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Great Mind Come Together
Date of Scene: 18 May 2022
Location: Chief Carter's Office: Triskelion
Synopsis: Xavier comes to Peggy to share tea and concerns about people who are disconnecting Astrally. They make a good bond of it, both being British, quite old, polite, and protectively invested in taking care of people.
Cast of Characters: Charles Xavier, Peggy Carter

Charles Xavier has posed:
"Thank you, yes, that is very kind of you," comes the calm, deep voice of Charles Xavier, as the doors to Chief Carter's office are opened. Two helpers are assisting, due to the presence of the wheelchair, to more easily bring the older man into the office of the SHIELD leader. The chair is a clear presence, but it does not take away from the man in it, not really. Charles appears much younger than his 87 years on paper - and even the recent pictures SHIELD would have - and there is no obvious explanation for why that would be, but his tone and manner brings him a gravity and dignity of that real age.

Charles is dressed cleanly and tidy in a suit, his chair of a high tech, but still with a simple elegance to the design in black and silver, with a hand control he's using with a few fingers to manipulate it into the room. His manner is approachable, as if he were invited for a pleasant tea. Technically he is a little early, but not by very much.

"Good afternoon. I appreciate your time today, Chief Carter. I understand the demands on your time are great," Charles says kindly.

Peggy Carter has posed:
As the helpers are finished, Peggy gives them a simple nod of gratitude, but also dismissal. She knew of Charles Xavier, of course. Whatever was important enough to bring him into her office she is respectful enough to give full privacy. As the door shuts, she gives him a warm smile and stands up respectfully in her seat, even if she's at that stage of pregnancy where standing up isn't the easiest proposition.

Peggy herself, despite the round softness that pregnancy brings, is clearly a strong woman. Toned shoulders, usually hour glass frame, all of her covered in muscle from years of training, she's a woman who can protect herself. But she also gives an air of someone far older than her years, wise and calm. There is a reason she's was such an effective Director of SHIELD since it's founding, and now stands in full respect as their Chief. She's in a lovely wrap dress, well fitting across her frame, with an air of a 1940s style to it. She walks around her desk, so she can be in proper range to offer him a hand to shake.

"Professor, it's lovely to finally meet you in person. Would you care for some tea? I already have water on." Her careful, natural British accent offers.

Charles Xavier has posed:
"The delight is mutual, though perhaps happier circumstances could be wished for -- Please, keep yourself comfortable. We can mutually forgive each other for not standing for too long," Charles gently suggests, with a softened playful quality - a demonstration of his lack of sensistivity around his disability, and to hopefully relax her as well. As she approaches, he does accept her hand warmly -- and add a bit of a grandfatherly soft pat of left hand to suggest she go get back to her chair.

Still, there's no actual pressure, and since she offers the tea, he's willing to accept her gracious hospitality. "I would enjoy tea, yes, if it is already underway. My travel restricted my usual afternoon tea, sadly."

Peggy Carter has posed:
His genuinely warm nature seems to be taken at face value. Peggy is quite good at reading people, especially after all these years, and none of that reads as false tenderness. Peggy gives his hand one squeeze in the shake and then warmly lets go, stepping back around her desk. This pregnant or not, she still moves like a woman who is comfortable under her own power. She's got strength to her steps and isn't some fragile, exhausted flower. "Oh, well, that's simply heresy, missing your afternoon tea." She tsks teasingly gently to him, but as a fellow Brit, she does understand.

Two cups in little silk triangle pouches are set to brew. His is a lady gray, and her's something herbal. She brings them both back to her desk and sets them down before each of their places. Then she's folding carefully back into her seat, getting comfortable again as she studies him. "But... highly doubt you are here just for tea."

Charles Xavier has posed:
"I should have come earlier just for tea, had I but known," Charles answers evenly, with a smile that comes into his eyes and adds more than a few wrinkles to the corners. There are some areas where his age really hits strongly, regardless of physique. It's an old soul - but not in a restricted way. He is respectful and supportive, without any gaze of judgement. That is, perhaps, the teacher part of him, that strives to help those who are treated as 'other' or as fragile. He's fully aware of what Peggy must have experienced in the position she has reached. There's considerable respect there from the professor for her path.

Charles moved his chair closer to rescue the tea, and to occupy a spot adjacent to the visitor chairs. Naturally, he brought his own chair, but there's no trouble here. "The primary reason that I've come to you today is to discuss a problem I have seen - to open communication channels about it, and to offer assistance should you come across it."

Charles automatically falls into an organized way to present the facts to her in cohesive bites - that teacher thing, or perhaps past that, a military briefing quality that is there, though subdued. "I had hoped to contain it personally, but I have decided to not maintain that arrogance," Charles chuckles softly. "Awareness can best help us all." He enjoys the tea, but it isn't a delay - other than that he is giving her opportunity to ask or direct before he explains the meat of the message.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The longer she watches him, the more Peggy Carter is fairly certain that his demeanor isn't an act. It puts her more at ease, as she'd clearly prefer to trust an ally than be wary and always stepping on egg shells with a man that has the power he does. She lets her own tea rest between her hands, warming fingertips as she watches him curiously. She waits in patience for the explanation, though doesn't try to rush him.

"Yes, well... I'm glad you came to me. I'm rather saddened we've not worked together formally already. I've had quite good experiences with some of your people... Howlett and I, well, we used to be quite close. Not to mention the assistance of many mutants in the incident last winter. And, of course, several among my ranks. SHIELD is here to help, Professor. Let us help you."

Charles Xavier has posed:
"It is too easy to become isolated, to mistrust others. Sometimes necessary for safety. But it is not my preference, or what I would hope for my students, ultimately," Charles sighs. These are tough items. Still, he moves on with the content he came to discuss.

"Before I continue, how familiar are you with the concept of the Astral Plane, and movement between the plane and the material world we know?" Charles questions. His tone has become serious, but not grave. It lacks judgment: he is really just asking whether he needs to do a small explanation or not. He does not want to assume she does not know, either, and explain it, either. There's that mutual respect, again.

Charles cups his tea now in both hands, as the heat has reduced to where it is pleasant against fingertips of left hand. He draws them slowly against the teacup's side, as if the material presence of the cup held some private significance in that moment.

Peggy Carter has posed:
If she notices he's mirroring with the tea, she makes no comment about it. It might not even be conscious on both of their parts. There is something very much about him that reminds her of home, and Peggy will take the comfort of things being surprisingly easy after these last few weeks.

His question about the astral plane makes her laugh a touch gently, like the world is in a little bit of irony with itself. Peggy's eyes roll to the ceiling in amusement, and then she scoops up her tea to take a proper sip. "If you had asked me that a year ago, I would only have the barest of understandings. But, I've had several of my people needing to go through the Astral plane in the last few months, so I've studied up. I'm certainly not an expert, but I know it happens and I know what is... possible, over all. So, what is this about?" She asks with a tilt of her head.

Charles Xavier has posed:
Something about the description of the astral plane causes Charles to look saddened, as if he had done something to let her down. It has a touch of being personal to it -- as if he'd asked if she'd visited a restaurant, she mentioned the food was terrible -- and he were the runner of the restaurant.

"All right. As you know, then, it is possible to cast a mental image of oneself there - or to be conveyed there by another - to part ways temporarily with the physical body. Great distances can be traveled. To those with high ability, the reality of the place can be adjusted, which depends on telepathic ability of the traveler," Charles nods. "As one of telepathic strength, it is a responsibility of mine to safeguard travelers when I can, and to monitor the health of the plane. Should your people need to traverse safely in the future, please consider the door open. But I digress."

Charles clears his throat, holding his tea but not focused on it now. "While it is quite possible to enter the astral, and to lose connection to the physical self, it is uncommon. It is a fear, much like being concerned with a shark attack in the ocean. It does happen, but not at a high rate." Charles is looking at her, but it isn't a hard stare, nor penetrating.

"Over the past week, that rate has started to rise. Many psyche are disoriented, and severed from their physical selves. These are not telepathic mutants, but ordinary people. Without aid, they can't return. I have been able to aid the ones I have found, but I am concerned about where this is headed."

Peggy Carter has posed:
That disappointment isn't lost on her, Peggy's expression softening a little more a heartbeat later. She sets her tea down and leaves it aside, leaning forward a bit more, as much as her stomach and big oak desk will allow. Her office is more old fashioned than most in SHIELD. It's likely possible that she has some original furnishings, like this desk, from when she was first Director. It probably makes for a more comfortable atmosphere to someone like Xavier.

"Don't worry so much about my not knowing of how to safely be there. We had an expert or two in the matter. But I will remember that for the future, but your lack of presence wasn't such a danger in the past. I reassure you of that." She smiles soft and warm to him. She certainly doesn't blame him for her not having the training.

But then he moves onto the more severe matter at hand. Peggy blinks in concern, her expression darkening protectively. "How do normal people even travel to the Astral realm? In dreams, perhaps... but... are we certain they are there, or are they just being severed from their physical selves?"

Charles Xavier has posed:
"There are multiple ways to arrive. Occam's razor leads us to the most logical explanation - that when a disoriented awareness arrives through no power of their own - it is due to being brought by an outside telepathic force. It is most logical to first look to see who, or what, is sending these people there. All of those I have aided have suffered significant mental trauma, such that I am wary to press too far without allowing them some time to recover. This also suggests that they were torn from their physical forms in a way that is very, very concerning."

Charles recalls his tea, and takes a drink from it then, to allow his voice to recover. "I say all of this, but we must understand that it may not be intentional. Many young mutants do not mean to cause the damage they inflict. Due to the damage, it is specifically very difficult for me to locate and return these severed victims easily. I am hopeful that if we work together, we can identify those that may be collapsed or comatose, and compare them to the lost souls I have found. Patterns could emerge."

There's a dismay now, as he adds a serious fact, "I am doing what I can, but this is time consuming, and there is a very real concern that if this continues, there may be souls with no surviving bodies to return to. I don't want to call alarm early, but it is best to understand what this could become."

Peggy Carter has posed:
A gently understanding nod comes from Peggy. There is no accusation in her features, no anger or distrust. She doesn't automatically blame mutants and, even if she did, she wouldn't be doing it out of prejudice. "If it is one of your people, I'd much rather assume no malice... As you said, these things could be accidental. I also don't want to assume it's a mutant at all. There are some... artifacts, I know, which can emulate such powers. Possibly someone got ahold of that, for good or for ill."

Peg then falls quiet. She's giving him a worried, reassuring smile before picking up her mostly cooled tea and giving him a few moments to speak. Or consider what she's said, at least. "However this is happening, I'm happy to help. How many of my people would be helpful to you? What types? I don't really keep many strong psychics on staff -- people get ansty when governmental spy organizations use psychics. Not that we work for any government, or are spies, but that's what people think."

Charles Xavier has posed:
"Yes, it could be an artifact. It is an influence separate from the victims, would be the clearest statement we can be certain of," Charles answers. "I am cautious to assume too many other things until I have had more time to calm and reconstruct some of the injured."

"For aid, those with mental abilities are welcome, but I did not come to you for those. Broad awareness to seek out and identify those who have become comatose - when, where they were - would be the most helpful now. The material side: keeping them safe, as well. I am not optimistic that these numbers will stay low, and it is better to be prepared. If there is an alert to one in an area, we will need to search for others - this is not something I can easily do, as I cannot read for a mind that is not there."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Huh. So, it seems that you have suspicion these diassociatins are occuring in clusters? If you think we should look for others around the area. Is that a pattern you've already seen?" Peggy asks, her tea nearly entirely forgotten as she focuses on the man across from her. She's worried, she's got a new focus now as her mind mostly understands the basis of the situation.

"I'll help. Of course. My people will help. We have a lot of eyes and ears places, I'll get them all activated for it and report back to you when we find any of these candidates. Hopefully we can stop this before it gets too bad... but we'll work together on it. No matter what. SHIELD doesn't leave when it gets hard." She offers with a promise of a smile.

Charles Xavier has posed:
Charles releases a breath, and a soft smile. "I wish I had evidence to support the idea to look in clusters... but it is better than nothing. No, all I have is a feeling," Charles says, finishing his tea and allowing himself to chuckle in dismay.

"Much of this is going to be subjective, but this is where we are, now, to make guesses to try to get ahead of a worse situation." Charles wishes he could bring more facts, but the case is an early one. "You may already have some odd comatose cases; if so, we can begin immediately. The more we can save, the better. Thank you, Chief Carter."

Peggy Carter has posed:
As he mentons a feeling, Peggy reaches one hand across her desk. It's a bit too big, with that and his chair, for her to take his hand, but her palm rests open and face down on the wood right next to him. The gesture is gentle and reassuring. An offer of a touch, if not touch itself. "Trust me, Charles, after two life times of survellience work, studying people, leading groups... Feelings are rarely just feelings. Our bodies and instincts know better than our minds quite often. Trust your feelings. I do." She gives him another smile and then sits back, not pressing the moment home too much longer. She doesn't want to make it preassure.

"I'll begin as soon as you finish your tea. I can well coordinate this and, goodness knows, they aren't letting me back out into the field right now. So, having a few things to direct from behind a desk is a great gift." She rubs at the side of her stomach as she says that, not resenting the baby, but well knowing why they aren't letting her into the field. She accepts it.

Charles Xavier has posed:
Charles mostly only smiles at her, appreciative of her positive words, it seems. He accepts the hand and contact, taking it exactly how it was intended. His empathy is clearly visible - emotionally perceptive, this man, for sure.

"It seems my teacup is empty," Charles says simply, but with a smile though it is edged a little in the awareness of what could come. "But there is a great deal we can still do from behind a desk. Particularly so, in this case.... where desks matter little."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Yes, well, it just means you will have to come back for more tea. But I have a whole lot of agents to brief about this, and I know you are particularly busy, so I'll let you go. Thank you for bringing this to me. For... trusting us with all of this. It's a big step towards working together more in the future."

With that Peggy stands up again to properly escort him to the door. She knows he doesn't need it, but she's still old fashioned, polite, and British. He's getting an escort out. It's not until she knows he's safely on his way does she return to her desk to make the latest announcement that will now be all the gossip in SHIELD.