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Latest revision as of 16:38, 2 June 2022

I Have Questions, Queries, Posers
Date of Scene: 02 June 2022
Location: Greenwich Village
Synopsis: Divine visits Alexander with some questions. But she gets some suggestions too.
Cast of Characters: Alexander Aaron, Divine

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
    The best college schedule one can have. It is the goal of many a college sophomore to properly align their classes so they fall ideally on those four days, labs included so that every weekend is three day weekend. It's very important in the social life of a student.
    Though one thing that people don't mention... is that on those four days it leads to early mornings. For some it's cause to grouse. Though for others... particularly demi-gods who don't have to sleep. Well it's not that big of a deal.
    The alarm goes off, its electronic shrill cry beeping only three times before a hand lifts to thump it into silence. Then the blond Olympian sits up in bed, rising and blinking a few times as his faculties come online and he looks around the room. Wearing just boxers for the moment he /sliiiides/ out of bed, gaining his feet as the comforter falls off onto the floor. He takes a deep breath and grabs his cellphone and swipes it to life, then hits a number.
    After a few moments he speaks into the phone. "Hey. You told me to call you to make sure you got up."
    "No seriously, you did."
    "It's 5am."
    "No /you/!" Though as he says that last word he can't help but grin even as he tosses the phone onto his bed and /streeetches/ while he walks across the room, heading towards the closet.
    Of course that's the moment when he hears a tap-tap-tapping on the window. So he goes to investigate.

Divine has posed:
Hovering outside that window is Divine. Since his room is a few stories up, the hovering is necessary. Especially since she did not have a key and had learned early on people disliked when their doors were removed forcibly. Go figure. She was dressed in her usual attire which considered of those big boots and black pants with a black sports bikini top. She had at least pulled a flannel shirt over the outside but hadn't bothered to fasten it. Her short dark hair was a bit wild but that's to be expected when one tends to fly everywhere at a rapid pace.

When he appeared at the window, she gave a little wave and a smile in greeting. And once it was opened, then she spoke. "You sleep a lot. Is that normal?" Not that this was why she was here but it had come to mind as she waited for him to wake up. For hours. Because she did have a question that had come to mind after watching a video on youtube.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "I sleep, mainly because it's kind of nice to do so. You should try it." Alexander says as he crinkles his nose, looking at her and then /leeeeaning/ outside the window to look up and down the steet. At 5 a.m. there's hardly anyone out there and the sun's only just come up so likely nobody's witnessed the hovering woman in front of his window. Then again...
    "C'mon inside. Next time wait at the door? Or call me? Just not all the time. Like once a day. Maybe."
    As he says that he turns away and shuffles back into the main part of his room. He stoops low to scoop up his comforter and toss it onto the bed even as he moseys up to the chest of drawers and starts pulling out clothes for the day. Socks first, another pair of boxers, though these are red as opposed to the black ones he has on. Then he takes some time picking out a t-shirt.
    "So what's up?"

Divine has posed:
When he looks out the window at the ground, it prompts Divine to also look down. Not sure what caught his attention she brought her head back up just as he did the same. She did take his invitation and flew into the window, head first, coming back upright and then landing lightly on the floor.

It was good he set boundaries. Otherwise, she might call him everytime she saw something confusing on youtube. All this considered, that would be endless. Online was a very confusing place.

"I had a question. I was watching a video last night. They were talking about human rights." She frowned a little and tilted her head to the side.

"Does that mean only humans have them? Since I'm not a human. But I'm also not a person in the real sense since I'm a clone and that's illegal. I think. Or was. There is a lot of stuff online." As though that explains her confusion. "So do I have human rights? Or are there alien rights? I couldn't find anything about them so came over since I knew you'd know since you are in university."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    While digging through t-shirts he finally chooses one that is unsurprisingly black though whatever image it has is hidden considering it's folded up. Then a pair of jeans and he sets them over on the end table even as he walks out of the bedroom at that point expecting Divine to walk with him.
    "The concept is that every human being has inalienable rights due to them as given by God, that go beyond the authority of earthly institutions. Not everyone agrees with this because some don't like the idea of connecting it with religion. Others don't agree with it because as you've noted it requires you to define what a human is."
    There's a small smile, "Others don't agree because it gives them less grounds to exact control and embark on tyrannical efforts even though they imagine it's for the 'Greater Good'."
    He strolls out into the living room area and right on past heading toward the kitchen, strolling along in his boxers as easy as he pleases, uncaring that Divine's paid a call at such an early hour. "My personal belief is that we do have these rights, and they must be guarded because other people would wish to take them away. It's part of the core ethics and morality that heroes being heroes have to embrace. Otherwise they're just people in weird costumes looking for excuses to hit people."

Divine has posed:
As he starts walking, Divine does follow. Just to keep up with the answer that she was looking for. Wandering through his house, looking around curiously at the setting but mainly taking in the words he is saying.

It's an interesting explanation. Especially when he got to the part about hitting people. Divine was a simple person with simple needs at times. Hitting people seemed to be one of them.

"So it is meant for me even though I'm not human. It's meant for all sentient beings. Which is what I was hoping." She muses a moment, pursing her lips as she follows all the way to the kitchen. "Religion has nothing to do with it. Just people should all have rights. A chance to be equal in some way. Not be preyed on and the like. Although, at the same time, hitting people is sometimes quite enjoyable. Is it bad I think that?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "It's a concept that doesn't need to be divorced from religion, but it is one that should surpass any government or institution." Alexander says as he passes into that kitchen and casually pulls open the refrigerator door. From within he produces a small bottle of orange juice and holds one up to wiggle it at Divine asking silently if she wants one. If she does he tosses it to her.
    Then he's walking across the room again, back to the hallway where the pullup bar hangs across the archway. "But yes, in these times it's interpreted to be something for most people or beings that are sentient. It's a tenet that is meant in part to escalate us above a state of nature."
    Then he steps up to stand underneath the bar, rolling his shoulders slowly through their range of motion, muscular back tensing as he tightens his frame, then reaches up. "Though people who think it's all a bunch of hooey buy more into the whole idea that a State of Nature is all that exists and any form of ethics or morality is a luxury that society has allowed us to indulge in."
    As he says this he casually flips up with the easy grace of a gymnast, hanging upside down and hooking his legs over that bar. Then he starts lifting himself up in a steady rhythm alternating with reaching his left elbow to his right knee, and then his right elbow to his left knee, focusing his breathing and tightening his exhalation to soft whispers of breath.

Divine has posed:
At the offer, there is a nod from Divine. She easily catches the bottle and quickly opens the lid. Which means she didn't shake it properly. Hopefully it was shaken up enough on the toss and catch. "State of nature being like this videos I watch on the animal channel. With lions killing zebra and such. We would be the animals without the rights that society gives us."

She ponders that as she takes a sip while watching him take his position and start exercising. Which has her sort of tilting her head a bit as she takes in the show. It takes a lot of core for such exercises, as exhibited by his abs as he works. But for Divine, it's a curiosity.

"Do you need to do that to maintain your physique?" Since she did not have to resort to things like that.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    In between crunches and small chuffs of breath he answers her, pulling himself into position and holding himself upright, "Yeah, the idea that..." He exhales and descends, then rises back up, touching his elbow to his knee, "Any society is a veneer over the..."
    He huffs again and focuses, continuing the movements quickly but talking when he can, "Natural state of things...
    "And that being anarchy <huff> survival of the fittest, things like that."
    He continues on and focuses on keeping up the pace, moving sharply, quickly. Slightly grunting with the exertion he eventually stops to hang upside down and look at her as she asks that latter question.
    "Mmm, kinda. Put it this way... if you went up against someone as strong as you... but instead of sitting around being super lazy like you and they worked out... they'd probably whup you."
    As he says that he grins, giving a nod. "But you could use some definition, and you probably could get stronger. But I don't know for sure."

Divine has posed:
"They. Would. Not."

He touched a nerve. Divine is frowning now at the idea that someone might beat her ass. Because in her mind, no one can beat her ass. She's sure she could take on Superman and win. Now Superman and his entire family? No, she surely would lose. One on one was another matter and she had confidence in herself. To the extreme.

Likely she was delusional too.

She looked down at herself and frowned. Then tensed. Which led to a torn seam on the shirt sleeve. "Dammit." She quickly took off the flannel shirt and tossed it aside then she flexed again. Showing a very toned form, muscles tight and perfect. She looked at her crooked arm and shook her head. "I do not see any lack of definition. Do you?" And there was that challenge in her voice now.

All discussions of a higher level were lost.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A wry twist to Alexander's features is seen there even as he hangs like a pale blond vampire bat. He swings a little back and forth and then leans forward to lightly /poke-poke-poke/ at her left side where it is perhaps somewhat soft, "You have extra."
    But then he drops off the bar with a /thud/ and says, "No matter how great you are, there's always room for improvement, right? Otherwise what's the point of doing anything?"
    Then he tilts his head, "And imagine how strong you are now. Then over time think about how strong you could be."

Divine has posed:
As his hand came to her side and poked, her arm swung and she tried to smack his pokey finger away from her side! Even if she missed, she would frown and cross her arms over her chest.

"There is no extra there. I'm lean and fit. And I could kill you without breaking a sweat. So perhaps keep your opinion to yourself about my physique."

She frowned darkly and realized she still had that orange juice. She took a swig from it. Then another. Until she finally just downed it. That led to her wandering off to the kitchen. The empty was dropped in the trash and then she moved back to where he was waiting.

"What would you suggest I pick up? Battleships?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Rising back up to his full height, he tilts his head to the side and looks after her as she stalks off. For a moment he bites his lower lip thoughtfully, likely knowing he struck a nerve and then follows along after her to lean against the wall of the kitchen arms folding over his broad chest.
    "Do you really want me to keep my opinion to myself?" He asks, instead focusing on that. "Would you really rather I tell you things you want to hear instead of telling you what I feel is true? Wouldn't that ruin our back and forth a bit?"
    Then he cocks his head the other way, "Do you not value our talks at all then?" He asks that as if curious to see whether she does or not, or if there is some other reason that she comes arond.
    "Well, there's still hard labor you can do, feats of strength. But for a workout for someone as strong as yourself? Reed Richards invented some devices to help some of his friends train I think. Stark too if I recall that article in TIME."
    A deep breath is taken then he says, "But more you should just be training regularly. Pushing yourself. Because sure right now you haven't fought anything that's threatened you. But if you do meet something that's in your league you have to fight... well you want to be ready."

Divine has posed:
"Of course I value our talks. Don't be foolish." And that settles that in Divine's mind. But realizing he might want something more, she continues. "If I did not, I would not talk to you. I wouldn't have waited outside your window while you slept for four hours." Okay, that sounded a little creepy. Especially with someone who could see through walls. But she wasn't being creepy!

"I want the truth but I am...touchy. About being less than perfect." She looked down and touched her side. It didn't seem soft to her but it wasn't the hardness of her abs to be certain. Was that even possible? "I apologize for taking offense."

And that might actually be a miracle given voice. Divine apologizing.

"This equipment to train with would cost money, yes?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "We're all less than perfect," His lips twist up a little, "I mean you're stronger, I'm way cuter, so we make up for it in different areas."
    As he says that his smile broadens a little then he starts to step back into the hall, leeeeaning into his room to grab his change of clothes and tuck the under one arm. "But yeah, it could cost some money. Or..." He tilts his head back and looks at her.
    "If you catch one of them you could offer to help them or let them run tests while you're using the equipment and maybe arrange getting a version for yourself." At that he shrugs and perhaps for now that's the end of it.
    "Ok I'm gonna go take a shower, you can hang out here and walk with me to class later if you're super bored." He walks backwards and then points at her, "No X-ray vision." And with that he slips into the bathroom.

Divine has posed:
That idea gets her attention. Not the peeking while he was showering. Though normally that would get her attention. But she considered Alexander a friend. And she felt like that was invading his privacy. Yet if he wasn't a friend, she wouldn't care about that. She'd have to analyze that at some point in her future.

"You're safe. Who would want to look at your scrawny ass anyway?" she returned in a teasing tone. But already she was considering the idea about reaching out. To let someone run tests. It sort of rang wrong with her but she knew this was running tests, not being used as an experiment. Was it something she could do?

"I'll wait." And she headed toward the couch to sprawl and let him have his private time.