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Latest revision as of 14:50, 14 April 2022

Chilling out with a coffee
Date of Scene: 14 April 2022
Location: Star City Coffee
Synopsis: Booster and Killer Frost meet at a coffee shop...and neither knows who the heck the other is!
Cast of Characters: Crystal Frost, Booster Gold

Crystal Frost has posed:
Star City, far enough away from her last caper to mean there shouldn't be any capes after her but not quite as depressing as Gotham or Bloodhaven. A little time off was probably what Crystal needed, to try and spend a little of her ill-gotten gains. In this case? She was starting with a coffee and a blueberry muffin.

Booster Gold has posed:
A small rhythmic bass sound starts pumping into the room. It builds up slowly, both in volume and then in speed. "Here he comes!" a slightly tinny sounding voice reports. The pulsing increases, like a round of applause but it clearly is coming from a small speaker somewhere. As it reaches its crescendo, the door opens and in walks a figure clad in a garish combination of blue and gold - long blond hair flowing out from under a hood, his face partially obscured by what appears to be a glass hold visor. "Idol of Millions!" The man offers a wave to the somewhat scant crowd in the coffee shop. The pulsing gets louder. "BOOSTER. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLD." The digital voice gets a bit pitchy as it holds the last note, and then the 'music' switches to the sounds of loud applause.

"Thank you, thank you, please, no autographs," says Booster Gold, warding off the exactly zero fans coming to pay attention to his arrival. And then he goes and gets in line to order his coffee.

Crystal Frost has posed:
A curse under her breath was probably not the welcome Booster expected...but it might be one the man was accustomed to getting. Garish costume, obnoxious hype, all that music...

The woman with the ice blue hair was about mid-contemplation of icing out the whole shop just to get some peace when things finally die down, allowing her to exhale relief into her mug as she drank in both the beverage and the heat it offered.

Booster Gold has posed:
Turning his gaze to look around the shop, Booster's eyes settle on the woman with the blue hair. As one might expect. "Hey there," he says, tossing a nod of his head towards Frost. "You look familiar. Have we met?" As the line advances, he slowly backs forward. A grin slips across his face. "Couldn't be - I'd have remembered a face like yours. Must be the hair."

Crystal Frost has posed:
Crystal Frost freezes, ironically enough, for a moment before she takes another sip of her drink and shrugs. "Guess it's a more popular look. Harder and harder to be original these days."

Even her metahuman abilities weren't unique after all!

Booster Gold has posed:
Another nod from Booster. He steps back as someone else leaves the line. "I mean, not everyone can be me, after all." He grins, until he is tapped on the shoulder by the barista. "Oh, yeah, uh...I'll have what she's having." He points over at Frost.

He turns back to face Frost before the confused barista can mention that she has no idea what someone even two people ahead of him ordered, but she decides not to bother and just throws something random together.

"So, what's a cool cat like you doing in a place like this?"

Crystal Frost has posed:
Cafe with sugar and cream, scalding hot wasn't the most exciting order in the world, but it did the job for getting Frost through the morning.

Now if only...oh, alright he was coming her way. A little twitch and she leans on her elbow, tilting her head at the question.

"I am....chilling after a busy week."

Truely, she couldn't resist an ice pun.

Booster Gold has posed:
Carrying the cup of coffee without even really paying attention to it, Booster reaches out with his free hand to turn the chair opposite Frost around so when he sits he can lean with his chest against the back. "Not so sure about the chilling part, seems you're heating the place up." Complete with eye waggle.

"So, what's been keeping you so busy?" He tries a sip of the coffee, and frowns briefly at the temperature before setting the cup on the table.

Crystal Frost has posed:
The eyeroll was involuntary before Frost exhales a breath that actually fogs like someone out in the snow before lowering her mug in consideration.

"Just mischief and mayhem...paying my bills and all that." A pause, she tilts her head. "How exactly do you pay your bills with the whole...this?" she questions, gesturing to his attire.

Booster Gold has posed:
    That earns an upraised eyebrow from Booster. He glances down at the mug that burned his tongue, and then at Frost, whose breath is frosty despite having the same drink.

He does not pull on that thread, however. "Oh, this isn't my work outfit." Booster waves a hand and makes an odd sound blowing out some air. "Psshaw. I wear this when I am the symbol, but the real work...that's what rakes in the dough." He pauses. "Or will, once we get launched." A grin. "I'm a software developer." Slightly.

Crystal Frost has posed:
"So what you're saying..." Crystal muses, lips pulling to a smirk as she remains leaning forwards, "That you're basically cosplaying then? Wearing a costume for a hobby to get attention outside of work?"

Another sip of her drink, the mug is set down.

"Looking flashy to get a reaction and all?"

Booster Gold has posed:
At that, Booster blinks. "Cosplaying?" He shakes his head. "Did you not hear Skeets? I am _the_ Booster Gold!" He looks at her, searching for recognition in her eyes. "Idol of Millions. The Golden Arm. The ... "

Hetrails off, looking at her very intently. "I'm in the Justice League, for pete's sake!"

Crystal Frost has posed:
"Uh-huh," Crystal responds, lack of recognition perhaps only smothered by her slight glee at his frustrated exasperation. She'd half-frozen Superman last time they tangled and still she was pretty sure Booster was suffering more.

"I uh...don't recall seeing you on the posters, the news, those statues..." Crystal continues, the villainess counting off on her fingers.

Booster Gold has posed:
Indeed, Booster does seem to be exasperated. "I'm Booster Gold!" he repeats, louder, as if somehow that will change the recognition. "I do have statues, although I suppose I haven't been on too many posters."

Booster shifts on the chair. "Blue Beetle is my sidekick! We hang around with Batman and the Martian Manhunter, helping them solve crimes." He pauses. "I tangled with Doomsday for about 15 seconds _by myself_, slowing him down for the rest of the Justice League."

Crystal Frost has posed:
"Yeah...no?" the woman offers with a shrug, taking a bite of her muffin. "I mean, I've never heard people talk about 'Batman and Booster Gold'...and I mean, if you're part of the Justice League, what are you doing in a coffee shop in full costume?"

A beat, she grins a little. "I mean, is this your patrol sector or something? Making sure there's no supervillains just sitting in a coffee shop or something?" Of course, it was almost certain Killer Frost found the idea a whole lot funnier for the truth of it.

Booster Gold has posed:
"This is just how I look..." Booster Gold seems to settle against the chair, thinking about that for a moment. "I mean, if you can be Booster Gold all the time, wouldn't you? Why sneak around like a shlub if you can be fabulous at will." The words seem confident, but his heart doesn't seem to be in it anymore.

"I mean. I was just coming in to get coffee." Another shrug. "I mean, sure, if a supervillain were here, I'd have to fight him or something. That's kind of our rule." He chuckles. "Even if it's a hero I hadn't met before, or seen in a while, it's in the handbook. We kind of have to fight at first, and _then_ decide that we're going to work together." He stretches himself a bit. "But honestly, I haven't seen a supervillain in a long time. Been kind of boring."

Crystal Frost has posed:
"Sounds like a lot of hassle," Crystal muses alout, another bite of her muffin and a little laugh given. "I mean, doesn't a supervillain by design ignore the rules? I mean, what if one wanted to spend the time enjoying a meal, a day at the beach or a Spa day and the you come crashing in. Ruining a day like that would kinda make you the 'bad guy' right?"

Booster Gold has posed:
"Well, I suppose it depends," replies Booster thoughtfully. "If he or she had done something _bad_, and then was enjoying that time, I'd have to bring them in. You know, for what they did." He looks at Frost for a moment, tilting his head a bit. "You seem to have thought about this a bit. Are you a..." He gasps, audibly.

"Superhero groupie?"

Crystal Frost has posed:
"Uh-huh," Crystal muses, another bite of her food taken before Booster's comment has her eyes widening, a moment of choking actually leaving her in a coughing and sputtering fit. It actually takes her a moment or two to stop, but eventually she's laughing softly as she claims her napkin to wipe at her eyes and mouth.

"If that's the case..." she moves, making to stand with a little smirk as she saunters around the table, moving forwards and bending down to Booster, "And you're a superhero..."

Her hands extend, making to try and cup his jaw and turn his head with what appeared to be an intention to kiss his cheek. What could go wrong?

Booster Gold has posed:
One would think that the reaction is enough of a dead give away that something is amiss here. Not Booster though.

As the cool woman makes her way over towards him, all he can think of is how great it is to be a superhero.

Other than the 15 seconds Doomsday beat on him.

He not only allows Frost to cup his jaw, he leans towards her.

Crystal Frost has posed:
To be fair, Crystal Frost didn't -look- like Poison Ivy. Certainly she was beautiful, something she'd used to her advantage plenty of times, but she wasn't the most notorious femme fatale out there. Still, Frost's other hand dips into her pocket, withdrawing her phone. Taking a 'Selfie' kissing a superhero's cheek? That wasn't so strange right? People probably asked Superman all the time...

That was probably something Booster was musing on right as that contact was made. It really was great....right up until the sudden rush of cold.

Maybe it was a good thing that Booster Gold wasn't seen by the criminal as a serious, dangerous threat. Her powers could easily be lethal, but the rush of thick ice that suddenly surges from the contact and envelops the hero in a foot-thick prison from the neck down...it was more a prank than an attack. The photo snapped, this 'Selfie' actually earns a little note of satisfaction as she straightens up and exhales another foggy, frosted breath.

"It was cool meeting you," she grins, actually winking before she turns to saunter off past the now chilled patrons who found the room half-frozen. "He might need a fresh coffee. That one got a little cold."