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Latest revision as of 14:06, 4 May 2022

Furr-ever Homes Building Site!
Date of Scene: 03 May 2022
Location: Upstate New York
Synopsis: A fun tour was had by all!
Cast of Characters: Emiko Queen, Bart Allen, Damian Wayne, Gabby Kinney

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko has invited Damian out to visit the site of the Furr-ever Homes Animal Rescue so that he can see the progress that's been made towards opening the no-kill rescue that will specialize in taking in those animals considered 'unadoptable' that would otherwise be euthanized in regular shelters. The address she gives him is far upstate, near the Canadian border, actually. Fort Montgomery Island is a historic site that abuts onto a nature preserve, nearly a thousand acres of land and waterway, including an island that still has the remains of an old fort on it. It has it's own power grid and the borders were already heavily fenced to keep people out.

Bart, of course, is informed and invited along, the pair able to zip out there in little more than a blink of an eye, and are waiting at the gate for Damian and Gabby to arrive. She smiles at Bart and murmurs, "Such a small world we move in, isn't it? Everyone knows everyone and everything is interconnected."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen 's brow raises a bit and says "Well with the amount of people who are in the Titans, it is not surprising we would find others who are wanting to help with the animals and such." He might not realize what she ment by the interconnected. He has brought a backpack with a few things in it, he has over his shoulder. He reaches in and pulls out two ball caps, and offers one to Emiko. It has "Furr-ever Homes Animal Rescue" on a black had with red letters.

Damian Wayne has posed:
    They can be heard long before they are seen: two jet-black helicopters gleaming in the sunlight, otherwise featureless save for the golden "W" logos on either side of each craft. The lead helicopter begins a reconnaissance run around the property while the second craft begins a slow descent to a flat, open spot on the grounds. It comes to an expert landing. Eventually the lead craft lands nearby, but not too close, to the second.

    Six security personnel -- three from each helicopter -- immediately exit the vehicles looking not unlike Secret Service. Surely they are packing some serious hardware under their suit jackets. Four of them begin to look around while two go to open the helicopter doors for Damian and Gabby.

    Appearances must be kept up. Damian could probably take all six of those dudes in a fight himself, but to all the world he is the normal teenage son of a billionaire who could be abducted for ransom by any of Bruce Wayne's enemies or anyone looking for a quick payout. So he travels with security, like a young prince.

    Once Gabby is on the ground too, Damian will begin heading over toward Bart and Emiko, flanked by two of the guards.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Would anyone else look more out-of-place coming out of an escorted helicopter with the son of a billionare besides Gabby? It's hard to imagine. Her expression is kept pretty neutral as she walks along stiffly uncertain of how to move or walk or what. The 'pretending to be somebody else' shtick was more Phoebe or Tim's bag, not hers. She didn't really have an identity that would explain how the *hell* she just happens to know the young heir to the Wayne fortune.

Plus she was just dressed in her usual get up: Leggings, high-top sneakers, and an over-sized t-shirt. It's the 'Rainbow Unicorn Attacks' shirt this time so it's a little more colorful than her usual dark attire. Even so her gaze flits over to Emiko and Bart silently screaming 'halp' in her gaze before she puts on a big grin. "Hi guys! Thanks for the invite to check out the place!"

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko smiles warmly at Bart and takes the hat, putting it on and tilting her head down to keep it from blowing off in the wake of the helicopters. She glances to Bart and grins, "Should I start carting us around in grand fashion? I rather like that we just sort of.. appear... and then just sort of... leave. Far more mysterious."

Then the pair are exiting the chopper and she's stepping forward with a warm smile, "Hello! Welcome to Furr-Ever Homes Animal Rescue. We have a lot of ground to cover, so I made sure we had a vehicle ready." She nods to Damian, "Damian, you'll get to see where you money is going, talk to a few of the people involved in the building and set up if you like. Gabby, this can be a full tour for you! We welcome anyone that wants to join the effort in whatever way you're able, and God knows we can always use more supporters for the cause." Moving back to Bart, she tucks her arm through his and smiles, "Are we ready for the tour?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen offers Damian and Gabby each a hat. The Security may know him as that friend of Tim's they keep loosing track of. "We only have room for the four of us in the main car, but I am sure I can find another car for your security to follow us if you want, that or they can wait here. We have had no problems with security here, and I am sure, they will think your with the main security detail." He offers in a way to try to let the younger two separate from the security. He smiles to Emiko, and says "I believe everything is set up for the inspection and tour."

Damian Wayne has posed:
    It is *not* an easy sell, but given that Bart is known to these guys they reluctantly agree to take a second tail vehicle. They look at one another uneasily. If only they knew the truth that any ONE of these four young people could handle more threats than the guards could imagine, much less all four of them combined.

    Damian gives a warm elbow nudge to Gabby's shoulder but he stops short of smiling. Let's be real, this *is* Damian we're talking about. But there definitely is something about his stride and his overall demeanor. One could certainly not use the term 'happy' to describe Damian Wayne, but the vibe he's currently giving off is at least a distant cousin to happy.

    Damian accepts the hat from Bart and frowns at it like it was a piece of roadkill that was found on the ground somewhere. "You want me to put this on my head?" he asks pointedly.

    He glances at Emiko and gives her an acknowledging nod of his head. Hey, that's the Damian Wayne version of a hug right there!

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney relaxes considerably once among some more familiar faces. The fact that she was outnumbered by bodyguards she had to pretend around probably didn't help. Maybe it even brought back memories of other sorts... Nah. She just hadn't had time to properly consider a persona that she ought to emulate, and likely they would have noticed if she tried to be hoity toity and fake rich. So instead she was 'That one kid Damian knows from school' or something.

When the hat is offered Gabby takes it with a small woop of excitement, and she promptly dons it. Fingers flick along the duck bill brim and she grins broadly. "Fantastic! I want to see everything! I haven't gotten to see the rescue out in Africa where Jonathan is kept and this is probably way different but either way I think it'll be educational!" And fun. Mostly fun.

Glancing over her shoulder toward the guards she nods to them stiffly. "Don't worry, I'll make sure he behaves himself." Did she mean Damian? The little elbow nudge from him gets one in return before she starts forward. "Come on let's go I want to see!"

Emiko Queen has posed:
Nodding in return to Damian, Emiko looks pointedly to the hat, then back up to him, lifting her eyes briefly to remind that she too has donned the hat. Looking past him tot he security, she smiles, "Good evening gentlemen. You'll find Queen Industries has security in the area as well. Please do not interrupt them anymore than they will interrupt you." Is there really? That's Emiko's to know and everyone else's to find out. But it may help to ease their concerns to know that there's extra security in the area... whether it's really there or not." Then she's turning and ushering their guests past a massive gated entrance that requires a man inside the gate to open for them. "There's a wildlife preserve next to us, so we had to up the gating around the compound to ensure that no wild dangerous animals could get in. We also made sure that the gate could withstand battering. The roads get very slick here in the winters and I would hate for a delivery truck to crash through and leave the compound compromised."

Moving towards a sleek looking electric SUV, Emi hops into the driver's seat and waits for everyone to pile in before starting the engine and starting them down the road. And it is a paved road. Newly redone with bright striping and reflective paints. There's excellent lighting along the road as well as they drive through the wooded area. "Most of this will remain woods for now, though we've cleared about twenty acres on the western edge for livestock and farm animals. We intend to take in any animals that need a home, that includes wildlife that cannot be released back to the wild. They will be cared for, but we want them to have as natural a habitat as possible. The roads have been fenced off farther out so that no animal ends up in an area it isn't supposed to be." She glances over at everyone with a smile, "We have some -excellent- veterinarians that have joined the staff, and our head vet is working with the contractors and architect to make sure they have state of the art facilities."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to Damian and says "Well if you wear it anywhere else you would just look silly now wouldn't you." He smirks a bit and the vehicle for the security maybe a bit older, and Bart may have speed over when none were looking to make sure it will conk out in ten minutes or so. He looks tot he younger couple and says "I think you will both enjoy your time here."

Damian Wayne has posed:
    Damian glances at the hat, looks at Emiko and her reproachful glance, then sees how happy and enthusiastic Gabby is to wear the hat. That last one is what pushes Damian over the edge. He shrugs and puts it on. When in Rome and all of that stuff.

    Like the aristocratic gentlemen that he is, he holds the door for Gabby. It's at least partially for show, a public personna. Gabby, of course, doesn't need the door held for her. She could probably punch Damian's lights out, which would make him like her even more.

    He, too, climbs in. "I can't believe how quickly this place has come together. I'm really impressed. Father will be too when I give him my report tonight. What's the plan for food supply?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney gives one final tug to settle the cpa in place snugly on her head. Still grinning she heads for the SUV only to pause when Damian so chivalrously opens the door for her. A little dip of her head is given along with a giggle--That's something someone would do, right?--And then she climbs up inside hopping over to the further door to leave room for him to get in, too.

Once he does, her arm reaches over to grab him by his collar giving a firm YANK toward her. "Damian, if you ever surprise me with helicopters again like that I'm gonna give you an apendectomy the hard way!" Releasing her hold she lets out a puff of breath blowing her hair out of her eyes. "I don't have a public persona, really, how am I supposed to *act* around adults that think I'm *normal*?" Her hands spread in a helpless gesture, and she looks over to Bart and Emiko for support. "Right? Like, I'm a nobody compared to billionare secret identities. ... That's not saying I *am* nobody, just that's a lot to explain. Surprise, random girl off the street!" This last is emphasized with jazz hands.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Laughing lightly at Gabby's reaction and treatment of Damian, she grins into the rearview mirror. In response to Damian, however, she offers, "We've already contracted with local farms to ensure we get fresh, good ingredients. The food will be made off-site through a partner company in whom we've invested to compensate for the increase in production volume. Food will be delivered bi-weekly, and we've already got a supply set aside in case of emergencies. Our animal nutritionists are working with the third party company to ensure quality of the food. No grains for the carnivores, appropriate belnds of meat and vegetable for the omnivores, and the herbivores will follow their dietary requirements."

She glances to Bart and smiles, "And there's an industrial kitchen where Bart can make treats, if he wants." Then she's glancing back to Gabby and offering, "As someone who was nobody until a few years ago? Two things. One? ALWAYS act like you belong. I don't care if you're in ripped sweats, attitude is EVERYTHING. Two? Those guys are plebs, buster security to the stars. They will NEVER look at you sideways or suggest you shouldn't be there. Especially not in front of Damian."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods to Emiko, and says "And paparazzi will make up their own stories, the truth does not matter to them. If Tim or one of the others aint set you up a fake background get them to, mine has held up pretty well, and I'm just a kid from Alabama, dating the long lost heiress." He offers. "Generally with the Wayne stuff though it seems the bigger they go the less folks ask questions to be honest."

Damian Wayne has posed:
    The teen's eyes open wide when Gabby grabs his collar (of his $400 shirt, by the way) and pulls him in. There is...something?...on his face. Is it the precursor of a smile? Nah, can't be. But then the appendectomy threat comes and damn if he doesn't actually smile. Damian primarily respects strength. A girl stabbed him once as a birthday present. That was a pretty good day. This is good, too.

    "Okay, alright, just relax. It's like Emi said, those goons wouldn't dare say a cross word to you. They're getting paid so much, you could wear a rubber chicken suit and they literally wouldn't bat an eyelash. Father would have their asses and they'd never work in personal protection again."

    He leans back in his seat and it's really hard for that pleased semi-grin to fade completely from his face.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney flops back against her seat with arms crossed stubbornly over her chest as the others reassure her. A glance into the rearview mirror peers back at the guards that were getting into the other SUV with a faint 'hmph.' "I mean I'm used to hired guards, just..." Here she tapers off mumbling, "Not ones that aren't total jerks." There was definitely a difference between hired thugs and mock-soldiers compared to elite Hollywood type bodyguards.

Again she huffs a breath though she does nod toward the others again. "I mean I've got a fake ID and all. I've got enough fake background to be registered at the school anyway." At this she pauses, looking thoughtful. "Come to think of it they never did explain what they set me up with. And the fake ID's I got through some high class criminals." A quick shake of her head is given, and she steals a glance toward the smugly grinning Damian only to stick her tongue out at him. Nyeh. At least she seems to have calmed quickly.

"Okay, you're right, I'm just being nervous over nothing. Now." Her hands clap together as she leans forward to practically wedge her head in between the front seats. "Are there already 'guests' here or ... Can we access the preserve, too, if we need-slash-want?" Yes, she says 'slash.' "Asking because you know I probably do."

Emiko Queen has posed:
Glancing sidelong to Bart, she grins, "Ohhhhhhh, just you wait. Gotham is going to have one of those high-class social functions and you'll be coming as my date. That means tux and leather shoes, the whole nine yards." Emiko chuckles softly, likely already planning for such an occasiona. She may or may not already have a tuxedo for him. Maybe.

As they come into an open area, Emiko addresses Gabby, "No animals yet, the construction would only stress them and we want them to have as comfortable a life as possible. Once it's open, there will be staff here 24/7 to care for and tend to the animals, otherwise there will be volunteers that will come in during the days just to spend time with them." She glances back, "This won't be a zoo, there won't be like.. paying visitors coming through to gawk at the animals. This is a home for them."

Looking forward again, she motions ahead, "So here we have some of the main housing units going up. We're trying to tailor each building to the animals they'll house. We also have an aviary going up off to the left. The main vet facilities are on our right, those buildings are completed structurally, now they're installing the medical equipment. And ahead is the bridge across to the island and the old fort. We're going to have staff housing there, along with a severe weather bunker in case of emergencies."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "I have a tux, it is white with red lightning bolts on it. I made it myself." He offers with a grin knowing that it won't be the type to wear to such as that. "There are some of the native animals in the area though. I have done a few circuits out through the preserve, so we have a bit better idea what is already there, and there are some trail cameras.

Damian Wayne has posed:
    Damian sits back comfortably in his seat. He seems...please?...is that something Damian can seem? He watches Gabby enthusiastically speak with Bart and Emiko, and although he doesn't have the personality or psychological make-up for that kind of things, one might wonder if he's living vicariously through Gabby.

    "Are there security concerns related to so much Queen and Wayne money being tied up in this place?" Damian asks curiously. "I mean, I don't expect anything to be tied back here to our night jobs, but do you expect that this place could be a target for enemies of our families?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney settles back to sit again with a quick nod at the explanation of there being no animals here. It made sense, about the construction, and she is at least happy to hear about trail cams. "Oh! That's good. The preserve where Jonathan is at in Africa has trail cams up as well and it allows them to help keep a census of the native population though I don't know if that'll be done here. I'm sure some local wildlife experts would love that information though," she reasons while shifting to drape one leg over the opposite knee. Probably not the best way to sit in the back of a car. Comfy though.

The information about nutritionalists and everything else is nodded along with apparently taking it in no matter that she wasn't an expert on such things. "Sounds like you guys are getting a great set up here! And with Bart's experience working at the zoo--I know you said this isn't one, I just meant for making habitats and food good for the animals--I bet it's gonna be great."

It occurs to her now that many might not know who Jonathan is. Absently she throws in, "Jonathan is the honey badger that Tim sponsored for me for my birthday. I have a plush replica of him."

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Hmmmmmmm, I think we can come up with something a little more in line with the event," Emi responds to Bart diplomatically, even as she smiles at him. "After all, you would be attending as Bart Allen, not Impulse."

Glancing back to Damian, she chuckles, "There are enough cameras and security to make the government jealous. Part of the fort on the island was repurposed immediately to house the servers and feeds for the security system. Everything runs on a closed circuit system, so no hacking in through the internet. Someone would have to be on-site and in that room to shut down security. Or they would have to take out every camera, lock, and guard across a thousand acres. I wish them the best of luck in accomplishing that before backup is called in."

The tour continues on, letting the trio get a good look at how the compound is coming along, and ends with estimates of opening to animals by early summer. They end the tour with dinner and a chance for Damian to quiz security, contractors, vets, and anyone else he feels the need to question.