Hell. This is very different. Less screaming from the damned, different materials, different setting.

     "Well, that's fine then. I guess I have you all to myself," she laughs, resting her cheek against her elbow. "Any requests?"

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    He takes a moment to truly view her. His silvery eyes peer across her frame, the current position she is in and what is, and is not revealed. He holds up his right thumb and peers over it like an artist would. Then, his train of thought is interrupted when Walt clears his throat.

    Piotr looks to Walt and queries in an implied annoyed tone. "Is there something you needed?"

    Walt says, "Oh no. I will leave you to it." and he scurries away.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     Satana laughs, but then goes back to holding her pose as this unique man takes her in. Having grown up in Hell, he's not that unusual compared to some other creatures she's seen roaming around. There is a timer near her, one used for warm-ups, and she's used to that much from the gestural sketches portrait artists had down before. Even in the netherworld, there were often studies that weren't a full day. "Should I use the timer, or... just let you do a long session?" she asks. "Oh, and one more thing," she asks, watching him. "Horns or no horns?"

     Once Walt is out of the way, those horns do appear. A bit of a challenge, it seems.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    Piotr is initially curious about her regarding the timer and then the question of the horns or no horns. Then, the presentation of the horns draws his appreciation and garners much more attention to the concept in his mind. He states, "Krasivaya." which translates to beautiful and then he asks, "Are you Rusalka?" - a Russian demon of sorts.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     "I can be just about anything," Satana laughs. "Seriously, I didn't think you'd mind," she says. "But my evening plans have changed, so... paws, hooves, tail whatever. Or just the horns," she says, staying otherwise very still. "Just depends on how much paper or canvas you want to work through," she says.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    Amazed with her response, Piotr is intrigued with what and who she may be. Then all of the options are by far more than he was ready for - and like a kid in a candy store, he says, "Please, stand. Might you show me these affectations? All of them." He implies that she stand and show off her wings, hooves, tail, and whatever else she may have. He's curious beyond what any normal man could be - but from an artistic approach. He's not radiating sexual energy. He's just wanting to see what he can /art/.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     It's almost refreshing, even though she'll have to pick up something to go, as it were, after.

     And so she stands, giving a stretch and a little turn. Wings expand from her shoulders, batlike and translucent in the webbing. A long, spade-tipped tail emerges from her spine. Her elegant legs lengthen, change, with cute little cloven hooves at the ends, and nails become more clawlike. Her irises even pool larger, much more pronounced in their red color, but bright like a big cat's.

     "Something more like this?" she asks, flicking her tail. Almost daring him to fear her.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    "Udivitel'no." (translated from the Russian: Amazing), is stated under his breath. Then begins to imagine all the possible poses she could present herself in. Then he asks, "You are very sexy, alluring, steamy. However, I wish not to represent that. Can you be pouty? Adorable? I think you sit on edge of sofa, knees together, elbows to knees, chin to palms. With expression of pouty boredom. Wings outstretched, yet drooped. Tail on back of sofa, looking straight toward me." - essentially not revealing any sexuality directly, however, indirectly, but with the intent of capturing her expression and posture over everything else.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     "Oh, so sort of like a retro thing... " IN her mind, anyway. Retro for some of her succubi cousins is much longer than the pin-up era. She strides back to the couch. "You're lucky, I'm great at pouting," she says as she sits down, tail coiling and then resting against the back of the sofa, wings shaking an giving a big stretch before she holds them a little lower. Despite being nude, she is, in fact, decent from the angle facing him as she rests her elbows on her knees and thinks of shopping trips denied to her, or arriving to the Cafe of Doom after her favorite snacks have been depleted. It's pretty convincing.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    Piotr watches, fascinated with her features that are equally as beautiful as they are deadly and potentially horrific. Though, he appreciates her as art. Art that he hopes to capture fully. Once she is settled and striking the pose that he requested, he states, "This is perfect, thank you." and he then steps behind the easel and begins his work. Focused, quiet, reserved, and eager to create. Something he's not had the opportunity in weeks.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     The lack of sexual interest is almost frustrating, like a beautiful meal that one cannot smell. Maybe he's more like a painting of a meal, a delicious spread that's capturing a moment rather than a flavor. She can still appreciate it as he appreciates her.

     Such a beauty, though. Her horns have a gorgeous twist to the pale structures, like a wild ram. The wings have a light coating of fuzz on them, and the light breaking through is a beautiful opportunity to capture light penetrating a membrane. Her legs have changes structure, but her calves are still shapely, all the way down to her ankles, also fuzzy, and then the long tendrils of fur that surround her polished hooves, the same pale color as her horns and glossy.

     And that pouty expression helps, long-lashed eyes looking off to the side, still imagining a barista telling her, 'I'm sorry, ma'am, we're out of the apple cakes and the apple tarts, and there's no cardamom for your tea!' Oh, such a travesty. The only point of her body she's having trouble controlling it the tip of her tail. Just like a cat, it curls and relaxes, whereas the rest of her is almost hauntingly still.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    After several minutes of dutiful silence, Piotr states, "I trust you do this professionally. As you are art itself." Yet, it wasn't a question, merely an observation and rhetorical in nature. He continues his work, pleased with his subject and that which he creates. Within 45 minutes he will ask, "Do you need respite? That you may move around. Stretch?"

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     "I wouldn't mind a stretch and walk around. Besides, I want to see what you're working on." A robe in red silk appears in her hand, and she slips it around her body. It even has room for her wings and tail, which thread through as she clops over to take a look at just what he's accomplished in nearly an hour.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    Stepping back Piotr gives her space. His 7'7" height and massive frame step back to give her space in her approach. He remains silent. What she will see is a light sketching of the background and the sofa. Then a heavier sketching of her lines, curves, features. It appears that he's working in pencil at present, but the final will be pen and ink. She can see her life-like features coming into view with the strokes of his pencil, yet has about 1 to 2 more hours of work to finish the details, and then of course the ink another 30 minutes later.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     "I like it," she says, noting his technique, his line weight and pressure. Art is like a fingerprint in a way, everyone's style taking on defining characteristics. "I was a bit surprised that no one else came, but I'd be a far less interesting model if they had. The way you presented yourself," she says, "Though I imagine a challenge to capture with a sketch, what with all your reflection, I figured you wouldn't mind if I expressed my more natural form," she grins.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    "I appreciate honesty and presentation of your true form. I am stuck in this form. Otherwise, I would be normal Russian man." He says with the hint of a smile, and thank you for your appreciation of my work." Then he drops it, for now. As he has so much more to do.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     "Mm, but normal is so boring," Satana says. "There's billions of normal, and each bit tedious," she says, stretching her hands over her head, her wings wide, even their little claws seeming to flex before she slinks back to her couch. She poses again, "How is this?" she asks, quite close to her original pose, merely lacking the pout.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    He looks her over for a moment, says, "Is good. Except, pout."

    And then he will get back to work. Work will be lengthy, quiet, little to no commentary, another break is taken, and then finally the piece is complete by his standards.

    He says, "Done." and steps away from the inked sketch. He has captured her being. Textures, shading, lines, curves, accents, shadows... all immaculate just as he sees her.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     She slips off the couch, the robe appearing to keep her modest. It's a novelty to be admired and captured without being sought after in more carnal ways. "Beautiful work," she says as those animal features melt away, leaving her a rather normal-looking woman as time runs out for the moment.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    "It was honor to work with you. Please, take as gift. And currency, I believe this will cover time and massage to get out stiffness." and he hands her a fold of several large bills. He then steps forward and takes the sheet off the board of the easel and begins to roll it up for her.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     It's all quite sweet, and the succubus gives her first real genuine smile of the evening. Maybe even of far longer than that. "Oh... well thank you," she says. Though more likely it will go into the hand of one of the street girls she so often chats with, the ones who give her pointers on the worst men that roll through their respective lives. The souls that need harvesting the most.

     But the drawing is different. That will definitely come home with her. "So you just draw for the joy of it?" she asks, robe suddenly much more like regular attire. "It's quite the notion."