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Farewell is Not Forever
Date of Scene: 10 May 2022
Location: Martin and Jon's Suite
Synopsis: Martin tells Cael and Jon of his plans to travel to Nilaa in search of his father and perhaps expand his magical repertoir while there. Goodbye hugs are made and a family dinner for the final night is in the works.
Cast of Characters: Martin Blackwood, Cael Becker, Jonathan Sims

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin stacks another box marked with the Lyra's Things in black sharpie next to a row of boxes in what could be considered the 'staging area' next to teal-rimmed portal between his and Jon's suite in the Triskelion and their apartment in Chelsea. "I will admit" he says softly, "to feeling more at home at our flat than here. The Triskelion is a lovely place but government housing always feels so... generic, even with our personal touches to it."

    He glances at the windows. "And I've never liked that I can't truly see outside" he says with a frown. "I understand the need for protection but there is something special about seeing the sun and not an artificial representation of it, no matter how realistic the image is."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "The place does feel artificial," Cael agrees. "But the food court is convenient, and it's nice having access to the training rooms and shooting range." And yet, it could be noted that she never chooses to live here when she isn't being //forced// to, like she is now. Still - it was coming in handy, even if that just meant (at the moment) a convenient temporary place to store two bothersome pups.
    "I think that's the last of the stuff from the kitchen," she adds in a helpful tone. "I even refrained from throwing away any of the weird British stuff you guys keep around." She sound of tape can be heard ripping - before a box appears on the opening between the kitchen and the living room, labeled simply 'food.'

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "You say that like I didn't catch you putting clotted cream on your toast the other day," Jon notes, placing the last of his plants on a large teal tray that, along with the portal and his emerald arm, he's all maintaining by focus of will. "I think I'm with you about 'spotted dick' though. They ought to just call it railway cake, that's what Granny always called it." He sighs. "'Spose I'm becoming more American by the day."

    The tray levitates and hovers toward the portal. "The plants will be happy of the natural light. I think they know, even when it's a good full-spectrum lamp. They seem happier in proper sun." Trust Jon to talk about plants like they have emotions. "It's one of the nice things about having an apartment on the 36th floor. Long elevator ride, longer walk up the stairs, but lovely views."

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin frowns for a moment, looking at the Triskelion suite, reduced back to its component parts of governmental furnishings and neutral, unassuming walls devoid of decor. "It was nice while it lasted, but it is time for a change back to home." He smiles. "I'm sure Agnes will enjoy it more too."

    He pauses for a moment before saying. "I... I'm going to miss... things" he says, apropro of nothing. "Family life was comfortable for a while but..." He sighs and looks at Cael and Jon. "I'm going to miss you two as well."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "//Cream,// Jon. I had //cream// on my toast," Cael insists - an amused smile on her features. Jon and Martin bicker about the pronunciation of scones. Cael bickers about the horrific names of British foods.
    Plus. Marmite is just gross.
    "It is a nice apartment," she adds. "Though I mean - coming all the way from the 36th floor to take Lady out..." That'll be a pain.
    Before she can say anything else, though, she ends up simply staring at Martin. Had she misheard? Or misunderstood? Or missed something? "Uhh... Martin?"

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "That's what portals are for," Jon comments idly as he starts to float the tray of plants through the hole in the wall--and then stops to peer at Martin.

    "You're going to... miss us? Martin, I'm not... well, I know I've been spending a lot of time with Cael because she's been in danger..." They frown. "If, umm... I mean... it's not hard to pop through a portal between the Triskelion and Chelsea, I wouldn't be leaving you alone with Agnes."

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin frowns and looks down at the floor of the suite. "Actually. I'm going to be leaving you both for a while. I'm not sure how long... but... it's going to be a while." He moves and sits on one of the stools of the bar divisor between kitchen and living area. "I've been having dreams. Recurring ones that tell a story. I don't know if its prophetic or current but..."

    He leans against the bar. "I see a man who looks like me only older. He's in danger, something is chasing him and he needs help." He frowns and his focus shifts somewhere else; inward. "I recognize the architecture. It's Nilaa. And I think the man is my dad. I've got to find him and get some answers. Before it's too late."

    His focus returns to the room and he looks between the pair; his family. "I'm not going to ask you to come with me. In fact, I don't want you to. I think... I think I have to do this one alone."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "...I don't understand," Cael says simply, looking from Martin, towards Jon to see if there are any answers there, and back to Martin. "Where's Nilaa? I mean - wherever it is, Jon could still portal over and see you, yeah? Now that he has his doors." She remains leaned on the bar by the box she'd just placed there, as she tries to make sense of Martin's unexpected news.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Nilaa's another dimension, Cael," Jon says slowly. "A dimension so full of magic that it almost hurts my eyes. I... don't even know if I /can/ make portals to Nilaa. It's hard to get there. And even if I could, they're not entirely fond of me there. It's a dangerous place."

    He turns to fully face Martin, the tray still hovering next to him. "Martin's father is from Nilaa, however, and Martin himself is some kind of... offshoot of one of the noble families there. I've considered suggesting you go there to learn more about your magic, but I... I didn't have time, with everything going on..."

    They stop, twisting their hands together, green and brown fingers interlocking. "How long... how long have you been having these dreams?" They're trying to stay calm and focused, but there's an odd kind of expression on their face, eyes wide and almost pleading.

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    "A few weeks" he says. "They started happening right after..." He makes a face and seems to have to summon some of his own will. "After you came back from Heaven" he says. "Flashes. Images. But they've been getting more and more defined. Progressively more intense." He looks at Jon. "I... I don't want to go. But I think I have to. Otherwise..." he shakes his head.

    "I'll come back. I promise you that. It's not like I'm going to just run off and leave. You're my husband and I love you more than anything in the world. I love Agnes as if she was my own. But..." He frowns. "This is something I need. Either it's answers about who I am. What I can do? Or... maybe it's just closure, but I need it. I can feel that in my bones."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "...oh," Cael says in a quiet voice. She stays where she is a few moments longer, then walks around the bar and out of the kitchen to stand beside Jon - placing one hand lightly on their arm in support. In a reminder that Jon //isn't// alone.
    "Sounds important," she says to Martin. "Sounds like you've thought about this a lot." Had he kept it entirely to himself? Had no one to confide in? Including... either of them? And they'd been too wrapped up in their own lives to notice.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon hesitates a moment, with Cael touching their arm, and reaches over to clasp her hand like they're letting her know that they feel and acknowledge the support. Then they step away, to wrap Martin up in their arms.

    "I'm sorry," he murmurs, burying his face in Martin's dark hair. "I haven't... I haven't been... you should have been able to tell me about this when it first started, not /after/ you'd decided you have to go."

    A pause. "I can't come with you. I have too much here. It's not... it's not fair. That we keep being pulled apart." A sniffle, like he's trying to hold back tears. "It's like the universe is refusing to let us be together, properly. Always some barrier."

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin wraps his arms around Jon and holds the man. There are tears in his eyes too. "I know... baggage makes everything harder" he says. "Hopefully, once this is done and over with all mine will be taken care of." He kisses his husband softly and nods. "I've already got a sack packed away. I just wanted to help get everything over back home before I left."

    He smiles at Jon. "And like I said, it's not forever. It's just until I figure this out and who knows... maybe I can find a way to communicate. Trans-dimensional cell service or something..." he chuckles, the sound weak and noticably forced. He covers for it with another kiss to Jon's forehead.

    "Besides... you'll not be alone" he adds, looking to Cael. "It helps to know that you have support here, more than I've been able to give you of late. That helps more than either of you know."

Cael Becker has posed:
    The pair embrace - and Cael isn't sure where to look, or what to do. She can't help but feel like an intruder on a private moment, as she lets her gaze shift to the side, and down towards the floor.
    "Don't be ridiculous, Martin... You have been there for Jon. Sleeping with him every night in Grand Central Station, for one, and- well. We got through it all together - didn't we?"

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Not every night," Jon says, pulling away and wiping at his eyes. "Remember? After we got Agnes back, he stayed here with her and it was just you and me in Grand Central. And lately..." He sighs. "I don't know if I'd say it's been just that Cael's there for me more than you, Martin. You were pulling away, and I was... I don't know. I think we both need to adjust, and if this is the best way, I understand."

    He sighs, and steps back, reaching out to take Cael's hand and twine their fingers together. "How long? And don't... don't be vague. I'd rather plan for a long-term absence than assume you'll be back by September and not have it in my head that I need to be sure Agnes gets off to school in the mornings."

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin frowns. "I..." He considers his past. How long it took him to get a handle on his magic. If this was an expansion of that. "I'll check in after a year. We'll go from there?" he says softly. "Is that... is that alright?" he asks eyeing Jon directly. It's not that he doesn't like Cael. He trusts her more than anyone with Jon, and he knows that no matter how long he's gone they'll be together. It's a feeling he's sure of. But this situation is more between him and Jon than the three of them.

    "I'll go tonight, after Agnes is in bed" he says. "I don't want to just... disappear from her life without telling her why. She deserves that much." He did think of the girl as his own as much as he could and her closenss to the age of his daughter when she died probably had more to do with it than anything else.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Yeah, but- he would have been there with you, if not for Agnes. And he was still- I mean, looking after Agnes was still supporting you," Cael protests, before letting out a sigh. She shoves her hands into the pockets of her jeans, letting Jon and Martin talk - and quietly wincing at Martin's words. A year? That's a long time.
    And that he'd be leaving tonight... "Have you packed a year's supply of tea already?" Cael asks - making her tone light, and then wincing.
    That was probably a stupid thing to say.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Maybe Cael thinks it's a stupid thing to say, but Jon /laughs/. "And have you told Peggy? Because if you /haven't/ packed a year's supply of tea..." He stops, and frowns, "Well, no, I suppose she's only just back, yeah? But really, you've put in for leave and everything?" And didn't say anything until just now.

    A long sigh. "I think when you get back--whenever that is--we need couple's counseling. This sort of thing... you shouldn't have hidden it from me. Or you shouldn't have had to feel like you had to hide it from me. Probably both? A year is fine, though. Ten years is fine. I'll be here when you get back; I don't think Ma'at will let me die anytime soon."

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin smiles. "I've put in the paperwork already and I have a decent supply" he adds. "A week should get me through the worst. I'm hoping there's at least a decent comparison in Nilaa. Maybe I can get an alchemist to make something similar" he chuckles and the sobers. At Jon's second suggestion, he swallows and nods. "I think you're right. We probably should've had it a while ago... after Lyra but..."

    He slides off the stool and moves give Jon a hug again and then motions for Cael to join in as well. "Like I said, I'm going to miss you all. But I'll be back and things will get better." He swallows, choking back tears. "For all of us. I promise."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "And then after that we'll have... triples counseling? Family counseling?" Cael adds, her tone wry, and quiet. I mean. ...it would probably do them some good.
    She hesitates a moment as Martin gestures her in, but she slowly joins the hug, wrapping her arms loosely around both Jon and Martin. As comfortable as she is with hugging Jon - hugging Martin was not a regular occurance.
    Still - the man was leaving. He needed some assurance they'd be alright - didn't he?
    "We'll be here," she promises in a quiet voice. "//I'm// not letting on die, either."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon sniffles as Cael suggests family counseling. "Might be a thought," he murmurs, and pulls them both in as tight as they'll allow. "I need you both. I can't imagine... I am probably going to outlive you both, and I am /dreading/ that, even if I /know/ I'll see you again after we die."

    He sighs, then pulls away and says, "Alright, I'm cooking tonight." His tone is firm and decisive, one of the changes in the last few months. Just last year, he would've been devastated by this news, paralyzed by uncertainty and fear. "Whatever you want, Martin. We're going to have a family dinner and explain things to Agnes and figure out whatever logistics need figuring out. Okay?"

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin nods. "I think I want your Tikka Masala. One more time before the long drought" he says with a grin. It's always a favorite of his and he enjoys watching Jon make it as much as he enjoys the eating of it after. He pauses a gives them both a smile. "Thank you. For understanding and for being... supportive. I was... I was worried." He reaches up to place a hand on Jon's shoulder.

    "Let's get everything settled over there and then we can get Lady and Bear and let them have a sniff of the place" he adds. "I'm sure they'll love it, but need to make sure... dogs are going to be dogs, even good ones."

Cael Becker has posed:
    As they start talking about dinner plans, Cael pulls back again, shoving her hands back into her pockets once more, and offering Martin a small, tight smile. "Tikka Masala's not bad. Only one drawback."
    She doesn't bother to explain, though, as she picks up the box off the counter.
    "Should we get this stuff moved while you start with dinner prep, Jon? Or...?" She barely waits for an answer, before walking through the open doorway - and into the Chelsea apartment.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "With Martin gone, it will only be me and you decided whether or not to eat noodles and you /know/ I'm probably going to give in more than half the time and make noodles." Jon grins at Cael as he moves the tray into the apartment. "You will have /plenty/ of time for noodles. Let the man have his tikka masala. You can handle rice and naan for one night."

    He goes to start grabbing plants off the tray and putting them in the living room. In an almost too-casual and offhand manner he says, "I've ordered a pasta maker for the apartment. You know. So I can make noodles." See, Cael? There will be /plenty/ of noodles in future.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Hey, I'm not arguing!" Cael replies with a laugh. "Martin gets his curry!" Naan is pretty good, anyways.
    As Jon starts to go on about their noodle-based plans, she leans in towards them, giving them a brief kiss, and a smile. "I look forward to it. You're too good to me." Box still in her hands, and walks towards the kitchen area while calling out glibly "When you're not being the worst, Sims!"