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Latest revision as of 04:03, 20 April 2022

An evening at the Zoo.
Date of Scene: 20 April 2022
Location: Gotham Zoo
Synopsis: And a tour of the zoo for GabGab
Cast of Characters: Bart Allen, Gabby Kinney

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen has taken on a evening shift, and knows the guy running the cameras will be asleep on the job soon, so he set up a loop on the cameras, and then offered his friends a trip to the zoo if they were interested. "I get all my work done at super speed, so as long as we avoid any of the other custodians we have the run of the zoo. The camera will show last night's footage tonight, and if need to change it can always run and fix it." He is standing next to one of the walls where he can help his friends either over, or through the wall. He knows most of them can find their own way in if they want but he is there to help.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney pauses at the wall to regard it thoughtfully a long moment. Sure, she was all about getting to see the zoo, she'd never been before, but the method of getting in earns a grin from her. "You know we could probably just have bought tickets. Or arranged a private event here or something? I dunno. I'm sure someone we know rather well has a credit card that could get us places that don't include jumping walls." Her head tilts to regard Bart, "But if you're sure it's okay... I don't want to risk you losing your job, you know?" That doesn't stop her from hopping up with his help to clamber over the wall though. She was already HERE, after all.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smiles and says "I am good, specially with you being here, you would know if someone is coming up on us, I have brought a few friends over, and honestly had not thought about getting a private event." He chuckles a bit and says "Besides, who on our team is going to be spotted by normal security. I mean the zoo has some enhanced, but not enough to catch you guys."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney crinkles her nose a little bit at the top of the fence. Wall? Both? before hopping down on the other side with a quick crouch to absorb the impact out of habit. "Hey I'm still getting used to the sensory thing. They only just started popping up in the past few weeks. Though," she adds with a little lift of her hand to wave some fresher air in front of her face. "Well it's natural all right."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen chuckles softly "Well it is a zoo." He grins and says "There is a reason, I take showers when I first get off work." He offers her a little pamplet that has a map of the zoo on it. "So, you like any animals more than others in particular?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney takes the offered pamphlet with curiosity. Maps were always good though, she liked those, it usually got her out of a lot of trouble. "Mm. Well of course there's badgers I like. Birds. Oh do you got any flamingos? Or penguins?" Two entirely different birds from different areas, but worth asking.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "We actually have a rather large selection of birds. Have had to set up for some of the ones some of the villains in Gotham have tried to use as mascots or what not. Honestly it is where a lot of our odder animals come from. We can start at the penguin enclosure we have ten different types, probably would have more but try to send any other species we get to places that have colonies of them already." He will tell her, as he starts to lead her towards the birds

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney seems rather excited by this prospect at this answer. The pamphlet is refolded quickly and tucked into her back pocket. It's the only hesitance she has before she starts skipping alongside Bart. "Hell yeah, pengies! What's your favorite animal, Bart? I mean I know a lot of us are animal-mascotty in a way but... It's not Cheetahs is it?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen shakes his head a bit and says "Na, they are cool, and the cubs we had last year are great, but I like all the animals. If I had to pick a favorite, it would be hard. I mean my snails, and the guinea pigs, lizards and turtles I have at my apartment would be high on the list, along with Mister Murder Mittens. " He hmms and seems to think about it a bit more "I think the most fun to work with are probably the smaller primates. "

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grins a little at mention of the cubs. "Okay that's on the tour list now too," she points out with a firm nod. Again her nose wrinkles and she shakes her head quickly a time or two. "This is seriously like... Going to get annoying. Maybe I need to practice figuring out what smells are what." The thought has her go quiet for a few moments before she adds, "I mean it's not gonna stop me from checking out the animals, though."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Maybe being around the animals will help, I mean you'll have to learn to turn out the poo, but all the animals smell different I assume. I had thought you always had heightened senses like Laura." He admits. He will take her into the back area where they can over look the penguins from the area they are normally fed from, so she gets a different view than most.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney smiles faintly only to shake her head at the remark. "Most people do assume that. I didn't get them with the claws and healing though. I guess it needed more time to come up with the nanomachines doing their thing on me." A slight shrug is given as she heads over to the feeding areas. Her eyes light up as they look into the different areas. Already she was buzzing with barely restrained excitement.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will get a few fish and says "Here hold one out like this." He will show her, giving a couple of the penguins close to them that are paying attention a bit of a treat. After they spend some time here, with Bart telling her a lot of facts about them, he will show her around the rest of the zoo, and Bart seems to know quite a bit about them answering most of her questions. It helps once he reads something about the animals, he will remember it, makes for a decent tour guide. Over all she gets the friend of Bart tour which gives a bit of a different close up look at the animals.