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Kung Fu Aftermath: The Reckoning of Colleen
Date of Scene: 25 May 2022
Location: Chikara Dojo
Synopsis: Danny attempts to sneak out before Colleen returns to the Dojo. He is unsuccessful.
Cast of Characters: Danny Rand, Colleen Wing

Danny Rand has posed:
Tucking his phone into his pocket, Danny runs a hand down his face drags his costume, the green and gold tracksuit, out of the hidey hole in the floor of his room, hefting an ancient-looking dragon statue in his other hand. He sets the artifact down on his bed and begins to change into his suit.

Chikara Dojo is...a mess. Just moments ago, a pair of sisters serving the Cult of Kali burst into the building looking for the statue of Chiantang. Danny Rand was hesitant to give it up. So hesitant, in fact, that he kicked their butts and sent them packing...but not without breaking a few things in the main room. Staves are littered all over the place, there's a rope dart left unwielded in the middle of the floor, shards of what used to be a mace all over the place, and dents kicked into the walls. It's gonna take some work.

Tying his shoes, Danny stands up and grabs the statue, moving to slip out of his room and towards the exit door.

Colleen Wing has posed:
She was still getting used to having someone staying at the dojo with her. For th elongest time it has been her place of employment and her home all in one. It was not much of a home, but it served her purpose. Just big enough for what she needed. She had just finally gotten done making all the repairs from the fire that had also happened. You piss off the wrong people and they burn your Dojo. I mean it was no secret that Collleen had made some enemies along the way. I guess when you leave an operation as large as "The Hand" and instead of agreeing to return, you try to intefere with their plans, these things tend to happen.

Would she ever get used to it? How long was he going to stay? These were questions she had been asking herself since agreeing to letting him shack up there. It has been /so-far-so-good/, good enough so that she felt easy enough to leave him there that morning by himself while she ran a few errands and made a stop by the local homeless shelter to see some of her students. Now, she was returning back and as she opened the door to enter the dojo, she pauses before the exiting Mr. Rand, her eyes going wide as she takes in what she sees.

Her words are delivered slowly and with a raised hand. "What...the...fuck...happened here." She blinks twice and takes in the damage to the main room of the dojo, running that same hand over her face as she exhales slowly. "Care to explain? Or are you taking that to the local pawn shop to pay for the stuff neeeded to fix..." She waves her hands wildly in the air over her head. "...all this."

Danny Rand has posed:
In Daniel's defense, he is normally an exceptional tenant. He cooks, he cleans, he helps with the instruction, and he is /never/ behind on rent. While he may come off as the millionaire playboy who's just looking to 'slum it', it's very clear that this place has become more a home to him in the past few months than any Manhattan penthouse could ever be.

"Colleen Wing!" Danny shouts, clearly not surprised that she's here, but also clearly wishing he'd gone out through his bedroom window. "This?" he asks, holding up the dragon statue. "No, I can't pawn this. It might have a demon's soul trapped inside of it," he explains. "I've got to get it back to K'un-Lun. Some cultists broke in here looking for it, and I had to run them off. /I'm/ fine, by the way."

Colleen Wing has posed:
It was true. He was a decent tenant. And she was thankfu for the rent money. It was no secret that she barely kept the doors open on the place. I mean when you are giving away free lessons to under privledged children these things tended to happen. Yet, it was all she could do to take a deep breath and exhale it slowly as she ran a hand back through her hair. "Broke in?" It was not the first time someone had broken into the Dojo. "A demon? Yeah maybe we should get that back K'un-Lun and not in my living room. You know, already have you here...not sure we have room for a demon."

She brushes past the man and with a sigh starts to pick up some of the shattered staff bits, speaking to him as she does so. "Cultists? That's a new one for the dojo. How many were there?" She pauses in her cleaning and looks to Danny again. "Yeah you look fine...little knick on your cheek there. I think you'll live." She sighs once more and the softly adds. "So um...you think they are coming back?

Danny Rand has posed:
"Might. Might have a demon," Danny says, lifting a finger to her. "It's tied to a case I'm working on with Daimon Hellstrom. You know him? Some two-bit villain type named Leo Stryke tried to use this to make a deal with the devil. Still not sure what happened after that."

"And just two. But they were fast. Broke my arm," he says, tapping in his left forearm. It's clearly fine now. That healing chi party trick of his comes in very handy in his line of work. "Here, I can help," he says, setting the dragon statue down and grabbing a broom to begin sweeping up the chunks of the mace head that are scattered everywhere.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleeen pauses just long enough to pull haer hair back into a ponytail, tucking a stray strand behind her ear as she colelcts some more pieces. "Oh might have a demon. Well, let's pretend it does. Send it on back and um..yeah. No more demons." She gives him a slight smile as she sets some of the broken wood on the side wall of the dojo. "Daimon Hellstrom. I know the name. Can't say I have had the pleasure of a conversation with him."

For a moment she ducks into the living quarters and returns with two bottles of water from the fridge, tossing one over to Danny before uncapping her and taking a long sip. "Broke your arm? That must have mad you mad. The untouchable Mr. Rand. Were they human, totally? Or do you think they had some sort of enhancement? Look I just want to know what I may have to deal with should they come back and you are UPS'ing that thing back to K'un-Lun and not here to help me fight them off." She gives him a wink and takes another sip.

Danny Rand has posed:
The untouchable Danny Rand is struck in the shoulder by the thrown water bottle and he leans down to pick it up, just now realizing how in dire need of a drink he currently is. He'd been going a mile a minute since the break-in. He drains the bottle in a matter of seconds and lifts his arm to wipe at his mouth.

"They seemed human, but their weapons might have been enchanted. Well, they /were/ enchanted. They were glowing. And those nunchaku hit like freight trains." Danny had to go all out with the power of Shou-Lao to keep himself intact.

But I can't send it back yet. Daimon's found Stryke. He's alive, and this statue might be the key to getting his brother's soul back. If there's a chance I can help him..." he trails off.

Colleen Wing has posed:
"Well you came with a lot more than just rent money." Words said more so to herself than to Danny. The swordswoman leans against the wall and slide dow it to a seated position, resting her arms on her bent knees while she sips the water and continues to question about the intrusion. "Glowing nunchaku? That's wonderful. They could have at least left one behind. Those sound amazing."

She eyes the man a moment longer before speaking once more. "What kind of friends do you hang out with?" Another soft shake of her head and a smile slowly forms. "So that stature there...the one they were after, is going to help you get Stryke's soul back for Daimon. Now, the question I have for you is: Are you friend's with this Daimon? Or did you make a deal quite literally with a devil?"

She gives him a fake sweet smile. "Asking for a friend."

Danny Rand has posed:
"They left this," Danny says, leaning down and picking up the rope dart. He loops the chain over and over again until its wound into a more manageable form. He'll hold it out to her.

"And I've only met Daimon the one time. He found my number and invited me to the crime scene where the statue was found. Thought that it might have some ties to K'un-Lun. It's not from there, but they have been keeping it out of the wrong hands for a thousand years now, so he wasn't too far off the mark."

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen extendfs her hand from her seated position and takes the offered dart, setting her water down to better investigate it with both hands. "This is...deadly. Not an easy weapon to use. You are lucky all they did was break your arm. Seems like they came loaded to not accept failure. You turned them away this time, but they are not going to give up easily. I am sure whoever they answer to will make them wish you had killed them here."

She pokes her finger lightly on the end of the dart, looking back up to Danny through a strand of black hair. "So what now? You cannot return it right away until you satisfy what they want with the whole soul thing. Are we to keep it here? Hope they do not return for it once more? Or do you think you have a safer place for it until you can return it?" She tilts her head to the side and softly adds. "If they want it that badly Danny there is no safe place for it except K'un-Lun."

Danny Rand has posed:
"They were too loud. They would've gotten me if it weren't for this," Danny says, reaching out with his foot to press down on one of the squeaky floorboards in the dojo. "But I was dumb to bring the statue here. I should've known that somebody would have been looking for it," Danny explains. "I'm sorry, Colleen," he says.

"And I'm taking it to Daimon in just a few minutes. Hopefully he's managed to dig up something other than Leo Stryke is. And hopefully I don't have to fight any demons. Demon cultists gave me a hard enough time."

Colleen Wing has posed:
She can't stay mad. She never could. Sure she gets heated from time to time, but Colleen was one that cooled off pretty quickly. She slowly shook her head and let out a small laugh. "There are many squeaky floorboards. I call it my ghetto alarm system. Doesn't cost anything." She nibbles her bottom lip. "You don't need to apologize Danny. Honestly. It isn't the craziest thing that has happened here. Trust me. And between you and I, it is not the worst place it could be."

Another small sip of the water and she tips the bottle to him before continuing. "If Daimon wants your help, then I do no think he will make things difficult for you. Or maybe he will. I don't know. All I can say is, whatever the next step is to resolve this death magnet...that step should be taken." She holds up the rope dart and shakes it in her hand once. "And as for this...do we know anyone who might be able to trace this back to an organization?"

Danny Rand has posed:
Danny's lips twist into a smile as he watches Colleen. It's a weight off of his chest that she's not too (outwardly) upset with him.

"Matt, maybe? He could maybe get that Greek lady he's always talking about to look into it. Or Jessica. She can dig up just about anything if you buy her enough booze," Danny says, moving over to lean down and pick up the statue. "I don't know how many steps are left, but I do know that I'm not hiding this thing in my room anymore," he says with a soft chuckle, unzipping his track jacket just low enough to reveal the tattoo on his chest. It's a brand thing. Luke keeps telling him about brand things.

Colleen Wing has posed:
"I'll look into this thing." She waves the dart about a few times carelessly. "See what I can figure out. Give you one less thing to worry about. You quite literally have your hands full with toting about the potential soul of..what's his name." She sets it down on the floor beside her and exhales once more before reaching for her water. "Yeah, I mean. If there is a soul in there and it wants to stay here, I am going to start charging it rent. So probably best if it finds somewhere else to reside."

The water bottle is set to the floor once more and she presses her hands flat to push herself back up tp a standing position. "I know you are not one to ask for help. The whole guy pride thing. Which by the way is comepletly stupid....but if you need anything in dealing with this, let me know okay?" She walks over to him and lightly pats him on the shoulder (the one without the arm injury from prior). "Whether you like it or not...I am kinda a part of this now. This might effect my security deposit." She looks about the room again.

Danny Rand has posed:
"Uh, I don't know who's trapped in here. Or if there even /is/ someone trapped in here. Could just be a legend," Danny says. Though K'un-Lun doesn't just guard ancient statues for no reason, so.

"I'll keep you informed about anything that I find out. And I don't want to hear about 'guy pride'. I've told you so many times already that your security deposit won't matter if you just let me buy the building," he says. Rand Enterprises already owns most of Manhattan. What's another dojo in Chinatown? "I gotta get going, though. Told Daimon I'd meet him in Central Park..." he turns to look at the clock on the wall. "Fifteen minutes ago. Be safe, Colleen!" he says, before he's stepping out of the door, no doubt on his way to bound across rooftops, even though he promised he'd stop doing that so he could conserve his chi.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen moves to stand in the doorway of the living area, leaning up against the frame wit hher amrs folded as Danny starts to depart. "I don't own much Danny. Not sure I am ready to give this up just yet." She gives him another Collween Wing smile and waves her hand. "Get out of here." He is then gone and Colleen finds herself sitting on her couch with half a container of leftover Chinese takeout. "What the hell did I agree to."