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Latest revision as of 03:15, 18 May 2022

Good News Everyone!
Date of Scene: 17 May 2022
Location: Basement Apartment
Synopsis: Micola makes Pietro something from home and gives him a key to the apartment.
Cast of Characters: Micola Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola had been a bit...quiet the last few days. She however checked in on Pietro as was her way of making sure that the Avenger was doing alright. She was just feeling down. But she had sent him a text earlier in the day asking him if he wanted to come by and have dinner with her. She must have been feeling better because she had most assuredly cooked up a storm today. She was making sure that everything was cleaned up after her as well.

So when Pietro arrived he'd be greeted by a wonderful smell of different spices and meats. And in the smaller space it might be the greatest thing ever. Micola generally left the door unlocked when he was coming or if she felt that she would.

The woman is currently scrolling through her tablet looking for a specific thing. She's dressed in a little cotton black dress that fits her frame like a second skin, black cut off jean vest and black striped tights. Her hair is held back from her face with a simply tied hairband. "Where did I put that..." she mutters as she puts the tablet down to start putting plates on the counter.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
While he was concerned, Pietro wasn't going to press the issue. She was given time as she was needed, as he was confident he could be there when she asked. At her text, he responded in the affirmative and said he'd bring some wine with him.

Stepping into the shop, he nodded to her partner before moving towards the downstairs apartment door. A quick rap, then a step in - Pietro quirked his head to the side. The aromas were enticing, his stomach rumbled in anticipation. "Micola?" He called over.

As he entered the apartment proper, he grinned as he spotted her. "Hey... how are you doing?" He asked, moving over closer - setting the wine bottle down on the counter. A gentle kiss in greeting, and he looks her over. "You look wonderful."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola is all smiles when she hears the knock on the door, "In the kitchen, Pietro." she greets him as she moves to meet him at the counter. The kiss is returned and she gives a grin, "Thank you, I was trying to find something that wasn't going to be too dressy but still made me feel good." she tells him. She was definitely happy to see him. "I'm doing better. I got uncharacteristically sick after meeting with the NYPD over the case that's going on, so wasn't sure if I wanted to chance spreading a cold or whatever it was to you." she gives an apologetic look to that.

She lets her fingers reach up to smooth back his hair, "I made Ardei Umpluti, or Romanian stuffed peppers. I was looking for an older recipe so it took some time." she offers to him. The alarm on the stove goes off, "And that means they are done." she grins to him as she leans in to kiss his cheek.

She then makes her way over to the stove to see about getting the dish out of the oven.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
A concerned nod as she mentions feeling ill after the investigation. "You're feeling better, though?" He asks, watching as she perks up and moves towards the alarm. "Ardei Umpluti?" Pietro grins with a sparkle in his eyes. "Are you trying to spoil me?" He wonders, leaning against the counter.

Wait, no. He sets the table. Just like that, quick as can be.

"You are certainly brushing up on Romani cuisine, Micola. It is quite appreciated." The man smirks. "Can I help with anything else?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"I am feeling better. Nothing to worry about now. Just...was having a rough few days." Micola tells him with a nod. She gets pot holders out to help her with getting the covered dish out. She settles it on a folded hand towel on the island where dinner plates have been set up by him, "Thank you, darling." she tells him as she uncovers the dish.

"Maybe just a little spoiling? That doesn't hurt, right?" she asks him with a grin.

"I am trying to find recipes to build up with, yes. I can add them to all of the Greek and Italian recipes I have." she grins. "Will you open the wine and things while I plate?" she asks him. "How have you been?" she asks as she gets a serving spoon out of one of the drawers.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"Good. Let me know. I know some doctors, after all." Pietro assures. "I have some fairly good connections in that regard." As she uncovers the dish, he takes in a deep breath to enjoy the scent. "Smells so good, Micola." He assures, a hand moving to rest at her back. "A little spoiling, of course. I will have to tell Wanda." He winks to her. "She might get jealous and want some of the dishes from home."

The wine is opened, and glasses poured - one set out for each of them. "I have been well. Keeping busy. Apparently the Avengers are playing the Yankees in baseball soon?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a soft smile to him, "I will let you know. I promise, Pietro." she tells him with a nod. There's a bit of a blush when he tells her it smells good, "If it is overly or under spiced please let me know and I will make adjustments." she points out to him. "I think spoiling is good in small doses. Especially when I'm able to do it." she grins to that.

"I would be happy to cook for both of you one night or to make her something." she smiles to that. "Food is sometimes good for the soul." she adds.

She finishes plating up food and gives a look to him as he pours wine, "Oh they are? That will be a good game. Are you playing?" she asks him.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Pietro nods, kissing her cheek when she agrees to let him know if she ever is feeling ill. "It smells perfect, truly. I am excited to taste it. Have you had anything similar?" The man wonders, moving to slide her chair out for her to sit upon. "And yes, spoiling can be good. I need to make sure I find a way to properly spoil you."

"I will suggest it to her - she has her own partner, perhaps we can make a thing out of it?" He murmurs. "Either way, perhaps we can do some more meeting of family."

"I have not decided. I would not want to ... humiliate a professional athelete. That seems a bit... inappropriate, yes?" His brows furrow.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"Hopefully it tastes as good as it smells. I did some taste testing along the way, so fingers crossed." Micola grins at that. She takes a seat after he pulls out the chair and there is a smile to him, "Stuffed peppers seem to be a thing that a lot of countries have made. But Americans tend to stuff theirs with hamburger and things. Which is honestly not as good as pork." she muses.

"And you have properly spoiled me. I mean...you came to Rome for my birthday and we weren't even dating." she chuckles. "Plus you have done lovely things, Pietro. Like introduced me to Lorna and things of that nature." she points out. "We could do a family dinner, if you wanted. Invite Lorna so she's not left out...though I feel like I'd need to host in a larger space." she muses.

"I think the guys know that they are signing up to play against super powered people. I think it would be good fun, but egos are easily bruised." she nods.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Once she's settled, he takes his own seat. "True, pork is one of the best flavorful meats." Pietro chuckles and tucks a napkin onto his lap. "I do like ground beef, though, when done right." A slight shrug. "I suppose it all matters on what I am in the mood for, truthfully." A smile over to her.

A slight flush to his cheeks. "I wanted to make a friend's birthday special, Micola. It was worth the run." He assures. "Plus, I got to show you around the city." An arch of his brow. "A family dinner would be lovely. We should plan that out - find a good place and we can all relax and enjoy one another's company."

"Perhaps they are. I still... while I have my gifts and I am not ashamed of them, I don't want to upset the players. They work hard." A smile.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a soft smile over to him, "It is good when it is done right. And a meat that is used regularly here in the states." she nods to that. "Bacon is also delicious. I'm a fan of bacon." she chuckles to that. "I have something for you...and I hope that it's not moving too fast." she admits as she looks to him.

When he flushes she gives a soft smile, "You did make my birthday special and I will cherish those memories." she admits to him. "Even if I did shove my foot in my mouth multiple times." she muses to that. "I can search around for a place that might be good to have everyone together for dinner." she nods to that.

"They do work hard and I understand not wanting to downplay their hard work." she nods to that. "I also don't see you sitting through nine innings without going stir crazy either." she points out with a smile to him.