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Latest revision as of 12:07, 15 April 2022

Date of Scene: 15 April 2022
Location: The Coffee Bean
Synopsis: A check inwith Phoeeb and Cael. Sometimes there's differences.
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Cael Becker

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Coffee: For when Chocolate just won't do it.

    Phoebe has been notorious in the JLD for her coffee intake, though famously she claims the caffeine doesn't affect her much. She's taken up residence tonight in The Coffee BEan, quietly writing in one of her many notebooks, but today there is a little more lightness to her bearing; shoulders a little more up, her eyes behind a pair of acetate glasses in a cheery orange that matches the hair wrap she's gotten her coils and kinks hidden beneath, her lips pursed as she works.

    What was she writing?

    A letter, in her impeccable handwriting, to her little sister, Chas's daughter Geraldine.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Phoebe isn't the only habitual imbiber of coffee in the JLD - so meeting in a coffee shop is perfectly normal for her, even if she is better rested now that he own sleep schedule is tethered to Jon's. ...honestly, she's looking forward to the need for //that// expiring in the next day or so.
    She shoulders her way into the coffee shop, a large white bundle of fluff on her heels. "Hey, no do- oh," one of the employees calls, cutting herself off when she spots the brightly colored vest the dog wears. "Sorry, ma'am."
    "No worries," Cael says easily as she steps up to the counter, her hands shoved deep into her pockets as she studies the menu as if there's any doubt what she'll order. "Can I just get a large, black coffee? Whatever your darkest roast is." Bear sits patiently on her heels as she pays for the drink, and then makes her way over to Phoebe's table - her drink already in hand.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "You know, the darker roasts have less caffeine." Phoebe states as she looks up from where she was sitting at her table, and she gives a small smile to Cael. She motions to the seat accross from her, and pushes over a little cardboard box with some cookies in it.

    "Hey Cael. Hey Bear." she greets the two. It's always hard not to ruffle the dog, but he's workin'. Serious heckin' biz.

    She folds the letter in with a folder, and takes a deep breath.

    "How've you been been the last couple of days? Recovering all right?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Doesn't matter - I fall asleep when Jon sleeps," Cael says in a dry voice. "I've been Ubering everywhere I go in case Jon has an unexpected nap." It's not something that's happened yet - but the thought that it //could// remains worrying to her.
    Kicking out a chair with her foot, she settles into place, while Bear flumps at the ground by her feet, letting out the heavy sigh of hard working individuals everywhere. Dog has it rough. "I'm good. I even met up with Rien and Robbie to talk about," she gives a shrug of her shoulders, "stuff. They, uh... Honestly, they were both much kinder than I expected, after everything they'd had to endure on their own."
    There's a momentary pause as she takes a sip. "Are //you// okay, though?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Well. That's not worrying at all for your actual line of work." Phoebe comments with an equally dry voice. She takes a deep breath and lets out a soft huff. "Wonder if it works the same with tranquilizers?" she questions, her lips pursing a moment as she processes the thought, and gives a small smile.

    "Rien, as I understand it, is 'old hat' at this stuff, and Robbie seems like he's a decent enough guy. Bit macabre. Fits right in." she remarks, and she brushes her fingers over her own cup -- iced coffee. Black. No sugar, and she looks over at Cael.

    "... I'm... doing better than I expected I would, all things considered." she replies cryptically. "I'm ready for this business to be over."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Nope. If I go down - Jon goes down too. That's the deal," Cael explains with a shrug of her shoulders. "It's a drawback, to be sure - but it was a temporary measure, and for a good reason." She takes a sip of her coffee again, relaxing back into her seat as she listens to Phoebe talk.
    "I suppose so. Though he said something about a 'demon' and it 'being hungry.' ...then he stormed out of the room. I didn't get the impression he was speaking figuratively, either."
    Her gaze drops down to the cup in her hands as she adds, "...looking forward to all this finally being over, as well. Me, Jon, Martin, and Agnes... we're all going to get away for a bit. We need it."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I don't think I could stand being tethered to someone like that. The last time I had any sort of magical connection with someone..." Phoebe trails off, and she frowns. There is a heavy amount of sadness that touches her eyes, and her hand idly switches from her coffee to scratching at the leather dog collar and webbing-and-charm bracelet she wears over her left wrist.

    "Anyway -- not important now. At least you're getting rest -- and I'm sure Jon's thankful for the knolwedge of it." she gives a small smile, and gives a nod.

    "My work witht he LEague will slow down, but I have some stuff going on in the home city; friend had a bit of a medical emergency that we sorted out with her. You and Jon and Martin and Agnes definitely deserve to take time for yourselves. I hear Quito's nice this time of year." she gives a wry smile.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael gives Phoebe a curious, concerned look - but she doesn't pry. If Phoebe doesn't want to talk about it... That was her perrogative. She takes another sip of her coffee instead. "Trust me, I'm not entirely comfortable with the tether, but- well. Knowing the Michael was accosting Jon in his dreams, and trying to change and influence him when no one else could intervene? I- ... I couldn't let that happen."
    Amusement quirks her lips as she adds, "Quito's a different trip. We're thinking of heading to the French Alps... Ski trip."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I wish he would have told me, we could have worked up some warding that didn't rely on a tether." Phoebe states. There's a bit of dryness and bitterness to her voice there as she picks up a peanutbutter cookie, and worries at it a moment. She does seem more animated than in the past. She scratches at her left shoulder a moment.

    "Ski trip would be good for you all. Peace and quiet, chalet in the alps, Swiss chocolate for days."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Warding? Phoebe - it's the //Archangel Michael// - his power dwarfs us. More than dwarfs us. That pendant I was carrying? It let me see just how powerful beings were compared to myself and - Fuck, seeing how powerful the archangels are? It was terrifying. Completely terrifying. If they weren't playing by the 'rules of the game' the concept of a //contest// with them would be utterly laughable. How are you going ward against a being like that?" Cael counters flatly.
    "We went to the other archangels for help and- ...this was the solution they could offer us. And it's worked."
    After another sip of her coffee she remarks, "Maybe I'll have a mocha. I don't think I've had a hot cocoa since I was little."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe's dark eyes settle on Cael, and she steeples her fingers a moment as she breathes out.

    "I'm forever greatful that Jon's concept of 'communication' is still as great as ever in my direction. Maybe they have something in the Archive for that." she comments quietly, and she pulls the peanutbutter cookie in half.

    "My mentor in Gotham's asked that I withdraw from the League once things are settled. Especially with Sandalphon's Gift from Chas gone. I'm sure Lydia or Sara will gladly step up for a leadership role if needed."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "What?" Cael asks in surprise. "...why?" A frown purses at her lips. "Have you talked to Jon about this possibility?" Perhaps the communication issues aren't just //one way// - though she keeps that thought to herself for the moment, instead hiding her expression for a moment behind her coffee cup.
    "This mentor wants your full and complete attention, apparently?" she asks.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I haven't had the chance. I've been splitting my time between working as much circle research as I could while I had dulled emotions so I could process better and trying to medically attend to my friend with the medical emergency. I'm leading... like. Four lives, simultaneously, and it suuuuuuucks." Phoebe protests, slouching in her seat as she nibbles on some of the cookie that she's been destroying. "And he's had his hands full with everything else."

    "I'm still processing a lot of things that I put on the back burner to make sure this would all be taken care of. My other dad's 'death'" -- in finger quotes -- and then she brings her hands to her cheeks and kind of quietly spills out "my adopted mother's abandonment and demand I stop using the last name Beacon, Chas being at least somewhat responsible for a lot of really awful things that went on, the destruction of two of the places I called home, destroying New York City landmarks, I haven't seen the guy I've been dating for a month, got adopted into another family so that my mental recovery can be monitored and had to move house twice. I... sacrificed my senior year to make sure Jon wouldn't stay dead. And was prepared to sacrifice my memory and magic, if needed." she raises her eyebrows.

    "My mentor feels that a seventeen-year-old girl should not have been permitted to be pushed to the point where ritual scarification was 'the best idea on the table'." she gives a wry smile. "And yeah. Since I'm operating in his city, he doesn't want me to hit a mental breakdown and end up in Arkham."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "He does," Cael agrees. "He stepped back from his work as a psychologist - but he's raising a daughter, unexpectedly. They're still getting to know each other. Helping run the JLD. Leading this battle against Michael still - and trying to convince everyone to... to be merciful to a being that tortured his girlfriend, and tortured and //killed// him. And he still hasn't really had a chance to process or recover from that," she points out.
    "You both have had a lot on your plates - and he //did// tell me to tell all of you about the gem, and how it was giving Michael access to him. Because he literally couldn't talk about it. It somehow- it was preventing him from telling anyone."
    Cael is silent for a moment before adding softly, "We've all been through a lot. It's a small miracle any of us are coping at all. And as I recall - I voiced //strong// opposition to some of your plans and ideas - in part out of concern for you. And my concerns were not heeded. So... If your mysterious mentor is blaming us..." Cael shakes her head - a hint of frustration showing on her features. "I did what I could to try to talk some sense into you. You know I've been terrified for you? Taking that angelic energy into yourself... Not sleeping. All of it. You really did seem to be barreling towards self-destruction, and that's- it's never easy to watch. Especially when it's a //kid// - and you were a kid."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "It's not just about the Gem. Any time I had a plan or came up with something, any time I had something, I let the group know -- aside fromt he Jar of Hearts spell, but that was something I did so I could function." Phoebe points out, and she looks up at the ceiling. "I always told the group. I'm used to working with superheroes and people with huge egos and bragaccio. Red Robin was my mentor for years, and we butted heads on a lot of things -- least of all, what I did with the Night Brigade." she takes a deep breath, and she sits her chin on her palms.

    "You tried to talk sense into me, but have no idea who or what I am. Or what I am capable of. Jon does, because he's the one who broke the news to me that my teacher and adopted father was... not what he said he was. Jon knows my capabilities better than anyone on the League, because he was there while I was training. My mentor's not blaming the League as a massive group. Not Robbie, or Rien who knew me when I was still on training wheels with demonology, Cael. You were right to be concerned, because to you, I wasn't an experienced and highly powerful mage who once upon a time was able to make it rain Soulfire and could heal putrifying lungs." she leans back.

    "To you, I was just a kid with some magic powers." she rubs the back of her neck.

    "... and I wasn't sleeping because of the angelic energy, but I was really, really sick."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I know fuck-all about magic," Cael agrees simply. "And I don't care who it was - I would have had doubts about that plan. Strong doubts. Just the thought of- it filled me with anxiety. Probably did make it worse that you were a kid - and believe me, I recall vividly the bad decisions I made at that age. Those decisions got people killed, and it's a small miracle that I'm both alive and free after the things I did." She stares down into her cup, frowning deeply, while Bear lifts his head - and then pushes himself up to a seated position so he can put his head into Cael's lap.
    "We all need a break," Cael says quietly. "Hell. Jon's been talking like he wants to //retire.// ...but he's been through a lot."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "The two most important lessons about magic is that it's OK to throw up, and that it all has a cost." Phoebe states, and she draws her cup to her.

    "John -- my John -- taught me those two rules, while I was studying under him." Phoebe fiddles with her leather strap, a dog collar wrapped around her wrist. A reminder.

    "I'm glad you're here, for what it's worth. Both in the... y'know..." her lips purse a moment, and she draws her gaze up ".. the general and the literal sense. The amount of times I wanted to slap Jon for stuff that would affect you is 'greater than zero'." she jokes.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I'm glad I'm here," Cael agrees. "Thanks to some good luck, and some generous prosecutors. I honestly- I guess they saw something in me. But another DA probably would have prosecuted me, and sent me to jail." She takes another sip of her coffee, her fingers running over Bear's ear.
    Curious eyes lock onto Phoebe before she asks, "What did you want to slap him for?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "If you want me to produce a list you need friendship level of at least five. You're only at three, which is enough to unlock custom sugar cookies." Phoebe gives a wry grin back to Cael.

    "Luckily my record's expunged. My criminal tresspassing and jaywalking charges are gone."

    She purses her lips "Imitation of an officer of the law and vigilanteism though... mmmn. Bad things happen. Good thing I've *never* impersonated an officer of the law or a city inspector. Or punched a purse snatcher."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "'Cael Becker' has a clean record. 'Cael Becker' never joined any gangs," she remarks in a dry, amused tone. "Cael isn't my only name, though. But not many people have access to those records." She smirks in amusement before she adds, "I never impersonated an officer of the law, at least. Lots of B&E though. Grand theft auto. ...driving the car during a drive-by." She's not proud of that - at all. She takes a sip then explains quietly, "We were going after the people we blamed for my sister's death."
    Scratching behind Bear's ear she adds, "Com'on - tell me //one thing// you wanted to slap Jon for?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a smile, and looks at her left wrist -- noticbly, which has a leather strap and a webbing bracelet with spiders and starbursts, and absolutely no watch.

    "Well, look at the *time*. I'd better catch the hyperloop back home and finish my prepwork." she states, and goes to stand, and she cracks a bit of a smile.

    "One time, he beat me to a pun. Really wanted to slap him then." she comments with a playful lilt to her voice, and puts some cash down on the table as she drains the rest of her coffee, grabs the remains of her cookie, and gives a waggle of her fingers.

    "Enjoy the cookies, Cael. I want to see pictures of you all trying to ski in the Alps."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael rolls her eyes, watching Phoebe rise to her feet. "Hey," she calls after the girl. "You know not to call him 'my John' around Jon, right?" she remarks in a serious tone. "Jon went through //hell// - with little to no support. Whatever your feelings may be... Those two words would hurt him. A lot."
    She pauses a beat than adds, "I'm sure Jon won't text you any photos of me crashing into snow banks - with just my skis sticking out."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe pauses, and she looks back over, and then looks down, and she touches the silver locket at her neck -- but she just shakes her head, and continues out the door with a bit more sag to her shoulders, exchanging her glasses for shades as she hustles down the street.