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The King Returns a Robe
Date of Scene: 05 June 2022
Location: Chikara Dojo
Synopsis: Sebastian Shaw ventures to Colleen Wing's dojo to return her kimono, and leaves with...her kimono, and a possible new employee?
Cast of Characters: Sebastian Shaw, Colleen Wing

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
It has been a few days since Colleen was awarded the Judge's Trophy for her performance, and according to the Hellfire Club records she had yet to claim her prize of membership. That, and the fact that he was still in possession of her kimono, led Sebastian Shaw to the Chikara Dojo roughly 30 minutes after Colleen's last class for the night ended. He rings the doorbell, awaiting a response. Perhaps surprisingly, he is dressed rather similarly to how he was during the amateur night - a maroon Victorian jacket this time, but the same lace, puffiness, black breeches, and the bearing and stance of one lifted from the 18th century.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Classes had ended for the day, and at least Collen was able to take a breath and settle in. It had been a long week, and she was looking forward to sitting herself on her couch and not getting up until she crawled her way to bed. That is until the buzzer on the door went off and with an exasperated sigh, th =e Sensei pushed herwelf off from the couch and barefoot padded her way to the door outside the dojo at the top of the stairs.

She slowly opens the door in a way that she has trained herself to do, a way in which the door is completely shieleding her until she is sure who is on the other side. However, when she sees it is Sebastian, she opens the door more fully and leans her shoulder against it. "Mr. Shaw. This is quite the suprise. Come on in. Welcome to my dojo."

She steps aside to let him in, her ponytail flipping to one side of her shoulder. She most certainly appears dressed for a night of comfort, a pair of black shorts and a hite tank top. "I assume you are here to return my Kimono?" She turns to face him now further into the dojo.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Ms. Wing," replies Sebastian, inclining his head respectfully. He does, indeed, have the kimono respectfully draped over his arm. "I appreciate the warm welcome." His gaze sweeps quickly over her form. "And yes, I thought I might bring it by and thank you again for entering. Your performance was spirited and clearly despite being somewhat unorthodox to the theme, was very well appreciated."

He take a few moments to look over the dojo as he makes his way inside, but offers no observations or comments about it. "I am not sure if you realized, but your prize also included a period of VIP membership to the Hellfire Club. I was wondering if you could convince you to take advantage of that."

Colleen Wing has posed:
Collen watches the man as he takes in the dojo, feeling as though at first that she should comment upon it. "I know. It is not much. Not like the other fancy dojos or gyms you might find in the city. It works for me tho and those I teach. And it doubles as my home." She gestures towards an opening on the side wall, leading ito a living quarters.

She then turns her gaze back to him and watches him a moment before replying to his other statment. "I am glad you thought that. As unorthodox as it might have been for your establishment, I felt wuite honored that I was able to win the competition and still maintain some modesty."

She raises a hand to brush a stray stand of hair back away from her face. "A VIP membership to the club. Well, Mr. Shaw, what exactly does a VIP membership grant me? Is it not proper business to know all the details of something before making a commitment, even if it is being offered with no strings attaached?"

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"It's not much smaller than the dojo in my suite," remarks Sebastian, perhaps some sort of weird humble brag. He glances over towards the living quarters, and nods. "But it is efficient. Saves on rent, I am sure, and it does make the commute far more convenient, I am sure."

"I think that is perhaps what is most marvelous about it. There were certainly some who were quite liberal with showcasing their appeal, and yet somehow despite keeping yours hidden, you still aroused far more attention than most." His gaze drifts over her again, perhaps an indication if the words were not clear enough what exactly he was speaking of. The man is not particularly subtle.

"Certainly, that is a valid question. In short, you get unfettered access to almost all of the club's facilities - the night club, the bar, the restaurant, the conference rooms..." He shrugs slightly. "Some you may find to your liking, some not. But that is why we have a diverse set of offerings, so there is something that appeals to everyone."

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen has always been cautious. Always been guarded and mistrusting. It is something she had realized she had to be in order to survive essentially on her own. And eventhough she had not seen anything too glaring in Mr. Shaw's demeanor, she still remained somewhat questioning. It was a well-known fact that Collen trusted very few. "Yes. Most certainly saves on rent. Not exactly living the high life. WHat I get for giving away free lessons to the youth of the city. Who would have thought a dojo would be there a safe place of refuge for them."

She places one hand on her hip as she continues, watching the well-dressed man. "Sometimes people seek something different. An aura of mystery. What lies beneath that they are never shown. I am sure many of the women at your clu, as beautiful as they are enjoy revealing themselves, but perhaps in some cases after a while your patrons become complacent with seeing the same thing. All I offered was something they had never seen." She shrugs. "Is it not how things work in your business: Leave them wanting more?"

She gives a small smile. "Just know I am not looking for a regular dancing job. In case that was on your mind." She shifts her weight to her other foot. "Nightclub. Bar. Restaurant. COnference rooms. I am not seeing a downside to this offer. And it does help that one of my friends is a member."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"But I am sure that the feeling of satisfaction that comes to you when you sleep at night helps make up for what you lack in physical conveniences and luxuries." Sebastian smiles, as if that were fully a compliment. "We need more people who take such things seriously in the city. I appreciate everything that you do."

"Having something that no one has ever seen _is_ quite a value, yes," relies Sebastian. Did he just look at her chest while he said that? No, couldn't be. "Was that your goal, Ms. Wing? To leave us wanting more?" Ok, maybe...

"The purpose of the night was just to have fun, and bring in some new people to the club. No offers of employment were given or implied." He watches her shift her feet, considering her manner. "There are no downsides that I can think of." A pause. "Really? Who is your friend, if I might ask?"

Colleen Wing has posed:
Her eyes continue to watch the man. He seems harmless enough. I mean she is not exactly guarded, and does allow another small smile come to her lips. "I sleep well, but it does not always make it easy to keep the lights on. I get by. The underground fight scene has helped at times." She speaks no more of that and nods once. "My goal was to enter a competition that I could possibly win some money in without having to take a punch to the face or pick myself up off the ground. If that left the crowd wanting more, then great. It worked didn't it? And with the exception of that kimono on your arm, I kept my clothes on."

She shrugs once more and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. "I don't see a downside to a membership at all. If I choose to go, that is my decision. It is not as if I /need/ to go." She pauses a moment before answering his question and then simply states. "Ms. Natchios. One of the few people I actually trust. She actually mentioned the competition to me. And you are lucky. She has given me no reason to decline your offer."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The definition of harmless. Sebastian Shaw. He arches an eyebrow in interest. "Underground fighting? Are you a participant or a host?" This seems to have aroused considerable interest in the man. He glances down at the kimono, and then walks over to hand it to her. "You certainly did leave me wanting more." He meant 'us' there, right?

"You do not need to go, of course. It is just an option available to you, although I would hope that you avail yourself of it at some point. We need more women like you at the Hellfire Club." He tilts his head as Colleen mentions Elektra. "Ah, excellent. Ms. Natchios is one of our most active members, actually." This seems to have shifting a bit of his attention, as he looks Colleen over with a more critical eye. "Has she given you reasons to accept? I am curious what she has told you about our organization."

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen shakes her head in a gesture of slight jest. "No Mr. Shaw. Hosting such a thing I would run the risk of losing money. Putting the potential of making a profit in the hands of others." She raises her hands in front of her. "I find it a better business gesture if I put my financial gains in my own hands." She then quickly adds. "I do not do it regularly. Only if I feel I need it." She takes the Kimono back and dapes it over her own arm. "In my experience Mr. Shaw, th emoment you give people what they want...you no longer have anything left to offer. You lose your leverage. Your advantage. Do you not agree?" She tilts her head to the side and then states. "I get the feeling you are used to getting everything you want."

She remains closer after grabbing the kimono, making no effort to step back. Elektra has told me very little about your establishement. She has given me no reason to accept, but she has not given me a reason to not do so. And for that reason, Mr. Shaw. I will accept your offer. I have often be told I need to branch out into different circles of influence. Are you that oppurtunity Mr. Shaw?"

She raises her free hand to point to him however. "But know I live by a different set or morals Mr. Shaw."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Perhaps sometime you and I can dance. I would be happy to put some money up to see how well your fists hold up to your confidence." There is a twinkle in Sebastian's eye, as if he is already moving through this idea in his head. "I never give up my advantage, Ms. Wing. That is why I am as successful as I am." He considers her question, and nods. "I own the most exclusive club in New York City. There is nothing within its walls that I cannot have if I decide I want it."

He is acutely aware of how close Colleen is standing, although he certainly does nothing untoward. "I am quite certain that there are precious few who exist within my circle of influence." He studies her for a moment. Leaning slightly closer. "I could be that opportunity, certainly, if you would prove yourself of sufficient interest."

He arches an eyebrow at the pointing. "Oh? And what is that?"

Colleen Wing has posed:
Collen raises her brow again and slightly scoffs at his first words. "Nothing you cannot have if you decide you want it? Bold words Mr. Shaw. Yet, I am inclined to believe you. And at the same time your value to me remains to be seen. Fairly enough however, I have not exactly given you anything."

She is silent a moment as she chooses her bext words carefully. "I follow the Bushido code as instille din my Grandfather's teachings. And among the many things in that code is a sense of honor which entails self-dignity and self-worth. This will never be compromised to gain anything. Do I make myself clear? I have my limits of what I will and will not do. If we both understand that, then perhaps we have a future in helping one another."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
His expression seems to indicate he has some confidence all his own in his abilities. But he lets the point lie. "Within its walls," repeats Sebastian. "Outside of it, I only get _most_ of what I want." There is a bit of a grin there. "And I would not say that - you have given me both inspiration, and something to look forward to."

The lecture on bushido code gets an upraised eyebrow. "Why do you think that I am asking you to compromise your self-dignity and self-worth to gain something? I have already given you just about anything you could ask for within the Hellfire Club. What more advantage is there to gain? You are not ready for..." He trails off, shaking his head. "You have reached the pinnacle of advantage within the Club."

Colleen Wing has posed:
Collen watches him a moment after he finishes speaking and then slowly nods her own head. "I am honored by your offer. Truly. I do get the sense that thisis a very exclusive club and I would be foolish to turn down such an oppurtunity Mr. Shaw. Perhaps we can both find a way to benefit one another in the future with this acceptance."

She extends her hand to him and allows her brown eyes to meet his gaze directly, not waivering. "I am not against more oopurtunities to make money, within reason Mr. Shaw. Perhaps down the road that can be discussed. I can see how you are so successful in what you do. You are very convincing. And perhaps at some point you can show me your own dojo. I am most curious as to what you have in it."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
A nod of his head in return. "Oh, I am quite sure that we will find a way to benefit one another, Ms. Wing. That is one of my specialties - finding ways to work with people to the benefit of all parties."

Sebastian takes her hand and give it a firm grasp and shake. "I can think of innumerable ways that you can make money, Ms. Wing, most of which would be fine under the code of bushido." There is a soft laugh, and then he nods. "My dojo is at the Club, so perhaps when you come to visit to secure your membership, I could give you a private tour.'

Colleen Wing has posed:
"I would like that. I will never pass up an oppurtunity to turn down a tour of a dojo. A private one at that." She looks down at the kimono on her arm and seems to consider something for a moment before extending back to him. "Here. It has served my purpose. Got me paid, and got me an oppurtunity with possible potential. Keep it. If not for a reminder of my performance. That is of course if you want it." She raises a brow and continues to hold it out to him.

"You are most intriguing Mr. Shaw. You will see me at the club soon enough. I promise you that. I am now quite curious of what lies beyond the stage I was on.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
This time, both eyebrows arch as Sebastian regards her. "That is a generous offer, Ms. Wing. I am not sure I truly deserve it, but I appreciate it nonetheless. It shall have an honored space within my home." He reaches out to accept it, his fingers brushing against her arm as he takes it. Perhaps longer than necessary.

"As are you, Ms. Wing. And I do hope that it is soon, indeed." At the mention of what is beyond, Sebastian chuckles. "We shall see. I suspect that if you truly wished it, you could find yourself beyond even the VIP level. A treat rarely earned."

Colleen Wing has posed:
The brush on her arm is allowed, no effort to pull away. It was tolerated and she did not read into it more than she should. "I do not even know what these levels are. Nor am I concerned with social status. We shall certainly see as you say. If everything falls within my morals and judgement, then perhaps we shall. Yet, I assure Mr. Shaw, I am not easily changed to conform to high rank and social status if I must compromise who I am."

She gives him anothe shrug. "I do not seek validation for who I am. I know that. I don't need the respect of others from a title I have been given or status within an organization. I know who I am and who I wish to be. And as long as we both understand that...I am sure we will get along just fine."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
At that, Shaw laughs softly. "I assure you, I would never ask anyone to compromise on their principles. While there are advantages available to those within the club who are willing to push boundaries, it is only at their desire, and none are going to push you to do more than you are comfortable with."

There is a smile on Sebastian's face. "I do not care what others think of me, either." Says the man who calls himself King. "And it seems that you have the right attitude." He chuckles. "I do rather look forward to getting to see a bit more of you, Ms. Wing." And he manages to say it this time without looking at her chest!

Colleen Wing has posed:
"I am glad we have that understanding Mr. Shaw. You have made me feel a bit more at ease with this offer. I thank you for that. I will makeit down within the next few days and I will make sure you know of my arrival. I would hate to pay a visit and have you know that I did so." She runs a hand across the back of her neck slowly as she continues to watch him.

"I;d like to think that my decision to entire your little dance contest was well worth the time and effort aside from the money I won. Don't disappoint Mr. Shaw, it is bad business practice. And who knows. If you have an positions open you may need, I might be willing to listen. A little extra money may help me to keep this place up and running."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"I shall look forward to it. And rest assured, if you come, I will be there." There is a sly smile on Sebastian's face.

"Agreed. Unexpected, but a delightful opportunity." He inclines his head towards her. "I am quite certain that I could think of a rather inviting and fulfilling position for you, if you wished."

Colleen Wing has posed:
Collen watches him with a narrowed eye and nods slowly. "Ri...ght. Well, we can see about that. Let me first start by visiting again and not having to swing a sword in front of a bunch of hard-up men and women." She winks and softly adds. "To be fair...I mean look at me." SHe is clearly joking and even laughs slightly at herself.

And the same goes for you Mr. Shaw. Visit the dojo anytime you wish. I know you have your own, but if you come here, you might actually learn something."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
She may be joking. The look Sebastian gives her once invited - nay, commanded - to look at her is definitely not a joke. "You are indeed very lovely to look at. I imagine facing against you would be rather scintillating."

There is an arch to his eyebrow. "Who says I cannot learn something in my own?" Then he pauses. "Are you offering to teach me now?"

Colleen Wing has posed:
"You flatter me Mr. shaw. And perhaps that oppurtunity will present itself should you truly want it. I am can say that I have never been refered to as scintillating. I am not sure how to take that exactly. I suppose as a compilment." She fods her hands in front of her again, taking in a small breath. "And you can learn something in your own dojo...well if you have someone who know moe than you do to teach you."

She lets out the taken breath with a tired sigh. "Sadly, for you. I fear a lesson now would not be to either of our benefit. My mind is more so inclined to my couch, a pint of Ben and Jerry's and and something sappy on the Hallmark channel. Last night was a bit more eventful than I anticpated."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
A slow nod. "There is always something to be learned from every opponent, regardless of skill level. You just have to know where to look."

Opting not to interpret Colleen's stated plans for the evening as an invitation to Netflix and chill, Sebastian inclines his head to her once more. "I shall leave you to your diversions, then. But I do hope to see you seen. I am curious to see what you would teach me."

Colleen Wing has posed:
"I know where to look. I can promise you that. You shall see me soon Mr. Shaw. And I will teach you whatever it is you wish to learn. But, first I must see what you already know. I am sure you are full of suprises." She steps back and gives him a proper Japanese bow. "Arigatou Mr. Shaw. We will speak again soon."

She pads her barefoot to the door and slowly pulls it open, offering him a smile. "Take care of my Kimono."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Ms. Wing, you do not know the half of it." Shaw executes a perfect return bow.

He follows her to the door, and inclines his head again. "Most certainly I will. That way if you ever find yourself needing it, it is ready and waiting for you." A twinkle again as he smiles. "Good night, Ms. Wing."

Colleen Wing has posed:
"Oyasumi Mr. Shaw." And as he departs she closes the door and finds herself leaning up against it, back pressed firmly to the wood. "Oh Colleen what have you gotten yourself into? Will you walk into my parlour said aspider to a fly." She makes her way towards her living area, pulling the tank top off over hear head as she collapsed onto the couch. "Such a tangled web I live."