Peter Quill
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Peter Quill (Scenesys ID: 1981) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Peter Jason Quill | ||
Superalias: | Star-Lord | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Half Human/Half ???? | ||
Occupation: | Adventurer | ||
Citizenship: | None | ||
Residence: | The Milano | ||
Education: | School of Space Knocks. | ||
Theme: | Marvel (FC) | ||
Groups: | Guardians of the Galaxy | ||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 34 | Actual Age: | 34 |
Date of Birth | 11 April 1986 | Played By | Chris Pratt |
Height: | 6'1" | Weight: | 190 lb |
Hair Color: | Dirty Blonde | Eye Color: | Blue |
Twitter: | |||
Theme Song: |
Character Info
Peter Quill is the earthling orphan, displaced after his mother died and he was kidnapped by aliens. Those aliens might have raised him and used him to get into tight spaces, but they're still aliens that gave Quill a home after his ended. He's now a man between worlds, fighting for good, fighting for himself and fighting because it's fun. There's a new faction in space, out to make the rest of it suck for everyone else. The Guardians of the Galaxy.
* 1986: Peter was born to his mother, Meredith , a single woman, forced to raise him by herself but never once complaining, she tells Peter stories of his father and gives him the nickname Star Lord. As he grows up she gives him tapes of her favourite music.
* 1996: Peter's mother dies of brain cancer and runs away from his other relations, the same night he's kidnapped byYondu and taken to live among the Ravagers instead of being taken to his father Ego.
* 2006: Peter grows up raised by Yondu and his fellow Ravagers, learning to steal and shoot. When he's made a full Ravager in his own right he's placed in charge of his own ship, he names the Milano, after his childhood crush from "Who's the Boss" Alyssa Milano.
* 2016: Peter begins to pull away from the Ravagers and does his own jobs on the side, not cutting in Yondu or the rest with an eye putting together enough money to go independent.
* 2018: Peter breaks away from Yondu's crew taking the Milano and all of his credits (as well as some of the crew's) and becomes a freelance treasure hunter and general outlaw.
* 2020: The Galaxy has really begun to move and shake, something's coming, something's building, the horizon isn't as dark as it once was, it's darker... Peter remains blissfully unaware of those changes but he meets up with a bunch of alien misfits who become his crew and along the way they get the name Guardians of the Galaxy. So things are looking up for him at least!
IC Journal
Captain Kirk:
Peter gets to live the dream so many other fellow trekies have, to be a human in space. Peter enjoys the freedom to be a man in space with no attachments, but he also knows the value of having a competent crew surrounding him and making himself and his ship the best it possibly could be. Plus, he's a fan of the ladies. Shhhh.
Peter's mother was a nurse, and she was the major foundation of his life, the woman cared for him, raised him from birth alone and never once complained about it. She adored her little Star-Lord and wouldn't put his father down, she always told Peter the greatest stories of his dad, some of which he even believed and as such, he wanted to be the hero he knew both his parents were.
Yondu and the Ravagers were all that were around Peter during his impressionable teenage years and then some, Peter looked up to them and mimiced them not only to survive but to thrive in space. It's a cold and dangerous universe, you have to hold onto what you can get a hold of. Out here, it's generally best to go with the devil you know.
Character Sheet
Human Potential:
He's not Captain America level, but he's near olympian athlete level of fit and strong for a human, due to his half nature. He wouldn't know because of the scarcity of humans to compare to in space, but he's stronger, faster and more agile than a human the same size as he.
Latent Powers:
From his father's side, Peter has the potential to eventually gain incredible powers. His powers appear sometimes when he needs it most, such as a surge of strength in times of extreme adrenaline or emotional distress or healing quick from wounds. What powers he may someday develop are largely unknown.
Slow Aging:
Peter's half ???? herritage means he ages slow, not as slow as his father, but slower than the a human might, so he surmises. He's aware of this heritage due to the occasional hospital visit with the Ravagers dropping him off and leaving before the authorities show up.
Expert Combatant:
Peter Quill is a surprisingly good fighter, despite all of his humor and big mouth. He can hold his own with the best fighters around, whether its with his hands or his handy blasters as physical weapons. His time with the Ravagers taught him the most important aspect of a fight: Improvisation and an acknowledgement that there are no rules.
Quill might not necessarily need to be in charge, but he's the guy who wants to be. He is an excellent natural leader who is capable of playing emotions to his favor and inspire those under hiscommand. Or, at the very least, bring a ragtag group of misfits together to do something awesome.
Peter is a pirate, and as such, he had to learn the tools of the trade. Small arms fire of his blasters, to the larger artillery of Yondu's 'mother ship' Peter learned how to properly get a firing solution and how to propperly aim his sidearms, rifles, and even main cannons, and then how to properly shoot them.
Peter's been dreaming of flying in space since he was 6, he's actually been flying since he was 12, and not just simple A-B flights, he's been pushing himself doing stupid stunts, like asteroid zig-zag, volcano slolems and insane g-force spinning since Yondu let him out on a ship without proper supervision. The boy can fly.
From a young age with the Ravagers, Quill has been immersed in a world of thievery, from petty pickpocketing all the way to grand larceny and breaking and entering. He?s quite an accomplished thief because of this.
Quill knows a - lot - of people in the underworld community. If there's someone who you can sell something too, or has the weapon you need, or just knows how to have a good time, Peter knows 'em.
Quill has a load of gear that he can use on his missions. Typically they are all black market items, such as gravity mines, electric bolas, plasma spheres, specific armor placements...anything he needs for a particular mission. Though he also requires the units (space money) to get them.
Quill possesses a device that forms into a helmet that is activated by a device placed just behind the ear. It shows dangers and enemies on a HUD display and has communication systems. Furthermore, the helmet has its own oxygen regulation, allowing him to breathe and survive in space.
Jet Boots:
Peter has some neat little toys. One of them is a pair of micro-boosters on his ankles that allow him to achieve flight. They can push him through the air and allow him to levitate.
Peter, has his own ship. Believe it or not, but the space captain is literally a space captain. Don't actually figure out which version of the Milano it is, he'll just tell you it's only ever been the one. Yondu might have something else to say about it, but he's not here is he. NO, he's not. The MIlano is a standard ship for the Ravagers, a favorite of the pirates, as it's small, light, easy to repair and it's got some HUGE engines on the back and in the wings. A wonderful design that's been the backbone of Yondu's work force for several decades now.
Quad Blasters:
Peter's pride and joy, lovingly named 'Clarice' and 'Terry'. They are dual energy weapons that have a unique function, able to operate with lethal bursts and electric ones. The blasters have a barrel on top and one on bottom. The top fires superheated bursts of plasma, meant for lethal confrontations, while the lower barrel fires intense beams of electricity, meant to stun and incapacitate. The guns are quite durable and great for serving as whacking sticks. The guns have their own energy source, so Quill doesn't have to waste time reloading.
Peter is still in ... contact with the Ravagers, though not on the best terms with the other leaders that aren't Yondu and even then Yondu might be wanting to kill Peter for not having had contact in a few cycles...
Quill has a scanner that allows him to scan the area of roughly a football field. It is holographic, allowing him to recreate most recent events. Helpful in his scavenging days and assists in his duties as a Guardian.
Space Attire:
Quill has collected a few pieces of armor, arsenal, or equipment he generally doesn't leave his ship without. The twin repeating blasters on his hips, the jet boosters that attach to his ankles to provide no small ammount of flight and control in zero and full G. And the Helmet with the rebreather that allows him to breath in space and toxic environments. And a walkman, a gift from his mother before she passed. A single cassette with her and his favorite songs they used to sing on long car rides and such. Easily his favorite possesion.
Peter has a translation device implanted in the side of his neck that allows him to understand just about any alien language, so long as that language is known by the space community.
Emotionally Stunted:
Having one parent get instantly traded for a totally different parent, Peter's growth as a functioning human is a bit stunted, though he has the foundations for a kind man, that were used to build a Pirate upon, he's a little odd to say the least and sometimes he even seems bipolar or just unable to function consistently, and that would be a correct assessment. Man-Boy, or an Ever-child or however you want to call him, it's likely fitting.
Half Human:
Peter know's he's human, but he has no clue who his father was, or even is, and it's not likely he'll be able to figure out on his own. The unknown has always been present in his life and the captain is often searching for that something he's missing, be it a family or a connection in the worst ways and in the worst places.
Name Calling:
He acts like it doesn't affect him, but Peter never learned how to really handle being bullied, he always just threw punches and later slinging slugs and blasters to get out of offensive situations. He's explosive and prone to some emotional outbursts.
Peter has been a pirate for a long, long time and as such, he's committed some crimes here, broke some laws there, and has a rap sheet and a few warrants out for his arrest. Nova Corps, Xandar, maybe even the Lanterns are looking for him and his Ravager buddies.
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Peter Quill has
91 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Princess | February 1st, 2025 | The Guardians seek out a bounty on a backwater planet and there are some misunderstandings. |
A Snowy Change of Plans | January 27th, 2025 | With the skiff freshly hidden, the walk to civilization was supposed to be the 'easy part.' Until Quill and Gamora stumbled across a logging labor camp full of collared workers being whipped into submission. |
A Snowy Escape | January 27th, 2025 | Waking up in the rustic, snow-laden cabin to the sound of an approaching patrol, it's time for Quill and Gamora to make their escape. |
Cold Comfort | January 13th, 2025 | On a mission to retrieve an artifact on Eriadnae Epsilon IV, Peter and Gamora's escape vessel is shot down in the middle of a blizzard, and they're forced to find shelter to hide from patrols and tend to their injuries. |
GoG: Bounty on Calypsis V | January 5th, 2025 | No description |
Dude, Where's My Milano | December 5th, 2024 | The Milano is back, baby! Now the Guardians just need to learn how to keep up with it. |
Sad Times at Ridgemont High | November 26th, 2024 | Peter's sulking over the death of the Milano. Mantis, meanwhile, solves everything. |
HUNGER: Moonfall | October 20th, 2024 | The Silver Surfer arrives and, as a tactic to weaken Earth, throws the moon out of its proper orbit, threatening great chaos and disruption to the Earth. Many heroes arrive at the Watchtower, fighting - and losing - in attempts to delay and distract him while they try and right the lunar calamity. In the end, the mystics are able to break through Galactus' numbing of his emotions with the help of his lost love. Also, there's a Green Lantern Trebuchet-launched Juggernaut. |
Hunger: WAKANDA UNDER SIEGE | September 28th, 2024 | Hunger comes for Earth, and Wakanda proves to be up to the challenge. Heroes assemble within the African Kingdom, to help push back the Herald of Galactus. |
HUNGER: Zenn-La is for Lovers | September 7th, 2024 | On Zenn-La among the seemingly harmless science-hippies, the heroes discover a romantic triangle with infernal influence. Fennan Radd, Norrin's half brother, jealously pines for Shalla-Bal, and when the prospect of losing her arises, attempts her murder. He reduces the Fantastic Four to the Fantastic Three, instead. |
2616 Light Years Isn't So Much | September 6th, 2024 | Mantis and Sue perform an exchange of goods. Peter tells his tale. No one gets probed... yet. |
HUNGER: The Oans Must Answer | August 17th, 2024 | A group of allies united against Galactus travels to Oa to demand answers from the Guardians of the Universe. They get some -- eventually. |
HUNGER: Heralded | August 16th, 2024 | The Silver Surfer arrives to herald the coming of Galactus, in the middle of Times Square. The heroes attempt to reach his heart, but find it blocked or guarded, and are left to deal with the chaos that emerges as the populace considers the end of the world. |
The Ultimate Nullifier | August 4th, 2024 | The Justice League holds a presentation of the incoming Galactus, and the fate of Tamaran. |
HUNGER: Blackest Nights - Tamaran: It's Technically Vegan | July 28th, 2024 | The heroes reach Tamaran just ahead of Galactus, who comes to claim it in the place oF Okaara after renewing Terrax's service. As the planet errupts in chaos, the Tamaraneans fight of the Citadelians to reclaim their starports and attempt evacuation, and the heroes do what they can to save as many souls as possible. Diana manages to briefly pinkie-lasso the big guy, and reveals a weak point: the obscure device known as the Ultimate Nullifier. |
HUNGER: Blackest Nights - Vega: Hunger vs Greed | July 14th, 2024 | Morg and Terrax fight, and the heroes work together to bring down the Executioner. To the shock of no one, Terrax turns on them. To the shock of maybe some, the reason is Galactus' arrival on the planet. He offers Terrax his original deal, as he does every Herald, exchanging his world for service. But Big Purple is still hungry, and sets his sight on the other planet in the system that you've heard of. |
HUNGER: BLACKEST NIGHTS - Vega: Lawless Space | July 7th, 2024 | The Milano travels to Okaara, as does Hal Jordan. Quill asks to be taken to their leader, and surprisingly, it works. On the planet, they meet the Warlord Tyros, formerly Terrax, a Herald of Galactus. He denies his role in the murder of the Green Lantern Corps in time for a different guy with a space axe to show up. At least one of them did it. Hal also finds out why the GLs are actually banned from the Vega system. |
HUNGER: BLACKEST NIGHTS - Cold Case | June 23rd, 2024 | The Guardians transport members of the Titans et al to Knowhere to hunt for clues. They find several: a Tamaranean named Karras, on the run, a bartender with stories of a T-named conqueror, and ultimately, a gun dealer who speaks of Warlord Tyros of Okaara, his coup over the Vega system, and his... lost axe? It's a start. |
The News is All Wet | June 21st, 2024 | The Milano crashes in the ocean next to the Starport, and the galactically-famous Star-Lord meets Emma Frost, who is not a crystal woman from Diamondia 6. She is a little concerned that planets sometimes blow up. |
I'm Gonna Give It Back...probably... | February 25th, 2024 | Beating up bullies and pushing around Rent-a-cops, all in a day's work for Peter and Patty. |
A stich in time... | February 1st, 2024 | Peter saves Roxanne! |
No Such Thing as Bad Pizza | January 12th, 2024 | Peter and Roxanne are just regular Earthlings! |
Peter's Night Out! | December 22nd, 2023 | No description |
Overwatch This | December 22nd, 2023 | Quill and Felicity talk about the nature of work, and business. |
There's No Business Like Space Business | December 14th, 2023 | Invited into space for a Shi'ar royal ball, Kitty is approached by Peter Quill who hears her announced as being from Earth. |
Space Invaders and Cats | December 2nd, 2023 | No description |
Karaokno | November 20th, 2023 | Quill, Summers, and Dykstra close down the bar. |
Power to Absorb! | July 25th, 2023 | A group of heroes stop the Absorbing Man from absorbing whatever he can! |
Rocket's Red Glare | July 4th, 2023 | Peter Quill decides to prank Rocket by taking the team to a baseball game featuring different mascots, including a couple with a very similar appearance to his. (Note: the link to the mascot pics is safe. Imgur might give a warning.) |
Who Forgot to Turn On The Cloaking Screen | June 21st, 2023 | No description |
When Knowhere is Somewhere | June 5th, 2023 | Introductions are made, plans are plotted and a roadtrip Earth-side is signed, sealed and delivered. Hopefully they will all survive the experience. |
Somewhere and Knowhere | May 15th, 2023 | FLASHBACK: The Milano lands on Knowhere and spreads out just a little... time for a repair! |
Star-Lord In Distress | February 14th, 2023 | No description |
For a few units more | February 3rd, 2023 | So they found the Egg, but whatever was in it... isn't anymore. Thankfully, nobody got a brood in their neck. Less thankfully, they didn't find the breeder. So that's probably a good thing right?
Right? |
A cool Million Five | January 25th, 2023 | Follow a lead to Salvage World to steal a million and five unit egg, they said. But nobody mentioned fighting the frackin Brood. This is bullsh- |
Together Again For The First Time | January 20th, 2023 | Peter and Rocket come to rescue Gamora. It goes exactly as planned. Her plan. It goes exactly as she planned it. |
Guardians of the Yule-Tide | January 12th, 2023 | Christmas for the Guardians... a plan is hatched to bring in a new member. None other than Santa Claus himself. |
What the Quasar | November 10th, 2022 | No description |
The Best Planes of Bunnies and Men | June 11th, 2022 | Peter Quill needs a replacement part. Little did he expect that White Rabbit would come crashing in (literally!) into his life. Now the two are on the run from mysterious people that travel in a van and shoot a lot!
Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of this saga: 'Rabbits in SPAAAAAAAAACE!' |
Wot wot guvna | May 21st, 2022 | Singularity and Starlord draw the attention of Hal Jordan, and conversations about cops, expeditious retreats, causing panic by glowing and flying, and promises of heroic aid ensue. |
Cosmic Pit Stop | May 16th, 2022 | Star Lord and Stargirl take a cruise in the Milano, but get hit by an asteroid! Good thing Superman's there to serve as the world's strongest tug boat! |
Can I get a lift | April 30th, 2022 | No description |
Rooftop Aliens | April 21st, 2022 | Quill and Rocket argue. Groot gets a flying tour of the city from Starfire. |
From Earth to the Stars | March 30th, 2022 | Diana invites many members from an assortment of super teams to meet in the Hall of Justice to discuss Earth's first starports, and the plans there-in. |
Guardians of the Food! | March 18th, 2022 | No description |
Groot's The Only One With A Clue | February 28th, 2022 | Groot comforts a frustrated Quill. |
Falling Guardian | February 25th, 2022 | The Milano is introduced to the gunship-owning father of Peter Quill's former date. Captain Marvel brings the ship in for a gentler landing than would have resulted otherwise, and Pietro, Daisy and Jemma check on the ship and her captain. |
Game Changer | December 13th, 2021 | Peter gets tired of Gamora's old rags. Shopping ensues. |
Peter Flew Like The Hero He Is. | November 29th, 2021 | Peter Flies Good. Gamora Gets Frustrated. Richard Tows Everyone. Yondu Smooth Talks. Drax Poops. |
Guardians of the Backwaters of Space | November 29th, 2021 | A Star Cruiser (Space Version of a Cruise Ship) starts to fall into a black hole. Gamora steals the Milano to go help finds it being pushed. Peter and Rocket fly like pros, and create miniature Big Bangs. The ship is still lost but a new threat is discovered. |
Gamora Couture | October 31st, 2021 | Peter suggests that Gamora may blend in better if she considered adding pants to her wardrobe. Peter shockingly doesn't get hit! |
Which demons must die first | October 29th, 2021 | As the Guardians consider who they want to take revenge on first, Peter reveals he spent the last of their cash and Ava is struggling to find the doctor she needs on Hala. |
Hello Hala | October 3rd, 2021 | The Guardians enter Kree space in an effort to get Ava and Finley to Hala. Unfortunately, the Kree border patrol don't take kindly to the Milano's presence and stubbornly fire upon the ship -- despite the number of reassurances Peter Solo gives them. Turns out, giving a Ghost a quantum energy boost can be really beneficial when you're trying not to get shot. Who knew? |
Courier Duty | September 26th, 2021 | No description |
Halfworld and the Truth about Rocket | August 29th, 2021 | The Guardians arrive at Halfworld, where they not only find out there are others like the injured Rocket, they also learn an unexpected truth about him and the planet itself. Of course there's a mission involved. |
Halfway to Halfworld | August 24th, 2021 | In the wake of their pyrrhic victory over Thanos -- they did rescue Nebula, after all -- the Guardians and most of their passengers try to come to terms with all the changes wrought... all the while ignoring the sanest voice among them. (Who, frighteningly, may actually be Mantis.) Nevertheless, cheaters to the last, they are still apparently committed to taking out Thanos moving forward.
After Rocket is fixed. Until then... well... that's anybody's guess. |
Thanos in Hyperspace when the Quasar Fell (I) | August 18th, 2021 | The crew of the Milano with friends attempt to take out Thanos once and for all. Things do not go as planned. The Black Order are not an easy fight, though some fall. Thanos, however, has mastered Hyperspace energy and brings the battle to Phyla-Vell, evaporating her. The crew of the Milano manage to escape and are headed to Half-World with Rocket in stasis on the verge of death. Somehow, Mantis cheated death entirely, which is only fair since Black Swan did the same thing. The quantum bands found a new worthy wearer: Ava. |
Milano Tales: Meet the Ghost and SWORD | August 11th, 2021 | Meet two of the new Milano regulars |
Shi'ar: On the Run from the Law | July 19th, 2021 | Picking up her distress signal, the Milano rescues Lilandra from pursuit by the heavy cruiser T'Korr. There's a bit of 'Imperial Diplomacy' with heavy weapons and energy constructs, a zero-G rescue, and Rocket flips off a galaxy-spanning Empire. Typical day for the Guardians of the Galaxy. |
Milano Tales: The Port of Xandar | July 17th, 2021 | The Milano crew sit down to take stock post Ronan encounter on Xandar. It is agree, to Earth they go. Also something weird is up with Peter. |
Father's Dream | July 15th, 2021 | As the Guardians recover from their battle with Ronan, Gamora describes what's happened to Nebula to Peter; as well as Thanos' ultimate ambition for the Infinity Stones. |
Milano Tales: The Power Stone (II) | June 28th, 2021 | Ronan the Accuser has the Power Stone. Thanos be damned, he's going to win the war that was stalled by peace treaty. He sets course for Xandar. The Nova Corps and Guardians of the Galaxy fight a desperate pitched battle against the Dark Astar and Ronan with the power stone. Only the impossibly properties of Peter Quill manage to stop the power stone in its tracks. Why? no one is sure yet... but it's a mystery to be solved. |
Milano Tales: The Power Stone | June 13th, 2021 | Ronan the Accuser's ship The Dark Aster suddenly appears before Knowhere and attacks without provocation. Missiles are fired and troops are deployed. Luckily the Guardians of the Galaxy are there to fight back. And fight back they do. Defeating Korath the Pursuer and the Sakaaran forces accompanying him they save Knowhere. However, the attack was just a ruse. Nebula slipped in through the nose and stole the power stone. She escaped, but not before Phyla got a tracker on her. To be continued... |
Another Place Nobody Knows Your Name (if you're Mantis) | June 12th, 2021 | Mantis learns the many definitions of fun |
Milano Tales: We're going to need some help | May 18th, 2021 | The Guardians attempt to follow the Dark Aster. Upon losing it, they fight with their own confused feelings about what Nebula has done and who she is to them. It is settled, they need help. Peter makes a call and the crew head to Knowhere. There they meet Phyla-Vell, a seemingly random woman who Peter has a lot of faith in. Rocket, Groot, and Mantis head off to weaponise Mantis. |
The Lost Branch World - Part 2 | May 4th, 2021 | Thoote is stopped from leaving back for Planet X and sending a holy death fleet back to kill everyone in the Branch Republic. The team works well together. |
Lost Branch World | April 23rd, 2021 | The Milano stops at a long lost world of Groot's people. They find a spy from Planet X that must be stopped at all cost else an armada come and kill the Branch Republic. |
Krypton or Bust: Argo City | April 17th, 2021 | Argo City never made it to K-2 and the last of its people perished. But the last of Krypton -- Zod and the House of El, find a common ground laying the city and its people to rest. |
Happy Birthday, Star-Lord! Hope You Live To Tell About It! | April 16th, 2021 | The Guardians gather for a birthday party, which goes in directions none of them could have reasonably predicted. Rocket gets arrested again, but the danger of Nebula doing Nebula things leads to an unexpected agreement and profit. |
Krypton or Bust: The Dead Planet | April 8th, 2021 | The journey takes them to the Rao system, finally, where they witness the devastation of a lost civilisation. A record was found on one of Krypton's surviving moons that showed Argo City flying away from the system and an audio message from Kara's father, Zor-El, inviting survivors to join them. |
I Oa You 1 AI Brain | March 29th, 2021 | Scott and the Guardians enact a daring, stealthy heist on Oa. The kind of stealth that leaves giant craters in the street. |
You Make Me Feel Like Dancing | March 27th, 2021 | Peter's music is way too loud, but it turns out it's pretty good for dancing as Gamora discovers. |
Reporting to the Quill | March 18th, 2021 | No description |
Expanding Horizons | March 2nd, 2021 | Zatanna and Star Lord meet on the Milano and talk music, magic, space and broadening horizons. Also did you know it rains diamonds on Neptune and *snicker* Uranus? Now Peter does! |
Chocolate Trouble | March 1st, 2021 | Nebula kills more innocent chocolate. Groot grumbles about revenge! Not really. |
Milano Tales: Between Here and There | February 21st, 2021 | No description |
Krypton or Bust: Up Up and Away | February 20th, 2021 | Kryptonians, family and friends gather on the Milano, which then docks with Maxima's ship. Greetings are made and the ships begin their journey to Oa. |
The Mantis and The Quill | February 20th, 2021 | Quill has an assignment for Mantis! | Krypton or Bust | February 16th, 2021 | Supergirl to Captain Quill. Commencing countdown, engines on, check ignition. and may Rao's light shine upon you. The House of El makes arrangements to fly with the Guardians of the Galaxy to near-ish Oa, and to the dead planet Krypton, and may be a few other places before heading back to Earth. All for a worthless bucket of diamonds and some space weed. |
The Past Sucks | February 15th, 2021 | Peter and Gamora talk about her and Nebula's pasts over cereal. |
The Crystal Mines of Sector 70-6-8B | February 10th, 2021 | The Baron is beheaded, the Crystals are stolen, and the crew have some soul searching to do. Ronan the Accuser also has some searching to do... |
The Robber Baron of Sector 70-6-8B | February 5th, 2021 | The Guardians arrive at a theme park moon in hopes of stealing riches. Instead, they discover the entire place is one big scam and they're the real prize. |
Fine Dining on the Milano | January 31st, 2021 | In which mealtime is all just a setup for a good Quill burn. |
The Maze of Klabaru | January 28th, 2021 | The group has a gap in their memories and a minor change to be explained in a future scene. |
So Long Erf! | January 6th, 2021 | The Guardians blast off!...with varying opinions about Earth and its people. Music is had. Drax leaves a present behind. Gamora's toughness is questioned. It's possible Nebula was replaced by a doppelganger. |
Titans Holiday Party - The Wintering | December 23rd, 2020 | The Titans Holiday party, where there was much merryment, good cheer.... and glitter. And drunk raccoons. |
We were meant to get provisions | December 12th, 2020 | Nebula stole a Safeway truck full of food. Provisions restocked. The truck has been dumped in to the bay off of Titan's island. Peter wants to go get sourbread from the city. |
FOR FREEDOM! FOR STEAKMEEEAT! | October 25th, 2020 | Drax and Rocket go foraging for food in a galactic way station. Quill trusts his instincts, but are they good enough? Enough to get some steakmeat. |
Distress Signals | October 12th, 2020 | The guardians bump into and yell at each other until someone seeks them for help. A long road trip begins! |
Guarding which Galaxy | October 2nd, 2020 | Guardians show off their sweet guardian skills |
Goo Ard Ians of the Gal Acksy | September 29th, 2020 | Peter, Gamora and Drax all chip in to design their symbol. |
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Peter Quill has
91 finished logs.
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Entertainment Credits
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Peter Quill has been credited in
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Peter Quill has been credited in
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Peter Quill has authored
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Group Memberships
Peter Quill has been listed in 1 groups.