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Latest revision as of 08:19, 2 May 2022

What Was Clarice Up To Last Night
Date of Scene: 30 April 2022
Location: Medbay
Synopsis: Clarice has a few burns, is treated by Hathaway, then talked to by Mystique.
Cast of Characters: Raven Darkholme, Clarice Ferguson

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Emily Hathaway got the call from Ritz only a moment before Mystique was informed that the teleport location would be the Medbay, not Clarice's room. Not certain what the situation might be, Hathaway informed Ritz that Emergency Room One would be the location to go, and so that is where she was, prepared with everything she night need for when Clarice arrives.

Mystique was in route to the medbay, the only information she had being that Clarice called for a pick up because she was too tired to bring herself, and that was followed by being informed she was headed to Medbay first. The cobalt mutant did not run, but she did walks /very/ hastily through the halls toward the medical facility.

The white swirling portal opened in the emergency room Ritz was told to go do, and she would wait for Clarice to go through first before following.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Emerging from a portal that is not her own is certainly not Clarice's perfered mode of transport - but it wasn't compltely known to the young mutant. She offers Doctor Hathaway a small smile upon her appearance - shrugging out of the black coat Deadpool has provided her with on their first mission together, to show the first signs of the problem - burns stretch across her arms from where a being with strange, electric tentacles had wrapped around her. "I got a bit of an electric shock, I think, doc," she explains. "Stunned me for a bit. I seem to be mostly alright, though?"
    But telling if that was true or not would be up to the good Doctor.
    "On the table?" she asks, before pushing herself up to sit on the medical bed without waiting for a response.
    She then starts a mental count down. Mystique in ten, nine, eight....

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Hathway nods when Clarice points to the table, but she is already moving to lay her left hand on the shoulder of the magenta mutant. Pain management through touch, it was her mutation after all, followed up by being able to access the damage done.

"Second degree burns," she offers first, also counting down in her head. "No damage to your heart or organs, no trauma to your brain," is then added and the mental count reaches fifteen, counting up from one.

Mystique slides into the room, closing the door behind her. She had steeled herself for blood, major wounds, possibility broken bones, so when she laid her eyes on Clarice a slow breath of 'thank gods' released from her chest.

Hathaway continues to assess Clarice, offering Mystique a look, nothing more... just a look, but that was enough to keep the cobalt mutant quiet for the time being. "You'll need to keep burn cream on these burns," she continues now that she had ensured she was in control. "Electrolytes are out of wack, you wore yourself out pretty good. Diagnosis is you'll be fine in a few days, treatment is burn cream, three meals a day, two days of rest."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I'm good, boss," Clarice says calmly when the blue-skinned mutant emerges, flashing her a brief smile. "Mostly a precaution."
    She returns her full attention to Hathaway. Offering a nod in response to the prognosis. "That's about what I expected - but you know, better to be sure. Thanks, Doctor Hathaway," she says sincerely. "I'll do just that." So. No teleporting for two days - ugh. But plenty of time to catch up with her homework. ...also ugh, to be honest.
    She then shifts her attention to Mystique and- well. //Waits// for it.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Hathaway moves over to a cabinet and removes a tube of medical burn cream, which she then walks back and offers to Clarice.

"Three times a day," she instructs as she presents it to her. "Don't wrap the burns, let them breath."

With another glance to Mystique, she nods over to Ritz, "Come on, Ritz, let's go get some coffee."

Ritz looks perhaps a little dejected, she wanted to be there when Clarice got yelled at, but in the medical facility Hathaway was Queen, and she said leave. Ritz offers Clarice a smile, a light pat in a place that isn't burned, then follows the doctor out.

"Of course you're alright," Mystique says once the door closes behind the departing two. "You know how to take care of yourself."

Lighting folding her arms across her chest, she leans back against the door. "There's just one minor problem," she adds, a slight tilt of her head. "Where the hell where you? What the hell were you doing? And why in the hell was I not informed?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Yes ma'am," Clarice promises as she takes the cream. Just having the pain from the burns gone was a relief - but she dutifully opens the tube, and begins applying it in generous globs to the visible burns. "Thanks for the lift!" she calls after Ritz.
    The door slides closed - and the real fireworks begin. After smoothing out a patch of cream, she looks up towards Mystique, meeting her gaze unflinchingly. "Deadpool wanted some backup putting a stop to this group of folks - mutants, and metas, and the like - who're kidnapping kids. I used an image inducer so I don't look like me. I, uh - someone got the drop on me when I broke our way into this warehouse. They had the kids strapped to a conveyer belt and were feeding them into this machine that was implanting them with cybernetics against their will. I got too focused on stopping the machine for another kid could be harmed. I'm lucky it didn't go worse - Deadpool had my back, thankfully."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Now the silence, as Mystique turns that information around in her head a few times. The expression on her face never changes, it remains the same neutral mask she always wears.

"And the reason you failed to say anything?" She then asks calmly, watching Clarice closely.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "It's Deadpool's op. I figured he'd bring in who he wants on the job." Clarice takes a breath in, and let is out before adding, "And it's in New York. I've been doing what I can to hide my identity, and make sure no one thinks it's the //Brotherhood// behind this stuff. I have been taking some of the victims to Genosha, though - for safety and treatment. But these guys are... bad news. They need to be stopped," she says with determination.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
One nod, that's the only response offered before Mystique pushes away from the door.

"I don't give a fuck whose op it is," she states plainly. "When you're going out to fight, for Deadpool, or anyone else, you tell me. You're my second in command, I had no idea where you were. He doesn't want the Brotherhood involved, fine... but /you/ are the Brotherhood and you just made me look like an incompetent moron."

Turning, she pulls the door open and prepares to leave.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Boss... If you honestly think that, you're the only one. No one thinks that of you," Clarice says simply, letting out a sigh - and trying to force down a wave of irritation. She does //not// need to report on all of her activities. She grits her teeth, and turns her attention back to applying the cream. Better to let Mystique have some time to cool down.
    Most of those barbs were probably just concern, anyways.