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Latest revision as of 23:47, 22 May 2022

How Is YOUR Weekend
Date of Scene: 22 May 2022
Location: Basement Apartment
Synopsis: Pietro finds out that his girlfriend might be in danger and plans ensue.
Cast of Characters: Micola Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola hadn't realized that anything was wrong until Saturday afternoon. Her mother had called freaking out followed by her grandfather and then the Detective that she generally worked with. There had been calls from news outlets and the spokesperson for the NYPD had called to get in contact with her, promising that they would make this right.

The natural reaction to the situation was everyone panicking. Micola was trying desperately not to do that. She had a business to run and well...she had others to worry about really. She'd closed the shop after her last customer for the night around 2am and then headed downstairs to the apartment. She had so many missed calls. So many people trying to get ahold of her. It was overwhelming.

She'd settled her phone on the kitchen counter as she padded over to the fridge to retrieve the bottle of wine that she'd been working on. Maybe Pietro hadn't found out yet? Thank god their relationship wasn't a huge public thing or that might get him bothered and she didn't want that.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
It wasn't like he was unaware of local news. He was an Avenger, after all! He had a search query set to alert him of any news that came up regarding specific people - Micola being one of them. As soon as he'd heard, he was on his way to her shop - to her home.

Zipping in past any customers, partners or hangers about, Pietro made his way to the apartment to check on her. "Micola? Micola, are you all right?" He asks, eyes open, peeled for any sort of danger. Who knows what lunatics might try to come for her, for any number of reasons. "I came as soon as I heard."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola was not expecting Pietro to show up but she blinked, taking a sip of wine and then he was there. The woman lets out a relieved breath, thankful that some weird speedy reporter hasn't ran into her apartment. She rises from the seat she'd taken and heads over to him.

"I'm fine, I'm here." she tells him as she reaches out to touch his arm. "I'm sorry, I should have called earlier but...things have been hectic." she frowns. "Can I have a hug?" she asks him as she moves closer to him.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"Of course you can have a hug." Pietro murmurs, moving to her to offer said embrace. "Do you know what happened, then?" He asks, even as his arms go around her to hold her tight. "There's nothing for you to apologize about, Micola. You didn't do anything wrong. You helped people who needed it." The man admits.

He holds her, not moving away until she's ready. "So what happens now? Do we need to move you? Do you need a guard?" He wonders, thinking aloud.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola was tense, but she didn't realize how tense until she'd hugged Pietro. She feels herself relax and she lays her head on his shoulder as she holds him close. "My mom and my grandfather called me late in the afternoon to tell me. I was wondering why the phone at the shop was ringing off the hook." she murmurs. "Also talked to the NYPD. They offered to have a cruiser come and sit at the shop and things." she frowns.

She pulls back just a little, looking him, "I don't need a guard, Pietro. I don't think anything is going to happen." she tells him. "And I don't know where I'd go unless I went to my moms. My grandfather offered to ship me to Greece for a few weeks." she seems amused by that.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
The speedster does his best to comfort her, fingers rubbing at her back and neck as she leans into him. "So, I am assuming we will need to change your phone number?" Pietro comments, thining through the steps. "Potentialy the cruiser is not a bad idea, in case people are upset for some reason about your assisting the police."

"There are places to go, safe houses or even other places." He rubs his chin. "I could speak to Lorna."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a soft look to him, "I'd not thought that far, so you're ahead of me." she tells him. "But yes, probably will need to get the cell number changed. The shop number can be changed, but it's public so not really any good there." she admits. She nods to him as he thinks on more things.

"Pietro, would it make you feel better if I had them park someone out front for a few days?" she asks him. "We don't have to bother Lorna. I...I honestly don't know what to do. It's overwhelming." she frowns.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"We could get a screening service for the shop phone, perhaps?" Pietro suggests. He keeps in contact with her, trying to remain a soothing influence on her. "We can certainly sort that out." The man decides. "If only to lessen the amount of harassing phone calls, right?"

"I think it would, yes. I might stay a bit, too. If you don't mind, that is?" Pietro suggests. "Until people have cleared out and moved on with life." A wry smile. "Yes, overwhelming indeed. Being outed is... very overwhelming."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a soft look to him, "That might help a bit, but just for a few weeks. I think that it's going to calm down pretty fast. You know how people are with news. It's all the gossip and then two weeks later they'll forget I exist." she admits. Or so she was hoping. "Thank you, I hadn't thought of any of this, so I appreciate having your wonderful brain around." she grins to that.

"I'll tell the detectives that it would make us feel better if they did hang out then." she nods to him. "I'm never going to protest you being here. It's why you have a key." she smiles to that. "I'm not ashamed of what I am...or what I do to help people. But there are going to be folks out there that do not like it and I just have to keep a better eye out for now." she tells him.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"I am hoping you are right, Micola. I suspect it may trickle down to people who have lost loved ones, and are asking for help with closure. The information on your mutation was not fully descriptive, yes?" Pietro hrms. "But as you say, there are those who fear mutants and our kind - and who are willing to martyr themselves to prove a point." Clearly, something he's not a fan of.

"I'll stay here until we feel it is safe. If anyone is still not dissuaded by my presense, then they are a larger threat that my Avenger co-workers will be glad to step in and address."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola understands what he's saying, she does. "If people want to contact me about that sort of thing I don't mind. I just can't over exert myself as it saps my energy. So I'd just need some balance." she breathes out. She shakes her head, "No, they don't have a full write up on my powers. So I'm glad that they didn't have that information to leak out." she sighs. "We'll hopefully not have any anti-mutant folks show up." she tells him.

"I'm sure that any one hanging out with bad intentions in mind will definitely realize that's a bad idea with an Avenger here...or I'll sic a ghost on them." she gives a grin.

She leans in to kiss his cheek, "I do not think this is an Avenger's level threat, but I thank you for being open to bringing them in if it does go that route." she whispers to him.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
A slight grin. "Perhaps you may have found another career, inadvertently?" He muses. "You could be a private investigator, for the afterlife?" Pietro says, with a nod. "There are any number of exceptional investigators." The man muses.

A brow arches. "You can command ghosts?" He chuckles. "Remind me not to cross you." A wink to her.

"Of course. I need to protect those I care for, Micola." He says, with a nod. "Have you eaten? Or have you been focused on the glut of calls?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"You know, I never thought of anything like that before...but I might think on that some more." Micola tells him with a gentle smile. "It...I know it's probably weird, but being able to give people closure makes me feel better sometimes." she admits. "I sorta stick out though, so being a 'private' investigator might be a stretch." she muses.

There's a little blush, "Yes, though I tend to not do that unless they're willing to work with me. Ectomancy has been a very critical magic to learn with my death mutations." she tells him.

"I've not eaten, no. Sorta pushed through the evening with things and forgot." she muses. "Are you hungry? I think we could order or I can cook." she offers.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"Private, as in not a government agent or police agent. Hirable by those who need assistance, not solely working for a specific task force." Pietro grins. "You don't necessarily have to skulk about and tail people, after all." A wink. "And I appreciate and enjoy your sticking out. It looks lovely."

"Magic... I should introduce you to Wanda." A smile. "She has a knack for mystical things, as well."

"I can cook. You should relax. Take a hot shower, and I'll get dinner going. Ordering might be a bit difficult for the next few days, honestly."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola looks like she might be debating this fairly seriously, "We'll have to talk more about that. Since most folks will know I'm a Mutant by Monday as it is." she sighs to that. "My poor mom. I know people are going to think she's a Mutant and she's not. So hopefully no one tries anything there." she states. "I'd love to meet Wanda. I'm probably no where as skilled as she is, but I try my best." she chuckles.

When he says he'll cook she gives a soft smile, "Are...are you sure? I went to the grocery Friday night so the fridge has a lot to choose from. Have at it." she grins to him. "A hot shower sounds nice right about now." she tells him. "I'll keep the door open if you need anything just let me know?" she asks him.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"I will see what I can do about meeting Wanda... it's hard catching her in a free moment." The Avenger admits. "And we can keep an eye on your mother, as well - make sure she's not being bothered." A quick kiss to her cheek.

"I am sure. Relax, enjoy the hot water, unwind." He suggests. "I can manage dinner - I have read up a lot about cooking, after all." He teases her, moving over to the kitchen to take stock of what's available to make use of.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a smile to him, "I think you're all very busy, so it doesn't surprise me that Wanda has rare free moments." she tells him. "And thank you, I'd not want my mother or you...or anyone else that I know effected by this." she admits. She was worried for them.

She gives a soft grin to him after he kisses her cheek, "I mean, you can always join me." she winks at him as she turns to head towards the bathroom. "You cook whatever you like. I am open to anything really." she calls as she closes the door just a little. She takes a moment to stare into the mirror, a soft frown given to herself. This was all going to be fine...but she didn't feel like it yet.