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Latest revision as of 02:55, 12 June 2022

The Best Planes of Bunnies and Men
Date of Scene: 11 June 2022
Location: Archie Goodwin Airport
Synopsis: Peter Quill needs a replacement part. Little did he expect that White Rabbit would come crashing in (literally!) into his life. Now the two are on the run from mysterious people that travel in a van and shoot a lot!

Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of this saga: 'Rabbits in SPAAAAAAAAACE!'

Cast of Characters: Peter Quill, Jaina Hudson

Peter Quill has posed:
It's afternoon. Warm. Almost summer, but not quite there yet. The Archie Goodwin airport is busy today, lots of flights coming and going, terminal packed with people, lots of folk bustling about on the tarmac. Yup. Very busy. Strolling along the tarmac near one of the hangars far, far from the terminal, is Peter Quill. He is wearing an official looking -- but not actually official -- jumpsuit, and carrying a very official looking clipboard. He has a pair of sunglasses on, and seems to be scoping out...something on the other side of the bay. The hangar is mostly empty. A security guard that Peter apparently bamboozled is reading his text messages on a cell phone, bored.

For a moment Quill seems a bit lost, and then he places a finger to his ear, and frowns, before he mutters into the collar of his overalls, "Yeah. Rocket. I know. I am going to get the thing, just...calm down. It's the..yes. No you listen!" he quarrels with the person on the other side of his communicator, walking a bit further into the hangar to keep away from prying eyes. "Look it's not my fault you're a giant rat thing and your partner is a tree. You think I want to be here digging around? We should have done this last night when the place was closed...no I don't see how that is relevant..." And deeper he goes, heading roughly in the direction of a disassembled engine that is undergoing some maintenance.

Jaina Hudson has posed:
All of a sudden, something is off.

It's hard to put one's finger on what it is. It is, yet at the same time it is not, a noise. It feels more like a change in the wind. You can -feel- it. You can argue, technically, that you hear it. You -know- it's there. Something is wrong.

Soon after, the 'sound' becomes clearer: a quiet, yet all-encompassing wooshing sound. It's not quite a plane, it's-

Before one can connect those thoughts properly, a pink and white hang glider with large bunny prints swoops into the gate of the hangar.

How official an outfit consisting of almost-full-arm opera gloves, almost-full-leg matching boots, white and pink corset, fake velvet bunny ears and a pink mask can be, it's anyone guess, but that guess is likely to be "not at all"; but point is, the tall, curvaceous woman wearing such an ensemble is hanging to the glider and squealing in delight. "Take -that- groundborn suckers! This bunny is -flying-!"

Peter Quill has posed:
"Yeah, but, no, but...LISTEN. I ju...the hell? Hey Rocket, it's like...bolted on?" Quill starts, still absorbed in his conversation before he feels the change in the air. He pauses, and then..well..stares at the flying corsetted woman. Who wouldn't? The security guard stares as well, dumbfounded. "This bunny is flying?" Quill asks no one in particular. When he gets some sort of yelling from the earpiece he's listening to he grimaces and says, "Talk soon, bye," and shuts it off, eyes entranced by the flying bunny lady. He sets down his clipboard atop the nearly rebuilt engine, and just watches the woman glide along.

"Hey! HEY! You're not supposed to be here!" The guard yells, helpfully, having pulled himself up from his chair and now chasing after the flying bunny woman. Quill, thinking quickly, runs towards the security guard calling, "No, no, it's ok! She's flying an..experimental...flyer..thing." He is very quick on his feet.

Jaina Hudson has posed:
It's a blur -- with unannounced expertise, the woman unholsters a curious weapon from the control bar of her glider, like some sort of jury-rigged compressed air gun, and-

WHOOMP. The guard slams face-first onto the floor, with a tranq dart sticking up from his neck. "Thanks for the assist," she says, "that has spared you the same fate!"

The glider quietly settles on the ground, and the bunny manages to keep up with its speed; she tilts it appropriately, begins to slow down, and-

-wait, that's too fast! The angle is too low! It's going to-

* * * CRASH! * * *

The whole thing is now a wreck of metal framing and bunny print canvas against the wall.

Peter Quill has posed:
"I would..hey..watch out!" Peter calls, before the glider slams into the wall near the engine he was inspecting. He runs over -- to make sure the woman is alright, of course -- and calls, "You ok?" while he looks over his shoulder, as if half expecting a whole bunch of guards to come running in. When they don't, at least not right away, he reaches down into the wreckage, and starts to pry some of the aluminum framing away.

"Uh..come here often?" he asks, making conversation as he gets the bunny print canvas back to get a better look at the woman who just straight up shot a guard and flew a glider into an airplane hangar. "Because, if you do, I hope you know the management. I don't think they're gonna have missed what just happened, and that guy you shot probably has friends."

Jaina Hudson has posed:
After Peter has moved some of the framing and canvas, something stirs underneath. A rustle among the wreckage, and an arm pushes away the section of canvas that was coverign her; sitting underneath, is the white-haired woman from earlier, looking unscathed. She does rub her head though. "First time here, first time flying one of those," she throws out, nonchalant. "Thought it'd make a cool ride. Next time I should spend more time learning how to fly one properly but, eh..." she flicks one hand, with a smirk. "Who has time for that?"

She reaches out for help by daintily offering one begloved hand as she attempts to lean forward. "Think you can help me up?" her smirk widens into a grin. "As you mention, I am kind in a hurry to come up with an escape plan before management comes asking embarrassing questions, and it's hard to think on my feet due to my currently not being on my feet."

Peter Quill has posed:
"Yeah, well, I gotta borrow a manifold off of one of these engines so, keep an eye out for me would ya?" Quill asks, as he takes the offered hand gently, and then tugs her up quickly to her feet. Once that's done, he turns and walks briskly back to the engine, and tugs out a device from his belt, flicking a couple of switches, before he attaches it to the part he wants, and...yanks. There is the sound of wrenching steel, but the part snaps free eventually, after a couple of tugs. "Got it," he says into the piece on his ear.

This is a good thing, because pulling up out front is a black van, and spilling out of it are four or five well armed angry looking guys, who start calling, "You! Stop! Get on the ground!" and pointing guns at the pair.

Jaina Hudson has posed:
"Will do," the White Rabbit agrees with a wink and a salute.

The van rushing in makes so much noise that White Rabbit, at this point, does not even bother to insult Peter's intelligence by screaming "a van is coming!"

They're both professionals, they know how these things go.

Instead, when the orders are barked, she places her hands on the back of her neck, slowly goes down on her knees, one after the other, and then lies prone, face down touching the floor, and-

Fwhoomp! Fhoomp! Two of the five guards, the closest to the group, collapse to the ground, much like their colleague earlier.

Expecting the other three guards to turn their attention to their fallen comrades, White Rabbit jumps to her feet and pulls her arms away, swinging them to point two smaller version of the jury-rigged pipe gun at the rest of the van people: "Fun fact, if you keep guns strapped to the back of your head, people don't suspect you're going to shoot them when you lie down!"

Peter Quill has posed:
The other guards DO look over at their fallen friends, but, when Jaina pulls her guns, well, Peter has to do something, so he runs towards the exit, calling, "This way! I got a ride out back!" He tosses a small device that when it lands, starts to emit a black smoke, that within a few seconds will completely obscure the guards' line of sight. Which is good, because they are starting to shoot in the direction of Peter and Jaina. One of them might be calling for backup.

Peter gets to the door, and kicks it open, glancing from side to side, before he reaches into a pocket and pulls out what LOOKS like a car key fob. He hits the button, and looks to the sky. A moment or two later, out of the sky drops what looks like some sort of Razor scooter, but..with jet engines on it. He hops on and waits for Jaina to join him.

Jaina Hudson has posed:
White Rabbit herself shoots a couple of dart guns into the smoke that keeps regurgitating projectiles. Whether or not they hit is anyone's guess.

When Peter calls, she doesn't hesitate. She makes a dash, until, well, a scooter with jet engines just drops from the sky.

The bunny-themed woman has a moment of surprise. She stands there, mouth agape, for the briefest of instants, before the urgency of the situation gets to her again. She resumes her dash, and leaps onto the scooter with Peter.

Peter Quill has posed:
"Hold on!" Peter calls, before the scooter zips up into the sky. It's fast. Not as fast as a fighter jet, but...faster than a motorcycle. There's a windscreen, of sorts, that sort of protects against the wind. If Jaina doesn't hold on tight enough though, it's a bit of a fall down to Earth. He gets the scooter up into the clouds in a minute or so. It's cold.

"Gonna take you to my ship. You can lay low there for a couple days." he calls over his shoulder, and then banks the scooter roughly, diving back down to the ground. It's a short flight, all told before they are landing in a clearing in some woods. The fob comes out again, and he presses it, and...a space ship appears out of think air. "This is the Milano," he explains.

Jaina Hudson has posed:
White Rabbit does hold on as instructed. The jet engines and sudden drop from the sky gave away the level of acceleration to expect; White Rabbit acts accordingly. Safety first.

Ok, if we don't count the hang glider accident. Details, details.

The Bunny goes through the journey in a mixture of shock and excitement, tightening her grip as acceleration increases. When it is safe to disembark again, she leaps down, and tilts her head, one of her faux ears flopping sideways. "The Milano? As in... Milan, the city in Italy?"

Peter Quill has posed:
That question seems to catch him a little off guard, "Uh....yes. The city in Italy. That place." It is clear he has no idea what she is talking about. And it's DEFINITELY not named after his crush. Nope. The city. He then turns to give Jaina a long looking over, appraising her before he asks, "What, did you escape from Hugh's mansion or something?"

He walks over to the ship, and keys in a code, and the ramp comes down slowly. "I gotta go stick this thing in the engine where Rocket wants it...if I don't...he'll yell at me or something. Make yourself at home," he says, before he starts to climb the ramp up into the ship.