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How to Cook Eggs
Date of Scene: 23 May 2022
Location: Martin and Jon's Suite
Synopsis: Cael and Agnes talk about the impending move, Jon joins them for breakfast, and Cael has an idea about how to remember Alis. Also: Cael's really bad at eggs.
Cast of Characters: Cael Becker, Jonathan Sims

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Oh fuck!" Cael remarks from the kitchenette, in response to a popping sound, as she peers into the microwave. There's a mess of exploded egg and melted cheese all through the thing - as she slowly closes the door again. "Okay. That's not how you do that," she remarks. She'll clean that... in a little bit. She turns instead back to the stove where she has a nonstick pan waiting. Rubbing it with a stick of butter, she decides to try again - cracking two more eggs into the pan while freeing two more slices of cheese, to plop on top. At least the toaster was so automatic that you didn't have to worry about her screwing that up - and the coffee pot was almost done brewing.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "How long did you put it in for?" Agnes asks this as she comes into the living room/dining room/kitchen area from her bedroom down the hall. She's dressed for the day, with her gloves on, jeans, a t-shirt, glow-in-the-dark sneakers. The girl's only recently started wearing t-shirts, but as it's gotten warmer the sweaters she favored don't really work and she's ditched the button-up blouses entirely. The jeans are new, though.

    She leans her elbows on the island between the kitchen and the living room and says, "The internet says to do, like, 30 seconds and then stir, like you're making scrambled eggs. It seems to me it would be better to just make the scrambled eggs but I suppose there's less clean up this way."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Uhh... I did a minute. I was just trying to melt the cheese on top," Cael complains, letting out a sigh. Why did cooking have to be so //hard//? I mean. It didn't help that she hadn't had a working stove growing up. Not with her mother, anyways, which is the only time she was expected to feed herself.
    As Agnes enters, Bear makes his way towards her, doing the full-butt-waggle sort of wag as he makes his way over to lick at her gloved hands, and beg for attention - as if he's soooooo neglected and starved for love.
    "I'm going to try it this way, though," Cael remarks with more confidence than she feels - waiting for the egg to cook in the skillet. "How are you today?"

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "If you put in some milk it'll be fluffier!" Agnes says with the cheery confidence of one who's just starting to learn a skill. Jon's been spending time with her in the kitchen since they both seem to like cooking, doing basic things like eggs and spice blends and stock bases. It's an eclectic kind of education, given that Jon will go between sofrito and garam masala in the same breath, but it's mostly working out.

    "I'm fine, mostly. I'm really glad it's been warming up lately." The girl rests her face in her gloved hands and peers at Cael. "So let me guess--Jon overextended his magic again and you're trying to make eggs for... yourself? Or are you doing some horribly gross 'make eggs for my boyfriend' thing?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Jon's out like a light - I'm just hungry. I love Jon too much to subject him to my cooking," Cael says in a dry tone. Then in a puzzled voice under her breath she adds, "People add milk?"
    Her gaze goes to the fridge, but she doesn't open it. Instead, she picks up a spatula, and flips her fried eggs, so the cheese is now down on the pan - getting melty. This is genius. This will work perfectly. What could possibly go wrong?
    "What's your plan for the day?" she asks casually, with her attention still largely on the pan.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Probably playing video games. Jon says he'll actually sit and watch and let me explain things to him." Agnes beams at that, clearly thrilled to have time with Jon. She eyes the cheese, curiously. She doesn't know enough to know how very, very badly this could go.

    Instead of saying anything about it, she pushes off the counter and goes to the fridge, opening it to peer inside with an expression even teenagers raised in a cult get: I'm hungry but I don't know what for. While she chews on her lip, she says idly, "So are you just, like, living here now? I mean you're over all the time."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "...uhh..." Cael says awkwardly, glancing towards the teen, and then away again. It was just that easy for her, huh? "Sort of?"
    She takes a deep breath in, and lets it out again before adding, "I wanted to talk to you about that, actually. I mean. Jon and I were thinking of signing a lease for a three bedroom place again - so I could have a little space that was just //my own.// Which would mean moving again, and me living with you and Jon... almost all of the time. And since it's your home - well. I, uhh... I thought I should at least hear what you think about that," she asks, her gaze flicking to the girl - and then back to pan. The cheese was already starting to bubble. Did that mean it was already done? Where was her plat- still in the microwave covered in exploded egg.
    "Oh crap," she mutters, hastily fumbling for a new plate.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Agnes straightens from the fridge and brightens. "Oh, really? Well, I mean, I /just/ got settled in, but whatever, that's not the point--you're /really/ going to move in?!" She goes to try to hug Cael and then stops, recognizing that... well, for one thing, that Cael is trying to get the plate out for the egg.

    "I think it's brilliant," the girl enthuses. "Absolutely brilliant." Well, then.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Agnes starting to go in for a hug catches Cael completely by surprise, and she flinches back - her eyes widening slightly. She's releaved when the girl stops herself, allowing her to retrieve the plate.
    That's when the Worst Thing Possible happens. Cael picks up the metal spatula meant for the cast iron pans, and uses it to try to scrape up all the melted bubbling cheese and eggs into the plate. And it takes a few scrapes to really get most of it. She eyes her handywork with a dubious expression - it's a mess, but it looks alright. Doesn't it? Then she remembers to turn off the burner.
    "You, uhh... you like the idea, huh?" she asks with an embarassed smile. "Well. I mean, I'm sure it'll be nice for Bear to be around more, yeah?" she remarks - deflecting a little.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Agnes... kind of stares at the pan. "Umm," she says. "I don't think... that coating's supposed to be on the eggs, Cael." She lowers her voice. "Jon said /never/ to used the metal spatula on that. I... I think you just ruined the pan." She winces.

    Then, suddenly, "Oh, I'm sure they won't be upset! They're so nice about you, they're never mad at you. Or, well, not when I'm around. I mean. He'd probably just go 'oh dear well I needed a new pan anyway thank you for giving me the excuse, love.'" Agnes' Jon impression is... not all that bad, actually. She giggles.

    "I think if you're going to move in, though, you'll need to learn which spatulas to use on which pans."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "...you can ruin pans? But they're metal! How can you-" Cael looks and sounds baffled by this, as she stares at what she's just done. She smirks a little at Agnes' immitation then adds, "Well - how much can a new pan be? I'll... apologize, anyways. But- yeah. I guess I'll need a lesson on basic kitchen rules?" she says in an uncertain voice. How many rules can there possibly be?
    After depositing her toast on her plate, she pulls the 'cream' out of the fridge (it really is better than butter), and pours herself some coffee, taking it all to the island to sit and eat. "So - you really don't mind the idea of moving again? It's alright if you'd rather not. I won't be upset."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Agnes just kind of stares at Cael. "Why would I... mind? You're nice, and you're fun, and you actually play video games, which Jon still /won't/." She rolls her eyes.

    Then she bites her lip again and peers at the counter. "Besides, you make Jon happy. They're lighter every morning when you've been over the night before. Brighter. And that, ummm... it... matters to me?" She frowns, and twists her hands together for a moment, and then turns away to open the fridge again, pulling out eggs and milk and syrup. Busying herself finding the things she'll need to make pancakes.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I- well. I don't know," Cael admits. "I just know, I was never asked - when I was kid - if I cared if someone new moved in, and I just- it's your home, and I think you should have a real say, you know? If something bothers you. You should get to say so, and I think Jon would agree with that." She stabs her fork at the eggs on her plate as she adds, "Anyways, I'm glad you don't mind. Umm... I like, you know, being around Jon as well."
    She lifts a forkful of eggs to her mouth, then pauses, frowning at it. She can see goopy whites dripping off her fork. ...still raw in the middle.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Oh good lord," Agnes says, accidentally sounding /exactly/ like her father if three octaves higher. She reaches out across the island to take the plate from Cael and deposits it in the sink. "Let me make pancakes, okay? Jon has taught me /very/ carefully how to make pancakes. I can even go step-by-step to help if you want."

    As she turns away to the cupboards to grab flour and spices, she adds, "Thank you. For umm... asking. Thinking of me. I never got a say in... anything, before. Not what I wore or read or what was in my room or where I went or... or anything." She hesitates for a moment, hands tightening on the cupboard door, and then relaxes. "So... thank you. It's... nice, that I get to choose."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "The TOAST is still good!" Cael protests - rescuing it off her plate before the rest is tossed into the sink. She sets the toast directly on the counter, and starts slathering it up with clotted crea- WITH CREAM, taking a bite as she watches Agnes.
    "I didn't get a lot of say. Most of the clothes I got was... hand me downs, or whatever was given in Christmas donation drives. Sometimes I went to a thrift store and picked things out - so, yeah. I get it. I mean, I think I got a little more choice in my life than you did but- there wasn't a lot of choice. It sucks."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Agnes frowns down at a mixing bowl she's holding. "He wouldn't let me leave the house. He said it was dangerous. He said Jon and Martin were out there, looking for me." Her hands are trembling. "He... he told me... that he loved me, and he was protecting me. That he was protecting me... from my /father/. He..."

    She doesn't even realize her hands are on fire until suddenly the smoke alarm's going off and her gloves are burning and she drops the bowl with a yelp. "Shit! Oh, gods, oh no..." She kneels on the floor and starts picking up the pieces of the bowl. "Sorry. I didn't mean... sorry."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Hey - no problem. No problem, Agnes," Cael replies hasily. She climbs to her feet, leaving her toast where it is, and retrieving a broom and dustpan. "Look - don't cut your hands. Let's sweep it up," she reassures the girl, urging her back with a reassuring smile.
    She starts putting her words into actions, as she sweeps it into the pan - opening the cupboard to slide out the trashcan. "You know... You don't have to talk about anything you don't want to talk about," she reasures the teen. "But... if you do want to talk? I'll always listen. Alright? I know Jon would have come for you sooner if he'd only known."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "I'm not--" A pause. Then, quietly, "Maybe I'm a little mad at Jon. Just a little. But there... there must have been a reason. And he /did/ come for me, once he knew about me." Agnes frowns, letting Cael sweep up the mess, staring down at her gloves.

    "I need to enchant my gloves against fire," she says, almost absently. "So they won't burn when I get angry."

    She looks up at Cael. "Do you think... do you really think we can all be... happy? I mean, I know Martin left, but he'll come back... Jon died, but he came back... /you/ died, but you came back... and you're moving in. You think Elias won't come for me? That we can... that everything will be okay?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    There's a look of concern and sympathy on Cael's features as she finishes sweeping up the mess, and dumping it into the trash. She stands there for a long moment, staring at the trash can, before sliding it back into the cupboard, and closing the door. "Jon and I weren't the only ones who died and came back," she remarks quietly. "When you were born... Jon didn't know you were his. And Martin... was dead," she explains, her gaze on the girl. "Neith appeared to him, and promised to take you, and keep you safe, and to save Martin - so Jon took the deal. He was desperate, and he thought it was keeping you //safe// from Elias. If he'd known who you really were, or if he'd known where you ended up- he would have come for you. He loves you, and there is nothing, and no one, more important to him. Not even me, or Martin."
    She heaves a sigh before adding, "Elias might try - but he'd have not just Jon to content with - but me, and Martin, and all of the Justice League Dark. We'll do everything we can to keep you safe and give you the life you deserve, Agnes. I promise."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Agnes listens to all of this while she puts together pancake batter and starts mixing it in a bowl. After a long silence she finally says, "Jon... didn't tell me that Martin /died/. I mean, he... told me what happened that night, but he skipped over a lot of... I don't know. A lot."

    She takes in a long, shuddering breath. Lets it out. "And... and I suppose it makes sense that he wouldn't try to come after me, to find me, because that obviates the deal. Except the deal... never was." She frowns. "Perhaps," she says slowly, slipping back into old speech patterns, "I am mad at Neith more than anything. It hardly seems right that the Mother would hand me to Elias, even if she /is/ the 'Terrifying One.'"

    She shakes her head sharply, lavender curls bouncing with the movement. "Well. That hardly matters now. What's done is done, yes? I can have words with the avatar of Neith when I'm older." That's a /dangerous/ tone coming from a 13-year-old.

    As if to change the subject, she says in a much lighter tone, "So are you and Jon going to have children some day? I've been thinking it might be nice to have a little brother or sister."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "He doesn't talk about it," Cael murmurs quietly. "He doesn't like to admit it's true. And Martin- his memories of it all were taken. So.." So... what? Cael lapses into a silence, not sure what else to say.
    The next sound out of her is a choking sound at Agnes' sudden question.. "Wh- what? No! God, no. I'm- no mother. There's no way."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Agnes blinks at Cael and then giggles. "I will have to check with Jon to be sure you're being 'safe' then. He and Martin had a whole talk with me, as if I've got any /time/ for that sort of thing just now." She shakes her head again, turning away from the pancake mix to pull out another pan and put it on the burner. "Although they way they both talked about it, you'd think they don't, either."

    Well. They don't.

    Her expression sobers a bit. "I've been... pulling visions of Lyra off the bedroom. I think... I think she would've been nice to have, as a sister. But I think... honestly, I think it'll be good for Jon and Martin both to get out of this place, start somewhere new. How can you move on with someone's energy just... lingering in the room? You'd think they would've done a proper cleansing or something."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "...safe?" Cael repeats. "I- we- we're not-" She says uncomfortable. "Uhh...We're both asexual. We've never- I don't think we'll ever do //that.//" Yes, 'that.' "So yeah. We're being safe."
    She retreats to her coffee, picking up her coffee to take a sip, and then lets out a sigh. "I wish I could have met Lyra; it's all so sad. And I imagine- well. I doubt they see their daugher's 'energy' as something to be destroyed. They probably wouldn't want to just... smudge it out."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    For a moment, Agnes blinks at Cael. Then her eyes widen. "Oh. Oh! Oh, okay, I didn't... really... I suppose when I heard 'asexual' and, well, /I'm/ here..."

    She frowns, and shakes her head. "No, you know what? I'm not thinking about that annny further."

    She goes to start pouring batter into the pan. "I know what you mean, but it isn't..." She considers her words for a moment. "People leave... impressions. Like how dust is mostly human skin cells? You leave emotional impressions of yourself lying around all the time. And I understand that you wouldn't want to be rid of that, or let it go. I'm grateful it was there, for me to see. But it feels... odd. I don't know how to explain it. Not like a ghost or anything, more..."

    She frowns, watching the pan, waiting for the pancake batter to bubble. "Their grief's overlaid everything. They've spent a lot of time in there, feeling bad that she's dead. I don't think that helps anything. She's dead, but she's not /gone/, you know? Not so long as we speak her name."

Cael Becker has posed:
    At the word 'ghost' Cael's hand reaches up to touch the tattoo on her neck, and lingers there for a while, her gaze dropping to the counter. "Grief's complicated," she remarks in a soft voice. "As are ghosts, and memories. Maybe it will be good for them to let go of this place, though."
    She pulls her hand away from her neck to pick up her coffee, taking a sip as she adds, "Anyways. I'd say- well. For siblings, you'd probably have more luck egging on Martin with that sort of thing. Or- hell, honestly, I'm not entirely sure if you would or not. I've never really talked to him about his relationships other than us... sharing Jon."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Agnes smiles. "Who knows, maybe he'll come back from Nilaa with a super-magical baby?" Then a shrug. "But it's nothing... well, I don't know, I suppose I just was sort of assuming, because of television. You meet someone, you like him, you move in together, you have babies. Oh, probably a big wedding in there somewhere."

    She frowns and grabs a spatula, going to flip the pancake. "Probably I should not be basing everything I know about relationships on television, hmm? The real world is so much more... complicated than I thought it was."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Big wedding?" Cael repeats, her voice sounding amused. "Should Jon divorce Martin - or have him declared dead?" she asks, shaking her head. "Nah. There's not way Jon and me end up with a big wedding out of this. And... God, I wouldn't want that. Can you picture me in a white dress?" she asks - making a face. "Yuck."
    She shrugs her shoulders before adding, "I mean - I used to imagine stuff like that when I was really, really little - because little girls are supposed to. But I never really wanted it, I don't think."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Agnes eyes Cael for a long moment and then shakes her head. "No. I think I could see you in a tuxedo, though. Maybe Jon would wear the dress? He looks good in white." She smiles.

    "I never really... I used to imagine being a priestess, not weddings and things like that. I think I might like one, but I don't know. It seems like a lot of work and expense and you only wear the dress once. If I have a pretty dress I'd want to wear it a /lot/." The pancake is put on a plate and she starts another two in the pan, now that she's confident in her pancake-flipping.

    She hesitates a moment. They're talking, and... bonding, kind of, and... well, it's probably the time to say it, so she says, "I... is it okay that I miss Alis, a bit? It used to be that she'd have popped in by now to try to get me to add marshmallows to the pancakes or something." She bites her lip and looks up at Cael.

Cael Becker has posed:
    She lets out a quiet laugh at the thought of Jon in the dress, and shrugs her shoulders. "Well. Probably more likely than getting me in the dress," she remarks.
    She sobers at the mention of Alis - and almost immediately, tears well up in her eyes. "Yeah," she murmurs quietly. "Yeah, it's okay. I miss her too." Her fingers go to the new tattoo again. "I- it's good that there's- that someone else remembers her, and misses her, because... I feel like the only one. I mean, I felt like the only one, before. And now there's... you, and Jon, and Sara... It's good."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Agnes rather spontaneously reaches out toward Cael, but stops short. She peeled off her gloves and threw them away along with the bowl, and so touching Cael might mean getting a vision. So she just smiles and says, "Jon said... she went to the Field of Reeds. So she'll... umm... if it's okay, I'll do the proper rites, at the proper times? So her /akh/ can visit us, if it likes, and things like that. And we'll speak her name. And someday we'll all be there together again."

    She looks down at the pancakes again, and goes to flip them. "I know what you mean. Being the only one, and not now. It sounds like... your childhood sounds lonely, but Alis probably made it better. Right?" She furrows her brow, trying to think of what Jon would say. "She was fun. But... but I'm glad... I am grateful that you came back. I would have missed you, so much."

    She blinks, tears spilling down her cheeks, and reaches up to scrub them away.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "She did," Cael confirms quietly. "And we will. I- I remembered it all, our trip to Duat. And her- She went first, so I could come back." She rubs away her tears almost irritably. "She was a fun 'big sister' - huh? She wouldda... she wouldda made a fun little sister, too. I mean- she never would have... changed, or grown." 
    She nibbles at her toast, before admitting, "It was pretty lonely. I didn't have a lot of friends. When you're- I mean, when I was little I had to do most of the washing clothes, and getting the food, and- trying to keep the apartment clean. Well, sometimes mom did alright with it. And other times... it was all on me, and I wasn't always successful. Kids weren't always kind if your clothes had stains, or a smell, or whatever. So...  yeah. I didn't have a lot of friends. Alis always got it, though - nothing could come between us. Even when adults kept trying to tell her 'what a bad influence' //she// was on //me.// How if she really cared about me - she'd stay away from me." She lets out a disapproving snort. "They didn't get it."
    She sips her coffee before adding, "So yeah. I miss her, but I'm glad I came back, too. I promised Jon I wouldn't go. And maybe- well. When I get it painted, we can all go for a drive in the Ma'atmobile." God, she's really not letting go of that, is she?
    "So, uhhh - what's an akh? And how does it visit us? Will she- could we see her, and talk to her again, somehow?" There's a cautious note of hope in her voice as she asks.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Agnes giggles at 'Ma'atmobile.' Evidently /she/ approves of the name. She considers the question, though, as she transfers pancakes to plate and starts to make more. She's going to make enough for Jon as well as the two of them.

    "The akh is... we believe that when you die, your ka--the spark of life--leaves your body. Various rituals allow the ba--the personality--to also leave the body. After the heart passes the Judgement, the ba and ka reunite and create an akh. The akh is the spirit that goes to the Field of Reeds. It's immortal, not quite divine, but similar to the gods. We believed the dead could visit, and be prayed to for intercession."

    She frowns. "I don't know how... literal it is. My mother is obviously one of the honored dead--Jon says you met her--and yet the most I get is dreams. Maybe it was different, during our ancestors' time. The point of mummification is preserving a body for the akh, and even if Jon insists that isn't /necessary/..."

    She sighs, and shrugs. "Maybe it was different," she repeats. "I don't know. I suppose... you didn't believe... any of this, right? What did you think happened to people after they died?" She peers at Cael, curiously.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I've met her twice," Cael confirms quietly. "I, umm- when I thought there was nothing to be done, that I was dead, and that my only chance to see Jon again was to pass the weighing, and wait for him in the Field of Reeds? I asked your mother to let you and Jon know that I'd made it - if she could." She smiles wryly. "I'm glad it wasn't necessary."
    She tears off a piece of her, nibbling on it as she adds, "So... the spark, and the personality, rejoin in the Field of Reeds. And can come visit us?" She frowns in thought. "Probably not- I mean, I wouldn't be able to see her again, I guess - but Jon might? And she could see me?" That seems to comfort Cael a little.
    "Until very recently, I didn't believe in Gods, or magic, or the afterlife. I thought - sure, there's aliens, and mutants, and super powers - but that's all real, physical things. Science can explain most of that stuff. I just assumed... you die, your brain stops working and rots, and you're... gone. You're just gone. I thought the only thing left of Alis was //my// memories of her, and being in WitSec I couldn't even really... talk about her that much. But it helps - that other people remember her and miss her, now. That you miss her. I still wish she'd had a chance to-"
    Thee's a moment of surprise on Cael's face as she adds, "But I'm not really in WitSec anymore. I've been outted so- I don't need to hide. I can-" Her expression changes to excitement. "What about a Memorial? Some sort of Memorial- fund or- like..." She stares thoughtfully into space. "Promoting mechanics? The Alis Swain Memorial Mechanical Internship Program? Or something like that. We could- we could target young people who'd gotten mixed up in organized crime and offer them a career, and training, instead of jail time. On parole." There has to be a way to arrange it! Right?

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Jon would know more about whether he could... see her. He insists I should be able to see magic, since I'm a homo magi, but..." Agnes shrugs. Evidently it hasn't happened yet.

    The bedroom door opens and Jon comes down the hall, running a pick through his bright green curls, still a bit damp after being blow dried. "A memorial fund for Alis? That sounds like an excellent idea." He comes around to offer Cael a kiss on the cheek, clearly not having noticed the ruined pan yet.

    Agnes looks between Cael and Jon and then glances at the sink guiltily.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Well. I can't see any of it," Cael replies wryly. "I'm sure you'll get the hang of it eventually. If Jon believes it."
    She leans into Jon's presence immediately, turning her head so she can return Jon's kiss in kind, before running her fingers through their damp curls. "You think so?" she asks. "I'll have to talk to Robbie - see if he has lead on various shops that would be willing to host a convict as an apprentice. Umm... We'd need to find it somehow. It needs to be a //paid// apprenticeship if we're going to turn these kids around. With wrap-around serices. Housing, counseling... and a parole officer keeping them on the straight and narrow to keep their spot. They gotta earn their right to be there. But it's- it would keep her name alive, and give some of those kids an out from that life. I don't know why I didn't think of it before."
    It doesn't even occur to Cael to bring up the pan - she has other things on her mind - and she's clearly excited about it.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "We know some /very/ rich people. I could ask Steven Grant, or Tim Drake, maybe, whether either of them would be willing to help out?" Jon pauses for a moment and then says, slowly, "Steven would have a vested interest in... well, he finances Moon Knight's endeavors and all. Given that Alis went to Duat..." That probably doesn't make sense to anyone but him--but it /does/ make sense, to him.

    Agnes blinks at Jon, obviously confused, and then turns to grab a plate and start putting pancakes onto it. "I'd make eggs, but umm... the egg pan's kind of ruined."

    Jon blinks at the pan in the sink. "Oh, bloody..." He sighs. "Well... maybe we can buy some new cookware when we move anyway, hmm?" Looks like Agnes was right.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Sure," Cael agrees. "We can ask them. I mean, I want the sources to be... aboveboard, you know? Obviously. There's no question about Wayne money, though - that's for sure." She gets a thoughtful look on her expression before adding, "I say we start it out here in New York - bt I think it'd be nice to get it started out in Phoenix - once that's feasible. That's where her name //should// be remembered. Where- the people Alis and I knew- to show them, to show their kids, and their little brothers, and sisters, and cousins, and everything - that there's always a way out."
    As the pan gets showed off - Cael looks sheepish as she adds, "I did that - I didn't know. I'll buy the replacement just- send me the link for what it is I need to buy," she suggests."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "She used /metal/ on the ceramic," Agnes explains. "She didn't know any better." A pause. "I, umm... I got angry and broke the quart bowl, and burned my gloves. We need to start enchanting my gloves against fire."

    Jon sighs and pulls out his phone. "We need new mixing bowls anyway--we're missing two others of the set from a couple of other accidents. And I /think/ the three bedrooms in this building have induction instead of gas ranges, so we'd potentially need new cookware anyhow. It's fine. Let's wait on replacing it until we're sure, yeah? Ceramic wouldn't work on induction anyway."

    He leans over to give Cael a kiss on the cheek and pulls away to walk around to the fridge, tapping to re-order Agnes' gloves and then putting his phone away. He opens the fridge and pulls out eggs, then grabs down a bowl. "Want me to show you how to do it in the microwave, Cael? It's fairly easy."

    Agnes starts giggling. Hard.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Well. Whenever we replace the pan - it's on me," Cael insists firmly. "And, uhh... Agnes likes the idea of me moving in properly. Even if the idea of packing again is a drag."
    As Jon mentions the microwave, Cael's mouth opens, then closes, then opens again before she adds, "...I haven't cleaned the microwave yet. It's, umm, not fit for man or beast in there yet." After a glance at the dogs she adds, "Well. Might be fit for beast. I should let them have it."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon closes the cupboard door and rests his forehead against it. "I take it back," he grouses. "I never, ever want to move in with you. I'll never get another decent meal."

    Agnes counts pancakes, and then shrugs and puts three more into the pan. A bit crowded, but it'll mean three for each of them. "You're not allowed to take it back. I want Cael to move in with us, so now you /have/ to, no matter what."

    Jon sighs. "This is how Martin felt about me and tea, isn't it? Good /lord/."

    He turns away from the cupboard and gives Cael a /look/. "Well, come here and clean it up, then, and let me show you how to do it properly? It's really not difficult. Eggs, some milk, seasonings. 30 second intervals, stir with a fork, if you want a bit of cheese you put it on toward the end."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Stir with a - I was making //fried// eggs!" Cael complains, rolling her eyes. She takes another bite of her toast, and then moves towards Jon, giving them a brief kiss. "I love you too," she murmurs, before opening the microwave.
    She starts by scooping most of the eggy, cheesey mess into a pair of bowls for the dogs - then calling to them in a cheerful voice. "Bear! Lady! Come have eggs. Good puppies, come here- there you go." It doesn't take long for the pair to demolish the offering.
    Then she turns her attention to clean out the microwave's dish - and wiping down the inside of the microwave. "You did say that Agnes comes first, Jon - and it seems she's demanding it."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Fried? Oh! Okay. In that case..." Jon grabs some shredded cheese out of the fridge, and a bottle of oil. "Alright, watch."

    He puts oil in the bowl, swirls it around, then carefully cracks an egg into the bowl. Then he adds a bit of salt and pepper, pierces the yolk with the tine of a fork, and puts it in the microwave. "Normally I'd do this for a minute, but we're going to go 40 seconds and then add cheese for the last 20. Letting it sit for an extra minute will let it heat through. Oiling the bowl lets it fry properly, and poking the yolk keeps it from exploding so easily. See?"

    By the time he's done explaining that, it's been 40 seconds, and he reaches into the microwave to sprinkle shredded cheese on the egg and then put it back in for another 20 seconds. "The shredded cheese melts faster, although not as nicely as a slice."

    Agnes rolls her eyes at Cael behind Jon's back. "Give him an excuse to teach anyone anything..."

    Jon turns to glower at her. "You just want Cael around so you two can gang up on me, don't you?"

    Agnes beams. "Yes, that's /exactly/ it, Dad, I need someone else to help me keep you in line. It's not that I like Cael /at all/."

    Jon's eyes widen and their breath catches in their throat. Agnes hasn't called them that before.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I mean, why would she like me? I'm grumpy, and rude, and I don't like being touched," Cael says with amusement - before noticing the change in Jon. Having missed what caused it - she reaches out to touch his arm lightly, an uncertain look on her features.
    "Oh, and Agnes likes the idea for the Ma'atmobile too. So I think it's settled - we can all go for a ride in it once it's finished. I already have an artist working on the design."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Agnes blinks at Jon as well. "What--?"

    "You called me 'Dad.'" Jon shakes themself and huffs. "Which... ahh... well. If you two are going to /insist/ on things like 'Ma'atmobile' and Cael moving in, I suppose I can't really say no, can I?" They turn away, to busy themself with pulling the egg out of the microwave and onto a plate, then making another. They're not tearing up. Nope. Not at all.

    Maybe to change the subject, they go on, "So if you'd like me to give you a proper introduction to either Tim or Steven I can do so. Or both, that might be good. I'm not sure how else I could help with your idea, but I think it's an excellent one, really."

    Agnes bites her lip, blinking. She /did/ call Jon 'Dad.' Huh. "Umm... did Alis /have/ a memorial? Or a funeral? Could we... maybe arrange something?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    Amusement flickers on Cael's features. Ah, //that's// what got to Jon. She gives his arm a squeeze, then leans back against the counter. "I'd like to meet them, yeah. That'd be a big help. I mean, I'll need to get the funding, find shops willing to take on cons, AND get law enforcement and the courts onboard with the idea. It's- damn, it's going to be a lot of work.
    But it'll be worth it.
    "Umm... We had a sort of wake, the Alhambras and me, when she died. We drank, and talked about her, and laughed. I mostly just- cried. I don't remember too much of that night. I was pretty drunk. There was a little ceremony when she got reburied into a proper cemetary, and there's a real headstone and everything for her - in Phoenix. But I haven't been able to visit in... years." She wears a thoughtful frown. "I guess - maybe it might not be a bad idea to have a little thing or her. For... us and Sara. She has more people that care about her now."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Well, I'm sure Dad and I can help with that. A memorial service." Agnes is clearly testing out the term; when Jon makes a little noise in his throat she smiles happily and goes about dividing pancakes onto three different plates.

    "We'll, umm... we'll work on something," Jon confirms, wiping at their eyes and then putting the other egg onto the plate. That one gets handed to Cael--so there's pancakes and eggs--and then he goes about making scrambled eggs for himself and Agnes.

    He glances over at his daughter. "You're really okay with moving again? It'd be... well, hopefully it'll be the same building. I was one of the first tenants, and we've always had a good relationship with the building administration, so it shouldn't be too hard to get first look at any of the three bedrooms that open up." A pause. "Which reminds me, Cael, are you keeping the apartment with Sara? I had thought of splitting the rent three ways--Martin and I handling two-thirds of it--but if that'd be too difficult financially..." Well, maybe it wouldn't be?

Cael Becker has posed:
    "You're supposed to speak their name and remember them, yeah?" Cael remarks quietly. "...with love." Her fingers touch her tattoo again before she adds three simple words, her voice breaking as she says them. "I miss her."
    She wipes away her tears irritably, before jumping at the change in conversation.
    "I- well. I was thinking of keeping it for now. Don't want to leave Sara in the lurch, and- I- I dunno. I need to see how things go. I mean, not that I- think anything would go //wrong,// just- I know how weird //I// can be about things sometimes. I'll look at the numbers, but... hopefully the finances all work out."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Agnes glares at Cael, but Jon cuts in, "I think it's reasonable, honestly, to have... I mean, technically either of us can go back to the Trisk at any time, too. What if this place gets blown up in some big showdown with a supervillain, hmm? What if we have a /huge/ fight, so big Cael needs to go to her best friend's place to cool off? She can't go to Sara's parent's house, /Johnny/ lives there."

    Agnes blinks. "What's that got to do with anything?"

    A shake of the head as Jon stirs eggs with a fork and puts them back in the microwave. "Nothing good, is my point. We'll figure out the money, one way or another. Between savings and investments and what's coming in from SHIELD we're doing alright. We could handle a three-bedroom... and if things get tight, I'll look into finding some funding for my superhero work. Like I was saying, we know rich people. We'll figure it out."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Fucking Johnny," Cael mutters under her breath. She runs her hand through her hair before explaining, "He's Sara's boyfriend and he's- a prick, and an asshole, and he's just- blinded by his fucking faith and his unquestioning devotion to his 'loving God.' Some fucking loving God. Can't stop it's own children from stringing people up and-"
    Nope. No. Let's not go there. Nope.
    "...anyways. I can't live with Johnny. But I do feel better knowing I have somewhere else go if I need a... break. Sometimes I just need to, you know, have a coutple days to myself. That's all." She takes a deep breath in then adds, "And - yeah. We'll figure it out. We have enough money, I'm sure."
    She finally picks up her plate - returning to the island so she can dig in.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon deposits scrambled eggs on plates next to pancakes and comes around the island to kiss Cael on the top of the head before settling down next to her. "Agnes, would you mind--"

    "--making toast, and /clotted/ cream, of course, Dad. Cael already got hers." Agnes grins, and goes to put bread in the toaster. "So... your friend Sara's dating a crazy mutant /and/ a... very religious... Christian? Do I have that right?"

    Jon nods. "I've butted heads with Johnny from time to time myself. He's... mmm. Well. While I might argue the Presence /did/ send people to stop that, if in a terribly roundabout way... I would not argue They are 'loving.' At least, no more so than the mass of all humanity and aliens and such are 'loving.' The Presence... /is/. It is all of us, and the rest of the universe, and every /other/ universe, besides. The concept of seeing that being as all-loving is... foolish, really. If Johnny wants an ever-loving deity he should worship Gaea, really. She's terribly patient."

    Agnes is standing by the toaster, considering something. "You need space of your own... because you never had it. But you always had people around, so... so it's different. Oh. Okay." She bites her lip a moment, and then nods, like she's figured something out.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I like Wade," Cael remarks. "I mean - he's completely nuts. But... well. I dunno, I like him." She leans towards Jon, pressing her shoulder into him for a moment - before straightening back out again. She rolls her eyes at the comment about '//clotted//' cream, and simply focuses on eating her food.
    "The presence doesn't deserve anyone's //love// if you ask me," she mutters under her breath between bites.
    Then her gaze goes to Agnes as her eyes narrow. "Oh God. Is the kid psychoanalysing me? Jon - that's //your// job."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Actually," Jon notes, "it isn't. It... very much isn't. Remember? Not with you." He smiles at Cael. "And you're at 'I like Wade,' hmm? I didn't get that impression before, but I ought to know you can be hard to read."

    Agnes rolls her eyes. "Dad and I have been talking about... my feelings about things. About... how I grew up. Having a lot of people around is strange, but I don't really like to be alone, either. We agreed to, umm... spend more time, even just in the same room, because that's... comforting, I guess? And I didn't get why you'd need so much... space. I was worried space meant..." She trails off, frowning.

    "You were worried it meant Cael was trying to find a reason to leave?" When Agnes nods quietly, Jon smiles. "It's quite the contrary, dear. It means she's trying to make sure she can /stay/, even when things get difficult. And that's good. Okay?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Huh?" Cael asks in surprise, her brow wrinkling with some confusion. "I've always liked Wade well enough. I- it didn't seem like it?" she asks, her gaze on Jon.
    As Agnes and Jon talk, she looks between them, then looks down at her plate, pushing around some of her food with her fork. She cuts off a piece of egg, and toys with it for a little while before agreeing with Jon in a quiet voice. "Yeah. I don't really want to go anywhere. I just, sometimes... I don't really know how to explain. I don't like feeling trapped, and I get tense, like... I dunno. A spring wound up too tight."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon smiles at Cael. "And that's okay," he says softly. "Everyone's got a different level of what they're okay with at any given time."

    Agnes just nods, stirring her own eggs around on her plate. "Alright. That's... okay. Yeah."

    There's silence for a few moments as everyone focuses on their plates. Then Jon says, "So... what's the plan today for you? I know I promised to spend some time with Agnes, since it's Sunday. What're you planning to do?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Workout. Maybe get a drink at the Velvet Room." Cael gets a thoughtful look on her features before musing softly, "Maybe spend some time figuring out what I need to do to make this... Alis Memorial Apprenticeship thing happen..." That'll eat up a big chunk of time.
    "And I have somthing I've been looking into. One of my former colleages at the Bureau seems to have just... dropped off the face of the planet. I'm trying to track him down to make sure he's alright - and I feel like I'm finally getting somewhere."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon nods. "Well... be safe, okay? I trust you won't be going anywhere the Alhambras might find you, but be ready to bug out if you need. Just call and I'll have a portal ready. Alright?" They lean over to give Cael a kiss and then go back to eating.

    Agnes takes her plate over into the living room and sits down on the couch, putting it on the coffee table. "Well, /I/ am going to eat while I get through some cutscenes. Dad finally broke down and bought me a Playstation, but he made me promise that whatever I play have good music. This one has /jazz/. And really good reviews." She picks up the controller. "But... I hear the opening sequences can be /very/ long, so I may as well eat while I'm getting through them."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael looks between Jon and Agnes, amusement on her features. "Good music is Jon's standard? I mean - of COURSE it is," she remarks with a snort, before turning her attention solely on Jon.
    "It's looks like a trip to Gotham," Cael answers Jon, leaning over to return the brief kiss. "They have no reason to look for me //there.// Hmm?" Pulling out her phone and waggling at Jon she adds, "And besides, I still have my panic button if I need it. I don't expect I will."