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Rolling With the Punches
Date of Scene: 30 April 2022
Location: Derby Queens
Synopsis: Cael and Jon meet up for an evening of watching a roller derby - a moment of peace and tranquility and full contact sports violence.
Cast of Characters: Cael Becker, Jonathan Sims

Cael Becker has posed:
    'It'll be fun!' That was Cael's promise before dragging Jon out to a... //roller derby// game. I mean, she's heard his music. She's seen the looks he used to wear. It's not //completely// off brand for him. She didn't even voice (much) complaint about the choice of kebab for dinner, and what complaints she did indulge in were playful, and good natured.
    Truth was, she rather likes kebab.
    She finds them seats in the stands, near the bottom where Bear can rest most easily at her feet, and pulls out her wax paper wrapped kebab, biting into the flatbread and letting out an appreciative sound.
    "You've been to roller derby before, yeah?" Oh. //Now// she asks.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon doesn't really complain about going out, either; he spent the day in meetings or moving things from the Triskelion to his old apartment in Chelsea. And by 'meetings' that means the Midnight Mission, and talking to Phoebe, and talking to Robbie. 'Roller derby' elicited a raised eyebrow, but no complaints; it's hard for Jon to say 'no' to Cael when she seems excited about something, she might have noticed. In fact, he stammers a moment before insisting on getting kebab if she's choosing the venue because 'we can't eat noodles /every/ day, love.'

    "I have, in fact, never been to roller derby before," Jon replies as he settles into a seat next to Cael, giving her an amused smile. "Have you?" He patronized the snack bar too and grabbed some red licorice and a beer, because he eats like a teenager these days.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Well... of course. It's just a few blocks from the apartment," Cael answers - as if that's self explanatory. Why //wouldn't// you take advantage of that? She eyes Jon cursiously, while fishing out a small piece of beef for Bear to enjoy, then she takes another bite of her kebab, chewing thoughtfully.
    "Do you even know how it's played, then?" she asks in a curious tone. Maybe it's in that Archive of his? Or maybe she's adding new information to it. "I mean. You are supposed to get out and experience things, hrm?" she teases with an amused grin. She has her own beer perched beside her on the bench, and she picks it up for a sip, while fans continue trickling in, and finding their seats.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    There's a moment, the briefest of moments, where Jon's eyes go distant and he blinks rapidly like he's using the blinking to flip through the pages of a book. Then he /guffaws/. "Oh... /Gran/ tried it. Of /course/ she did. But I don't... /quite/ understand? It's... a lot of Gran's memories are kind of obscured, I think maybe that's normal for the past Archivist or two. The current one probably knew them, so there's too much chance of seeing yourself in a memory, which is weird."

    He smiles. "Looks like she had fun, though."

    They glance over at Cael. "Okay, then, how's it played, hmm?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "In a nutshell - you have two teams of fourteen players and each time has jammers, and blockers," Cael explains. "Four blockers from each team'll go out on the track - they have to stay inside the lines of the track. And there's one jammer on each team. The jammer has a star on their helmet. Gist of it is, the jammer is trying to race around the track and pass the other team's players. Every time the jammer passes someone from the other team - they score a point. So the blockers are trying to help their jammer get by - while blocking the other team's jammer. Makes sense?"
    She waits a moment for Jon to indicate understanding before adding, "Of course, there's some sorts of contact that aren't allowed. And there's also a pivot - one of the blockers has a stripe on their hat marking them as the pivot. They're allowed to snatch their jammer's star off their helmet and become the jammer. Each 'jam' lasts for 2 minutes before they reset - but the lead jammer can stop a jam early by touching her hips. And if someone has a penalty, or leaves the track, they have to re-enter play behind the other team's pivot. Make sense?"
    It's all easy peasy, right? She lets Jon digest that, while taking a sip from her beer.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "If the pivot becomes the jammer does the jammer become the pivot?" It's a reasonable question. Jon peers at the track. "I've heard it's a fairly rough game, contact rules or no. The memories I've got from Gran indicate that, anyway."

    A brief smirk. "Might be more... interesting than watching football. Those lads whinge at the slightest knock, even if it's playing it up so the ref'll give the opponent a card." Wow, when did Jon decide /football/ was too soft for him? Or maybe he's joking.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Nope. The former jammer is a regular old blocker. See, pivot's also team captain, basically. She calls the shots. So you can't have someone just... taking that role in the middle of a jam. You know?" She grins at Jon, then gives them a nudge before asking, "If football's such a sissy sport - when am I going to see you play it and show them how it's done? Hrm?"
    Bear, meanwhile, is looking between the pair - hopeful for some more bits of kebab.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "I could beat Cristiano Ronaldo in a sword fight handily, I'm certain, but I could /never/ hope to match his footwork on the field." Jon glowers. "Fine, you got me, football's not /that/ bad. I am finding myself preferring rugby these days. At least cricket players don't pretend to be remotely interested in contact. /That's/ about skill."

    He surreptitiously offers Bear a bit of his kebab. Shh, don't tell Cael.

    "Alright, then, that all makes sense. What are the contact rules?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Mostly - you have to use your torso to block," Cael explains. "You're not allowed to use your head, anything past your elbow, or anything below your knee. And you're not allowed to contact opposing players in- well, basically the same places. Heads, lower legs, or their backs. You can touch their hands, but - not with your hands. You know? Easy, right?" She grins at Jon, seeming for all the world not to have noticed that Bear is chowing down on a bit of kebab.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "So you could elbow someone in the stomach? Or is that off-limits? Because that bloody /hurts/." Jon smirks, settling back a bit and taking a sip of his beer. There's been a tension in him that's slowly unwinding; evidently it was a long day.

    He reaches out, almost absently, to pet Bear's head, focusing on the rink being prepared with a faint frown. Not quite distracted, just... unwinding.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Oh - elbows are off limits too," Cael says hastily. "Eblows and beyond. Knees and below," she corrects herself, "are both off limits. "And of you deliberately knock someone to the ground - also not okay. But there's plenty of referees to keep track of all that stuff," she remarks, with a vague wave.
    "I've considered playing sometime, myself. It looks fun..."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Well, I mean... it looks like fun. And it wouldn't... I mean, it's no more dangerous than any other sport. They're all wearing helmets and knee pads." Jon winces. He can hardly keep Cael locked up in a padded room somewhere to keep her safe, after all.

    He sighs, and actually leans over to put his head on Cael's shoulder. "Can we go to Austria tomorrow?" Is he... whining? A little? "I know I said I was fine with responsibilities, but today has been a /day/."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "If we go tomorrow," Cael replies with a laugh, tilting her head just enough that her cheek rests against the top of Jon's head, "You'll either have to bring us there by one of your doorways - or we'll be paying some ridiculous last minute airfares," she points out. "But it's up to you. I can put in the reservation." She smiles comfortably, enjoying the closeness, the murmur of the crowd around them - and the sudden cheer as the teams come out, skate a lap, and then shake hands.
    "Which team are we cheering for?" she asks. "Or should we cheer for different teams? Make some sort of a wager out of it?"

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon sighs. "No, because Phoebe /is/ stepping down so either I'm leaving her holding the bag when she wants to get on with things in Gotham or /nobody's/ in charge. Fuck."

    He sighs. "Phoebe's stepping down. And I think I finally get why she's so upset, and I can't help. And I know why the vampires kidnapped Agnes and there's a guy I almost forgot about who wants to burn me alive... and Johnny did a stupid fucking thing and you'll only say 'yeah of course' if I told you what." He glowers at the rink. "Remind me why I volunteered to lead this mess of a clowder again?" A clowder. Because cats, see. Herding cats.

    "Hmm. I'll cheer for the home team, you cheer for away?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    There's a lot to absorb there - so Cael asks in a distracted voice, "What'll you give me when my team wins?" She shifts her kebab to her left hand, so her right hand can go around Jon's middle, and pull them all the closer, her eyes closing for a moment.
    "Well. I'm going to tell you 'yeah of course he did' with merely the knowledge that he did 'a fucking stupid thing,'" she points out, tackling what seems to her to be the lightest off the options available.
    "...who wants to set you on fire, and how can I set them on fire first?" she asks. "And what's eating Phoebe?"

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "I'll sing for you," Jon offers. "Any song you like. And you sing for me if my team wins. In private, of course." He moves to kiss her cheek, then rests his head on her shoulder again, watching the match.

    "Phoebe's had a rough life. She never had what we'd consider a 'normal' girlhood... childhood, maybe, sure, but that all fell apart when her adopted father died and her adopted mother told her that she hated her." He sighs. "She's been through a lot, she's lost a lot of potential parents, and now the closest thing to steady family she has--the Gotham people--are telling her to pull away from us."

    He frowns. "But I finally... I mean, I'm supposed to be going on vacation. I'm supposed to be recovering from saving the world. And two of my friends are missing, another one has changed horribly, my team is having issues I need to help with... I thought... what if I lost you and Martin in the next year? And Agnes? And the team fell apart? Despite everything, every best effort? How pissed would I be if a bunch of people kept saying 'oh no you can be okay!' without putting in the dedicated effort to offer me a permanent home?"

    He huffs out a breath. "She's been living alone these past few months. Zatanna stopped mentoring her--I can read between the lines, even if Phoebe didn't say so."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael considers this for a moment - and decides that Jon is getting the better end of the deal. Afterall - it's far easier for her to get them to sing, than the reverse. But if Jon really wanted her to sing- "Alright," she agrees, tighting her arm in a brief squeeze. "It's a deal."
    She listens to Jon in silence, turning over what he has to say, and trying to decide how she feels about it. "I mean... I get the pain of not having a family. Of losing what little family you have. Of- ...of feeling betrayed by the people who are supposed to be looking out for your well being. I've tried telling her that, that- ...I get it. That we've had some parallels in her our lives, but I've always gotten the impression... she didn't want to hear it. She didn't care what I had to say." She lets out a heavy sigh.
    "Maybe because I'm not good at saying some of this stuff. Maybe I'm too blunt for her. And maybe I'm out of line here - I'm sure they have her best interests at heart, but- you gotta wonder, you know? And worry a little when another group is trying to isolate you... Possibly even control you like that. But I'm sure she wouldn't take that from me, either."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Yeah, I'm not... I'm not saying she's /right/. And I did ask her what /she/ wants as opposed to what Batman wants--and she brushed me off. But Red Robin has her best interests at heart, I'm /certain/ of that."

    Jon sighs. "It's... she keeps saying 'not everyone gets happy endings' and she mentioned Red Robin and /that's/ when it clicked. She's a damn Gotham vigilante. They... they have this whole attitude, that they give up of themselves for others. It goes along with the costumes and the secret identities. They sacrifice, they struggle, so the people of Gotham can be happier. So for Phoebe--she's a superhero, and that means that she gives up her teenage years so /other/ people can have a happy, normal youth."

    They glower a bit. "I don't really... /agree/ with that belief. I don't go out there and sacrifice myself so other people can rest easy in their beds--because I know that plenty of people who /aren't/ superheroes work and sacrifice, too. I see myself as part of a community. Firefighters and EMTs sacrifice sleep for their community, bodega owners are up at the crack of dawn so I can get my coffee, sanitation workers make sure we don't get overrun by garbage, teachers make sure kids are educated... you know? /Everyone/ can be part of the community, /everyone/ can be a hero. My role is fighting supernatural threats, but it doesn't make me... unique. It's just my role. The Gotham vigilantes? They see themselves as /different/ than the cops or the first responders. Better, some of them. Not all of them."

    A shrug. "In some ways it's just... we're in New York. They're in New Jersey. I don't have a secret identity or a mask, either."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Looks like I'm the Crazy Daisies tonight," Cael remarks as the teams take the line. "...Dirty Birdies. HA. I heard of them. They used to be called the Angels of Anger but decided to change their name- well. //Because//." Because obviously.
    "There's no such fucking thing as a 'happy ending,' anyways. There are happy times. You hope your happiness outweighs your pain but- ...what ends are there? Other than death? And how often is that... //happy//?"
    She smiles a tight, sad smile as she adds, "I can understand the perspective of- well. My life is already this fucked up. I've already sacrificed this much. Why make someone else go through that pain too, when I could do it? I- ...I get that. But I'm not going to give up on my own happiness. On find the peace that I can, and holding it close." There's another squeeze - just as the teams surge forward, in a confusion of moving bodies, while star-marked helmets try to thread their way through the crush.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Yeah. I'm not saying she's right. I don't think Chas thinks she's right, either, for instance. But Chas is willing to be her dad. Take her in. Teach her." Jon sighs. "I'm probably part of the problem. She... needed a mentor, and I thought that was Zatanna. I treated her like an adult, instead of the kid she never really got to be. I thought I was helping, and I don't think it would've done much good for me to try to teach her... especially not in the state I was in back in, say, December."

    A slight shake of the head. "She feels bad about the other night. Like people were piling on. She's... uncomfortable. I hope we can fix that. She's still going to be a part of the team. But she's... in transition, and feeling a bit lost, and upset, and... and I know she misses..."

    He frowns. "You know, that's one of the things that pisses me off the most, about that... meat-puppet business? That it doted so much attention on her, and then the damn rug got pulled out from under her? Just as damaging, in its way, as what it did to me. But how do you tell her that? 'I'm sorry it lied to you. I'm sorry it never cared about you as much as it claimed to.' Fuck."

    They smirk, after a moment. "Of course I get the team that used to be 'Angels of Anger.' It would've been more appropriate for me, of late. My wings are /never/ dirty."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I tried telling you she was a fucking kid," Cael points out. Because everyone loves an 'I told you so' right? "But she had fucking reason to listen to me." She lets out a heavy sigh. "And- well. As much sympathy as I have for her position in life right now... I'm no fucking parent. And I couldn't be the sort of mentor she wanted."
    She turns her head to kiss the top of Jon's, through their hair, then turns her attention back to the game - her food forgotten for now as the mad scramble that is roller derby plays out in front of them. "I didn't mean to pile on but- it's shit she needed to hear, you know? And she needs a fucking therapist. She //needs// one. I know I'm preaching to the God damned choir but-" She lets out a sigh. "Girl needs one." She smiles sadly as she adds, "That's something else I can relate to. Folks that don't love you as much as they claim to? ...it's because they want something out of you." Like they wanted her driving skills. Like they wanted Alis' mechanical skills.
    "Now getting some mud on your feathers is my next mission - your Royal Godliness."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon rolls their eyes. "I walked /right/ into that one, didn't I?" They sigh, then. "Look, I know she's a kid. But Zatanna seemed to think... and she had more experience in this than I do... and honestly, some of these 'kids' are good leaders, great heroes. I just..."

    They sigh again, frowning at the rink. "I suppose I did fuck it up, didn't I? Maybe I should apologize."

    They wince at a particularly hard block one of the Daisies gives to the Birdies' jammer. "Anyway. We talked about replacements. I need to talk to people, and make sure everyone's onboard, but I think it should work out alright. The people I've got in mind, we respect each other, I'll listen to them if they tell me to stop being an idiot, they've been reliable. Should work out. I just... gods. You think I fucked up that bad with Phoebe? Should I have refused to let her lead?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I think you did," Cael confirms simply. "No one that age has any business leading an organization that's in the middle of //saving all of reality.//" She's not keeping her voice down. How can she? - she has to speak up to be heard over the roar of the crowd, but their nearest neighbor is now looking at them askance as if trying to figure out if she heard them right - before her eyes widen slightly in recognition. //Great//.
    "Look. I just mean- I know more of it landed on you than her. So it's not an apt comparison. But all that stress. All that responsibility - landing on the shoulders of someone who hasn't really figured out who they are? Whose BRAIN isn't done developing? Whose been through as much trauma in eighteen short years as Phoebe has? Who doesn't have a stable home life to go home to? The kid is remarkably capable, but putting her in a leadership position was not fair to her. It was not. And you were... desperate. And trying to figure things out, and hold things together, and try to save the world and- look, it's not like I'm upset with you or anything, yeah? ...but putting her in charge was a mistake, and I think it was damaging. And I don't know how we set that right, after the fact, because if I said this same thing to her she'd- well. I don't think she'd take it well."
    She lets out a heavy sigh before asking, "Who do you have in mind?"

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon closes his eyes for a moment. "Fuck," he breathes.

    For a little while he's quiet, not even watching the match. When he does open his eyes, sitting up, even, he looks at the rink like he's not really seeing it. "I /hate/ that there are teenaged superheroes. I fucking hate it. It should be outlawed. If I had the guts to tell Batman to his face that Robin is a terrible fucking idea--" He shakes his head sharply. "But I'd bet he's discovered what I did. The kids do it anyway. Tell them it's illegal and they'll go out and do it anyway, /especially/ the ones with powers. Because they think they can handle it. Because they think it's the right thing to do. Because what kid with that kind of courage is going to listen to the adults trying to /protect/ them?"

    He sighs. "So I... I try to mentor them instead. Help them, guide them. Because I can't /stop/ them, so I'm going to damn well respect them and help them and try to make sure they... know how to cook, and file their fucking taxes, and can transition to a normal-ish adult life. The trouble, I think, is that... I conflated Red Robin and Phoebe. He's a leader, he does it well, he's got the training and the backup for it..."

    Another sharp shake of the head. "But he doesn't lead a team full of /adults/. And that team wasn't saving the fucking world. And..."

    He suddenly buries his face in his hands--he's wearing his prosthetic--and to hell with the woman looking at them. "/Fuck/," he repeats.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael turns away from the match, angling herself towards Jon, watching his reaction to her words. They were harsh words, she knew. Damning. But they were honest words, and when was she ever anything less than honest with Jon? She watches them for a moment, then gently places a hand on the back of their shoulder - leaving it there a moment to guage their reaction to the contact. Then, assuming it's tolerated, she shifts the location of her hand until it's wrapped all the way around their back, resting on the outside of their opposite shoulder, to gently pull them in for a two-armed hug.
    "It was a different circumstance than what you were used to - and you didn't see it. And Zatanna paved the road. I know you'll do what you can to set things right and help her, because you are one of the best and most admirable people I know, Jonathan Sims."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "I have no idea how to fix this. Fuck. /Fuck/." Jon takes a moment to bury his face in Cael's shoulder. "I should've listened to you. Either you or Donna are always right. /Always/. Fuck." He's saying that a lot.

    There's a shout from the crowd and Jon looks up and over in time to see the Birdies jammer lapping the other team. He smiles briefly. "I suppose I'll have to trust when you say I'll figure it out too, hmm?"

    He sighs. "Sara and Rien are who I have in mind. Phoebe suggested Lydia, and she's not a bad choice, but... I don't know how she'd be, leading in a fight. I think she needs seasoning, first."

    He glances up and past Cael at the staring people next to them and raises his eyebrows as if to say 'can I help you?'

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I don't know that there's any //fixing// it," Cael contradicts Jon. "But you'll help her. You'll support her - or if she won't let you, help make sure she has other supports in place. Make sure //they're// a prepared as they can be to help her. You won't give up on her because - when does Their Royal Godliness, Jonathan Marigold Sims," now she's just fucking with him again, "ever give up?"
    She plants a kiss on the corner of their lips, and then rests her head against theirs again, comfortable together - as she shoots a look to the people on their //other// side.
    "If Sara says yes... I think she'll do a good job. I don't know Rien as well, but I haven't seen anything to really concern me yet."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "/Marigold/?" Jon stutters, staring at Cael. "I... that's not..." He wrinkles his nose at her. "Stop that." Not that he means it. Not really.

    They sigh, and say, "So what next... oh, so I visited the Midnight Mission, and Ma--Moon Knight commissioned a whole bloody statue of Ma'at, covered in jade and rubies. Lab-created, but /still/. It must've cost a damn fortune." They shake their head. "We talked, about... avatar stuff. And I was reminded that we found out what was going on with Agnes and the vampires. They were siphoning her blood to make some sort of... I think an avatar of Ra. Bastard called me 'pretender.'" They harrumph.

    A groan goes up from the crowd, and Jon frowns at the score board. The Birdies are falling behind.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Marigold," Cael repeats with a grin, giving Jon a squeeze. "I love fucking with you," she remarks.
    "GO DAISIES! WOOOOO!" she takes a moment cheer - Bear's tail wagging briefly in response to Cael's enthusiasm, before he turns to nuzzling at Jon's leg reassuringly. He's probably been whining all this time - it's hard to hear over the noise.
    "An Avatar of Ra," she repeats. "Ra is... a 'good guy'?" she repeats hesitantly. "Doesn't he get a say in who his avatar is? Siphoning blood off a kid is hardly- a good thing. This guy sounds like a //bad guy//."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "I don't know that it's... that it's always..." Jon freezes, and Cael can /feel/ it, the way every muscle tenses. "I mean, it was... th-the cult. The Eye of Ra. That's... that was... they used to... Elias wanted Sekhmet, but... but others, they'd argue the Savior should be a /man/. Which, I mean, that's not... Sekhmet's the one that does the scouring of the earth, you know? But I don't... he called himself Amon Ra. The Sun King."

    He frowns. "Moon Knight thinks he was a Ravencroft patient. I... I think... I think /Bushman/ had the vampires siphon off Agnes' blood and give it to this guy. The gods don't always get to choose. They can be overruled--Thoth didn't want me as Archivist. And... and the right ritual might... and I mean /Amon Ra/ implies, umm, well, Amon Ra is... Ra, but /more/ than just Ra, you know? So maybe Amon agreed and overruled Ra..."

    They're shaking so hard Bear might notice. They reach for their beer and grip it, take a long drink. Long, slow breaths. Calm /down/, Sims.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael feels him tense - and in response, one of her hands moves, burying her fingers into Jon's hair, where they can massage at their scalp soothingly. "I'm trying to follow, love. I'm trying to understand - but you don't need to tell me all this right now if you don't want. Okay? I want to know enough that I can help you, and support you - but it doesn't have to be //now// if this isn't the time for it."
    After a kiss to the side of Jon's head she adds, "What can't we face if we're together? What's in this place that we can't weather?"

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon eyes Cael. "Did... did you just quote... 'Once More, With Feeling?'" They laugh and lean down to kiss her, then focus back on the game. They're relaxing, by degrees, letting out the tension. "It's hard to talk about the cult. About Elias. But this Sun King... well... he pissed me off, so I shot him with ICER bullets. I mean... snake venom, right? You saw all the snakes down there. And that's what had blinded me."

    Slow breaths. "It worked, and he threatened to burn me alive, and then... disappeared. Portaled out, maybe?" He snorts. "But, seriously. 'Pretender,' when he was working /for/ the snakes, instead of conquering them or fighting them. Bit rude."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I most definitely did not," Cael deadpans - without offering any explination for why she knows the line. When on earth did //Cael// watch //Buffy//?
    Her fingers keep gently massaging as she adds, "I know it is. I get that, you know there's plenty of things I struggle to talk about. But I am always here - and always willing to listen. Yeah?"
    She listens to the rest of the story with a faint frown as she watches the Birdies pick up several more points to start closing the gap - but the change in fortunes does not seem to last. Ha!
    "I'd like to find him and set //him// on fire. I don't like it when the very few people I really care about... are threatened." Can't imagine why.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "He... kind of /is/ fire, love. That's like threatening to set Agnes on fire. I suspect she'd be /just/ fine." Jon frowns. "Maybe drown him. Or throw him in a pit of snakes." He shudders. "I do /not/ like thinking about... killing a man." Glances about, as if hoping nobody overheard.

    "Anyway... we'll handle it. Moon Knight's looking into the whole thing. I'm worried, but not in an immediate sort of way. We removed his allies. The only other people I can think he'd go to would be Elias, and that... I can keep an eye on him."

    He glances over. "So. Ready to hear about Johnny?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Bah. I'll figure out other ways to hurt him, then," Cael responds.
    The offer to tell her about Johnny, though, fills her with a moment of glee. It shouldn't - she knows. Sara cares about this man. But why? //Why//? She really can't stand that. She knows part of that was her trauma but- ...there'd been more to it than that.
    "Absolutely. What did Johnny do?"

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon snorts and reaches over to ruffle Cael's hair. He gives Bear a bit of kebab, then goes back to eating it himself. "Mmm, so. I went down to give Robbie Reyes an offer of proper membership in the JLD. Not far from here, actually, bit of a dodgy neighborhood, but not too bad." He doesn't mention that he had to telepathically command a couple of thugs not to try to follow him and mug him. Why bother? He doesn't really have trouble with that, now.

    Oh, if the Jon from six months ago could see him now.

    "Nice enough fellow, Robbie. He was closing up when I got there, did his work while we talked. Didn't offer much in the way of details, but I get the feeling... mechanic, Latino, has some sort of demonic spirit possessing him... that sort plays it close to the chest, you know? Rien's term was 'being a guy about things.'" He snorts.

    "Anyway, we're talking, and Robbie informs me that Johnny came after him. I mean /came after him/, in the Ghost Rider sense. And when I looked, properly, I could see the signs of a fight. Johnny let Zarathos take over and went after him."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael protests - fixing her hair before giving Jon a playful shove. "Sims, you're the worst," she remarks.
    She finally returns her attention to her cooling kebab, eating with obvious enjoyment - despite her noodle loyalty - but her attention is split between the game, and Jon's words. As he finishes the story, she lets out a groan.
    "This is a pattern now, yeah?" she remarks. "I mean. First Caitlyn - now Robbie. And I mean - I admit I wasn't a huge fan of Caitlin at the time, myself, but-" She shakes her head, letting out a heavy sigh. "Guy's a fucking loose canon."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon /beams/ at 'you're the worst.' Just beams. He loves that. Like the cat that got into the (presumably clotted) cream.

    Then his expression sobers. "Yeah. I mean... he explained Caitlin as being from her parish... and Robbie told me he'd handle this... but I still..." A sigh. "I'm not sure what to... I mean, look, if he's going after demons or whatever that's one thing, but something joined with a /mortal/, in New York, might be... you know... one of /us/. Which Robbie is, now. And maybe there's something going on with Robbie I don't know about but if Johnny'd taken the time to... I don't know... be around or call or... fuck."

    They sigh again. "I don't know exactly how the Ghost Rider thing... works, to be fair. And if he'd done it somewhere else that'd be one thing. But he just... picks up on a trail and goes after it, and damn everything else." They rub a hand across their face. "I don't know what to do. Leave it be? Talk to Johnny? I don't know if he'd listen to me."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "...and if Sara and Rien are the other leaders, then none of them are exactly neutral. Rien seems fond of Robbie. And Sara-" She doesn't even need to finish. Cael chews thoughtfully on another bit of her diminishing supply of kebab.
    "Maybe that works, though. Maybe Rien advocates for Robbie, and Sara advocates for Johnny, and you all decide how to tackle the issue. But I think laying down a 'don't attack people we've been fighting alongside without coming to leadership with your issues first' seems... a reasonable fucking expectation." She sighs heavily. "Geeze, man..."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "I mean... I doubt he /knew/, is the thing. He's never /around/ to know." Jon sighs, and settles back, glowering as he watches the Birdies losing. What is Cael going to make him sing?

    Then they abruptly brighten. "But! You're right... two other leaders means I don't have to make the bloody decision on my own. We talk it over and work through it." They sigh. "I never... I should've conferred with Phoebe more. I think we'd both have felt better about things."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "You live and you learn. And I will always give you and earful of my advice - whether you ask for it or not," she says with amusement, giving Jon a peck on his cheek, before finishing off her kebab.
    She watches one of the Birdies collide dramatically with the wall of the rink before moving back behind the opposing pivot to re-enter the game.
    "So what do you think of roller derby, hrm?"

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon winces at the collision, but sighs happily and reaches out to put an arm around Cael. "I love you," he says. "What would I do without you?"

    He watches for a moment or two more, then says, "I approve. Might be fun to try, in a non-professional setting. But evidently I made the wrong choice of team to support and I'm liable to be singing tonight."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Mope a lot more, I'm sure," Cael answers. She doesn't say it - but those simple words, that simple gesture of putting their arms around her - it fills her with such peace, and love, and belonging... Feelings she never thought to truly know.
    "Does it have to be tonight? Maybe I need more time to pick a really //appropriate// song for such a solemn occassion," she counters.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon groans. "You're going to make me do something /ridiculous/, aren't you? Good lord. I guess we didn't set a time limit, did we?"

    They sigh. "Well, it's your winning bet, and I /didn't/ set a time limit, just that it'd be private. So it can wait. But... that means you /don't/ get a song tonight," they tease.

    The tension's entirely drained now. Talking it out, relaxing here... this was good. It helped. The worries of the day have gone.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Look. When the offer is 'sing anything you want' and the fact is, you have no qualms about singing for me... Then yes. I'm going to pick something //ridiculous,//" Cael counters with a grin, nudging Jon with her shoulder. "I'm surprised you didn't see that coming. //Really//, Jon."
    She remains comfortably in the circle of their arm, watching the game while her fingers run over the shape of the head Bear has plopped into her lap. "There's something I've been thinking about," she remarks - without taking her gaze from the game. "Not, I think, that it //really// matters. But I have been wondering..."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon sighs, a put-upon, long-suffering sigh. "Well I suppose I shall just have to suffer the consequences of my choices, shan't I?" There's a grin lurking underneath somewhere. Jon's mostly teasing.

    They snug Cael in a bit closer and murmur, "What's that, love?" Then a little louder, "Oh come /off/ it, she used her elbows! That's... that's not /legal/! Oi!" They roll their eyes, muttering something under their breath about referees.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael can't help but laugh at Jon's reaction to the game - glad he's at least enjoying her choice of entertainment for the evening. She gives him a fond squeeze, simply enjoying the moment. "They can't see everything - they are simply human after all." Unlike, perhaps, certain other people...
    She takes a sip from her beer, which she hasn't quite finished yet, as she orders her thoughts in her mind. "When I started falling for you - without really realizing it - I thought you were... a guy. After our feelings came to light, you quickly corrected that misconception and- well, as I recall it, I told you I gave zero fucks because what I wanted was //you.// ...would I have had the same reaction if you'd said you were a girl instead? I think so?" But she doesn't really know. How can you?
    "But then, what does that say about me? I mean. If it really doesn't matter to me... then I'm not heterosexual. Am I?"
    How long as she been sitting on //this//? And she voices it //here// of all places? Her tone is relaxed - simply curious as she tries to puzzle it all out.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon considers that for a long moment. "Well, for one, I would argue that you are not heterosexual because you /seem/ to be asexual. Even an ace person that only wants to date the... quote-unquote 'opposite' gender isn't really /straight/, you know? Given that 'straight' implies a willingness to do all the societally-acceptable things like marrying and having babies and not deviating from gender norms and so on."

    They tilt their head, watching the match. "I consider myself bi and ace... when I've fallen for people, it's been people of multiple genders. Also, both of those flags /and/ the non-binary flag have purple in them. I like purple, if you hadn't noticed." They grin. "But it took me a bit to figure that out, and plenty of people have assumed I'm gay because of Martin. I try to correct them where I can."

    He glances over at Cael. "Martin had kind of a similar thing. I was terrified to tell him about my gender because... he was gay, so I figured he'd... leave me. His response was that he loved /me/, so... if that meant he's bi, then he's bi." A shake of the head. "That simple. I know it isn't, for some people."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "So then... I'd be bi and ace too?" Cael asks in a musing tone, after listening to Jon's reply - her gaze never leaving the game. She's thoughtful and curious - but not, it seems, overly concerned.
    "Not, I suppose, that I really need words for it - as long as we're happy." The arm around Jon's middle gives a squeeze as she adds, "And I am happy."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "It's up to you, really," Jon says. They lift their right hand and waggle the finger holding the new black ring they bought recently, to replace the one lost with the original right hand, in the Astral Plane. "This is a symbol of being ace... so are the flags. That matters to me, partly because I was more involved in the community when I was in uni, but it doesn't matter to everyone. Some people want a super-precise label, some people are good enough with 'queer' or 'gay' or 'bi,' some don't want a label at all."

    He glances to Cael. "The question is what /you/ feel. Would you feel weird saying 'my girlfriend?' I... don't think I ever will be that, but admittedly that's because of Ma'at. I am 'he' and 'they,' Ma'at is 'she,' so it covers... most of the bases. Enough for balance."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "If it was you? If that's what you wanted? ...I don't think I would feel weird about it. I mean, not really any weirder than I've felt about calling you my boyfriend which- I'll be honest, is still weird to me. You think I'd adjust eventually. But as //right// as this feels? As happy, and as comfortable as it makes me...? As calm and complete? It still feels... strange. Unexpected. I still can't quite accept, in some way, that this is something I can have." Cael continues to keep her eyes on the game, talking only loud enough to be heard over the crowd, with her head tilted towards Jon.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon's finished off the kebab, and now sits for a moment eating red licorice quietly, biting and chewing with all the relish of someone who'd rather be smoking but, well, there's those pesky indoor smoking bans because, hey, second-hand smoke is bad. Maybe /his/ lungs can clean out the nasty gunk smoking leaves behind, but most people's can't. The longer he goes without a live statement, the more he wants to smoke, so the more he's finding substitutes while in public.

    "I'm curious about the way you say that. Something you can have. I mean, it... it hits me, sometimes, too. That I have a husband /and/ a girlfriend. That you... exist. That you're so bright and beautiful and you want me around all the time." They smile, a kind of wonder in their tone. "Why me, you know? What on earth did /I/ do?"

    They glance over. "Is that what you mean? Or is it more... general?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    Being called 'bright and beautiful' catches Cael off guard somehow - filling her with a flush of embarrassed pleasure and warmth, as she takes a deep breath in, and lets it out slowly.
    "In all my life, it's always felt like- no one wanted me for... me, other than my mother, and Alis. I mean, the gang didn't want me for me. They wanted me for my skills. The FBI and the SHIELD - of course they want me for my skills. But you want //me//. All of me. I'm just not used to that. I guess- maybe that's what I mean?"

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Ahh, that's where you're wrong, Cael Becker. I want you /entirely/ for your fancifully-colored hair." Jon picks up a few strands of said hair, grinning. "It's so fascinating, I just can't help myself."

    More soberly, he goes on, "I understand, though. I've had that problem myself... not believing people want /me/, and not 'Dr. Sims' or 'the Archivist' or... whatever. People who want /me/ around, it's... strange, you know?"

    A pause, as they run their hand through Cael's hair. "Not just me, though. Your friends want you around for you, too. Sara, Martin... probably various members of the JLD, not that I'd speak for any of them in particular."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Oh, fuck off," Cael replies, giving Jon another nudge. She'd elbow them, but it's hard with her arm around their middle like that. She's wearing a smile on her features, though - a small, embarrassed smile. "I know they do," she admits. "But this is different, and - well, unexpected, like I said, and- I don't know. I guess part of me keeps expecting me to wake up - and find out it was a dream. Or something like that."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Not a dream, love," Jon murmurs. "No more than all of life is, to some degree." They shift the bracelet round their left wrist--the woven one Cael bought in Wakanda--and say, "Am I a man dreaming they are Ma'at, or am I Ma'at dreaming she is a human? You, Cael Mariposa Becker, would be a butterfly, of course."

    He leans in to rest his head on Cael's, watching the match winding down. "Whatever this is, I'm glad we have it. This is why I came back, you know? To go to roller derby with my girlfriend."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael doesn't answer immediately - because she's not sure what to say. How can she ever express how full, how //whole// a moment like this makes her feel? "Good," she finally replies. "Because... this is what I need, to really be okay, again. I mean- not just because of the war we fought. Just... because of my life."
    This, of course, is when a player takes a spill and Cael calls out, "Oh, com'on! That was on PURPOSE!" Not that it matters. Her team's up by a good 20 points.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Well if your team wasn't /cheating outrageously/ every time the ref's backs were turned!" Jon says it with a grin, nudging Cael lightly.

    "We'll do more of this," he promises firmly. "More... I don't know. Normal things. Sports and movies and art galleries, just to annoy you."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Art galleries?!" Cael sputters, letting out a laugh. "Fuck, Sims. Why are you always //the worst//?" she asks, flashing him a broad smile.
    "Fine. //Art galleries//. I could tolerate at least some of that. If it's with you. Oh my GOD, could I be any sappier? What is //wrong// with me?" she complains, rolling her eyes at her own statement.
    "I suppose we should both go home after this. Since Sam'll be expecting us in the morning."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Would you love me if I /wasn't/ the worst? I mean, really, now." Jon grins. "Also, you're in love, it's weird, it makes you do crazy things like fight angels and go to art galleries. Shocking, I know."

    He chews on his lip a moment. "I wonder how long Wilson's going to keep insisting I come to training, now that I'm a full Agent. Probably as long as he outranks me, huh?" A snort. "Well, at least I can just pop over through a portal from Manhattan. But yeah. Speaking of, you want me to portal you home? I'm getting better. I can at least get you to the right half-block."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Jonathan 'Dirty Birdie' Sims - are you going to //abandon// me to early morning trainings //on my own//?!" Cael asks in an afronted tone. "If I must suffer, you must suffer! It must be written somewhere!" She lets out a huff of agrieved air, before letting her annoyance - pretense or not - drop.
    "Nah, it's fine," she replies to the offer of a portal. "It's a nice night for a walk - and Bear'll need a potty break anyways. Thanks though," she says easily, turning her head to kiss Jon's cheek.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "I suppose I could start practicing my flying, but Wilson might get jealous if he saw my wings. They're /much/ better-looking than the Falcon suit, after all. Colorful." Oh. Oh those are /fighting words/. Cael's absolutely going to tell Sam Jon said that, isn't she?

    Jon sighs happily and the kiss and nods. "Right, then. Well, /I/ am going to portal back to Westchester, because we haven't managed to get Lady Grey over to Chelsea yet and Martin won't leave the apartment until she's been moved."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "The Wings are //awesome//!" Cael protests - pulling away from Jon so she can put her hands on their shoulder, and give them a light shove. "GEEZE. Between Sam and me tomorrow morning - you're in for it, Sims. Better hope you come down with something, now," she challenges - rolling her eyes before she settles in beside him.
    "When you're all settled in - let me know. I'll come over for dinner or something - takea look at the place. Bear'll want to get to know it too, I'm sure."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "The Wings are a marvel of modern technology, proof of human ingenuity. Allowing a human to fly, and manuever in the air. They're amazing!"

    Jon smirks, then. "But they're just not as /stylish/ as my wings are." So there.

    Grinning, he settles back in, arm around her shoulders. Despite the occassional looks from those in the crowd, it's nice to just... sit and enjoy a sports game, even if his team is losing terribly. To pretend he's just some guy out with his girlfriend, and not the long list of titles and responsibilities.

    "Maybe after Austria," he says. "I... now that I'm thinking about it right, I'm looking forward to Austria. This is nice."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Stylish - until Sam and I cover your wings with mud," Cael counters dryly. "Because it is //on// Sims. Them's fighting words. The Wings have ultimate style - and we're going to fly circles around you. You'll see."
    Cael doesn't assault on with anymore jabs or pushes, though, as she adds instead, "Still can't believe you //weren't// looking forward to it. Geeze."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon sighs. "It felt... I don't know, sometimes I have a hard time accepting people trying to help me, particularly when it's 'slow down' or 'take a break.' Probably goes back to Granny. I hyperfocus, and I literally /can't/ focus on anything else. I get bored easily. I have ADD, you know?" He smirks.

    Then he deliberately ruffles Cael's hair. "Okay, sure. We'll see."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "SERIOUSLY, Sims!" Cael protests, fixing her hair (she's not smiling - fuck you), as the game finishes, and people start filing out of the rink with excited chatter.
    "That's a song you owe me," she remarks, without bothering to rise to her feet quite yet - seemingly content to wait until the crush has slowed. Once the worst of it is over, she rises to her feet, Bear taking his place beside her. "Tell Martin I said hello. Walk me out - and I'll see you in the morning?" she suggests.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon leans in to give Cael a kiss once he stands, ignoring any fellow stragglers who might be watching. Does someone grab a picture of the Saviors of Manhattan kissing at a roller derby in Brooklyn? Maybe. Surely there must be internet posts out there about the two of them.

    Once he pulls back, he smiles and says, "Of course, love. See you in the morning."