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Latest revision as of 00:12, 4 June 2022

In The Wee Hours
Date of Scene: 25 May 2022
Location: Basement Apartment
Synopsis: Conversations are had.
Cast of Characters: Micola Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Saturday night had been a bit rough given news had broke on Micola's consultant work and she'd been outted as a Mutant to the general public. That was swell! Sunday they had fielded calls, people coming into the shop for just random question and people had been prying about her powers. She'd closed the shop for Monday because she just wanted some peace. But one of her ghosts had ended up screaming into the darkness in the wee hours of the morning and she'd sat up straight in bed with little hope of falling back to sleep.

Poor Pietro hopefully slept through that mess.

It's evening now and there was the smell of dinner cooking. She wasn't sure if he had errands or Avengering, but she was not expecting him to stay cooped up in the basement apartment for the foreseeable future.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
He was aware - knew she'd woken up. He wasn't going to pry, until she said something. Still, he kept awake with her - even if she didn't know. Her gift was difficult to manage - it seemed to go that way for mutants. All these powers, and some pretty rough trade-offs.

Errands needed to be handled - getting some clothes, as well as his Avengering and patrols. One would never really be able to call Pietro lazy, after all.

Evening time rolled around, and he returned to the apartment - giving a stern eye to those who might still be milling about and watching the shop. No need to do much more than that, honestly. Or thankfully, whichever way you look at it!

He stepped in, messenger bag slung over his shoulder. "Hey... how was your day of peace?" He asks, looking over to the kitchen where she was working on dinner.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola was going to be happy when some of the screamers got moved out of the apartment. They usually buggered off when Pietro was around, but sometimes it didn't happen. She'd cuddled up to him and went back to sleep though. She was doing alright so far. Not answering the phone unless the number was programmed into her own phone.

When the door opens there is a look up from her laptop and a smile to the man, "Hi there." she greets him. Her face always lights up when she sees him. It's hard not to. "The day has been good. I have a few updates if you'd like to hear them?" she asks him. "Also...I hope you like stuffed pork chops?" she asks him as she slides off the chair and moves to great him properly.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Thankfully, for them and him, Pietro could not see the ghosts. It'd likely end in a blur of angry words and threats on either side. No messing with Micola! Pietro has a stance on that, after all.

"It smells wonderful." He comments, finding a place to settle near her. "Updates are good, hopefully? I'm all ears to hear them, Micola." The man comments, running a hand over her arm. "You're not tired after last night?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola leans in to kiss his cheek softly and there is a soft smile, "I didn't get a lot of good sleep, but it was sleep. Sometimes ghosts will...scream, for now obscene reason. That was going on last night. I think I cuddled up to you and finally got back to sleep though and that was the good sleep." she tells him. "Well, one update is my grandfather is having some of his...employees watch the apartment as well. I did not get a say in it." she muses to that.

"He was very worried and insisted. Even after I told him I have my boyfriend staying with me. Which...started another conversation altogether." she tells him with a smile.

"Second bit of news, apparently the NYPD and others have contacted me and are begging me not to sue them. As well as other consultants that have been outted. They have offered to pay for my Forensic degree and have offered other grants." she explains. "I just don't know if I should accept." she admits. "What do you think?" she asks as she looks to him.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Pietro listens, nodding as she explains the screaming ghosts. A slight frown at that, but there's nothing he can do on his own about that. "I'm glad I could be there for you to curl up with." A smile. "I didn't want to disturb you when you woke - I guessed you'd wake me if you needed, right?"

There's a slight chuckle at the mention of her grandfather's questions. "Dare I ask what the questions were? Or when should we expect questions from your mother?" He wonders, amused by the situation. "Your grandfather has people watching? Should I be aware as to not frighten them off?"

He thinks regarding the NYPD. "Well, do you believe they were negligent in letting your information get out? Or was it purely misfortune? If you think that, then you could accept and get your degree."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"I like having you here at night." Micola admits to that. "If she had continued I would have woke you. But I know you also need your rest and things. You've got a lot on your plate right now." she admits. Avengers usually did! "But yes, sometimes they do stuff in the middle of the night and it wakes me. If we..." she trails off. "If we ever have a place together I'd make sure they couldn't get into certain places. Because it is different when you live with someone." she points out.

"His first question was 'why haven't I met this person' and then 'who is it?'." she tells him with a chuckle. "I've tried not to let too many people know because it's just been nice for it to be us at the moment." she tells him. "You mean the kind of questions that all mothers ask? When is the wedding? Where are my grandchildren?" she laughs softly. "Mom might eventually ask those things. She's been chill though." she admits.

"Grandfather's men are the big Italian or Greek looking guys that belong on the set of a mafia movie. They're hard to miss." she chuckles. "I think it was misfortune. I was never really worried about working with them...but cyberattacks happen at the worst times." she sighs. "And they are really worried over things, so I feel like they want to make it right." she tells him.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"I like being here at night, Micola. It is... very comforting to have someone next to me." Pietro admits quietly, smiling to her. "I sleep quickly too, honestly. Metabolism and all." A slight shrug. "So... don't fret waking me. Honest, I will be fine."

"Lorna knows. I am sure Wanda might have a clue." A glance around, the man chuckling. "I think they would be able to tell, even if I said nothing. Especially Wanda. Twins know." A slight shrug and a grin. "Does your mother know, then?"

A nod as she describes her grandfather's men watching. "I will keep clear of them and let them be." Another nod. "If you do not suspect they were malicious, then accept the degree assistance with a thank you. It helps them, it helps you - you are an ally to them."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola looks a bit relieved when he confirms that he likes being there as well. "I'll remember next time that it won't be a bother." she tells him gently. Being a burden was something Micola didn't want to be. "Oh yeah, twins definitely know." she grins to that. "But you can tell her in your own time...or you might not have to say anything." she chuckles at that.

"Oh yeah, my mom knows. I told her I was going to ask an Avenger on a date and she got a good healthy laugh out of that. She probably thinks I'm nuts." she muses. "But it's been something she's been happy about. I didn't really date when I was younger and those that I did date were not that great." she frowns.

"They shouldn't bother you. I told him that the white haired guy doesn't get bothered." she points out. She then nods, "I'll email their people back then and talk more with them." she smiles to that.

"How was your day?" she asks him.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
A laugh from Pietro. "Either from magic or intuition, I'll never know." He shakes his head, amused at the bond the twins share. "I'll let her sort it out and have her come to me with her findings." A wink. "Still, warding the bedroom to help you sleep would be a good plan, regardless if I am here or not." He decides, refering back to her previous mention about keeping the restless dead away.

"I hope that I am an improvement - I really do. I don't want to fall back into my old ways of impatience and... well, aloofness." A slight shrug. "It is hard to avoid, in some instances. I certainly don't want to be that way around you or your family."

A smile as she decides on emailing the police back. "Good. My day was good. I brought some clothes and things, if you don't mind?" He motions to his messenger bag.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"Well, hopefully she won't be too mad if she has to guess." Micola teases him softly. "I wished to have siblings, but mom didn't want more children." she chuckles. "I will start warding the sleeping area wherever we sleep then. Whether you are present or not. I promise." she tells him with a soft look.

"Pietro, you don't have to worry about any of the people I've dated. You are leaps and bounds beyond them. No pun intended." she points out. "I know that you have your moments and I'd like to be able to help with them." she smiles to that.

When he motions to his bag she gives a grin, "I made room in the dresser for you...if that's alright for now? I have some closet space as well." she tells him. "If you want help putting things up I can help." she offers.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"I was surpised to find out about Lorna, but... Wanda is part of my soul." A shrug from Pietro. "She will always be my twin." A wry grin, as if that were enough explanation. "And I am sure they will..." A pause. "Well, if I care for you, they will care for you."

He watches her for a moment, considering. "I have to worry if they hurt you, as I need to be certain to not repeat such things or bring bad memories to the surface." He explains to her. "I know I am better than them." He says, his old arrogance showing through briefly. "But that does not mean that I should be careless of what happened before."

A grin. "The dresser will be fine. If I bring over a suit, we'll hang it up." A wink to her. "I can put the clothes away, if you want to get dinner? Or vice versa?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a soft smile to that, "Twins seem to work that way, yes." she agrees with that. She didn't seem to have a problem with it either. "They are under no obligation to like me. But I want to make sure that I do right by you and help with things so that they don't have big reasons to dislike me." she chuckles to that.

She leans in to kiss him softly after his arrogance rises, "You're most assuredly better than them, my Prince." she teases him. "You've never done anything to hurt me. Or well...that one time." she teases him as she steps back. That might make him blush.

"We can hang up nice clothes if you bring them over, yes." she grins to that. "That sounds like a plan. I'll prepare plates and you can put up clothes." she winks at him as she heads for the stove and to grab her potholders.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
A slight chuckle. "I am sure they will like you. How could they not?" Pietro wonders, smiling over to her. "I am sure they have no fear of you hurting me - you're a good person." The man offers over.

After the kiss, he nods, smirking. "Good to know." And the flush to his cheeks is apparent. "And I think we did that together." He reminds, kissing her neck in return.

As she decides who gets which chore, he blurs and returns - clothes put away. Sneaky speedster. "So any other updates, then?" He wonders, moving to stand behind her and hug her gently.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"I try to be a good person, I do." Micola nods to that as she finishes up one of the sides for dinner and works on finishing others. She did enjoy cooking, so maybe they were meant to be? When he blushes there's a soft smile, "I know, it was just a tease." she tells him.

She gives a look behind her when he returns, "You know, that would be a really nice thing to be able to turn on. Do errands, knock out all the boring tasks early." she chuckles. "No other updates currently, though I'm guessing the week might bring more." she admits to that.

"Did you find a name for the little owl yet? Or still want to see if she likes you first?" she asks him.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
There's a grin as she comments on the shared moment of ... pain. "You are a good person, I've not seen otherwise." The man assures. "And yes, I knew you were teasing - I just wanted to return the jab." Pietro muses, hands resting on her hips as she works at the dinner.

"It still can be boring - for me it looks like normal speed." Odd, right? "It's just that I can get it done quicker. It can be handy if I am working on another person's schedule, though." A grin.

"I hadn't settled on one. I am trying to think of a proper Rom name for her." He nods. "I am hoping she will like me - or at least tolerate me."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"I think teasing should be a mutual thing so feelings don't get pricked. And we seem to be able to do it without hurting each other." Micola smiles at that. She sways just a little when he rests his hands on his hips, "I unpacked some of my old Greek and Italian mythology and culture books if you're interested and haven't already read them." she tells him with a soft smile.

"If I need you to run to the post office you can do that in like five seconds, right?" she asks him with a grin over her shoulder. "I'd never ask you to do that." she chuckles.

Then she listens to him as she takes the porkchops from the pan they were resting in, "A Rom name sounds like it would be perfect for her." she smiles to that. "I am hoping she will take to you. I think there are a lot of people that do more than tolerate you, Pietro." she points out.