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Latest revision as of 11:17, 5 May 2022

Sighing at the Swordfish
Date of Scene: 05 May 2022
Location: Swordfish Bar (SHIELD)
Synopsis: Some SHIELD Agents and a Marine Sniper talk in a bar.
Cast of Characters: Lara Croft, Natasha Romanoff, John Stewart

Lara Croft has posed:
    Lara has asked Natasha to grab some R&R with her. The two have been planning this and that, going on missions, doing the agent thing--honestly, R and/or R are kind of needed. As such, Lara has taken Natasha to the one SHIELD place she hasn't had much occasion to go: The Swordfish Bar. "Have you ever been?" Lara asks her night's companion as she enters the outer bar.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would glance at Lara, "Yes, I have. This place is for off duty agents. It's not like special operations has it's own litlte niche somewhere." She's a russian. Of /course/ she's familiar with every single bar around.

Lara Croft has posed:
    Lara nods. She lets Natasha lead, drinking in the atmosphere. She does, however, look a little disappointed, as the place just looks like a regular bar.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would go to slide into a seat, "YOu seem to be disappointed." She would cluck her tongue. "Did your imagination deceive you, Agent?" Apparently she could tease.

Lara Croft has posed:
    "I feel like the bar is deceiving me," Lara says. She looks around, walking around the bar like she's looking for clues. She's dealt with ancient temples less cryptic than this place.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would shrug, "A bar is a bar. They provide alcohol. You sit. You pay for the alcohol. There are a few universal things no matter where you go. It's a consistency." She would affirm while going to switch into Farsi while ordering something from Persia.

John Stewart has posed:
Then, there are the people who come by randomly.

Out on patrol, John has spent the last few hours doing work in the sector as a whole... and has come down into Earth atmo for off duty. His electric motorcycle is probably muffled from the inside as he pulls up to the bar and takes off his helmet. Natasha would probably recognize him if she keeps tabs on the superhero community... or to visitors to the Triskelion (John introduced himself to SHIELD a few months back, but he's done his own thing since).

It takes a moment for John to secure his bike, and get his sunglasses on as he walks towards the bar: In a motorcycle jacket and black jeans, he looks every bit the biker as he walks.

Lara Croft has posed:
    Lara nearly bumps into the entrant as she looks for clues. "Oh!" she says, standing and backing up a step, looking up at the black man. She doesn't look at all afraid of his reaction as she smiles. "Pardon," she says before moving on. She's doing a rather thorough inspection of obvious places for clues, which isn't exactly helping her find the actual places clues might be found. Lara is a bad spy, really more suited to raiding tombs.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
It wouldn't take more than a moment for Natasha to recognize John as he would enter. The Swordfish was -primarily- known for catering to off-duty SHIELD personnel, but not exclusively after all. Natasha would glance over at her shoulder and give a nod over to him. Giving a wave in passing and shooting Lara an amused glance.

"It takes all types. You should see Barton when he comes in here after he's been working on some new costume routines and he's full on pastel and doesn't seem to care." Glancing at Lara, "And relax, you were the one who wanted to come here."

John Stewart has posed:
As he enters, John glances around, his hands in jacket pockets as he enters... and it's immediately apparently who the lively ones are. Of course, Natasha is the one that gets his attention more as he recognizes her, and in a moment, he's up near the bar near the two. "I'd like a beer, surprise me." John's voice carries slightly. Cool and confident.

Then, he looks to the other two, "Evening, Ladies." He gives a nod to them. "Seems like a slow night... or is this just the usual atmosphere?" He asks.

Lara Croft has posed:
    Lara finds herself frustrated as she fails to find the keypad that grants entry to the actual bar. She slumps against the bar near the black man who's just entered. "First time," she admits. She raps a rhythm on the bar, but can't think of anything else to do, so she moves to slump into the booth opposite Natasha. "So, this is actually it?" she asks. "Who's he, then?" she gestures at John.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would shrug, "Oh, there are a few things here." She would cross her arms over and lean back in her seat. "And no one with a freaky facemask is tryingto break in here and steal something or break things, so I guess it's normal? Some of the regulars wear thier own masks and try to steal things and break them." She would say after making a show of considering it.

As Lara would ask, Natasha would look over her shoulder. "John Stewart, retired Marine Sniper. Sergeant. Currently Green Lantern assigned to Sector.. 2814 I believe?"

John Stewart has posed:
As his professional life is summarized in a few sentences, John keeps an eye on Nat for it, before he looks to Lara... and then back to Nat, "Retired special forces, actually. That's the classified part." John tell them, "But that's the general gist, yeah." John informs them, "I'm off duty right now, just having a beer before I head home... though from that, I'm assuming Romanoff likes to keep tabs for SHIELD."

Lara Croft has posed:
    Lara stands. "SHIELD usually knows your business," she says. Turning to Natasha, she says, "I'll meet you in the break room another day. I didn't expect this just to be a civilian bar." She looks at the retired special forces sniper. "Excuse me," she says.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would shrug, "I don't think that any of us are particularly bothered over by sort of genteel classifications like that, Mister Stewart." She would opine over. "And nothing's particularly up here. A place full of off duty agents tends to be rather dull, all things considered."

John Stewart has posed:
"True enough. When you're getting off a high stress job, you usually want a relaxes atmosphere." John affirms.

As the beer comes in a mug, John takes a sip... "not bad," and places it back down, before lookin to Nat again, "Sometimes, details are redundant." John agrees, "About about you, if I may ask?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would smile over at John, "The usual. Circumstances with very long periods of quiet, boredom, and preparation interrupted by violence. Long periods of boredom and quiet then broken by the absurd." Apparently SHIELD and the Avengers had rather distinct track records in her experience.

John Stewart has posed:
"Makes sense. Constant vigilance was a thing in the marines too." John notes. He sips -a bit longer this time- before he glances back to Nat, "I'm a bit lucky. My sector has a few members of the Corps here. With Earth being so busy, I consider it a good thing. I'm usually the one handling off-world matters, so I can trust my partner with Sol more."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would let out a sigh, "Yes. We've somehow made a pretty little mess of this planet in the last few millenia, haven't we? I can't speak by galactic standards but I presume Earth has ruffled quite a few sectors with things even in just the last thirty years."

John Stewart has posed:
"Galactic politics are... a thing." John feels around the word audibly. He's clearly trying not to exaggerate by his tone. "Though Earth does seems to attract trouble like honey, doesn't it? Didn't really need Green Lanterns until recently. Can't really fault the Guardians for sending me with my partner already here."

Another sip, and he laughs, "not that he minds. I like to keep busy myself, so there's that."

He shrugs then, "of course, I'm trying to build a life here. If I ever retire from the Lantern Corps, I want something to fall back on. Of course, with my work taking me away from Earth occasionally, it's hard to find a woman willing to put up with that."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod, "Oh, I'm presuming by reputation that Earth has irritated quite a few interstellar entities. But that's not my problem until they show up planetside. And by reports I can appreciate how much effor the Corps puts into helping protect here. I understand it's a big galaxy and you're spread very thin around space. So you having several.. Members of teh Corps present here doing all you can is appreciated."

The nearly century old woman would say over.

John Stewart has posed:
"I don't know too much about all of that. The Guardians will tell us if there's a threat we need to monitor. Still, we're fairly hands off in the Corps. They choose new members with a process. It's a years long evaluation usually, so they don't have to worry about daily accountability."

Another sip of his beer, and he sighs, "It's usually one Green Lantern to a sector. That's almost always enough. We only gather in groups when there's a huge galactic threat going."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would chuckle, "By my experience I'm sure that there are quite a few out there. Even if just for this planet." The Avenger and SHIELD operative would note. "If you do have concerns you can perhaps get in touch with SWORD. They're the branch that handles extraterrestrial defense within SHIELD."

John Stewart has posed:
"I might do that. I introduced myself a few months back to SHIELD, but no one got back to me. I assume their own their own things going on and take care of matters in house." John casually remarks, "There are thousands of Green Lanterns... but we're spread across the universe."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod, "You'll likely get better access stating it to someone directly. I could pass it along but that may or may not be useful. You'd want to try talking to one of the officers. Also are you tracking what's going on with the Amazons building the spaceport?"