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A King and a Weather Goddess Meet
Date of Scene: 18 May 2022
Location: Wakandan Embassy
Synopsis: Ororo is invited to the Wakandan Embassy, where she and T'Challa discuss recent and future developments.
Cast of Characters: T'Challa, Ororo Munroe

T'Challa has posed:
Some days, the Wakandan Embassy is quiet. This day is not one of those days. The King has returned.

T'Challa, flanked by a pair of Dora Milaje, two more by a large door into further reaches of the building, awaits in traditional garb consisting of light materials dyed black, fashioned into clothing that is tailored expertly yet fits comfortably, somewhat loosely in places. It is textured with patterns of silver along the collar and one half of the front, down the outsides of the legs as well where feet rest in a pair of black shoes, more formal than casual.

An invitation was extended to an old friend, one Ororo Munroe. After comparing schedules, this was the day. The man waits with arms casually behind his back, hair and beard trimmed neatly, nothing out of place, everything in order.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo Munroe had received the invitation and cleared several meetings at the school that could be rescheduled to another day. When she arrives, she's dressed nicely, a black slip shirt tied around the back of her neck that shows off her trimmed arms and back, a pair of black leather pants with thigh high boots on short heels. Her white hair is feathered and held back with swooping bangs dangling down eitherside of her slinder face.

Each step is precise as she enters the Embassy and immediately spies the gathering around T'Challa. A smile creases the corners of her mouth as she approaches, stopping respectfully short of so as not to incite the Dora Milaje, "King T'Challa." Bowing her head, "It is so good to hear from you and to receive your invitation. It has been too long."

T'Challa has posed:
The Dora Milaje are a constant presence around the King, just the way things are. There is no concern that Ororo will act in such a way as to betray trust, evidenced in the uniformed women looking marginally more at ease than usual, with rigid seriousness their default. Okoye even gives her a brief smile of greeting.

As for T'Challa, his smile is a more complete one, stepping toward one side to indicate a pair of chairs set in an adjacent room with a small table between them, water and juices set up nearby. "Ororo. Yes, it has been far too long. Months, at least? I am certain you have had enough to keep you occupied, as have I, but it is always a pleasure to have you for a visit. It is important we do not forget friendships in these times we are in. Make yourself comfortable, please. I would enjoy learning of any recent news you wish to share."

He enters the room as well, with Okoye and Ayo following to stand watch at the doorway. "There are things I believe you ought to know, as well," he says, voice lowering slightly.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo shares the greeting smile with Okoye, then with T'Challa more completely when his spreads. She nods to what he's said and turns to the table placement to make their way casually over to take a seat. "Certainly. Though I have to admit there's very little news from me. Nothing that has not been widely know already." She settles into one of the chairs and brings her left leg up to cross the right.

"Given everything you must deal with on a daily basis, I am certain you have far more news, at any rate." Laughing quietly, she sits properly. Posture straight, "We are about to have a graduation in the next few days, which.. surprisingly.. has a lot of work that goes into it. Since most end up becoming permanent residence at the mansionn."

T'Challa has posed:
"It does not need to be important. A new recipe you like, a television show you have been hooked on, how your garden is doing," T'Challa suggests, giving a few alternatives to the usual. "And I will not ask you your thoughts on the weather," the man deadpans, the joke revealed best in his eyes. "Ah, graduation. A coming of age for them, one more step into adulthood and responsibility. The place must be getting quite full of people by now, if many remain behind."

He seats himself comfortably, the chairs well-padded and easy to settle into. "My news might be of a larger scale, but I was watching this game show the other night. If the contestant guessed the wrong answer, he was tasked with trying to convince at least one of the other three that he was telling the truth and was correct. Most entertaining. But I digress."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"It is my favorite time of year, to see students move on into the world we have tried our best to educated them about." Ororo rubs her palm across her thigh and looks across the table at T'Challa explaining the particulars of the gameshow he's most recently been watching. It has her laughing, if only a little, at the mental image of the King of Wakanda playing couch potato.

"Ah, yes. I have grown rather fond of America has Talent. As well as Lego Masters. The creativity involved in such simple a concept is exceptional." She grins and shakes her head, extending a hand for him to explain with a little motion of her fingers.

"But I too digress. After all of the business with the Empire, it has been suspiciously quiet for the School." Normally she wouldn't be so cavalier with such information, but as an Avenger... And an old friend... she makes concessions.

T'Challa has posed:
Small talk is good for settling in, getting comfortable, building on approaching more important things. "You should see Eurovision sometime," the King remarks, after nodding once at the talk of students moving on. "I do hope the lessons you have sought to teach them resonate. This is not an easy world to grow up in for many."

T'Challa steeples his fingers before his mouth and chin for a few moments, a glance following toward the Dora Milaje at the doorway before he pours a glass of water, offering it to Ororo, and another for himself. "You have heard of the spaceport that has been under construction at sea?" he asks.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"I'll add this to my list, though my time is so limited to watch television..." Ororo says, then immediately rolls her eyes at herself, "I sound so self important, that's hardly what I intended. This time of year is very busy around the school, is all." She continues chuckling, but perks up slightly at his mention of the spaceport.

"Snippits." She indicates, "Rumors and hearsay, to be sure. I try not to put much faith into them without seeking confirmation from those involved. Which, one would argue, would have been a good reason to reach out to you..." Her hands turn over in a facilime of a shrug.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa waves it off. "As you said, you have been occupied with other matters. When I am not reviewing matters that require my full attention, I find the time to relax. It is sometimes difficult, but it can help to take your mind off of other things and refresh."

Given what she says, there are blanks that can be filled in. "The threats that exist to this planet do not only come from its own people. Earth has been invaded before, and there is good reason to believe it will be again. You are in a position to know this better than others. Through various ties that exist between Wakanda and Themyscira, and with the involvement of Atlantis, we agreed to pool some of our resources together in order to create a port at sea that is intended to serve as a point of contact for space-faring races. It will also exist as a line of defense the planet has not had before. Superman himself, and others like him, come from a distant planet that was destroyed. He has of course pledged to protect Earth, his new home, but not all are peaceful as he is."

The King sips, then continues. "This port was built with the hope other groups, such as your own, would keep a presence there of some kind. A truly joint effort. Wakanda is providing some of the technology, which leads me into the other matter I wished to inform you of." He pauses here, allowing time for the news to be considered, and any questions that may come to be asked.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo considers the information provided, nodding her understanding and interest in the joint effort between Wakanda, Alantis, and Themyscira. Which is, itself, a fairly large deal given historical situations. "This could be quite useful given as many invasions as we've had over the recent years."

She inclines her head thoughtfully, "I know there was an invasion last evening that one of our former students was involved in with the Titans. It was not nearly as grand as that which took place last year or a half decade ago, and it seems rather common place in Metropolis... but if we could have some safe guard against these invasions. At least an advanced response to such invasions.. that seems to be our greatest downfall."

Though, he mentions having other news.. and her brow perks just so.

T'Challa has posed:
"Shuri is friendly with some of the Titans," T'Challa says of his sister. "From what she has told me, one of their members has ties to Wonderland, of all places. I believe there have been a few..incidents having to do with that, and I am not sure there are any defenses to guard against something of that nature." Proof, perhaps, of how difficult some of this may be. Something is better than nothing? "There are certainly things this will provide warnings against, creating opportunities for talking before fighting."

The lifting of the Windrider's brow indicates her interest and attention. "For decades, if not longer, Wakanda has operated under the maximum levels of secrecy we could manage. My father weighed this very thing against keeping our people safe, my grandfather weighed it, and many before them weighed it. I have weighed it since before I was King, and given my role with the Avengers, the Justice League, and now this new project...it is increasingly difficult to balance the need for secrecy against the need to do what is best for the world, not just Wakanda. There will come a day much sooner rather than later where the world learns the truth about us. I am not sure they are ready for that day, but there will be only one way to know for certain. It is a message I must control the presentation of." She can undoubtedly see where this is going, and just by the serious, thoughtful look on his face, it has been a source of heavy consideration.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"Yes, one of our former students said as much." Ororo agrees about the connection to Wonderland, "In reality, what she explained to me was very fanciful, nearly a fantasy.. While it is not beyond something she might do, she indicated the whole fight was won by a keg-stand.." She rolls her eyes, but still chuckles at saying it out loud. "Hopefully our warning system doesn't encourage more of that, I'm not at all sure I'm ready for this kind of negotiations."

When T'Challa begins to explain the situation that he finds himself in regarding the secrecy of Wakanda a lot of her earlier mirth is replaced with a quiet seriousness befit to what he's saying. She nods along in understanding, but waits until he's finished his thought before speaking, "That's a huge undertaking and not one I can imagine you wish to take lightly." Her hands settle upon her thigh, one upon the other, "The realities of this world, and the abilities of its people, it is no small achievement that you've remained as secrative as you have. Technology has come so far..."

T'Challa has posed:
The King shakes his head briefly. "Wonderland is, of course, based on a fantasy, a story. That it is apparently real would lead one to question what other stories may be as well, but this is impossible to know much about in advance of further evidence becoming known. As they say, we will have to cross that bridge when we come to it."

Matters of Wakanda are more paramount for him, his own nature remaining more stoic and serious as well. "You understand the position it places me in. Sooner or later, this was going to come up beyond mere consideration. We have access to technologies the rest of the world does not yet know, especially in the medical field. As you are aware, I have provided aid to Genosha and mutantkind in general, but from behind closed curtains. I cannot balance providing what aid we can against keeping as much of it as possible hidden forever. There are groups in Wakanda who wish to become more a part of the world at large, others that worry about what may come when the truth is known. It will bring dangers we have not yet faced, but it has already been difficult to keep our secrets safe. If we are to progress, if the world itself is to progress, this is a necessary step. I will direct it as I can."

Clearing his throat, T'Challa glances back toward Ororo after taking a moment to take in some of the things on display in the room: trinkets, clothing, more traditional weapons for hunting, statues and artwork of panthers and Bast. "I would like to offer you a tour of my country before all of this is done. I have begun to show it to others, such as the Avengers."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Again Ororo remains quiet as he vocalizes his thoughts on how difficult the situation truly is against what it means to keep that secret close. "There is a group amongst the faculty of Xavier's who wishes the same.. to become public with what we actually do and who we actually are." Her lips press into a thoughtful line, eyes dipping to look at her nails. "But these things are not zero sum. It puts more than just ourselves at risk... the children who seek our aid and protection, just like your citizens. Those whose only crime is where and how they were born will become target to all manner of threats that hadn't been a concern because they had no idea that anything exist TO be a concern for."

A low sigh, one of understanding. She dips her head in a bowed nod, "I do not envy your position, but I have faith that you will do what is best for your people and best for the world. Whatever that decision is." To the last, her grin returns and her eyes rise up to look the short distance to him, "I would be honored. I must admit my curiosity has always been very strong."

T'Challa has posed:
"You understand the weight of it. One decision or another, it will have an impact that some believe is good, others believe is not. Others have sought to infiltrate Wakanda before and have been repelled, but knowing what we have and what we can do? Some will see it as an opportunity. Some will understand the folly of trying to breach our borders." The way T'Challa sounds in saying it, he does not believe it would be wise for others to attack.

A slow nod, then. "That is another thing I mull over frequently. How will this impact those who cannot defend themselves against a threat? You can. I can. Not all can. It is our responsibility to protect them." He offers her a smile. Not the full, charismatic one he has allowed the media to see on occasion, but a more subtle one of consideration. "It is a heavy balance. The scales can tip each way easily, but I would not be King if I was not prepared for it. I believe you will like seeing what Wakanda has, and what it can offer. You would find it enjoyable, I think."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"Infultration will not become any easier once Wakanda is known to the outside world, though it may become more frequent?" Even that, Ororo doesn't seem convinced. There are other nations that have come forward, like Genosha, but external attacks were responsible in that instance. "Plus you are already a member of the United Nations.. not that this has done much in protecting soverign nations in the past, but it is a buffer.." She's trying to offer an objectively positive point of view.

"Ultimately it is a question of whether the good out weighs the bad."

Which is universally true, more so when so many lives are stake.

She matches his smile and bows her head, "I am sure I will. Aside from just getting a chance to return home for the first time in a while, it is very exciting to finally see what I have only before imagined." She knows there's technological advances beyond what the world knows in Wakanda, but the full extent? How could she possibly.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa nods, fingers steepling again at his chin. "There have always been threats. They simply come in different forms. There is a robust black market for vibranium, and a good deal of my time is spent sniffing out efforts to smuggle it into the hands of others. This may shift further into direct attempts, which I am confident we will repel. We are a proud people, and have resisted aid from others since we have not required it, but there may be certain concessions to make in the interest of diplomacy." He waves it off with a hand. Things to work out in due time.

"I believe the good does outweigh it. Removing some levels of secrecy makes some of this easier to handle, for certain. But, all in due time. All I ask from you is to let me know when you would like to visit, and I will ensure you have the opportunity to experience as much as you would like, from our food to our clothing, to seeing more of what we have to offer the world. I will warn you, some of my people will see us about and begin to wonder." It is known he has yet to formally name a Queen. "So I do not wish to put you in an uncomfortable situation, as much as you can handle yourself."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"At the level of the world stage there are certainly more safeguards in place to protect your people from external threat... it is hard to have sactions placed on people by the United nations when they do not know for what those sanctions would actually be. And you'll have many new allies coming to Wakanda once they do know." Ororo chuckles saying this, it's a lot to be said about the greed of other countries, "Not that I would ever suggest playing on the greed of mankind, but it is something to be considered."

Whereas visiting Wakanda needs no consideration. It's obvious how interested she is by the way her blue eyes brighten at the futher explantion, "I am very rarely placed in awkward positions and do not let the things people think make me uncomfortable." She sounds and looks amused, reaching out then to pat his hand. "If, however, this is a round about way of asking me to dinner, King T'Challa, I assure you that you do not have to go to such great lengths and extravigance." Her intentions are teasing, but playfully so.

"I would still be very much honored to join you and experience all your Country has to offer."