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Latest revision as of 08:20, 2 May 2022

Secret of the Sisters: Checking In
Date of Scene: 22 March 2022
Location: Sister Margaret's School for Wayward Girls
Synopsis: RP was had!
Cast of Characters: Wade Wilson, Gabby Kinney

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade has been spending a lot of time at school of late. Particularly one school: Sister Margaret's School for Wayward Girls, which isn't a school at all. But is a headquarters where Wade does some of his best work.

    Today he's in full Deadpool gear, complete with mask looking over a smal journal and making occasional taps on the keyboard of a laptop all atop one of the tables set around the bar. His suit has that 'all new' shine to it. Maybe he had to get a replacement recently?

    A squirelly man at the bar stops what he's doing to address the guy. "You sure you don't want something... I mean... I've got all sorts of stuff that you usually go for. It's just sort of weird for you to be here and not drinking me out of business..."

    Deadpool shakes his head. "I can't Wease. Need to get this suit broken in. After Revlon or Maybelline or Cover Girl decided that my old one needed about fifty new holes in it. If I'm going to do right by Honey Badger I need to be in peak condition."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Speaking of the very person in question, the door heaves open as Gabby shoulders into it to get inside. For a moment it might be hard to tell anyone opened the door at all because of her height but the low head of hair is easy to spot once she bounces on in. "DP!" She croons in greeting cheerily with a wave in spite of being in an enclosed location.

She's in her own gear, though at the moment it appears to be the 'lazy homebrewed' version that she sometimes wore of a yellow and black striped hoodie with some overly large sunglasses on. They were fashionable once upon a time! Before her time. But they did cover a good chunk of her face in the process. She pauses, hands on her hips, to glance around the 'school' thoughtfully. "Wow, this place is a dump. You got soda?" She asks shooting Weasel the question even as she hops up onto a seat next to Deadpool. "Or I guess beer works if not."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Weasel eyes the young woman for a while apprehensively. "A friend of yours?" he asks Wade, uncertain if he could even -serve- the girl beer. Was she 21? She didn't look 21. But he's been burned and blessed by looks a couple of times. Contrary to popular belief, his life isn't -always- misery. Just most of the time.

    "Weasel, Honey Badger. Honey Badger, Weasel. Give her what she wants." Deadpool replies without looking up from his notes. "Glad you found the place" he says. "And turns the screen so the girl could see it. On it is a map of the greater New York Metropolitan Area with a handful of red dots flashing over the gridlike layout.

    "I've narrowed down the search a bit." He says. "This was before I started checking places out." He hits a button and the screen lights up like a switchboard with red dots all over the place. Another tap of a key and it reduces again to the handful. "You'd be surprised how many makeup R&D facilities there are in the area and more surprised that they have better security than a few of the federal departments."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney flashes a smile toward the bartender and owner of the establishment in an almost triumphant way. It's an expression that's held just a moment before she breaks into a quick laugh. "Nice to meet you, Weasel. It's okay, I don't really like beer it tastes awful. It's just fun watching people's reactions when I drink it. Seriously, soda's great if you have it. Sugar me up." There's a pause, and her nose crinkles. "Wait. No that's a song isn't it? About... Do not sugar me up."

With a quick shake of her head she turns her eyes toward the laptop that Deadpool is currently working on. The various locations earn a nod, and she reaches into her hoodie pocket to absently rummage around. "Naw, you ever seen the women at the makeup counters fight each other? They're vicious if they don't get their limited edition lipsticks."

A handful of SKORS bars are pulled out, and she offers one over to Deadpool. The other is torn at the corner with the edge of her teeth to just chomp down on it like some bizarre sugary version of a cigar tucked into the corner of her mouth. "Mmf. Catman got me some intel on their administrative operations awhile back. Stole a nice convertable from that one but had to dump it in the Hudson." Her hand lifts to point out the buildings she speaks of indicating they were near two of the other red dots.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade takes the bar and tucks it into a pocket on his chestpiece that might be missed if he didn't slide the bar into it. How many hidden compartments did he -have- on his suits? A question for another day. "Makes sense. Pity for the car. Guy is good at what he does but too self serving for my tastes...besides... if I want intel, I'm just as easy to go in on my own."

    Weasel comes over and slides a clear bottle to Gabby with a black and white label wrapped around it with a stock image taken from the internet: Jone's Soda. "Def Leppard. You know your classics. Rare in kids." He smiles at her and then notices that Wade is giving him a look that says that he's about to get kicked in the nuts if he doesn't scram. He does so before nut bustage can happen.

    "I needed to ask you. Is there any indication that they've moved her out of the area?" he asks. "I mean... I can expand my search if need be but... things get sketchy the further out you go. For me at least, until you hit Florida."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney oohs quietly when the soda is offered up looking quite cheerful at the sight of it. As well as the compliment at the music recognition with a broader grin. The bottle is taken quite easily with a quick, "Thanks!" Then she pops out a single claw to use to pry the lid off which might be a bit of an unnerving sight if Weasel hadn't already scrammed.

It's Wade's question that causes her to quiet a bit with a shake of her head. "I can't be sure... but I do know that there's a lot of secrecy between departments. Every branch wants to make that 'big thing' before the others." A swig of the soda is taken to wash down the mouthful of candybar.

"From what I do know is that the only locations for the 'branch' that worked on us are in New York... Or over in France." Here she shrugs. "I think that's where our original investor was located. So it's a good chance she's still in the area. Or that the info we need is here, and can be used to find her otherwise."

The map is again examined and she trails a finger along to point at a spot with no marks at all. "This is where we were, originally. It burnt down when we escaped. Wouldn't hurt to see if they rebuilt and tried to hide it."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Weasel's eyes get a few sizes larger behind his thick glasses at Gabby's display of her claw and he swallows nervously before resuming his studious cleaning of the bartop. Wade looks at the spot where Gabby's pointing and turns the laptop back to himself and taps on the keyboard for a bit.

    "Hmm... strange" he says, turning it back to her. "This is the records for the building you pointed out." There is a listing for a Kirkland Holdings that was decommissioned seventeen years ago and then absolutely nothing else listed for the location. "Nothing stays empty in New York for long" he says. "I think you might be onto something. We need to plan an infiltration of your old place."

    He narrows his eyes examining the girlf or a bit. "How's your... condition? Any progress on stopping it from happening?" he asks.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney slides the claw right back in place out of sight. She's just back to being an innocent kid in a weird hoodie with out of fashion glasses again sipping on a soda oh-so-carefree. When the laptop is swiveled around again she works on chomping down the rest of her candybar.

"... That's probably the best lead we've got so far, then," she reasons when he comes up with the absolute lack of information on the place. "At the very least it's as good a place to start as any. I'm up for knocking down some doors."

Then comes the dreaded question which causes her to grimace and duck her head a little guiltily. "Er. Red and Balm have me on constant watch. Technically supposed to be in bed building a set of LEGO right now to keep me busy." She taps her watch though with a nod. "Been timing it though. Every six and a half hours I have a 'fit'. So it's..." Here she pauses, sighing. "Probably best I don't join in the infiltrating myself. I'm a liability with that happening. But I can get the others together for it!" She assures trying to cheer up in spite of the situation. "They're thinking if they can get the original programming they can reprogram it to stop bugging me. Least that's the best solution idea so far." Lightly clearing her throat, she mumbles, "I should get going now as it is. I've got a few more stops to make before my time is up on this outing."

With that she hops off her stool only to pause, then hoist herselef up again to lean in and give Deadpool's masked cheek a quick kiss. "Thanks for helping on this. I know we can pull it off."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool nods and sighs. "Feel bad not having you in on it, but if we can find the stuff and get you fixed it'll be worth it" he says. "Just give me the deets on when and where and I'll be there with bells on" he says with a smile in his tone. "Not in the habit of letting my little sis get killed on the reg, even if she can heal from it."

    He places a hand on her own and give it a squeeze. "We'll get her back soon. Promise." He smiles. "I should look into any loose ends and get what I can from a cursory external recon run. I will keep you posted on what I might find. Kapeesh?"