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Latest revision as of 20:42, 16 April 2022

A little moon in the daytime
Date of Scene: 16 April 2022
Location: R and D Labs: Triskelion
Synopsis: That's how family rolls! Daisy and Fitz get a moment in the lab, and they talk of many things. Not science, though, because Fitz won't eat if he gets fixated again. Other things, like Jemma, dinner and how to sleep sitting on a stool and not get caught.
Cast of Characters: Leopold Fitz, Daisy Johnson

Leopold Fitz has posed:
It's the lab. It's always been the lab, and it will always be the lab, regardless of the time and weather outside. Despite it, really. The lab is Mother, the lab is Father.

Within is it's usual denizen, Dr Leopold Fitz, known to some as 'Leo' and others 'Fitz'.. and those who only know him by his paperwork (or those that manage to annoy him), Dr Fitz. Sleep is a non-starter with him, particularly when he's got something to work on, or rather, something to run with. He has a little of some and a lot of others; random bits of personal projects that would never see the light of day outside the classified circle of SHIELD and background research on professional projects of things brought back by other teams.

Fitz is dressed in dark clothing; long sleeved shirt, dark slacks, and he's seated on one of the stools, leaning over the table, his attention fully focused on a bit of tech. He has a solder in one hand, and a small metal sharp in the other to be sure that the solder that he lays down doesn't even consider running away from the fused connection he's making. It's the engineer in him now; the theory is finished, at least for now, and he gets to see that grow into an actual //thing//.

Making things buzz and whirr really is a high point.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Life for Daisy has been a rollercoaster as of late. Which ..., is pretty standard for her usual SHIELD life, but actually going to the gosh darn MOON, along with knowing there's an actual Inhuman King? And an actual Inhuman society? Well, that's a lot to take in. And if only going up there had given her more answers than the questions it brought up. But that's why she is here today, to find some answers. And who better for it than her favorite COUPLE, FitzSimmons.

Or in this case the engineering half of the duo, Fitz!

And she came bearing gifts, for she's been away for a while and someone needs to make sure Fitz actually has lunch, because if she was a betting woman she'd say he hasn't left whatever project he is into now yet. So she strolls into the Labs carrying a bag of takeout. Chinese, of course. From her favorite place, the Royal Dragon in Hell's Kitchen. Look, they have bourbon chicken okay?

And distracted as Fitz is? He probably doesn't notice her approaching, only one head peering over his shoulder down at what he's doing. "What's that?" She asks with that curiosity of hers.

Leopold Fitz has posed:
It's all true, too very true that once research and work has taken hold of Fitz, it doesn't want to let him go from out its grasp. Thus, the kettle lies cool on the side, the tea never made. He's absent from the cafeteria that does sometimes have the pleasure of his company, at least long enough to grab a sandwich. Even the Chief has come to visit bearing curry to make sure the young doctor stops long enough to eat, and perhaps be social.

He absolutely doesn't notice Daisy's entrance into his lair-- laboratory. The smells of Chinese refuse to be acknowledged as he turns his bit of metal that is beginning to not only have form but function as well around to take a look at all sides. A touch of his tablet that doesn't lie far away brings up the holographic display of what it will eventually become- an undistinguishable part that no doubt will replace something else.. on something.

Even in his lab, he's not telling.

So attentive is he to his work, the moment the words, 'what's that?' are spoken at his shoulder, he starts, his hand holding the solder rising, and a soft but definite exhaled noise exits the man.

In the next heartbeat,

"Daisy! Good lord.." He's breathing a little heavy at the startle, putting down the //hot// iron before he looks at her fully.

"You about scared the livin'.." There.. there's the thick burr of accent, levelling off as he continues, "You could've given me some warnin'.."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Did Daisy do it all on purpose? Of course she did. She's a teaser, it's what she does. Specially with those she considers her friends and family, like FitzSimmons have become. So the cheshire grin on her expression is telling when she tries to look all innocent to Fitz, "I did give you warning..." she complains, somewhat defensively, raising the bag of takeout up. "The smell of your favorite chinese food."

And with the logo of the Royal Dragon, so they know it will be good!

"Being in this lab is hampering your smelling abilities." She then looking around briefly, "Well, at least I don't see a tent on the corner anymore..." for those long nights of sleeping in the lab!

"but anyway ..., I thought you could use some food and distraction. So here I am. Back from my little trip to the Moon..." She tries to be blase about it, the words spoken as if in a casual manner. It's all about fishing for a reaction! But more than that, if she brought food for Fitz it means she most likely wants to ask his help for something.

Bribes, that's the Daisy way.

Leopold Fitz has posed:
"An' you expected me to smell.." there's a pause the scientist catches that first hint of aroma, and he changes his tack, "Oh.. you didn't. Did you?" He's got his attention on the take-out bag now, and turns only briefly to shut his hologram down. "That smells amazing."

The stool is pushed out, even if just a little as he waves Daisy on to set it onto a spot of the table thus designated. "I had to get rid of it. Agent Romanoff is under direct orders to taze me if I moved a cot in. So," there's a lift of a shoulder for a shrug, but it's followed by a slightly impish smile that is all for her, "You know I can actually sleep on these stools now?"

Fitz cants his head and uses a foot to pull up another stool that is only a short distance away. "Food, always. Distraction," there's that pause again, the silence lingering as he looks at her, trying to read it, "I suppose-

"The Moon?" The words come out a little incredulous, a little disbelieving. Straightening in his slight slouch, blue eyes aren't moving from Daisy's face. "What? When.. an' why didn't I go? Where was I?"

Probably moping. Undoubtedly moping.

His train shifts once more, and he's asking, his voice lowering, "You're okay, right?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Ah yes..." Daisy nods sagely, "She's a good one to be put on taser duty. You know she won't hesitate." but then Fitz is talking about sleeping on a stool and that has Daisy narrowing her eyes dangerously at Fitz...., at least until she notices the impish smile. "Wait .., you were making a joke now." she mutters, "I never know when you are being serious or not.." she really does hope he is joking though! He should be .., right? Right?!

The bag is set on an empty table but Daisy doesn't sit just yet, she wandering a little around the lab. With those greedy little hands of hers that like to touch everything. She hasn't touched anything yet though. Yet. "It was all very impromptu. But we will be back again soon so .., you should come with us. It's part of the reason on why I came here today. But that will come after we eat.." because she knows if she starts talking shop then there won't be any fooding happening.

"And .., I have been well." she lifts her shoulders up in a small shrug, hand brushing over her hair, "Life is crazy in SHIELD, but that's how things are supposed to be, right?" she does sound a touch troubled though. But then ....

"Oh, what does this do?" she asks, reaching up with one hand to touch SOMETHING in the labs. A nice piece of new tech. She's slowly reaching for it though!

Leopold Fitz has posed:
"I'm like a cat now. Sleepin' in strange places." Certainly not for his grace, nor for his ability to land on his feet! He has to start somewhere, though, right? Fitz is joking, really. Mostly. He's fallen off a stool after dozing off.

The bag thus set down, Fitz is keeping an eye on his friend, and her wandering about his lab. "After we eat..." he prompts, "It's pretty obvious that you're not sittin' an' eat- oh no.."

How quickly can the young doctor move? Pretty quickly, particularly when his home is invaded and his 'stuff' is about to be touched! Fitz is up and on his feet, moving in order to shift that little bit away from Daisy, complete with, "Don't go touchin'. The last thing we need is to explain why you've gone missing, an' why I have to set up a parallax modulator in order to get you back." Fitz shakes his head, "It'd take forever anyway, tryin' to explain what a parallax is.

"Now," Fitz reaches out for Daisy in order to gently tow her back to port, that is, the table where things are reasonably clear. "Life is crazy," he prompts again, his voice low, his head ducking. "Talk to me."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"If there's anything I'd never compare you to would be a cat." Daisy replies. And whatever does she mean with that?! But then she winks at Fitz and is back to her exploring with her fingers until .... there she is being towed back to the table and away from the toys, "I take that back, total cat. Just missing the hiss from someone trying to touch your toys.." she jokes with a small smirk. "And hey, I am tech-savvy, I am like the best hacker SHIELD got!"

Every hacker says they are the best. It is known.

But fine. She sits down on a stool and starts getting the goodies out and sharing the boxes, "Well, I have been to the Moon and .., there's a whole Inhuman society up there." she tells her friend, "I will spare you the details but .., I thought I would be finding more answers about myself but .., all I got were more questions. Though I suppose that's what we are supposed to do, right? Our interminable search for answering every question about ourselves." she gestures around, "Or in the case of your lab here, the questions about the universe."

She picks at her food then, "And what of you? How have things been with you?"

Leopold Fitz has posed:
"That's what they all say, so.. less touchin' and more hackin'." Fitz is moving things out of the way, all in a (mostly) good natured way, if not a little possessively.

Once Daisy takes a seat, Fitz pulls up his own, though he doesn't sit on it so much as lean. Brows are rising and he's honestly listening, his attention on his friend, though he does absently pull some of the food a touch closer to himself.

"I can understand that," and he nods slowly, taking in the information as it's offered. Brows rise again on the expressive face, and his question is slow to come out, filled with a touch of meaning, "A whole Inhuman society. On the moon." That's news to him! "Did you at least find a few answers? If not, I could probably help." He shifts in his spot, and faces Daisy a touch more fuller, "You're an amazing person." He stops, as if that is all that he has to say on the matter. To underscore it, his voice rises slightly in question, "Anything else y'need to know?"

He exhales and looks around his lab, his world. His universe. "I'm always wondering about what I do here, honestly." One of the few times when he's not bragging. It's a quick moment of honesty, but from there, he moves on, pulling the food closer again.

"I'm lookin' forward to going up with you next time."

As to how he's doing? Well.. there's that hint, that brief glimpse of openness. "Things have been..." and he nods slowly, opening the box, ".. good."


Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Well, Simmons was there..." And then Daisy is leaning over the table as if to whisper some kind of secret, "You could ask her to dinner so she could tell you about it too." whatever does she mean with that? It's not like Fitz and Simmons don't have dinner all the time. But the way she says it....

Anyway! She continues soon after with a small nod, "I found a *few* answers at least. Well, many." She finally admits, "But ..., mmm, after I found my mother I thought she'd have all the answers, and she had many, but now I discover about the moon society and ... it's a lot to take in." she then smiling when Fitz calls her an amazing person. "Thank you." her tone genuine and she reaching to touch Fitz's arm affectionately.

Because everyone knows Daisy is a toucher.

"And to top things off, I brought something for you to look at. It's .., well, it's one of the many questions I have. But this thing in particular seems to resonate in the same manner my old goblet did. And yes, I know, only I could hear the voices and I was most likely delusional and there's a logic explanation to it all besides calling it magic but .., the truth is I hadn't felt anything like that since it shattered." the infamous goblet which Daisy claims spirits lived in and she could talk to them. Most notably she once set fire to Jemma's quarters when they are roommates, and blamed the goblet.

Yet then Fitz replies with a simple 'good', which merits an equally simple reply from Daisy. "Good?" the arched brow is telling that she wants to know more.

Leopold Fitz has posed:
Why does it look as if he wasn't aware that Jemma had gone? Brows rise, and there's those few heartbeats where he's not entirely certain how to take the information. Happy, because she got to go, jealous because he didn't, or upset because she hadn't mentioned it to him?

Granted, he's been pretty incommunicado since coming out of the Framework, not to mention less than 'present' in order to talk. He's not been in the mood, so should he consider it longer than his fit of pique, it's his own fault.


"I usually do.. well, did have dinner with her. An'.." Eyes narrow, and he pulls his head back even as he's reaching for a pair of chopsticks to work on his food. "I'm certain she'll tell me. Eventually."


Now he's more stabbing than grasping the food as it finally reaches his mouth, and chewing, he takes the moment to enjoy the flavor. (Can someone from Scotland actually enjoy a good meal? Considering the UK isn't known for its gourmet foods..) "Mmm.. your mother?" Now that does have him pausing, the sticks set to the side. This.. this is sort of important. "You found your mother?" He's once again that concerned friend; his own family life is.. less than stellar, and he's got instant empathy for those who are basically, well, orphans like him. Only to find them again. "You are no reflection of that, you know. You are your own woman, an' that is part of what makes you so amazing. So.." Just in case she needed to hear it. "As for the Moon society?" Fitz leans back slightly, and reaches to set his hand upon hers briefly as she touches his arm. "You get to accept or reject them. Not the other way 'round, as far as I figure it. You're here an' you're family."

The moment is there, and passes as 'something' is brought up. Something for him! "Questions, that sort of question is good." Now, it's his sense of discovery, a hint of adventure, regardless how vicarious it may be, that comes into play. "Really." It's a statement rather than a question. "An', you were. You hearin' vibrations and putting it into voices.." Now, however, to hear that it does resonate? "Then we'll have to look at it, an' study frequencies, if it's true." He holds her gaze, and there's that awkward moment before he adds, "An' I'm sure it is."

All that falls into his lap allows him to ignore, at least for the moment, whatever little thoughts plague him. It's hard sometimes, and in the quiet if he's not doing something, his own questions rise, searching for answers. Those that he gives himself? They don't help.

"Yeah. Chief Carter's lettin' me go out on missions again. Slowly." There's a moment, and he gestures with his hand in a general manner to take in the room. "Remember the threat with Agent Romanoff? Chief Carter also said that if they caught me sleepin' in the lab, I'd be out on the next 20 missions. So..." The word lingers, and he shrugs his shoulders briefly, "Cleared, I'm assumin'."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Aaannnddd.....?" Daisy is leaning in more and more when Fitz seems about to reveal something about dinner with Jemma but then ..., nothing. Really? She didn't tell about the Moon? And no kissy-kiss? #disappointedDaisyemoji

"Ah well, maybe you need to say the right things. You know .., I can teach you a few lines..." because Daisy is known for her *great* relationships. Like Ward, and all the others where it ends rather spectacularly bad. At least she's been stable with Matt Murdock now. Guess it takes a lawyer to keep her down! But wait, is she actually telling Fitz about relationship advice?

Maybe Daisy is finally taking off the gloves where it comes to shipping her two friends together.

As the talk then goes back to the Inhumans she nods slowly. About her mother, the rest. "Yea. Afterlife." she tells Fitz, "Or well, in the old settlement, we are getting a new one going now." she then smiling again, as if unsure on whether or not it should be her accepting them or them accepting her. Such little changes in wording that can mean so much ...

"I am keeping the device out of your sight for now until we are done eating." she then finally says, "Because I know you wouldn't finish the meal otherwise. So..., enjoy. And tell me more on how you are going to sleaze past Chief Carter's requirement of you not sleeping in the lab.." playful words, followed by a wink.

Which is then followed by them talking part of the afternoon away as they catch up on what's been going on in their lives. Because that's how family rolls.