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Latest revision as of 04:04, 20 April 2022

Not Many Gyms Have This Good A View
Date of Scene: 19 April 2022
Location: Hall of Justice - Watchtower
Synopsis: Hal gives Stella a tour of the Watchtower before Training Day.
Cast of Characters: Hal Jordan, Stella Roundtree

Hal Jordan has posed:
It would appear that training with a member of the Justice League is a little different then it might be for others. No simple gym, or open expanse of field will really do it seems. Training in the Hall of Justice would be pretty impressive in and of itself no doubt, if just for the chance to run into some of the most well known and powerful defenders that Earth has to offer. But Hal has taken it one step further.

They're training on the freakin' moon.

The Watchtower stands its vigil, looking down at the glittering blue ball below. While he could have just flown them up here of course, he insisted that they do it hte other way -- to actually teleport up. Just one more experience. And now they stand on the observation deck, that transparent dome given them a panoramic view of both the lunar surface and of the planet they were on just minutes earlier.

"Not too shabby, hmmm?"

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     The dates just keep improving. Stella is surprised at that, though she does love space. This is definitely up there. Not something that she ever thought she'd need to do, but something that's incredibly novel nonetheless.

     "No, not at all! The teleportation was a little weird, but so fast! Not everyone has one of you to take up into the atmosphere in a pretty green ball," she says as she looks out over the planet below. She's getting used to this, and pulls out her camera to snap a blurry-grainy photo of the earth with her fake vintage camera. Another one for the album.

     "So... the training facility here has to be bonkers, right?"

Hal Jordan has posed:
"There's space craft too, in select locations as well. Not everyone is entirely comfortable with the idea of having their atoms scrambled. Though realistically it is safer than space flight," Hal notes drily, slowly turning as he looks upward through that dome. All the time in space, and apparently the view still just does it for him. Maybe it is reassuring that some things just never grow old.

Still, he does finally drop his gaze back towards her with a grin and nods his agreement. "They're reasonably impressive," he agrees modestly. "They need to scale a bit afterall. You need something that, well, isn't a match for Superman, but at the very least isn't a total snooze-fest either," he points out, turning back towards the central elevator that seems to run through the lunar base. "Did you want the tour first, or did you want to go straight to the training area?"

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "Tour! I want the tour!" she says. "I didn't come up here just to train," she says, sliding her arm around his and giving him a squeeze. "I mean, we'll get to that, and definitely not Superman strength, thanks. I don't want to get splattered up here," she says. Who would water her singular houseplant if that happened?

     "I like seeing places that are off limits to most, that's partially how we started dating," she says. Apparently she's very visually laying her claim while up here. A little more possessive among super-beings, it seems, than regular ladies that she's pretty sure she can beat in a fight.

Hal Jordan has posed:
He gives a quiet chuckle and drapes an arm around her, pausing on their way towards the elevator for a moment, instead gesturing down to the view offered by the observation deck. "Well, they do scale. I don't think we'd throw you into the deep end. Not quite yet anyway," he teases casually before pointing down. "So, we're in the central spire. There's the two out buildings. That one is the Laboratories and the other are our personal living quarters," he offers up.

Giving her a chance to look things over, he starts back to the central elevator once more. "So, directly beneath us is our meeting hall and observation deck. Spread out around them are some of our other facilities. The Armory, the public teleport pads which you saw and the reception area for guests. Then you have some of the maintenance areas. Engineering and air control. Private teleport pads for personal use only. The Trophy Room and our Hall of Villains. Our recreation area, and of course the gym/training area and pool. And a little park. Then if you go into deeper beneath the surface itself we have our secure facility and the hydroponic forest along with a pretty huge deep water tank," he offers up. "Any of that sound interesting?"

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "You have a park? That sounds very charming," she says. "But I want to see the Hall of Villains," she says. "That sounds very dastardly and interesting. And then I'd say the recreation area, just because I'm pretty nosy, and maybe the big weird water tank," she says. She's in a very good mood, mostly because he's giving just the right of reciprocation for her affections. It keeps her on her best behavior.

     There is a slight nervousness here, just as there was around a higher concentration of mutants. Usually she's like an alligator, knowing she's just hidden out of sight and can keep herself safe, but there's much bigger, badder things than she up here.

Hal Jordan has posed:
The lift doors slide open as they approach, ready to whisk them away to wherever and Hal leads her in before they shut behind them. "Meeting level," he says, and the lift begins to descend down from the peak of the lunar Watchtower.

"It's nice. Fairly small, but still a good place to get away for a little bit. The Hydroponic forests are much more sprawling. We grow a lot of the food we use there. It's not just trees. Another not bad place to hang out some, though the real thing is just a teleporter away so little fear of getting home sick or anything," he points out drily, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. Maybe he can sense a little of her anxiety.

Either way, there is a soft ding and the elevator doors slide open, giving them access to the wide hallway. Glass -- or more likely some sort of different and much stronger transparent material -- seems to dominate for both the walls and ceiling construction, at least in the public areas, insuring great views. It doesn't take very long at all for the to reach the rather dramatic;y named Hall of Villains. "Remember, if it gets too much for you feel free to bury your face in my chest," he teases.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     And it's voice controlled, too! How fancy.

     "I guess I never thought about that, or about actually living long term up here. Makes sense to grow the food," she says as they open up to the. new hallway. "I mean, most people here probably have a home on earth. Other than you. I hope you don't officially live in that bar I met you in," she teases. "And you have your rarely used apartment on the West coast, but... yeah. I can see how it'd be nice if you're up here to take a stroll through a forest and peek in at how all the little fish are doing," she says as they make it to the hall.

     "So which of you stuff the villains after you've defeated them?" she asks, trying not to smirk too much. "Because I have a guess, but that's just from TV."

Hal Jordan has posed:
He gives a chuckle at that as the doors once again slide open at their approach, giving them access to the room beyond. It's all very Star Trek. It's possible that, with his access to alien technology, he might have had a little something to do with that.

"None of us are permanent inhabitants right now, but we've had members and allies who don't otherwise have a place to call home that have used this place. Even then there is the Hall in Metropolis that you can at least wander around outside," he agrees before smiling and shaking his head. "Then again, for some of us taking a walk on the moon's surface isn't a big deal wither," he points out archly.

Shooting her an answering smirk, he leads the way into the Hall. While there are some life like statues -- or at least holographic versions of them -- there do not appear to be any actual stuffed villains. "Oh do you now?" Hal asks with a grin. "Hopefully it isn't me," he shoots back. "And yes, for the record I mostly stay in my apartment in Coast City. Definitely not the bar. I wouldn't even be in New York all that often if it wasn't for a certain someone," he points out playfully.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "Definitely not you, but... this is still pretty impressive," she says as she looks over the holograms and statuary. One might think it a bit obsessive. "And I wonder who it may be that keeps you coming back," she laughs. "Okay, so which of these ding dongs should I be worried most about kidnapping me?" she asks as she peruses. Almost like she's shopping around for one. Though with her abilities, a lot of these heavy hitters could just squish the midwesterner.

Hal Jordan has posed:
There are various momentos of course, pictures, articles and all the rest. There are also weapons of all sorts, though one would assume that they are replicas with the real ones stored away somewhere. Still, for someone interested in the history of the Justice League the room would have to be considered quite the gold mine. "I am reassured. For now," Hal allows with a smile, guiding her past the various exhibits, pointing out some of the more intergalactic threats in particular. "Fortunately I don't think you have to worry too much about most of these ones trying to kidnap you. Conquer the planet yes. They are a little less with the personal. Now, if you see some guy with a massive head and a floaty chair named Hector Hammond, then, then you might want to run," he points out drily.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "Floaty chairs in general seem to be a bad sign," the mutant says as she inspects the threats as if sizing them up. A very confident alligator, it seems, with these figures. Easier to be that way with them than their real life counterparts.

     "What, is the Hammond guy like... one of YOUR nemesis...es?" she asks of her companion as she strolls around obsessively made replicas. "I think I'd be kinda hard to kidnap. Again. I did get kidnapped by a fat alien, once," she says. "Lots of people from the city seemed to, but I haven't seen much of 'em since."

Hal Jordan has posed:
Even just counting the foes from space there appear to be quite the collection. Starro the Conqueror of course, the giant starfish. Despero, the three-eyed alien despot. Kanjar Ro and his Gamma Gong. The Appellaxians, who's attempted invasion of Earth actually brought the League together. And of course, Darkseid, Lord of Apokalips. And so many more.

"He would definitely be up there. He's one of my more dangerous earthbound enemies to be sure. And he's kinda obsessed with me," he says before giving a small shrug of his shoulder. That, of course, could make him more of a threat to her. It's always a little more dangerous when there is something personal like that. "A fat alien, huh? Do you think I'm in danger from him?" he asks with just a hint of a smile.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "Nah, he just had us run around doing weird things for TV, I think? It happened so fast and then we were just plonked back on earth and I went and got a drink," she says. "But seeing all these guys here, maybe he was one of the more, uh... undangerous ones. Anything for ratings, but I don't think if we got murdered we'd be rated very highly," she says, looking up at the starfish with a bit of confusion.

     "Well, I'm sure I could try to take your enemy guy. I could at least stop his floaty chair and make a brisk walk away from it," she ponders. "For fifty feet. Maybe we should work on my range," she says with a grin. She doesn't seem to worried about it in the moment.

Hal Jordan has posed:
As she gives her description Hal thinks for a moment, a small frown sliding over his expression before he gives a small nod of his head. "I think I know who you're talking about. I've never come across him... it... before, but I imagine he can be more dangerous than you might think. Sometimes sudden and unexpected deaths pay off ratings-wise," he points out. "I'm glad you made it through without too much to worry about though," he admits.

That slow circuit brings them past some of the more earthly threats the League has faced as well, no less dangerous for all that they have originated at home. "Certainly not a bad strategy," Hal agrees with a grin. "Though yes, we can see what we can do about stretching your range a little," he agrees readily enough.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "Oh yeah! It was fun, in hindsight, but still scary in the moment," she says. "Everyone else seemed to be on a team, they knew what they were doing," she smiles. She might have a habit of underestimating people/creatures and just how dangerous they can be.

     "Well, if anyone can-" she seems about to say something absolutely filthy, but then reels it back in. Who knows if cameras are watching or recording, and she doesn't want to make a bad impression. She's sober! And has yet to find booze here to get her into trouble. "... help me to train in a responsible manner, you seem to be the one to do it, and I am sure the facilities are perfect for it!' she says, looking to the corners of the room for recording equipment.

Hal Jordan has posed:
The faintest smirk slides across Hal's face and he arches a brow ever so slightly. "I do my best," he agrees wryly, starting to lead her back towards the exit and the lunar base beyond. It's a pretty good guess that there are security devices everywhere though it might not extend to the audio. Then again, perhaps it might. Who knows just what the privacy is like in a facility like this. Given who was likely in charge of putting together the security package, chances are privacy did not necessarily rank high on the list of priorities.

"Alright, let me show you the park and the rec room. And a couple of other stops. Then we can start working on your... range," he teases as the doors whisk back open, letting them back out into those spacious halls. Not exactly the image of cramped, space-born living. The artificial gravity is surely nice as well.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     Yeah, Stella has no desire for any bad words to be played back to her at any given point. So she's going to be on fantastic behavior while she's here! She can be her silly self when they get back to any given apartment.

     Or if there's a bar here.

     "Excellent! It's so nice to see where you work. Sorta. Part-time. I assume space is more accurate for that," she giggles. The place is impressively designed to avoid claustrophobia, and she strides with him, taking it all in. But her camera stays away. She might have gotten her Earth shot, but she's not going to document the place!

     "You really are a good tour guide," she says. "Thankfully. We have so many places to visit! And I'm getting used to off-earth travel. I at least want to be helpful... in space," she says.