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Latest revision as of 11:37, 18 April 2022

An Open Challenge
Date of Scene: 18 April 2022
Location: Bane's
Synopsis: Bane beats the challenger but is left unsatisfied with it.
Cast of Characters: Bane, Natasha Romanoff

Bane has posed:
Its been a relatively slow night for The Fights. The crowd was still full and betting on the fights but the card felt weak tonight. And Bane himself was feeling restless. Not enough blood has been spilt to make an adequate sacrifice to his gods. There was also no main event that night. Not one Bane felt like advertising anyway.

Bane steps out of his office and into the crowd. He's not wearing his normal suit he wears as promoter and booker of the fights. Bane is dressed in his Lucha Libre gear. He makes his way into the fight cage with a microphone in hand.

"Tonight we have a special event. Tonight you are all blessed to witness Bane in the ring. For I am issuing an open challenge. Anyone who can hear the sound of Bane's voice. If you are brave enough and believe you have the skill and strength to face me, now is your chance. Who should ever accept this challenge will be fighting for $100,000 cash. Right here Right now. IF you have what it takes to beat The God Breaker Bane."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
She was here for other jobs. It was always useful to keep tabs over on some of the more chaotic individuals and organizations that came to these things. So for this sort of event, the Widow could easily be here. It's when that announcement goes up that her interest is perked. Bane.. Always a dangerous element in a world. A brutal threat, a cunning fighter.. She wasn't in any state to exactly handle him, but it was useful to get information.
    A quick grab of a random mask along of some sort of scarlet-tinted red domino mask with a set of ears, a set of nabbed throwing knives, and a long bullwhip that she had taken from another.
    Deepening her voice over and adjusting the very dark dyed roots of her hair, her tone being that of a thick French accent.
    "I am the Red Cat. And I challenge you for blood rights." The Widow would casually saunter her way on in to the arena.

Bane has posed:
Bane chuckles and with an excited voice "WELCOME TO MY TEMPLE Red Cat. I commend you for your bravery. To be the first to step up to the challenge. And worry not I respect all challengers no matter the gender. If you have the will to fight you are welcome in my cage. And Bane will fight you all the same."

With a nod to the security The door is opened and a path cleared for "The Red Cat" to enter. "Come right in gatita"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Adapting to her persona, going to speak again in French with an Algerian accent to it, hand over on the bullwhip. "Then let's see how much of a show we can put on." Her adding in a little extra flair to her motions. In her mannerisms using French in the 'familiar' suffix.
    Hand over on the bullwhip with one hand, the other holding a pair of throwing knives in it that she would twist from digit to digit. "I'll look forwards to having my money."

Bane has posed:
Bane responds in french with a haitan accent. "Confindence I like that in a woman."

The officials attempt to take her bullwhip and throwing knives. "the rules say hand to hand combat Ma'am"
"No let her keep them. As an equalizer." Bane says with bloodlust in his eyes.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
All right. Opponent. She has to hold herself back here for the purposes of her persona. So the 'Red Cat' goes to a defensive crouch, repositioning herself over into a stance indicative of Muay Thai, kickboxing. Going to a ready position, twisting hte knives onto her belt, her bullwhip the same.

Bane has posed:
Bane settles into a Sambo stance before trying to shoot a single leg take down on the red cat.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Don't let him get a solid strike in. She knows that much. As Bane goes to attack her, Natasha would dart to the side. Going for a series of quick attempted punches and kicks at Bane in passing. Presuming they did hit, they would do no appreciable harm to him. Natasha would however if they did or did not try and dart to the side out of range.

Bane has posed:
Bane uses Systema to dodge and deflect the flurry of strikes. Systema as style develeoped for spetsnaz and KGB agents it uses the same central concepts as drunken kung fu but with out the theatrics of exaggerated movement. Sambo and Systema 2 soviet developed styles of fighting coincidence? probably.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Useful information to file away for later review and analysis. The maneuvers are a bit more aggressive than she was expecting, but that makes sense. Use greater strength and reach to dominate the battlefield. Red Cat retreats from the strikes. Evading or blocking the worst of them, but taking the impacts and falling back. She's steadily being driven back, trading ground.

Bane has posed:
Bane gets series now. His stance changes to a more traditional fight stance, he then goes in with a combination of punches and kicks. His style has completely changes. He's ramped up the aggression and is swinging heavy and fast. He's looking to shock and awe, a barrage of heavy strikes to wear her down and drain her stamina. Then he would pull back and start picking his spots.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Bane's committed to a full on assault. Backtracking can only take her so far. Evaluating the positioning, taking a couple of hits that would mess her up badly afterwords, 'Red Cat' waits for the right moment.. Then as Bane shifts to full shock and awe she goes to leap up and over him into a quick sommersault that was something more out of the femme fatale of famed for filching to springboard over his shoulders, then going to try and kick him hard at the back of the kneecap upon landing, then attempting to follow it up by using the -handle- of the whip to hit at the side of his neck. Attempting to use it like a baton to enhance the strike, since her blows had no actual effect so far..

Bane has posed:
Bane's knee buckles and he falls to a knee and takes the strikes. Bane takes the baton strike to the neck and quickly his head snaps back to look at the red cat. these is a frenzied look in his eyes. "Yes just like that I like that. The pain makes it fun. Makes me feel alive. More." Bane spreads his arms wide to invite more strikes. "Go on give me more. give me everything. Show me that you could kill me if you tried"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Red Cat just smirks and goe sto speak, French thick with an Algerian accent, "You're going to need to pay me a lot more for that than this fight is worth. And pain is an instructor. For you, a drug." Seeing her opponent frenzied, Red Cat debates the proper response.. And goes to lightly dart back on her feet, once more out of striking range.

Bane has posed:
"Your Greed and huburis has brought you here. locked in this cage with with Bane. You can only run so far." Bane says as he gets up. Bane takes off the straps of hos top exposing his thickly muscled and scarred torso. "I have learned well the instructions of Pain. Pain has tought me much. I have learned to take it and learned to give it. but for me. The pain brings me joy! it lets me know i'm fighting someone who can challenge me"

Bane now begins rushing at Nat repeatedly trying to grapple her. If he gets a hold of her its over. He will break her.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
This is part of the game. And Natasha's playing her own bi tin this. She's good, but she's not that good. On a good day if she were ready and playing unfairly with the terms set to her advantage, she might win. HEre? Here where she's just playing dressup as a fighter girl who got some good licks in, but has already taken her share of hits?

Her manages to get one of those breaks in and she goes down. Putting a show to make the injury seem a bit worse than it is. But she's playing to her role here tonight.

Bane has posed:
Bane has fought all his life he has been trained by the league of assassins, Bane knows when someone is hurt and when they are selling. Bane snatches the red cat by her neck and holds her eye level to him. His eyes look like he is trying to burn her with a look. He lets out a jaguar growl that sounds suspisciously realistic. HE feels this gets his message accross and then releases her. "It looks like we have a winner! Bane Wins again." HE crouches down and whispers to the red cat. "you try to kayfabe me? I would have given you the prize money anyway if you had fought me for real. but you Kayfabe me, In my Temple. I take this as an insult. and I will break you for real next time you have the misfortune to cross paths with Bane." Bane exits the cage and celebrates his "win" among the crowd. Before showing them the door as the night is over.