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The Nature of Grief
Date of Scene: 05 May 2022
Location: Guest Quarters - The Triskelion
Synopsis: Cael and Sara chat - after Cael's recent brush with death. Words are exchanged - also hugs.
Cast of Characters: Cael Becker, Sara Pezzini

Cael Becker has posed:
    After a time sitting beside her slumbering boyfriend playing a video game - Cael finally emerges from the bedroom, with Bear at her heels, making her way towards the kitchen to make herself a coffee - and to see what there is to eat. She eyes a few shelf-stable staples that have been left for guests to eat - cans of soup, cup noodle and the like, and makes a face befoe - unsurprisingly - setting a kettle to boil for the cup noodles.
    May not be the best noodles - but noodles are noodles. And she's finally gotten hungry.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
As if a mind reader, which Sara and Witchblade were not, Sara had called the local noodle place and arranged a delivery. So while Cael didn't know real noodles were coming, Sara followed her into the kitchen and switched the kettle off.

"Got the real thing coming," she offered with a smile. She wanted to ask a million questions, but for the time being she would keep them to herself.

"I figured you could use real, authentic and delicious noodles after the two days you've had, so..." she grins even broader. "I called in a favor for late night noodles."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Bear wags his tail at Sara as she steps into the kitchen, from his position lingering just by the door. He wasn't supposed to go into kitchens, so he nuzzles her in passing, instead.
    Cael looks up with surprise as the kettle is switched off, but follows this with a brief, authentic smile. "That's- great. Thank you. You're the best," she tells the woman - surprising them both by giving Sara a very brief hug, before turning her attention back to coffee prep, perhaps to avoid acknowledging what she'd just done. A small splash of whiskey is added to her cup - as she waits for the beans to finish brewing. "Jon'll probably be asleep for awhile. When he, uh- when he has to call on Ma'at - he sleeps longer. And can't be waked." Which Sara no doubt noticed when they moved him.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Bear got his scritch as Sara passed, no way she can ignore that beautiful baby.

The hug however surprises her. She keeps that surprise from showing on her face and merely offers a brief hug back, before stepping back to give Cael space for making coffee. She wasn't going to make a big deal out of it, even if inside her head she was screaming, 'Yes! Cael hugged me! About damn time!'

"You know I don't mind Jon being here," she offers, leaning against the counter. "He's welcome to stay as long as he needs. We're family after all... and never be afraid to allow use of my room. Nothing in there to embarrass me, already removed all of Wade's cocaine."

She might be joking about the cocaine, she might not, but once she says it she laughs then moves to grab herself a cup so she can get some coffee. "I remember when I first started with Witchblade, it would exhaust me when he'd armor up, so I get it... he's going to through an adjustment time."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I don't think Jon would care about Wade's cocaine," Cael remarks. "Wade will... always be Wade." There's a faint frown on her features. The truth was - //she// wasn't completely okay with it. But with her history, with her mother...? Who could blame her.
    She takes the pot out of the machine once about a cup's worth was brewed, and pour it over her whiskey, putting the pot back so it can continue brewing for Sara. Then picking up the cup in both hands, she focuses down at his dark, murky depths, blowing across the surface of the coffee before taking a cautious sip. "I don't think there'll be any reason to use your room though," she remarks. "I mean. I like... having Jon here with me - in my room." She takes another sip then adds, "He wants me to be here when he wakes - but I have an appointment with Caldwell tomorrow. You know? I mean, I already warned Jon about that. You think you could be here - during that time? It's fine if you- if there's stuff you need to do, but I just thought..."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara wasn't okay with the cocaine being a thing, but she understood it. Wade's metabolism was so fast, that nothing else gave im any kind of a rush. He couldn't get drunk, alcohol did nothing at all for that matter. At some point she would talk to him about it, find out the full reason for using, but as he didn't get addicted, there was at least a tiny silver lining.

"No problem," she offers with a smile. "I already arranged for a couple of days off, well off as in not at the office. I may still get calls from the rookies, but I can get those here. Your appointment is way more important, and I wouldn't mind being there for Jon."

Once the second single cup is ready, Sara steals it and replaces the pot to the machine to collect the rest. A dash of cream, two teaspoons of sugar and then a dash of whiskey are added to the cup. "How are you doing?" She finally asks, leaving the extent of what Cael shared up to her.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Yeah, well, I'm not skipping the appointment - even if that meant Jon waking up alone." And Cael feels confident Jon would agree with that sentiment. She needed the visit.
    She doesn't respond immediately to Sara's question, as she takes another sip of her coffee, considering what to say - and trying to sort out how she even felt. "...I miss her," she starts simply. "I- there's part of me that thinks I should go see Lydia. See if she has anymore of those damned beetles. Eat one, and go back to Duat, and tell the Gods to give her back. I went for Jon - why... shouldn't I go for Alis." But there's hesitation and uncertainty in her tone.
    "I don't remember going to Duat. I'm not- I don't entirely understand why Alis went with me, why I came back and she didn't. I need to know what happened. Jon and I have a few ideas to- to try to dredge up those memories, but... Not knowing is awful."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Stirring the ingredients in the coffee, Sara listens as Cael speaks. She was right about her appointment, and she knew Jon would agree, she most certainly did. "I'll stay with Jon," she offers, at least able to relieve that concern.

Just as Cael finishes speaking there's a knock at the door, so Sara goes to get the noodles and give the SHIELD agent who brought them a tip. Carrying the bag back, she picks her coffee back up and moves to the table.

"I miss her too," she finally admits with a soft sigh. "No where near as much as you obviously, but... she was a part of my life for a year and that was enough to become attached. I considered her a friend, a sister really."

Slowly pulling the containers out of the bag to set on the table, she pauses for a moment to add. "I wish I knew more, that I could offer you some kind of assurances. All I have is her state of mind and being when she made the request from Witchblade," she sighs again. "I know that's not enough. We'll figure it out, there has to be some one who can help access those memories, perhaps a telepath, stronger than Jon I mean."

Cael Becker has posed:
    A few tears streak down Cael's cheek, and she rubs them away irritably. She'd already cried - sobbed into Jon's shirt until her tears were gone, or so she'd thought. Stuck at the entrance of the kitchen, Bear whines at her - thumping his tail on the floor, while she takes another sip of her coffee. Finally, though, she follows Sara out to the table with Bear on her heels.
    "That would mean trusting someone else to go into my head but- we'll see. There's, uh... a friend Jon has, who is apparently pretty deep in this Egypt stuff too. A Mister Knight? He might have some idea of what to do. And Jon's going to ask around the JLD and see if anyone has any ideas. And... well. Jon said if he took a statement from me, as the Archivist, that might compell me to remember? But then- if the statement includes me dying... Not only would I remember //that,// but then- Jon would experience, as if he'd been... me. And he'd dream about it sometimes. And... all of that would be passed on to Agnes someday, too. Which is all just so fucked up that-" She lets out a heavy sigh, before finally taking a seat at the table.
    "Anyways. We'll see if there's another way to do it," she concludes, rubbing at Bear's head as the pup shoves it into her lap.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Going back to getting the food out and on the table, Sara pulls a pot sticker from the package to start cooling. That one was for Bear, she always gave him one. The rest of the food she separates into Cael's pile and her own.

"Agnes will inherit the Archive?" she asks quietly, then moves to get bowls, easier to pour it out of the containers into bowls to ear. "I didn't know that, and I certainly would not want to relive it as you, so let's not have Jon do that. There has to be another way."

Once she has everything on the table, she pulls out a chair then takes a seat. "Once Witchblade is recovered..." she chews a little at her bottom lip. "I could see if he can call Alis back, if you'd like. I can't promise it will do anything, I have no idea what happens in Du'at."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Yeah," Cael confirms. "The Archive - being the Archivist - it follows family lines. The last one was their grandmother I think? And Agnes is Jon's heir so- ...she gets it. Including remembering me being... tortured. So. That'll be fun for her," she remarks dryly, letting out a sigh. "Don't need to add to that..."
    She digs into her noodles, partially because she was hungry - partially to delay having to respond to Sara's second remark. After swallowing, she replies with her gaze locked onto her plate. "I want to say yes. I want to say... anything to get her back. But - do we know that wouldn't harm her? Do we know she would want to come back? And we don't know- ...if she's even herself anymore. If she had to undergo the heart weighing. If she- failed that. I mean, she never had a chance to make up for her mistakes... Then she'd have been-" Her voice catches in her throat for a moment. "-devoured by Ammit."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
There is only part of that in which Sara has a clue. The minute Cael starts talking about weighing hearts, and devoured by Ammit, she's lost, but it didn't matter. "So, we wait until you get your memories back and decide then," she says plainly. "Just to be on the safe side."

Now that the pot sticker is cooled, she tosses it to Bear to catch, then starts eating. After a few bites she looks back to Cael to add, "Agnes will be able to handle the Archive, because she'll have been prepared for it. Jon wasn't, that's the difference."

Cael Becker has posed:
    As the potsticker is tossed, Bear looks up at Cael, tail wagging hopefully, until Cael gives him a nod. "Go 'head." He promptly pulls away from his person to gobble up the morsel, before sliding his head back into her lap.
    "She might be prepared - but that doesn't mean we need to keep burdening her with the most painful memories of the people she knows. You know? It's one thing if it's a stranger, it's something else entirely if it's- your parent's girlfriend."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"I'm not saying rush out and add more to it," Sara comments with a smirk. "I'm just saying she will be able to deal with it better in the long run, because she'll have training and be prepared for it. And who knows, maybe it'll pass to her child instead? We have no way of knowing how long Jon will keep it, right?"

She takes a sip of her coffee as she stirs her noodle a little. She has no idea how the Archivist worked, other than the few tidbits of taking statements, remembering everything and it passing down the family line. "I'm sure in the end, which is a long way off, it will work out," she finally says. "We need to stick in the here and now, which means getting by day to day, and finding a way to help you remember."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I think the only way it passes to Agnes' child is if Agnes is dead, so..." Not prefered. Cael stabs at her noodles, then takes another bite, before looking back towards Sara with a tight smile.
    "We'll figure it out. We'll find out what happened down there... one way or another. It's just - it might take a little bit."
    Aftera sip of coffee she adds, "Anyways. I'm going to be alright - it'll just take a bit. And I've already- uhh, I've told Jon I'll stay at the Triskelion mostly - and I won't be going out alone... for now. Until we find a way to sort things out, given... that we know my identity's blown. And even if WitSec would give me a new identity... Can't exactly go into hiding with the Archivist and the Witchblade. You know?" She flahses Sara a tight smile at the very idea.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Setting the chopsticks down, Sara reaches over and lays her hand on Cael's shoulder. "I know you'll be alright," she says softly. "But you aren't alright this moment, and that's okay. One day at a time Cael, that's how we get through this."

She doesn't leave her hand there for too long, still working on the knowledge that Cael doesn't like to be touched, so she pulls her hand back and takes a sip of her coffee. "I've already called in some favors and have a small team looking for information on the Alhambras in Phoenix," she offers to change the subject off Cael, she knew how much her friend hated talking about herself.

"Obviously the gang is already being watched by the gang task force of the PPD, but I should be able to get an idea of current gang size, members, and the like by offering up favors in return. That's one of the things I'm still rather proud of, police departments all over the US willing to work together, but not with the FBI." A playful grin plays over her lips. "Fuck them."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Yeah, well, hopefully we can get them off my back," Cael agrees, her smile tight, and her expression tense. "I just- I didn't think they'd be stupid enough to come after me, after learning- the sort of company I keep. I was wrong - and Alis is gone." If she'd played this smarter...
    Bear lets out a quiet whine, prompting Cael to drop her left hand into her lap to rub at the dog's head, while she keeps eating with her right.
    "Anyways. I'm sure between you and Jon... We'll figure something out."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara frowns, her hand going back to Cael's shoulder. "Hey, don't go blaming yourself for Alis," she states softly. "I'm telling you Cael, she knew what she was doing. She made the choice, even with a warning from Witchblade that there may not be a return for her. You can't predict the actions of others, and honestly... I was with you."

She gives Cael's shoulder a light squeeze. "I kept thinking 'there's no way they'd be that stupid', so I never went looking to ensure they couldn't come looking. You can't shoulder the blame, it's not all you."

Taking her hand back, she offers a small smile. "We'll figure it out... oh!" She suddenly remembers something, which causes her to stand and fish into her pocket.

"I put the gear on a new chain for you," she says, then extends her hand to offer the necklace back to Cael. "It's one of the chains from my jewelry box, but it should be strong enough to withstand."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "But if I'd been more careful..." Cael's been down this spiral of guilt before - when her mother died. When Alis died. It was a familiar pain to her. She rubs her hand across her eyes irritably, before flashing Sara another tight smile. "How do you... //not// blame yourself for something like that?"
    She takes a deep breath in, letting it out slowly, and picking up her coffee - trying to focus on that, to draw her mind back from her thoughts. The cup is hastily set back down, however, splashing some of its contents so she can snatch the gear out of Sara's hands, to clasp it to her heart. "Thank you," she says with obvious relief - glad to have it back in her posession.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara pauses, setting her coffee back on the table as she looks to Cael. She could easily understand Cael blaming herself, Sara had blamed herself for a number of things in the past as well. She knew the pain, could see it in Cael's eyes.

"Honestly," She say with a sigh. "It's not about /not/ blaming yourself. No matter what is said, or anyone tells you, you're going to blame yourself. I'm the same way, blame myself for a number of things that logically I know weren't entirely my fault."

She give Cael's shoulder another squeeze then takes her hand back. "The key isn't trying to /not/ blame yourself, the key is accepting that you are only human, mistakes get made and nothing you do can change what has already happened. In other words, go a head and blame yourself, but accept that you are human and let it go. It's the only advice I can offer, and it's easier said than done."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael looks towards Sara, offering a slow nod of understanding. She wasn't there yet - that much was obvious. The pain was still written across her features for anyone to read - but she does turn her attention to opening the clasp of the necklace chain, and putting it around her neck, so the gear will once again hang close to her heart.
    "I should be grateful for the time we had and- I mean... I am, but..." She blows out a deep breath of air. "It's hard. I'll... get there. She'd want me to, I know that."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara still had the old chain, she had put it in her jewelry box. Eventually she would see about getting it repaired, but she wanted Cael to have the gear back now, not later. "One day a time," she reminds with a soft smile, then picks her coffee back up for a sip.

Her own pain over the loss of Alis would be something she'd deal with later. Right now, she had it locked down which was so much easier to do with Witchblade asleep. She had no idea how long he would need to rest, but he'd earned it.

"She's want you to be happy, to move on when you're ready, and probably drink until you fall down... just not while on your meds." She grins, thinking about all the times Alis appeared with a flask of whiskey in hand, usually for Cael's coffee, but still the memory was there.

"Once we know for certain what happened, if you'd like to have a funeral for Alis, I can make the arrangement," she offers. "I don't know if that would help or not, but you can decide on it later."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "A funeral?" Cael repeats - the tone of her voice making it clear she hadn't even considered such a possibility. "...a funeral?" Alis has been dead for... years. Dead, but not as gone as she'd thought. And now that she was truly gone... "I... I don't know," she admits. "Who all would even come? You and me and Jon and- that's about it, yeah?" She looks down at the pup who's head was still in her lap and she adds, "And Bear. Alis helped give you to me. Yeah? Still got you," she remarks, rubbing at the dog's head.
    "The whole situation's... weird."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara offers a slight shrug as she says, "Anyone you wanted to invite could come, Cael. They didn't have to know Alis, they'd be there to support you, no other reason and you'd be surprised how many people you've touched and would want to be there."

The picks up another pot sticker and offers it to Bear as she continues, "There are all kinds of traditions related to funerals. Some are a party that celebrate the persons life, some are somber affairs where you cry and grieve over the loss, and other are something in between. It doesn't have to happen, it's just a possible thought, a way to have closure and say good-bye."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Bear repeats the little ritual of looking to Cael for permission - which Cael grants before the pup happily gobbles up the offered morsel, tail thumping on the floor as he does.
    Cael, however, looks consternated by Sara's words. "Who would I invite?" she asks a bit flatly. She stirs her noodles uncertainly. "I mean. I imagine Sam would come if I asked him. But- other than you, Jon, Martin, and Agnes... and Sam..."
    She's quickly started to loose her appetite after the first few bites satiated her, but she forces herself to take another bite anyways.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara tilts her head slightly, uncertain what caused this sudden change. It was just a suggestion, and really if those were the only people it was still fine. The topic of funerals was never a pleasant one, but anxiety wasn't what she was expecting.

"Let's not worry about it until we know more, alright?" She offer quietly. "It may not even have to happen, and I'm here stressing you with unneeded suggestions."

Offering a smile, she takes another bite of her noodles and enjoys, swallowing before she asks, "You looking forward to Austria?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Sure," Cael agrees. "After we know... what happened." She frowns at her noodles, as if they can provide some of the answers she seeks. Unfortunately, the noodles are no more oracular than any other plate of noodles.
    "Oh, God yes," she confirms Sara's question. "If I had my way... We'd leave right now. I- It's hard to think of any other time in my life when I needed a break quite so badly," she admits.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"When are you all actually going?" Sara slides into this topic, leaving the negative behind for now. Her noodles are slowly being consumed, though the coffee might need refilled before they're gone.

"I should get you all thermal underwear with battery powered heaters in them," she adds with a grin. "Keep all your parts warm while tromping around in the snow. I know a couple of cops who wear them under their uniforms in the winter's here, swear they make being outside in the snow worth while."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "...of course they make battery operated underwear," Cael remarks in a dry, amused tone. "No crazier than the rest of the shit we hear about day in, and day out."
    She takes a last bite of her noodles, and then pushes the plate away, less than half consumed. At some point, she's sure, her appetite will come back properly. She sees no need to force the issue, though. "Jon's been... slippery when it comes to nailing down a date. They had stuff to figure out - like nailing down leadership for the JLD before they disappear on vacation." She lifts her mug of coffee towards Sara as she says this. "I... hope to visit his friend Mr. Knight, and see if he has any ideas one getting my memories back. But after that- If I have my way, we'll go."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara eyes how many noodles Cael managed to eat. It wasn't as much as she had hoped, but was more than she expected. She'd put them in a storage container and then in the fridge to be eaten later by someone, if not Cael herself.

"It gets cold," she complains, though not with any heart to it. Then she starts chuckling as she adds, "Of course they have them, first responders need warm parts, Cael. I'm telling you, you'll thank me for the pair I have for you."

"Mister Knight," she repeats, searching her brain for any knowledge of this person. "Alright, so... if we figure that taking a day or so to arrange, you could well be on your way to Austria by Monday.... let's plan for Monday, and stop giving Jon the chance to back out. We all know someone else who can teleport, we could just make it happen. Interested in kidnapping your boyfriend to a vacation?" She grins again and wiggles her brows, though her idea of such would also involve being kidnapped right into a bedroom... no snow.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Definitely not opposed to kidnapping Jon for a ski-cation," Cael replies with a small, wry smile. "I mean. We could take him now. He couldn't very well stop us in his current state, could he? But that almost feels like cheaing." //Almost//? What constitutes 'cheating' for Cael?
    "Though - don't forget, we'd have to get Martin and Agnes to cooperate, as well."
    She takes a sip of her coffee, and slowly lowers it to just below her chin as she adds thoughtfully, "And maybe while we're there, I can remember..." Her brow furrows with puzzlement. "I'd swear I had something to tell Jon."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The grin remains, as clearly Sara is imagining the act of ski-napping Jon. Martin and Agnes would go along with it, surely they would. They knew how much this vacation was needed for both Jon and Cael.

I'm pretty sure they'd go along with it," she finally muses. "I mean, it's just in fun, right? Who doesn't kidnap the ones they love for a ski-cation?" Nothing normal about it, and yet she says it like there is.

Collecting her own coffee, she holds it in hand as she watches Cael, still grinning rather broadly. "It's not often that people come back from the dead Cael," she states. "Usually when they do, they can't recall what happened. Some talk about a white light, but no one knows really. If you are meant to remember, you'll remember, but just like amnesia, which I have some experience with, you can't force it. Take your time."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "You think what I have to tell Jon-" Cael looks puzzled - as if this genuinely hadn't occured to her yet, as she lowers her coffee back down to the table. What - did one of the Gods have a message for Jon? Did Ma'at? Couldn't she just tell them herself?
    Bear's head reappears in her halp, and she strokes it with a free hand, while considering this possibility.
    "Did I say thank you, yet?" She asks suddenly. "For... coming for me. For healing me."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The cues were always the same when Cael was anxious, even before Bear came around Sara could tell. The added benefit of Bear just made it so much easier, his training was complete and he knew his job.

"Trauma slows shit down," she admits plainly. "You /will/ remember, just give yourself time."

Finally taking a drink of her coffee, she offers Cael a soft smile as she says, "You just did. If I'm able, I will always come, and Witchblade will make sure I'm always able. He likes you, keeps telling me to tell you 'don't change, you're perfect just the way you are', but then he loves your snarkiness."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Yeah, well, Alis has-" had? "...a different opinion. She always wanted me to be more... like I was." Cael frowns into her cup. "I think I am, a little bit. More like I was, I mean. But there's no going back completely. I'm not Shelley Mason anymore - you know?" She scratches idly under Bear's chin as she talks.
    "But anyways. I appreciate it. I don't want to leave you - or Jon."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Another smile is offered. "I've known you for a little over a year," Sara says softly. "I can honestly say that you are doing a lot better. I didn't know you before, but I love you as you are now, even if at times that makes you a royal pain in my ass." She winks, then sips her coffee, just giving that a singular moment.

"The key to all of this Cael, is you being happy. If you're happy with who you are, then nothing anyone else says matters." Reaching over she gives Cael's shoulder another light pat. "Your welcome, and I'd really appreciate it if you didn't leave."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael's brow furrows, and she looks towards Sara - then down towards her cup of coffee. The had that had been scratching at Bear's chin lifts to touch the gear that rests once more at her throat, and she considers Sara's words for a long moment. "Not that you're wrong, really," she remarks quietly. "...but what Alis said, that will always matter to me. I mean- I can't go back to who I was, not completely, but that doesn't make... what she said wrong, either."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"No, it doesn't make what she said wrong," Sara agrees. "But you have to remember that although Alis was there with you for so long after she died, she was still stuck in the time of when you were kids. People change. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, but change happens."

She offers a smile before standing and collecting some storage containers to put the rest of the food in. "You have to balance who you were with who you are, find the happy medium, that's all."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "People change - she didn't. I know," Cael confirms. "So of course she'd want me to be who I was back then..." She lets out a sigh, her hand dropping from the gear, to rub at Bear's head some more. "You're a good boy, Bear," she murmurs quietly.
    "Anyways. I, umm... I think I'm going to play some more mindless video games, you know? And we'll need to go back to the apartment at some point - to get some changes of clothes." She's thoughtful for a moment before adding, "Cap has a key. We could ask him to grab things for us. But it means, you know, letting Captain America rummage about in our... things."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara snorts then laughs, trying not to imagine Captain America going through Cael's underwear drawer. Janet probably had /way/ sexier stuff that even Sara owns, he'd be bored with both their drawers.

"How about while you're still here, and playing some games, I make a quick trip over," she offers, then snaps the lids on the now recontainered food. "It's not that I mind Steve going through our drawers, I just can't get the imagine of him going 'These woman are boring.' while holding up our underwear. That's not an image anyone needs, right?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Have you got something hiding in your drawers you don't want Cap to see?" Cael asks - her lips briefly breaking into a smile. "Everyone knows //not// to hide things in their underwear drawer. Seriously, Sara..." Her expression starts to sober again, as she climbs to her feet.
    She moves towards Sara, but comes to a stop - a look of uncertainty and hesitation on her features. After standing there for a moment, she reaches out and pats Sara on the arm. "Anyways. Like I said... Thanks. For everything."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
This time it's Sara who offers the hug, she doesn't just rush into it, she steps closer and opens her arms. If Cael wants to accept it, she can choose to step in other wise Sara will just pat her on the shoulder.

"I keep Wade and Johnny's competition in that drawer," she states without hesitation, not that its true, but it had to be said. "Cap doesn't need to see that he's also inadequate."

With or without the hug, she collects the containers then and heads toward the kitchen with them. "You're most welcome Cael, go play, I'll be back in about forty minute with all your underwear in one bag, and a change of clothes in the other. And of course Mister Good Times, shoved in one of your bags just because."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael doesn't respond to the open-armed gesture immediately, her breath catching in her throat. But after a moment of uncertainty, she does lean into Sara, wrapping her own arms around her. It isn't a long hug, and when she steps away, she turns her face away, wiping quickly at her eyes. "You can, uhh... Keep 'Mister Good Times' - that's fine. I think... I'm good," she remarks, before heading back towards her bedroom, Bear on her heels - tail wagging slowly.