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It's All for Charity
Date of Scene: 17 April 2022
Location: The Annual Gotham Boys and Girls Club Charity Ball
Synopsis: Kate Kane and Glorianna Silver make one another's acquaintance and nothing explodes. Kate even has a glass of champagne and genuinely enjoys one of those charity balls with Glorianna's influence!
Cast of Characters: Glorianna Silver, Kate Kane

Glorianna Silver has posed:
The Boys and Girls Club hosts a series of Charity Balls every year, giving rich donors in a variety of cities the opportunity to rub elbows, drink champagne, and open their checkbooks. Tonight's ball is in Gotham, attracting a wide cast of the rich and famous. Light jazz filters into the ballroom, with servers dodging about carrying trays of drinks. There's a dance floor that is seeing some use, but the buffet tables scattered about the perimeter are seeing more.

This is Glorianna Silver's first time in Gotham in a few years. She always donates heavily, but her outside activities have kept her from making a personal appearance. The pale redhead is wearing a long silk gown of vibrant green, secured at the neck and spilling down her toned form to the sparkly pumps. Shoulders and arms are bared, and the fiery, curly locks are the only thing covering her bare back. She looks about with a casual air, plucking a champagne flute from a passing tray.

Kate Kane has posed:
Charity balls are perhaps only ranked behind 'rooftop stakeouts where it's constantly threatening to rain' for Kate's least favorite events that crop up in her life far too often. But while she can leave a drone on station to make up for the clandestine surveillance she finds so annoying... she can't send a robot to make public appearances for her.

At least not yet. Maybe one day.

she's doing her best to strike a balance been coolly aloof and not throwing out a vibe of wanting to punch anyone's head through a wall. So far she's batting about 60, as a couple of conversations with Gotham's 'eligible' bachelors who won't take a hint have worn on her nerves. She finds her gaze drifting towards the bar with worrying regularity, and in fact has been habitually making her way there, short cropped red hair styled back out of her face. She'd probably find it amusing she's giving up lurking around the city in a dark suit to... lurk around the charity ball in another sort of suit, black tuxedo highlighting that athletic build as she sighs out and stares, gaze interrupted by flashing towards vibrant green gown.

she's not _staring_ at Glorianna, but... well, green attire and red hair in Gotham? It's definitely the sort of thing that draws Kate's attention. And she assures herself it's less risky than the bar, altering her course to close in on Glorianna... not like a shark on the hunt or anything of course.

Glorianna Silver has posed:
Glorianna Silver doesn't really have a sixth sense or anything, but she's not new to these social settings. A few of the eligible bachelors (likely the same ones who made the rounds with Kate) have also stopped by to chat and flirt, but Glorianna handled them better than Kate. In spite of the Ember Stone ferverently screaming into her mind BURN THEM! BURN THE FLESH FROM THEIR BONES!

Not at a fancy-dress party. Ahem.

Tipping back her glass, she finishes off her champagne and half-turns just in time to see someone approaching. Another tuxedo. Splendid. No, wait. Red hair, cropped and styled, lipstick, and definitely a woman's figure beneath. Glorianna smiles, holding out her glass for a capable server to pluck aside.

"The evening is brightening already." she declares.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate can't quite hold back the amused little noise that passes her lips, eyebrows perking up, "Well, that's /not/ something you usually hear around Gotham!" She offers her hand with a wry twist of her lips, head tilting curiously, "You, clearly, must be new to town, or recently returned. Kate Kane, of Kane Capital..." She lets her gaze drift around the room and her lips part a little further in a grin, "I'll admit, I'm surprised I didn't notice you earlier tonight... your dress is just delightful!"

She bites her lower lip for a moment as the empty champagne flute is whisked away, eyebrow quirking, "Limiting yourself to the one? I've been trying that out, and... it definitely makes these things seem like they last a lot longer than they do."

Not that Kate sounds like she misses the old days... then again, the old days had charity balls and entire /days/ disappearing in a haze of sensation and only vaguely remembered images.

Glorianna Silver has posed:
Glorianna Silver's green eyes widen and she laughs softly. "Oh! Sorry... was that my out-loud voice?" A conspiratorial smile follows, gaze flickering down to better assess the tuxedo. And the woman wearing it. "I think I noticed a few making attack passes at you as well. But no blood on the floor, at least."

Her right hand seems lost without a glass to hold, fingers curling a little. "Glorianna Silver." she replies, then adds with a playful smile. "So YOU'RE Kate Kane. The tabloids have so much to say about you, darling." Not that Glorianna seems to mind.

"And actually I'm not limiting myself... to anything... tonight. I simply haven't snagged another glass yet." She pauses, then, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. "Would you like to join me?"

Kate Kane has posed:
There's a low laugh and a shake of Kate's head as she sighs out, "No no, I don't get /fighting/ drunk at these... or, really, much of any drunk nowadays... I mean, unless you meant metaphorical blood, in which case... well, there might've been a bit of spillage, but nothing they won't recover from."

She smirks and shrugs those surprisingly broad shoulders with a low sigh, "Oh, well, at /least/ a third of what the tabloids report is makebelieve! I mean, you mention your yacht to a movie star at some museum gala, and suddenly everyone's imagination is just running wild."

Her eyes widen a little at the offer, only to narrow... one eyebrow still ever so slightly cocked, like she's fighting /not/ to look intrigued as she murmurs out. "Well... god, why not? There's no point in trying to live a new lifestyle if it requires being 'on guard' 24/7, so... sure, who's ever heard of getting into trouble drinking champagne anyhow?"

Her eyes sweep out then, aiming for one of the servers working the room as she murmurs dryly, "Besides, this is... like... the Kindergarten of partying. The next gala at the Hellfire Club's going to be the real test of me being more responsible, right Glorianna Silver? You'll keep me out of trouble, I'm sure!"

Glorianna Silver has posed:
Glorianna Silver tilts her head and looks a bit unconvinced at Kate's reply, but the playful smile remains. "Only a third? That still leave so much material, though. Running wild, indeed." Glorianna lifts her right hand a little, wiggling those pale fingers in a gesture intended to summon one of the drink servers.

Either the gesture or Kate's look seems to work, for a tray of champagne glasses begins to converge on the two.

"The Hellfire Club? Oh darling, that's such a very different level of 'party'." she replies, adding a little growl to her voice. She steps up closer, well inside proprietary boundaries of personal space, to lower her voice as she adds, just for Kate's ears. "And the dress code is always so much more... less. I can't promise that I'll keep you out of trouble, but I -will- promise that I'll be right there beside you when it happens."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate shrugs lightly and smirks, eyes rolling playfully, "Ah, but it's /which/ third is made up that's most fun! Still, I suppose I should feel a bit of pride at keeping some form of creative writing in vogue, no?" She laughs as one of the servers closes in, reaching out to pluck up a glass for herself.

Eyebrows lift and her cheeks go from alabaster pale to an ever so slightly irrepressible pink... blushing's not a /voluntary/ physical reaction after all. But she buys time to respond by taking a healthy sip... that nears to 'gulp' as that softly offered opinion on dress code is offered.

The noise Kate lets out after swallowing might very well be a growl as well, her lowered voice slipping out, "Yes, well, they /also/ offer things far beyond champagne... not that this isn't a nice enough vintage, but..." She grins lopsidedly, eyes narrowing as she murmurs dryly, "They also keep cameras far enough away that all those tabloid stories about what happens at the after parties... well, must be /very creative/ writing, no?"

She clears her throat and sighs out, "My my, Ms. Silver, I think we're going to become fast friends... and something tells me that's dangerous...ly likely to be /too/ much fun."

Glorianna Silver has posed:
Glorianna Silver scoops up a glass as well, delicate fingers handling the stem with practiced grace. While Kate takes a small gulp, Glori's is more of a deep sip. And she watches the other redhead rather closely.

"Oh, I do know what you mean. No substitute for a proper absinthe, is there?" She toys with the glass, taking another sip and remaining so very close to Kate while they talk.

"Ms. Kane, I certainly do hope so. On both counts." she replies. Giving the glass a light swirl, she tilts her head and asks. "I have to say, however, that I'm wondering how many more glasses it will take for you to ask me to dance."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate mock-shudders and laughs softly, eying her champagne and murmuring dryly, "Well, spontaneously? Enough to be a /worrying/ amount..." She cocks her hips and tilts her head with a slow smirk, "But if you'd like a dance, I imagine I can provide, even if entirely sober."

She heaves out a soft sigh and grins, "Besides, drinking enough for me to think dancing in public sounds fun tends to be the amount that leads to dancing at a /rave/ sounding more fun than a charity ball."

She gestures towards the dance floor and murmurs thoughtfully, "Though I imagine I could offer a dance or two that /wouldn't/be inappropriate for tomorrow's society section of the paper. Or a few threads on Twitter."

Champagne is tossed back with what might be slightly too practiced ease. Certainly too carelessly to really be admiring the nuances of the bubbly before Kate purrs out sweetly, "Well then, would you let me have this dance, Glorianna?"

Glorianna Silver has posed:
Glorianna Silver wrinkles her nose and laughs softly at Kate's speculation. Tipping her glass up, she lets the bubbly stuff slide down her throat before swallowing deeply, tongue wetting her lips. Green eyes brighten and she flushes a little from the rush, lips pulling into a wider smile at the offer.

Glorianna sets her empty glass down, lifting her hand towards Kate at the offer. "I would love to dance with you, Kate." she replies. The long gown swishes just at her ankles, not quite dragging the floor as she moves.

"I'm sure we can strike that delicate balance between offering enough for you to make the papers but not so much that you splash on the front page." Stepping up almost too close, she adds. "But I'm also the one who wore a dress with no back to a stuffy party like this."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate laughs softly and leads the way to the dance floor, moving with a smooth, steady gait... it might be a little less of the 'leisurely stroll' rhythm, and more like she's Glorianna's bodyguard, at least until they're reaching the dance floor and she's offering her hand with a crooked smirk, one eyebrow arched, "Well, rest assured the style is /entirely/ appreciated." She shakes her head and murmurs dryly, "I mean, I tend to keep the dresses for more private parties than the typical quarterly charity ones, you know? Special occasions when I want to dress up for someone."

Eyes narrow slightly and she murmurs dryly, "But don't let Gotham's worries concern you. Backless green gown with your shade of red? Absolutely classic. No /wonder/ you had the same... what did you call them, attack runs?" She grins crookedly, "I promise not to try and besiege you."

Glorianna Silver has posed:
Glorianna Silver saunters and sways as she's led to the dance floor, giving a slow turn to let the silky hem twirl as she moves into a closer dance position. "Well a girl DOES like to be appreciated." she replies. Green eyes wander more slowly downward before she continues. "I can honestly say that I can't imagine you in an actual dress, Kate. The tux suits you so much better, somehow."

Gloriana settles one hand in Kate's, the other resting on her dance partner's shoulder in proper fashion. "Maybe I just need to be invited to one of those private parties or something?" she muses. "I'll let you know if I start to feel crowded, but I don't look for that to happen anytime soon."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate gives a little roll of her eyes and murmurs dryly, "I /know/, but I agreed to dress up for my birthday... and then all my friends? Turned out entirely in like, casual streetwear. I swear it was all a dare or something and someone made fifty bucks off me that night..."

Kate's hands move, resting one on Glorianna's waist smoothly, fingers lacing with the hand clasped in her own as she laughs softly, "Well I'll try to keep my party schedule flexible... and who ever goes out to a party like this and plans to end the night early? I'm sure we can dance for quite awhile, maybe make them kick us out before we find more trouble."

Kate's actually a pretty good dancer, as much as she bemoans these formal affairs... is it because she actually enjoys it? Because it's all part of the playgirl philanthropist image she curates? She'll never tell!

Glorianna Silver has posed:
Glorianna Silver is also a good dancer, and not just because she had a lot of lessons. There's a certain, confident grace in her movements that Kate would recognize, one fellow athlete to another. She laughs just loudly enough to turn a few heads, the two women turning and chatting and very obviously enjoying each others' company.

Looks like the bachelor attack-runs have been quite effectively stifled for the evening as well, but that was part of the point.

Only part, of course, because Glorianna actually DOES seem to be enjoying the company. "It sounds like your friends have your wicked sense of humor, Kate." Glori takes a look around the room during a turn, then she adds. "Let's see how late they'll keep this running tonight, shall we?"

But the night is still young.