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Visiting Clotho
Date of Scene: 28 April 2022
Location: Avian Sanctuary, Upstate New York
Synopsis: Micola takes Pietro to visit with Clotho and to introduce him to the ravens at the sanctuary. Introductions go well, Micola's hair was not hurt in this log!
Cast of Characters: Micola Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff

Micola Maximoff has posed:
It's not the weekend, but it's close enough for Micola! She'd been in Oregon Sunday, Monday and Tuesday and with whatever happened there the woman had wanted to be outside and enjoying fresh air. She'd called Pietro asking if he wanted to go along with her to see Clotho and visit out at the wildlife care center for a bit. She offered to drive Pietro given his propensity for being a speedster would probably spook the birds.

Her little SUV is a classic. The range rover classic to be exact. They stopped making those things in 1996. Her's is probably an early 90's model and it's a sunny yellow color. "It's going to be bumpy once we hit the roads heading up to the facilities. So I apologize in advance if you bonk your head." she tells her passenger.

Pietro might change his mind about running places going forward!

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
He'd made the sacrifice in agreeing to ride with her in the Rnge Rover. No need to spook to birds, after all. That, and the company was very much worth the effort. He dressed in casual clothing, comfortable clothes to go meet the birds!

The Land Rover is admired, circled a few times, then approved. "Tell me you do not have the original shocks, right? Or suspension?" Pietro teases, even as he climbs in. "I think I will manage, at least in not bonking myself." He says, strapping himself in via the seatbelt.

He looks bout as she gets things moving. "Is it that remote?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola was also dressed casually. She'd chosed to wear pants today as opposed to her shorts. Which was probably due to the birds. It was sometimes hectic. So she's dressed in jeans, sturdy beige colored boots and a black t-shirt. Her vest that is usually worn is also out of sight. Birds like shiny things. It would be bad. There's a smile at his comment on the car.

A shake of her head is given, "No, the shocks and suspension have been replaced a number of times. My grandfather gave me this when I turned eighteen. It was collecting dust in his garage along with a lot of other cars." she muses to that. "He asked if I wanted it repainted and I refused. It reminds me of a banana." she giggles.

"The facility is just off the main roads is all. Plus if it's been raining roads can be stubborn." she tells him. "I enjoyed meeting your sister." she comments to him once they are well on their way.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
He trusted her driving, no fear there. Sitting still was always difficult, however. Still, he was willing to do so - watching as she drove. "A family heirloom? Fascinating. And an off-road banana." The man asks, looking around the cabin of the SUV. "How did you hear of this sanctuary?"

There's a moment. "Was it the same grandfather who let you on his boat?" He wonders. "You have the good fortune to have known your grandparents." A smile.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a smile, "An off-road banana is not a bad comparison." she muses to that. "I looked it up on the internet after I found Clotho. Their vet here is fantastic and I just sort of never stopped coming after we got settled here." she admits.

"As for the car being a family heirloom...it's sort of my paternal grandfathers heirloom." she explains. "My mom's side of the family isn't really rich or anything. We've always had one struggle or financial hardship after the other. My father's side of the family however comes from a very long line of wealthy people. So my grandfather is prone to gifting me things to make my life a bit easier in some aspects." she tells him.

"I've not met his wife and the rest of my grandparents have passed. My maternal grandmother passed when I was with her when I was young. It was a very odd experience." she admits to that. "My grandfather would like you." she tells him with a soft smile.

"Did your grandparents pass before you were born or is there another situation there?" she asks him in a gentle way.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Pietro nods. "Was Clotho in bad shape when you found her?" The man asks, with a look over to her. "The vet is skilled? A good bedside manner as well?" He stretches his legs as they bounce along. "Were you recommended to them or did you just happen on them by chance?"

A smile over to her. "And rich has many meanings, of course. Rich in tradition or connections, is what I meant." The man explains. "It is good that your grandfather takes care of you. It is as it should be, family looking out for each other." He says quietly. "It is why I care so much for my sisters - I do not want them going without."

A slight frown at the mention of the passing of her grandmother. "Had your gifts manifested when she passed?" He wonders. A slight grin. "He would like me? Why so?"

"I was... given to a couple to raise. They are Romani, I did not know my biological grandparents." The man explains, quietly.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"She was, yes." Micola explains as she drives. "We think a dog got ahold of her and it was deemed she was unreleasable. It's probably why she's so ornery." she chuckles to that. "She's a very skilled vet, yes. I am very picky about vet car and well, she's been great to us." she admits. "I happened upon them by chance. She had owls here so I figured it was good to start here." she tells him.

She gives him a soft smile, "I think he tries to help since my father has never been interested in keeping up with me." she comments. "My mom left him after I was born and they hadn't been married, so it was pretty easy to just get things over with. He went on to marry and have other kids." she shrugs. "It's good that you take care of your sisters. It says a lot about you." she admits.

She nods to him, "Yes, I was able to help her cross over. Though it was something that scared both of us." she tells him. "He'd probably like you since you've not ran off screaming yet." she chuckles. "Most of the guys I've dated in the past couldn't handle my being a mutant. Which is their loss honestly." she points out.

She reaches a hand over, searching to give his hand a reassuring squeeze, "I am sorry that you did not get to meet them, Pietro." she tells him.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"She has mended quite well." He mentions. "And she is ornery because she is a regal creature, now dependant on another to survive. Prideful owl." Pietro chuckles. "Good find, then. A good doctor and a good home for Clotho." He says, looking towards the outside as the scenery moves alongside them.

"Your grandfather is a good man, then. It is a hard role to fill, being a father, but I am told it is fulfilling." A nod from the speedster, as he looks back to her.

"It was the first time, right? The first time with your gifts?" He guesses. "And running off screaming is not something I am cut out to do." He assures. "You being a mutant makes you ... more appreciated, in my mind's eye."

Her hand is accepted, and squeezed in return. "It is as it is. I have my family, chosen and blood." A smile.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives him a look, "Like sees like is that the saying?" she gives him a grin to him. He was a regal creature! "She is a silly owl sometimes. I'm sure she'll be excited to see that I brought her a visitor." she chuckles. She quiets as he watches out the window on their trip.

"My grandfather paid my mom not to change my surname back to her family name. He said whether my father acknowledged me or not I was his grandchild. He has a good heart, especially when it comes to his grandchildren I'm guessing." she muses. "I'd like to have a family someday." she nods to that.

"It was the first time I took a soul across, yes. I could see spirits and things before that...which sucked." she admits. "I'm sure your family will grow as you get older." she tells him.

Signs start showing up along the highway for their exit and Micola gives him a smile, "Almost there. Then you can stretch your legs." she grins.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"Clearly." Pietro chuckles. "I was not always regal. Poised, yes. But not always regal." He admits, clearly amused at the thoguht. "We all have a need to be silly from time to time. We'd go mad, otherwise." He does smile, tickled at the thought of an owl excited for a visitor.

"Again, he is a good man. Taking care of you and your mother, despite what his son did." A nod. "Perhaps one day, yes. A family would be nice." He looks off into the distance for a moment.

His hand pats hers, comforting in the explanation of her first time ferrying a soul. "I am sure your grandmother was more comforted by your gift than not. It got her where she needed to be."

A chuckle as he wiggles his toes in his shoes. "It will be nice to stand and stretch."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"Regal is not something that you always have to be born into, Pietro." Micola tells him with a soft smile. She puts on the turn signal as she starts to merge into the lane that heads to the exit ramp. "I'd definitely go bonkers." she grins at that.

She does nod in agreement with him, "He is." she states. She doesn't have a follow up comment for the family talk. "I think it was easier, yes. I just dread the day I run into someone I know again." she sighs. "But it's part of the job." she adds.

"Well, the good thing is we'll be doing a lot of moving around so once we get parked it should be easier." she smiles to that. "Should be about ten minutes. The freedom." she states as she turns onto the road off the highway.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
A grin at the agreement about the need for silliness. He watches as she turns onto the exit ramp, looking over all the details of the trip as they move along. "Regal is ... odd. It is an odd situation. Most people assume because of my demeanor, that... it comes from that." Pietro shakes his head.

"You do them a service, leading them to peace." He says, quietly. "I am hoping that you get a good reward for doing so - it is a difficult job."

Ten minutes. So much forever for Pietro! Still, he will be patient. "All the moving around - do they have an peregrine falcons? They are one of the faster raptors..."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"Where does it come from?" Micola asks him gently. "Or if you don't want to talk about it I completely understand." she adds that in an even gentler tone. She didn't want to force him to speak on anything he didn't want to.

"I don't feel that I need to be rewarded for the work that I do. Sometimes finding who killed them or getting them to peace is a bit of a reward in itself really." she admits. "But it is difficult. Especially mentally." she frowns at that.

Soon she is pulling them into the parking lot of the sanctuary and she parks the car, "We do have a few peregrine falcons, but they aren't flight capable yet." she tells him. "We have a lot of raptors to see today. I'm excited for you to meet all of them." she offers with a beaming smile.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
He thinks on it, watching the road creep by. "I perceive things at speed. I can break the sound barrier when running - my thoughts move that fast." Pietro explains, looking over to her as she drives. "My thoughts, my perception of time, all move at that heightened speed." Moments stretch to eternity. "Even when running - it's a lot happening my head."

"Emotionally, I am sure it is a strain as well. Seeing people in need, hurt..." A shake of his head. "And finding their villain has to give them peace - though I hope it does the same for you."

Almost as quickly as she's stopped - he's out of the car and stretching. "Fair. When they can fly... I want to run with them." He admits with a grin. "See their body in flight, see how they adapt and how they revel in the speed."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a look to him, her hands moving off the steering wheel as the car settles. "Is there anything that keeps them from racing that fast or is it just something that is engrained?" she asks him. She wanted to help if she could. It was easy to see. "I keep trying to think of things that will keep you moving, so you don't get bored." she tells him with a soft smile. Was she worried that he'd bore of her? She doesn't say.

"If it gets too bad I'll take some time off and hide in my apartment." she tells him. "Sometimes finding the bad guy is a good thing. Sometimes there's threats, but worth it to put them away." she explains.

She grabs her backpack and then slips out of the car as well, locking it up. "I will let you know when they are all healed up. Shouldn't be too much longer." she admits with a smile.

"Did you want to see Clotho first or start with the crows?" she asks him as she walks with him to the building.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
A slight shrug. "Nothing that I am aware of, can be done." He admits, with a sad smile. "It is what it is, part and parcel of a fast life." Pietro keeps stretching, getting the kinks out of his muscles. "I've tried fidget spinners, pretty much any gadget that can keep me occupied. Reading works, I read so much."

A grin at the hiding. "If there are threats, let me know. I am sure there can be some situations where I can help - I do happen to have connections." Pietro winks over to her. "And yes, please let me know. I would love to see them in action, as I said."

"Clotho. I am sure she's been patient in waiting for her attention, yes? The crows will come next - see if any of them have words for us?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola lets them into the door and there is a smile as she holds it open for him, "We'll make it work." she whispers to him. "Maybe we should stock up on books. Or a trip to the bookstore." she states.

"If there is any trouble I will let you know. Kind of weird if your girlfriend goes missing...even if she is hiding like a gremlin." she muses to that. The other staff and volunteers aren't in the back for the moment and Micola takes the moment to gather up a container of treats and a clipboard, "We'll sneak by so that no one gets all fangirly on you." she whispers to him as she hands him the container. "You'll need those." she grins.

She leads him to where Clotho is housed. The enclosure is decently sized. The little owl gives a trill of joy when the bright haired woman comes through the door, but she dances when she sees Pietro and the treat container. "Hello my little love." Micola coos to Clotho as she heads for the door, opening it so she can fly out and onto her perch.

"Pietro has treats for you." she states in a happy tone.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
A smile as she plots and plans to keep him from going stir crazy. "I'd like that, yes. The more books, the better." He chuckles. "I learned most of my languages that way - from books." Pietro admits with a chuckle. "I always sound like a foreigner when speaking to a native, I am afraid."

"Fangirly? You think that would happen?" A slight grin from the Avenger. "I am one of the least favorites, for my 'attitude'." He winks. "I've yet to see any T-shirts with me on them." A laugh.

The treats are taken, and he follows along. There's a grin at the reaction from Clotho before Pietro looks over to Micola. "Do you make her work for them? Fly to the treat?" He wonders, looking then to the beautiful owl.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a nod to that, "I love going into old book stores. The smell of old books is great." she tells him. "That's how I'm learning Romanian. I found a cd and book combo." she grins to that. She was happy to learn another language. "There is nothing wrong with the way you sound, Pietro." she tells him with a soft smile.

"I mean...I've not asked them, but a lot of them follow the major news with Avengers and things. I didn't tell them I was bringing one to visit." she muses. It was a normal visit! There is an impish twinkle that sparkles in her gaze when he talks about no t-shirts with him being seen. Oh she was plotting.

She gives a look between him and Clotho, "Generally I give her one when I come in just because. Then she can do her flying. She likes to fly from this, then to the rafters and back around. She has enrichment toys and things as well." she points out. "It's however you'd like to do it." she tells him as she reaches to scritch Clotho on the head.

"I'm going to tidy up her enclosure while you visit her for a few minutes." she offers quietly.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Pietro extends his arm as she had shown him before, at the park. "We shall have to take a tour of your favorite bookstores, then." The man smiles. A hoot after her head-scritches, and Clotho flies over to land on Pietro's wrist. She's given a treat for such a quick change.

"I appreciate your discretion, I do." He offers, nodding to her as he watches the owl gobble down her snack. "I promise to keep you clear of the press."

"How do you get her to do her flight, then? Does she just go when she feels up to it?" A careful scritch is given to Clotho's head, then on her back between her wings. "She is just... amazing." He says, studying every feather with his quickened perceptions.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola cleans some of hay and things out of the floor of Clotho's enclosure. Just making sure that everything is cleaned up and nice for the owl. "Ooo. We can definitely do that. Maybe hit a few new ones." she grins as she settles the trash bag into one of the trash cans.

She gives a bit of a chuckle, "I just didn't want you in an awkward position. No body should have meetings sprung on them really." she tells him. "You can outrun the press last I checked." she teases him softly as she moves to stand at the perch.

"Clicker training. Birds can be trained just like dogs can with them." she states as she pulls one out of her bag. Clotho preens, almost knowing that the man is admiring her as he looks to her.

"Wanna try?" she asks as she wiggles the clicker at him.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
A clicker! That made sense, especially for the exceptional hearing on owls. "All the bookstores." He chuckles, still scritching and petting the preening Clotho. "I know we mentioned before, but I am all for suggestions from you... it helps me know you better." A smile.

"And awkward is the state of life as an Avenger, some times. You just have to roll with it, and make the best of the situation. And hopefully keep people safe, while doing so." A smile from Pietro. "And yes, I can outrun the press... so far. Heaven help me if I run into a super-powered reporter."

He looks to the clicker, nodding. "So I click it how many times? Is there a set number? Do I need to stand somewhere specific?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a soft smile as she watches him, her eyes warm as she observes him with Clotho. "I am happy to give suggestions." she nods to him. Even if hers were more trashy romance than anything else! "I hope that we never have to deal with too awkward of a situation." she chuckles to that. "Could you imagine a super-powered reporter? That would be like some secret weapon. You think you're in the clear and then 'boom' they catch up." she grins at that.

"So it's two clicks generally. That'll have her go through her exercises. We always reward for them being cooperative and for working with us. So after her first circuit she'll return her and you'll give her a treat or two. I tend to give praises, but you don't have to if you don't want to." she explains to him as she hands the clicker over to him.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Trashy romance, that works too! "I am hoping not, either. I don't mind being a hero, but I don't like endangering others that I care about in doing so." Pietro takes the clicker, giving a few scritches to Clotho after. "It frightens me to think of that... someone like that. Especially as it might lead some less scrupulous people using it nefariously to invade the privacy of people."

He takes a step back, raising his arm with Clotho. "Ready girl?" She looks to him, smugly - as if she were born ready. There's a double click from the clicker, and off she goes. "Two treats and adoration... she's such a workhorse." He winks to Micola.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a soft smile to him, "You're very protective of those that you care about, that is something that I admire, Pietro." she tells him with a soft nod. She reaches out to give his arm a gentle squeeze before she steps back, "We'll try to make sure that nothing happens like that." she tells him.

She then steps back, letting her boyfriend take over the exercising of Clotho.

"Two treats and adoration sound right up her alley. She's such a smug little marshmallow." she whispers to him with a soft laugh.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
The owl takes off, winging along her course. "I am." Pietro comments, watching as Clotho swoops through the air. "We take all the precautions that we can." He agrees, smiling as she squeezes at his arm. "Plan for the worst, pray for the best."

Clotho is all too happy to show of, swooping and swerving through her circut. As she does, Pietro collects up two treats - ready to reward her.

"Regal, not smug." He corrects, with a chuckle. "She has every right to be proud of what she is." Pietro winks to Micola.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola watches as Clotho works with Pietro, a smile coming to her lips as the owl responds positively to the man. She agrees with him, her head nodding as he tells her they take precautions. "My mom used to say something like that when I was little." she admits. She makes a note on the clipboard that she had gathered up when they came in.

"Clotho likes my boyfriend better than me..." she quietly teases.

"Alright, Regal is a better word, but I have absolutely seen her be smug." she giggles to that. "And yes, she does. She is a beautiful owl and she should know it." she smiles to him.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Once Clotho lands, she's given her first treat. "Perfect form, Clotho. Quite impressive." He scritches between her wings. A grin to Micola, and a shrug. "It is good advice, truth be told. It's easy to get into a pessimistic view, where you just assume that whatever the worst thing that could happen will." A shrug. "It's a hard advice for me, most certainly."

A chuckle. "She does not. I'm just new to her."

"And you have the same right and reason to be proud of who you are, Micola. You are a wonderful woman." The other treat is handed over to Clotho.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola watches Clotho land and she gives a soft smile as Pietro praises her. "Kalo koritsi, Clotho." she tells her. The little owl gives a little beak snap in her owners direction and flares her wings. "She's going to be super jealous when we go visit the crows." she chuckles. "It is, in this day and age we're far more prone to pessimism." she agrees with that.

"I have mice for her, but I am not going to make you deal with that sorta horror even if they are just frozen. I'll feed her one before we leave." she tells him. "Well, maybe we'll come back another time to get you guys more settled." she grins. "Or I can see how much enclosure build is going to be and finally get her moved." she nods to this.

She blushes at his words, her lips part to say something, but she stops herself, "You always make me blush." she chuckles to that. "Which isn't a bad thing." she tells him as she steps back up beside him.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"I am sure she will manage, when her belly is full of mouse." He says, another treat for good measure. He scritches over Clotho's chest. "And she is a good girl." He nods in agreement.

"I would be happy to visit her again, of course. As well as the others." A grin from the Princely one. "I am sure she is hungry, even with the treats."

Pietro does look over to her at her pause, and words unsaid. "Something on your mind, Micola?" He asks, moving closer to allow Clotho to hop from his arm to hers, should she wish.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"She will." Micola tells him with a soft smile. She quirks an eyebrow, "I didn't know you spoke Greek." she is surprised by that. But it is a delighted surprise for sure. "We'll make sure to do that. It'll be easier to visit when I get the second floor to the shop all renovated and I can build her enclosure up there." she grins at that.

"They feed her pretty well out here, but I like to spoil her a bit more since we've got this situation that we've got to work through for now." she shrugs.

She stretches her arm out a little, letting Clotho hop from Pietro's to her and she reaches up to scritch under her chin, "I wanted to tell you how wonderful you are and that you always make my heart all fluttery." she admits to that. "I can get pretty sappy." she chuckles.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"I read a lot, Micola. I picked up a few books on the language. I don't think I could speak it, but I can recognize it and interpret it." Pietro grins, nodding to her. "I am sure she'll be happier being near, and not sharing attention with the other birds."

He smiles, looking over to Clotho as she preens - knowing she is being spoken about. "I am sure she appreciates it. She clearly has a liking for you, yeah? You treat her well, you rescued her. She has a lot of reasons to have bonded to you."

A slight flush to his cheeks. "I hope that never changes, Micola. I do not want to ruin things or cause you any dismay." A wink. "And sappy isn't bad, at all."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"I could teach you if you like, Pietro." Micola offers as she gives a look to him. "I trained her in Greek, so might help down the line." she winks at him. "I think if I buckle down and don't splurge willy nilly that I could probably get it done by the end of July. That would mean moving her before it gets so miserably hot in New York." she nods to this.

"I think she does. She was adorably angry when she was small. She'd tell us exaclty where we could take our human selves." she chuckles. "We have a baby owl, but it's a barn owl. They look like small pillows with little legs." she grins.

The woman then leans in to kiss Pietro's cheek gently, "I don't think you have to worry about me changing my feelings for you, Peitro." she whispers to him. Then she straightens back up, "Do you want to come with us to visit the crows?" she asks her.

She does a little rock back and forth. "Alright we'll go see the crows then. Do you wanna grab the treats?" she asks Pietro.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"I think I would like that. Learning the pronunciation would be very helpful." Pietro decides, smirking to her. "And July sounds very possible - I can help if you like?" The man suggests. "I don't mind doing work, of course."

"A baby barn owl?" He looks around. "Someone for Clotho to be a big sister to?" He chuckles. "And it is good that she was ... defiant. Showing her ability to survive and take care of herself is important to her, I am sure."

As Clotho agrees to visit the crows, he chuckles. "I will always worry that I might screw what we have up - it is... there is too much time for thought in my head. But I will hope for the best." A wink.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola leads him down the hall until they come to a path out, "I'd be happy with the help and it might help with your needing to keep busy." she admits to that. "I wouldn't want to impose unless you are one hundred percent sure, Pietro." she tells him with a soft smile.

"And yes, the baby lost its mother, much like Clotho and we got a call about it. She's been taking really well to hand rearing though." she smiles to that.

She leads him out towards one of the outdoor enclosures and there is a 'caw' that calls out as they head that way. "I think we'll be fine." she whispers to him as she reaches out to take his hand into hers as they walk. "Here are the boys." she grins as the enclosure comes into view. "Houdini is the one with the white band on his leg and Sinatra is the one with the red. Houdini likes escaping and Sinatra seranades people...so that is the origin of their names." she explains to him.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Pietro shakes his head. "I'm not being imposed upon, I assure you. I tend to not allow that to happen." A wink to her as they move through the sanctuary. "I think it would be excellent fun, to build something. Crafting, creating - it is something that gives me a good rush."

"Will the owl move with Clotho, do you think?" He wonders, watching as the happy owl rides on Micola's shoulder. "Should we big a shelter big enough for more than Clotho?"

The crows are marveled at - large birds that they are. "Houdini and Sinatra. Wonderful names. I love Sinatra music." He says, watching the two corvids. "Are they ever to be released, or are they sanctuary bound?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"You're too good to us." Micola tells him with a soft smile. She gives a look after him for a moment, "Whenever you want to craft up a storm, you let me know." she grins to that. "I'd be delighted to set aside space for you at the shop." she states to that.

There is a thoughtful look, "She might if I take her on as one I rehab. She's...so adorable. I can't get over how fuzzy baby owls are." she admits. "I can talk to the others here and see about it. She doesn't have a name yet. Would you be interested in helping to name her?" she asks him.

Clotho flies off to sit on a perch not farm from them, but she gives a little head turn away from the crows. "She's a little jealous. Apologies." she muses in a whisper. She heads up to the enclosure door and gives a little motion for Pietro to come with her, "They are sanctuary bound sadly, crows imprint on humans and that was the situation that we had with these guys, the person that had them found them as babies and didn't bring them to a rehab. They sort of hoarded pets." she looks sad at that.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
The man nods to her, still watching the large corvids. So black, so regal and ominous. "We shall have to see, yes? See if I pick up any more hobbies or interests to keep me busy?" Pietro grins. "And I would not want to take up your space. You need that for your career, Micola."

There's a look to her, and a grin. "Well, if she takes to me? Perhaps? I would not want to saddle the owlet with a name, if she despised me." A wry chuckle. "The downy feathers of young birds are rather impressive - considering what they have as adults."

His eyes follow Clotho, the man offering the owl a nod. "You are still loved, Clotho. And you are still regal." He comments, before moving into the enclosure. "Have they ever spoken? How do you keep them enriched?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"I mean, there is plenty of space on the second floor for things, you wouldn't be taking up things really, Pietro." Micola tells him with a soft smile. "But I won't press on it." she adds. There is a thoughtful look over to him, "If you ever want to take up Falconry or animal rescue I'm sure you'd be welcomed." she points out to him.

"Oh I think she will take to you just fine." she winks at him. All of the other birds seemed to. "They are like little pillows. It's kind of adorable." she muses to that. "And yes, I've not told Clotho that her friend is going to outgrow her. She wouldn't take that well." she whispers to him.

Sinatra caws as Pietro and Micola enter, the bigger of the birds hopping down to greet them. He hops onto Micola's head and pecks at her headband, "This is why we don't wear shiny things." she muses. "They can talk, yes. They also have all kinds of enrichment toys and activities that we do for them. We actually make a lot of the toys here for them." she grins at him. "Sinatra, can you say hello?" she asks the bird.

He flaps his wings and gives a sqwacked 'Hello!' to the white haired man. "Good job!" Micola tells him as she offers up a treat from her pocket.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Pietro marks that for a future discussion, regarding the second floor. "Falconry... I think they are beautiful. I don't know that my patience would last on that, though." He admits, honestly. "I might watch, though? If you don't mind? Rescue might be better for me."

"Tiny pillows with sharp pointy talons and beaks." He jokingly corrects. "I am certain, despite the size difference, Clotho will rule the roost."

At the motion of the bird, he watches - mostly to make sure she's not overly upset or concerned at the bird on her head. "Is it the color of your hair or the headband?" He teases her. A wider smile as Sinatra says 'Hello'. "Quite the sharp fellow!"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a soft smile to him, "Falconry might be a bit harder since it does require some slowness to it. But reading books on it and helping with rescues are just as rewarding really." she tells him. "I don't mind you watching at all." she adds.

There is a laugh, "Their talons are very sharp. Clotho has scratched me more than a few times, but that is stuff that can be healed." she nods. "She probably will. She's small and angry." she giggles.

Micola doesn't seem upset at the bird on her head, quite the contrary. She gives a chuckle, "Might be a bit of both. It's why I'm not wearing earrings. They like to collect jewelry." she points out to him. She offers her hand up to their feathery friend and he hibbity hops over to it. She then extends her arm over to Pietro, "Do you want to hold him while I change out their toys and things?" she asks him. "If you introduce yourself he might be able to say your name." she explains.