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Latest revision as of 12:12, 30 April 2022

By the power of the Moonstar!
Date of Scene: 30 April 2022
Location: Tabitha's Apt - College House
Synopsis: Dani comes home after along abscence and beers and memories are shared with Tabby
Cast of Characters: Tabitha Smith, Danielle Moonstar

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Like a lot of New Mutants, Taabby usually leaves a standing invite to her apartment. It used to be shared by her and James Proudstar but in Tabitha's last jaunt and freak out over relationships and committments he moved back into the mansion and Tabby kept the dorm apartment.

And she's actually cleaning, mostly just rocking a vaccuum over the carpets while strategicly placed piles of clutter, clothes, cushions, blankets, and stuff pile up by the bedroom door.

Feet in pink socks while she hunches over in old yed denim jeans and a yellow tank with the Xavier School logo on it keep her covered. Cateye glasses in green with yellow tinting lenses let her see well enough while the only dark colors come from the spiky black leather belt and choker at waist and neck respectively.

The vaccuum is pretty loud but at least Tabby is actually doing some cleaning. And maybe poised to deliberately make her room look messy or at least lived in once more and seem like she's shirking responsibility.

That has not been an eaasy image to maintain last couple months.

Danielle Moonstar has posed:
Dani is not known for dressing up, and it's no different when she's meeting an old friend. A pair of jeans that are faded about the knees and across the top of the thigh, thrown over a white tank-top and a plaid flannel shirt - she looks as though she's just back from a time travel jaunt to early 90s Seattle.

She pauses a moment against the doorframe, watching Tabby work busily before she reaches up to tap it with her fingers. Then a bit louder to be heard over the vacuum. Finally, she just calls out.

"You should get a Roomba."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
This is a face that Tabby has not seen in a while so Dani's entrance is barely heard over the machine in her hands. "Oh Emm Gee! Dani!" she yells actually louder that the yells and drops the business end of the vaccum to land on and lean at the coffee table so the blonde can practically pounce and hug the Cheyenne mutant.  

"Whenyou get back, hadn't heard a peep so I figure ya know back with the biological fam or was it better college? I can't keep track. But we totally missed ya here!" she beams and even ads a peck on Dani's cheek to go with the hugs.

"I pondered it but knowing us, any software driven cleaner in here is probably gonna end up becoming Nimrod or a master Mold and trying to kill us all. Drag!" she states and giggles and lets the woman go with a bounce on the spot. "You need a drink? Beer's in the fridge, plenty of other stuff. Food is mostly cereal and snacks though. I could cook but I suck and I can just hit the mansion so I haven't really been stocking up." she offers and nibbles her lower lip at the lack of stuff to make a good hostees!

Danielle Moonstar has posed:
"Just back in Colorado, doing a little reminiscing. Took a deferment from college, thought I might see the world but never really went much further than my backyard."

Dani gratefully accepts the hug, giving a closed-mouth smile and wrapping one arm about Tabby to pat her in the middle of her back.

"I had a subway on the train up," she explains, extricating herself to stroll to the fridge and fetch a can from within. She regards the can for a second before she pulls the tab, taking a sip and breathing a relieved sigh.

"What about you? Tidying up doesn't seem your style. I was half expecting to wade through piles of clothes."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"My floordrobe is a carefully constructed array of fashions and and interrior decorations!" Tabby states with a sage like nod. Blonde hair having grown out draping loosely down back and shoulders.

"Sometimes the backyard can be a whole world on it's own when you're been around the block like us. Somefolks call it the stay-cation." Tabby points out and backs herself up to the couch and flomps down into one corner are gestures an invite to the other endd. Toes in socks wiggling and pointing instead of hands.

"Trying to make a real go of being an X-Man. College, ehh, I'm done with that but I kinda been rocking anm urge to give back here. Consultant maybe more than teacher." Or just doing a bunch of odd jobs like many of the actual students.

The old saying about grass gas or ass. A bumper sticker with that was on the back of the Blackbird before it burnt off. Or could have been blasted by optic beams.

Danielle Moonstar has posed:
"I'm sure you could get your PhD in explosions now that you've got your Bachelors in Boom," Dani answers, moving to the couch and casually flopping down into the opposite corner. She lifts Tabby's lets, putting them over the tops of her thighs for comfort, and takes another sip of her beer.

"I've still got my open invitation to the X-Men thing," she offers, "But still trying to decide if that's really me. Don't you miss when it was just us? Everything seems so big now. Not to mention certain people looking at us like we're not real mutants until we've put Magneto in a headlock or something."

She lifts her hand to the side of her head, feigning the firing of optic blasts from an imaginary visor.

"New Mutants forever. Maybe we should've gotten tattoos."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Under the sound of a cough comes "Gee Eee Dee!' and then brushes it off like it was an actual cough. Tabby states as she relines back and with legs outstretced over Danielle's.

"We'll always have a home here. If they won't kick me out. They'll throw a damn party for you when you walk through the front door." The blonde girl reminds with a point and a soft chuckle.

"You're one of the good influences remember. When it was just us, that sucked. Brood Invasions, Sentinels. All that crap. I couldn't hack it and ran to Genosha for two years. On the upside, watching sixteen million people including Doug die. Makes you miss westchester. Thankfully Illyana's wards on the room keep me from making a real mess in my sleep." She always had nightmares and control of her powers was never that great when taken away from conciousness.

"You know ever think about teaching here yourself? You did have a knack for tutoring!" she suggests with a hmmm sound on her lips.

Danielle Moonstar has posed:
"What would I teach?" Danielle asks, brow furrowed, "It looks like they've got everything covered already. Besides, I don't know that I want to lock myself into anything just yet."

Despite shrugging the idea off, it's clear that it's resonated with Dani a little bit. She bites her bottom lip thoughtfully, staring off into space and punctuating the whole 'pensive stare' with another sip of beer.

"I mostly just came to reminisce. Not the terrible stuff, more the ... "

She casts an eye around the room, spotting the egg and laughing for the first time as she points at it.

"Oh my god ... "

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"You're smart, you could probably try like History. Cheyenne history. You can't tell me you didn't soak up Jimmy's Apache lore as well. Sure it's mostly all going to be how my anscestors were bastards. Cause they you know were. If anyone's got a good perspective on this whole shit show, it's you Dani my dear!" Tabby encourages.

Blue eyes behind her glasses focus on the bookshelf where Danil's eyes focus.

"Oh god. Dani that was not a good time ya know. Really. It's only funny when it happens to others but it sooooo sucked!" Tabby says and grumbles and clutches her abdomen.

"I was not a clever girl back then." she states and shakes her head with an embarrassed look.

Danielle Moonstar has posed:
"I'm pretty sure your ancestors were out here looking for the best plants to crush up and inhale," Dani says, that closed-mouth smile breaking out into a grin now as she gives Tabby's foot a wiggle, "I can't begrudge that, ve'ho'a'e."

She can't help but laugh more when Tabby bemoans the egg on the shelf.

"All we needed was a dirtbike for me to chase you around on, and we could've been the Real House-Mutants of Jurassic World."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Feet be a little ticklish as Dani puts a wiggly hold on the blondes feet. The use of the Cheyenne word gets a grin. "You can't use that word. Only we can use that word!" she jokes and giggles. "You've called be worse anyway! One of those syllables usually" Tabby states with a chuckle.

"I'm sure if Illyana had found me she'd put a saddle on me and ride me like that old video game with the golden axes and fire breathing mounts. My powers still worked like everyone elses." she states and shrugs with a laugh. "I'd have let her but then back then I'd let her ride me anyway she wanted!" she states in regards to her ex-girlfriend.

"Luckily you found me so at least you managed some discretion. I'd still let Yana ride but she's married now." she adds and chuckles. "Luckily my options have not dried up." she adds and winks to the darker skinned woman.

Danielle Moonstar has posed:
"Married?" Dani asks, eyes widening a little, "Probably explains why I didn't see her around. Who - you know what? Never mind. I'll catch up with her at some point and I can meet her slavering demon consort."

She continues to grin, waggling Tabby's foot once more.

"Well, I'm the sensible one when Xi'an's not around."