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Latest revision as of 14:06, 4 May 2022

Forgetting Memorials
Date of Scene: 02 May 2022
Location: The Bushwick Memorial
Synopsis: Casual informal meet and greet of Stella and Piotr.
Cast of Characters: Piotr Rasputin, Stella Roundtree

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    The Colossus, a monolith of a man stands before the memorial.

    Located on the edge of 'Mutant Town', the memorial is often visited by mutants who are looking for an escape or a distraction, perhaps a hangout where mutant kids can ride the skateboards. Today, it features Colossus of the X-Men who stands before the massive memorial while wearing his red and yellow X-Man uniform. Colossus remains silent, stoic while peering up to the remains of the ship that once houses the artificial intelligence that attacked the Earth. He wasn't there for that particular battle. Yet, he has been around for many others. Today, Colossus seems reflective and considerate of the past. Meanwhile, kids lurk about, bystanders move from their points A to points B, and life continues throughout this part of the city in its mid-morning time slot. There's even a hot dog vendor setting up shop a few meters away - making himself ready for the day and the lunch rush.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     People do wear all kinds of things in New York, and one of them an obvious mutant at the moment. Or perhaps always, Stella doesn't know the big metal guy. She is curious, though, having not had much to do with her own mutant heritage until she came to this city. And so she's here to look at a spaceship that seems to have something to do with a battle? She has her phone out for a moment, looking for information, and then strides closer, looking at some of the graffitti. She's not too careful, as someone doing a course above her slips and nearly ends up on her... only to be gently directed away without a second thought, as if an invisible hand scooted them out of her path. There's an apology between the two, and the brunette continues her inspection.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    Such events are rarely missed by those trained and exposed to mutant powers on a daily basis. Colossus turns and gazes in the direction of the mishap. His silver eyes inspect the potential damage, whether it was intentional or accidental on either party's part. He sees no collision took place, yet a telekinetic like power was displayed. He even notes the apologies and then gives a nod to either party that may make eye contact with the 7'7" man of metal. Then he looks back to the memorial - as things like that are common amongst the area and its people. Yet, always unique.

    When the other party has left, he will make note to Stella in his Russian accented voice, "Is nice to see powers used outside of conflict."

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     She looks his way-- he is hard to miss, after all-- and gives him a smile. "Oh! Yeah, sometimes I don't even think about it here. Back home, had to be a lot more sneaky. But it definitely beats the alternative," she says, stepping out of the way of any other potential collisions." Unlike the large metal man, she doesn't stand out. Nothing about her indicates externally that there's more than meets the eye, and compared to the denizens of the city, she just looks like another midwestern tourist in her jeans, t-shirt, well-worn boots, and jacket.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    "Is called Mutant Town, for a reason. Though, is best to keep sneaky in rest of city. However. If you travel to Genosha, there, you can be free to express mutant powers without worry about others." Then he turns toward her, disregarding the memorial once again and he says while looking down upon her much smaller frame, "Forgive, (I) am Piotr."

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "I've been pretty good about not gettin' caught. Uh... mostly," she says, thinking back on it. "Okay, maybe I was just lucky that the people who caught me turned out to be friendly," she says, perhaps pondering her own recklessness. "Oh goodness, how rude of me. I'm Stella," she says, waving up at him. "Nice to meetcha, Peter. Piotr," she says, trying to correct her pronunciation. "I guess I just don't know too much about other mutant stuff. My mom's also one, but not like me," she says. "These past months have been the first time I've met others in actual person!"

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    "If you spend enough time in neighborhood, you will meet many more. Expect, like all other neighborhoods; that some are nice, some are not so nice. But they all have common them - mutant. So; helps to unite them in commonality. You will get along well, here." He then pauses, not to overwhelm her with information. He sees a skateboarder zoom past and he smirks.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "Maybe! I've met a few here an' there," she says, tracking the nearby motion. She doesn't interrupt the motion of the skateboarder, whatever her skills may be. Perhaps too polite to do so. "Mostly other kinds of heroes, though. Which hopefully you are, before I run my mouth and get myself in trouble," she laughs.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    Looking back to Stella, the large metal man says, "Hero. Yes. I am of X-Men. Though, some label us mutant terrorists. They are biased against our kind. Which makes life for persons like us more difficult. At least mutants with outward mutations." He doesn't detail how Stella would fit right in with normal society. Nor does he intend to imply it.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "Oh! Well I've met a few people from there," the brunette says with a nod. " I'm sure it is harder if it's all visible," she says. He is hard to miss, after all. "Can a person just visit Genosha, or is it kinda a one way trip kind of deal?" she asks, curiosity piqued.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    "There are commercial flights back and forth quite often. It is not one way trip. Magneto welcomes all mutants who wish to stay, or to simply visit." answers Colossus. Then adds, "It is beautiful island nation. Tropical paradise."

Stella Roundtree has posed:
"It sounds a little too good to be true," Stella says, still suspicious. "I guess I always worry about getting stuck somewhere and not allowed to leave. "But I might have to look into it, if I can take enough time off work," she considers. Speaking of, her phone goes off and she checks it. "... and there it is. It was nice to meet you, Piotr," she says, sliding the phone back into her pocket. "Hopefully I'll see you around?" as if he'd be hard to miss.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    "Was good to meet you too, Stella.", states Piotr in a closing tone as he sees that she is busy with life as is he. He gives a nod, then turns on his booted heel and walks through the cacophony of skaters and deeper into the burb of Mutant Town.