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Sing Like Everybody's Listening
Date of Scene: 25 April 2022
Location: The Sing Sing Karaoke Bar
Synopsis: Terry and Harley have a talk, and it looks like Wonderland might have a very colorful guest soon. Colorful even for Wonderland.
Cast of Characters: Harley Quinn, Terry O'Neil

Harley Quinn has posed:
Damn right everybody's listening to Harley's rendition to "The Hills are Alive", specially as she goes real high on those notes, to the point in which the windows rattle with how high she goes, looking like a veritable Julie Andrews if she had pigtails, was a bleached blonde and dressed in skimpy clothes out to Karaoke night.

Okay, maybe she doesn't really look like Julie Andrews.

But first things first. Like how this whole thing started! With Harley of course inviting Terry to a sing out contest at her favorite karaoke place. Which she fully assured Terry she wasn't banned from anymore. And it hadn't really been her fault because the demon had appeared out of nowhere and Hermione needed her help. Not her fault all the windows exploded when they had to kill it! And of course she went into real detail about it all, which might make one wonder if the ludicrous tale is actually true or not.

Harley is just finishing with her first song and offers a flourishing bow to the audience before jumping down to go join Terry by their table and sits down.

"So, what's up with ya as of late, Terry?" She lounges on the couch, arms spread over it's back.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry claps enthusiastically at Harley's rendition, even if his own mood seems to be... unusually muted. Decidedly not his usual colorful and exuberant self, that's for sure. "That was much better than that televized version of the musical they did a few years ago. God, it was awful- that and their Rocky Horror Picture Show. You totally should've played Maria, Harl." Of course, Harley was in Arkham at the time. That might have thrown a wrench in the works, "Just wait a couple of years when they do it again and you can put your resume on their desk."

Leaning back on the couch, the human redhead blinks a couple of times. "I've... had a rough couple of weeks, Harl. I don't even know how to begin telling you. It's been a conga line of existential crisis, an actual crisis of the fabric of existence, and then a crisis of my past... or my dad's... catching up to me."

He gives her a wan smile, "I sound like a lot of fun right now, don't I?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Oooh, do you really think so?" Harley flutters her eyelashes at the praise, almost preening at it. Such a diva! "Bollywood, heah I come..." Wait, Bollywood? "No moouh gettin' my nice, business truck blown up by April's tindah dates.., hmph. That would be somethin'..." wait, what?

And does she note Terry's somber mood? She sure does! She is a doctor of psychology after all! But as good friends do she lets Terry get to it in his own time instead of asking directly about it. So when he starts talking about it? She nods without surprise.

"Last time we spoke..." Her voice softer now, "... you told me of your father, and what he did so you'd live." she smiles faintly, leaning forward on her seat.

"I am guessin' there's been moouh development on that?" no pressing on her voice!

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"God has there /ever/." Terry sighs. "... so, there's a reality snag in the tower. Some probability conflict has over-written reality in the main room and Donna is gone from existence. In her place there is a /different/ Donna who goes by Troia and is actually one of the Titans of myth. And there's also a rift to Wonderland open in there and I have this sick feeling in my gut that all of this is Wonderland's fault and, therefore, my fault."

He sinks further into the couch, "We tried to go in and scout yesterday, into Wonderland... and something came for me. Something mean and horrifying. We had to retreat. But the worst of it... and maybe this shows how self-absorbed I am, but the worst of it to me is the realization..."

He shrugs, "I dunno how to say it, except that when she found out Donna was gone, Raven was fuckng /mean/ to me and said some shit about me. And it's made me realize that if that's the way everybody in the team sees me... or most everybody... then I'm just... the team joke. The goof-off and the go-to to blame when anything weird happens."

Harley Quinn has posed:
Donna is gone?! That has Harley arch her brows, "What did Didi have ta say on *that* one?" she asks, now leaning forward with her elbows on her knees. Attention fully on Terry!

At least until the next music is on stage, the start of 'All by myself' being heard. Harley sharply looks up then and throws the first thing she has close to hand. The peanut bowl (thankfully empty) while shouting. "Get outta heah! You come heah every night to sing that horrible song!" the man that had went up on stage retreats away while Harley adds, "And bring us some moouh peanuts!" so harsh!

But then she is looking back to Terry as if no outburst had happened, big blue eyes with a softness that goes against the usual wild Clownette. Because when it comes to her friends she's always there for them. "Ya can't go by what Raven says. Isn't she like right outta Mean Girls up to eleven?" a pause and then she adds, "People say shit they don't mean to when they awhe upset, when theah friends awhe in danger. And the titans, they strike me as a tight family so ...." she trails off, raising her shoulders in a shrug..

"Like I told ya last time ..., it's you they come to when that stuff happens because they know you will solve it, as you have so far." a beat, ".. or am I mistaken?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"They... don't really come to me. I mean, before Donna got retconned they actually took the Regalia we rescued from that fake Alice- the crown and scepter of the Red King- and locked them away. In a safe. That requires two people to open. And I'm not on the list of authorized openers." The young man smirks a little and reaches for some peanuts when the bowls arrive. "That doesn't exactly strike a chord of being trusted, you know what I mean? I mean... I'm the only one in the team who actually comes from Wonderland. Indirectly by being a descendant, yeah, but if anyone is qualified to handle reality-altering relics of pure chaos magic from Wonderland... I mean, I've used the scepter twice before they locked it away, and the universe didn't end."

He rubs his forehead. "... I now realize how hard it must have been for Gar to feel like everybody treated him like a joke. My poor guy. Of course, now it seems I'm the punchline."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Hol' up. You got a crown and sceptah o' the red king?" Harley's eyes light up at that, her eyes going from interested to downright scheming, "Would love ta get my hands on *those*.." she admits, rubbing her hands together.

Focus, Harley!

She quickly smiles apologetically and then coughs into her hand, "Not fair that they don't let ya come close to it though! But theah seems ta be some more context I am not gettin' ..." which happens until Terry says he has used the things TWICE.

"Ah, that explains it. So you had been usin' the things!" She points accusingly, "I mean .., it's like if I had seen ya kissin' yoh doppelganger *TWICE*. I would had locked him away too and ..." she stops, ".. Wait, that sounded wrong. And we did lock him away!" of course she had to mention that INCIDENT again.

"All I can tell you though is that I know you won't stop tryin' ta do your best. And that's what matters. Your family will see it in time or they really wouldn't be yoh family. And we both know they are.." and with that she then finally asks.

"So, how can I help?" Is she eager? Fuck yea.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry holds up a hand, "The first time I used it, we were taking them away from Alice-- okay, so there's this Gotham lady who /thinks/ she's Alice. And she apparently leads some religion of crime in Gotham? Eris gave her the crown and scepter. We took them away from her- I used the scepter during the fight to keep it away from her. The /second/ time I used it, the Archangel Michael was about to basically blast me into nonexistence and I used my Rabbit Hole to touch the scepter back at the tower in order to warp me away from the path of, basically, a fiery holy beam of unmaking. So it wasn't like it was /unjustified/ usage, Harl!"

He sighs, and ponders the question for some time in silence before asking. "... well, you could come and see the damage for yourself. See the new Troia... Diana was... naturally upset over her sister vanishing like that. And, of course... you could always come to Wonderland to figure out what might be going on, how to untangle this... gordian knot of a problem."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Yea, that archangel was a little b." Harley says, nearly fuming as she recalls it, "..., I am gonna say that was justified use o' it then and ....!" she stops and frowns, "What ya mean theah's a Gotham lady walkin' around like she's crazy and leadin' a religious cult?" her eyes are wide now. She hadn't heard of this!

Funny how the mention of a firely holy beam of unmaking doesn't make her bat an eyelash. But mention a crazy lady moving into Gotham? Everyone loses their minds!

Or in this case Harley... "I sweah, I leave that city and a whole new plethora of crazy starts poppin'! I already told Apes and Ivy that I should go back ta make suwah they know theah can be only one..."

Did she just say that last line because someone started singing Princes of the Universe by Queen? Maybe...

"Count me in, whateva you need. I will go with you and do some unknotting ..., I have a bat." because bats are great at unknotting things apparently.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Oh yeah, apparently it's a whole thing. Eris seemingly thought it would be absolutely /hilarious/ to bring the Hatter and Hare with the Regalia. They were looking for the real Alice, apparently not realizing that she died eighty plus years ago. They wanted her to take the Regalia and come down to Wonderland to fix... whatever it is that's going wrong. Because my father apparently /failed/ to do that."

He huffs and crosses his arms, "I had no idea. But they found /an/ Alice, alright."

He smiles a little, cheering up a smidge. "Really? You'd come to Wonderland with me to help? ... I mean. I shouldn't be surprised. Sometimes I get the impression you couldn't have come from anywhere but Wonderland, you know. Just like me."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Maybe I did!" Harley says, suddenly excited, "I need to look at my ancestors' tree line and see..." and by the way she is talking it seems that will occupy her most of tomorrow. "And then we'd be like .., cousins or somethin'. Just like Apes!"

"Do you even got a doubt I would want to help? I will go to the ends of the world foh the people I care for. And even sometimes out of it. Have I told you about my trip with Spiral outer space? That was wild as shit..." She stops herself before she gets carried away and reaches over to pat Terry's knee, "Bottom line is, ya know ya got me in yoh corner so ..., lets kick ass." devilish look in her eyes.

"And now get up theah ta sing befoouh ya lose your spot!" Because they are here to sing, damn it!

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"... Alright, you got it." His smile brightens a little more. "I can always count on you, Harl. I hope you know that the same goes for me- unless I'm dead or in some other crazy state, I'll always be here for you..."

He gets up, dusts his jeans off, and heads to the stage. "Alright then... selection... selection..."

After a few sconds, the song starts playing and Terry brings the microphone to his mouth:

~Teenage dreams in a teenage circus
Running around like a clown on purpose
Who gives a damn about the family you come from
No giving up when you're young and you want some~

And he's off-