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My money doesn't jiggle jiggle
Date of Scene: 20 May 2022
Location: Stark Tower: Penthouse
Synopsis: This is all just a clever way for Tony to get a song out of his head that's been stuck there for days. Pepper comes home and finds Tony making a tiktok. It's pretty heartwarming.
Cast of Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts

Tony Stark has posed:
"It folds." Tony has the holoprojectors set to a recording mode, standing in the living area, where he's pushed several of the couchs off to the side to make a dance floor. There, in a pair of Scoobie Doo pajamas and a Metallica t-shirt, stands Tony doing one of those hip dances to a popular track made famous on tiktok. His left knee drops inward, fists down to mimic.

He's absolutely doing the Peacemaker dance though. Continuity be damned, it's just such an amazing thing. Now it's the Tony Stark dance.

Hashtag, not my Peacemaker.

"I love it when ya wiggle wiggle... Fo' Sho.."

"Sir, I do not believe this is going to get you any closer to the social medias target audience. Given some of the replies to your last post, I think it would best if you turned off the music."

"You just don't understand what's hip, Jarvis... now crank them tunes, would ya?" He takes a long sip from his glass and goes back into his dance.

Pepper Potts has posed:
In from London. It's what she does, when necessary.

Springtime in New York City is a wonderful thing and in the beginning of the warming cycles, terribly missed. So, deplaning is quick at the airport, stepping into the car, and driven back through the city and home is actually more relaxing than it has any right to be.

The car pulls into the basement garage, the door opened for her and her bags are removed to be brought upstairs. She only needs carry her clutch and her tablet.

*click*click* Her heels take the familiar stone, then marble floors, silenced by the carpeting when it's reached.


The elevator to the Penthouse opens, and Pepper takes a step through, still dressed in business attire; her light colored, spring suit ensemble is impeccably tailored, even if her strawberry blonde hair is something of a muss, strands having escaped the well-kept bun at the back of her head.

The moment she's through the doors, the heels are coming off, even before the music actually reaches her active consciousness. Once it does, she's got her heels in hand, standing in stockinged feet. She stares for a moment, her head canting before she just.. chuckles and begins the cross across the room to greet Tony.

"Good to know you're getting a new exercise in," is offered in low amused tones. "Working the core?"

Tony Stark has posed:
Of course Tony knew Pepper was due to arrive home any day now. Even though he was given an entire itinerary, the fact that he almost looks surprised to see her is just him being his usual aloof and casually forgetful self. "Oh, hey... well, you know me." A huff, another sip of whiskey, and he's resuming his dance. This time double downward punch walking towards Pepper with his knee hiking high with each step.

He stops a few feet from her steps his foot behind his heel on one side, then to the other. His hands come up and wave to and fro behind his head. Then dancer cross over his chest with the right pulling down in front of his face. From there he pantomimes pulling off his helmet and twirling a lasso over head.

"How was your trip? Eventful? You were in Brazil right... did you bring me anything?" All grins and muted affection seeing her, despite how clearly intoxicated (but not sloppy) he is. "Me and Jarvis were just working on my newest social media campaigne. I did a couple posts on a focus group and it tested fairly well."

"You manipulated the numbers, sir."

Tony shakes his head, grinning with his nose wrinkled.

Pepper Potts has posed:
She's stopped in her path as Tony does move to meet her half way, or rather, dances his way to meet her halfway. The shoes drop from fingers holding them, and green eyes flicker towards the glass before they come back to him.

"Mmm.." the sound comes from tightened lips in that half smiles, "London, but close." No, not really.

Pepper chuckles as she leans forward to give Tony a quick kiss, and wrinkles her nose at the smell of the whiskey, scotch.. whatever is the choice of the evening. "I brought you an agreement from your subsidiary to use those supplies from Germany, like we'd asked them to, even though the EU was being difficult."

She looks over the dance floor set-up, and back to Tony, "Your newest social media campaign? Why do you think.." There's a pause before, "No, never mind."

Reaching down for her shoes, she's ready to finish and get changed in the bedroom, "Have you eaten?"

Tony Stark has posed:
Scotch, with a splash of lime juice and bitters.

Old fashion.

Tony winks as he returns the quick kiss and smooths his hair back with both hands. The music cuts off, since the rest of that song is actually kind of lame... "Ooooh right yeah, London." He snap pointy wiggle fingers at her with a tight, of course I knew that, smile. "Trade agreements. That's so much better than a tiny little Queen Elizabeth bobblehead."

His hands settle onto his scoobie doo pajama covered hips.

Look at this specimen of adulthood.

"Actually, it's rather brilliant. I'm going to use my social media platform to appeal to a younger audience, I've been working on a new interface that I want to roll out in the next couple months that should revolutionize video sharing amongst social peers. I'm calling it Stoks." Suck it Steve Rogers.

"It'll be a feature app on the new Starkphone model. So, I'm creating a catelog of my own content as a proof of concept." His shrug is an indifferent one. "Then I'll bring in the target group to give them a crack at it, bug find, play with it... let creative young minds flourish."

"Growing young minds and shaping the future, one Stoks at a time."

The lights begin to flicker on, "Nope, I was waiting for you. I wasn't sure if you were thinking Tai or Greek, so I got both." He points over towards the kitchen, snapping his fingers as his finger extended. "And I opened one of the good bottles of wine."

Because he actually did know she got home today.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper chuffs a soft laugh at the pj bottoms, and as she begins to make her way towards the bedroom, her jacket coming off first, she has to ask, "Tell me that didn't get uploaded into the catelog. The scoobie doo.. because if it did?" She pauses at the threshold and leans slightly against it, "I'll be cleaning up after those creative young minds." Children are brutal out there.

The door closes ever so slightly, and her voice rises from the other side, "You do know this would mean you have to attend talks and conventions. At least for the first year." Then, can hand it down to the lower levels to run. She's not saying 'no' and isn't saying that it's not a good idea. It's more.. the jury is out, and she's thinking through the steps both verbally and quietly before she re-emerges in something a touch more comfortable. Yoga pants and a form-fitting tank top. Red hair is pulled from the bun, and it falls down her back.

The fact that he'd actually known when she'd returned doesn't escape her notice, and a smile rises, showing off freckled cheeks. "Greek, I think.. and that is so sweet." She's more than happy to take a helping, and a glass of wine in order to curl up on the couch and chat. She's home!