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Latest revision as of 17:59, 12 June 2022

When in Metropolis... Bat Burger
Date of Scene: 12 June 2022
Location: Batburger
Synopsis: Gabby and Kaida meet at Bat Burger by accident. They chat and have lunch!
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Kaida Connolly

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The weather lately had been rather nice, so much as it usually was this time of year. New York however was plagued with the usual rainstorms, as was Gotham. It lured Gabby to take her motorcycle and head out toward Metropolis where, at least, the weather was listed as 'sunny with some clouds' as a change of pace. It had been several years since she last visited as it was. A recent meeting with someone had reminded her of that fact so Metropolis it was.

Surprise, surprise, to find a Bat Burger here. Curious to see if the chain matched the one in Gotham she parks out front, and heads inside, tucking her Rebel Alliance painted helmet under her arm as she does. Looking over the place she just gives a soft 'huh.' "They did it better here than in Gotham." Gothams was... Uh. Questionable at best.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
It's just so hard to break habits. Honestly, in Metropolis, it is starting to become accepted that a certain tiny resident of the area isn't just a simple mouse out to steal food and be all potentially gross. No, there's actually a high degree of traffic in many food places of a mouse who is also a Titan. That being said, Kaida just sneaks into places like this anyway. She uses a computer now to place online orders but she still sneaks to them all the same.

"Ah, my prey!" Kaida says to no one in particular when she peers out from a hanging plant to see the bag of goodies resting on the 'To-Go' orders area. She quickly leaps down to land right behind the bag and peers out either side of it to see who might be watching for sneaky things like herself.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney pauses as she starts to go past the to-go area when she hears... a voice? Her eyebrows draw together and she reaches up to rub her ear uncertainly. These new 'heightened senses' were sometimes tricky and she wasn't used to them yet. Still she was SURE she heard...

Glancing over to the to-go bags she finds herself staring dead-on with the tiny Kaida. For a moment she just stares, saying nothing. Then her hand lifts to point gingerly at the bag.

"Uh. You need a hand? That's kinda big."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Looking at the person now staring at her, Kaida blinks once or twice before waving a tiny hand. She then looks at the bag and then at Gabby. She then looks back at the bag. She then gets down low and kinda just slides up under the bag before she hefts it up above her and looks out from under it at Gabby.

"I mean, if you wanna but it's not that bad." She shakes her head and holds it up, "And it's mine! I paid for it!" She nods her head, "Not just taking it."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney smiles warmly at the little gal who hefts the bag up when she assures her it was paid for. "Well it is to-go, I figured you were picking it up," she has to agree with a solemn nod before considering, and asking, "So what's good here? I'm visiting from New York and had to hit up a place called 'Bat Burger'." Dropping her voice conspiratorially she adds, "I work in Gotham sometimes. I can appreciate the humor."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
A smile and Kaida hmms before she considers the bag and then the girl she is speaking to, "Well, I mean, the best meal is the Batman Burger. It's what they're known for!" She nods her head, "Bacon, cheese, and Bat-Sauce." She considers before leaning the bag back just a little, "It's really just a southwest style mayo but they add a little hot sauce to it. I guess they think that makes it special."

Kaida then leaps from the to-go platform to a table nearby and sets her bag down before leaping back to the to-go spot and grabbing up a small soda and then leaping away with that, too. She looks back toward Gabby and waves a hand, "You can sit here if you want once ya get food!" And with that, she pulls out a tiny sword and cuts away the side of her bag.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Oh that does sound good," Gabby has to admit as the food is described. Likely she's getting a few odd looks from people wondering why she's talking to a to-go stand. At least until they see the bag moving of it's own accord. Then they just opt to look back to their food ignoring the weirdness because that's the best way to handle things, right?

Gabby grins broadly at the invitation to join Kaida, and nods quickly. "Thanks, I will! Lemme go grab something." With that she turns to head for the line which was thankfully quick. The advice for burger is taken as she gives her order adding in some extra fries, and a huuuge soda. Compared to Kaida's at least.

When she returns with her tray of food and drink, she sets it to the side ensuring Kaida has plenty of room for her own things. "Thanks for the invite, I don't really know anyone in Metropolis. I'm Gabby by the way!"

Kaida Connolly has posed:
When she does return, Kaida has pulled out two large things of fries and two large burgers. One is still wrapped up, the other is opened up and the fries dumped on to its wrapped. She then seems to have spread out some ketchup in a spot and yeeted the top bun of the burger to the side.

A napkin nearby has some grease already on it and Kaida appears to be chewing through the first quarter of her burger rather quickly. When Gabby sits down, Kaida grins at her, grabbing the napkin to wipe at her face before nodding.

"They're my favorite here though occasionally I like to grab the Two face, which is chicken AND a burger." She nods again and grabs a frie, placing it in the ketchup before eating the whole thing in several small but fast bites.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grabs for her drink first to take along slurp off of the soda. It was needed after a long motorcycle ride. Even someone resilient could get thirsty after all. It's set aside once she's satisifed and lets out a little sigh. "Needed that. Nothing like a good root beer."

Nodding she reaches to unpack her own bag which has two packs of fries and a single burger. She could eat just as much as what Kaida ordered but she wasn't really feeling that hungry at the moment. "Yeah, that sounds interesting, too, but I could go for a little spice right now." The burger is hefted up for a big chomp. It's held in one hand while she tugs out a few more napkins, pausing to offer another out to Kaida in case it was needed.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
A grin and she takes the napkin, "Thanks, eating at this size is dirty work! Everything is very big." She mmms as she finishes another bite and smiles at the flavor, "Very tasty though!" She then proceeds to dig in for a moment. It's an odd thing to see, it's like watching someone eating at high speed. She eats at a very quick pace, seeming to become something of a tiny blur when she does. Each chew and bite is at an incredible rate. She tears through a human sized bite and beyond in the amount of time a human might normally bite something. She then turns her attention to Gabby again.

"I'm Kaida, by the way!" She nods her head, "I'm with the Titans. I've seen you before but I am not sure we've ever been officially introduced."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Oh yeah, I make a mess and I'm already bigger than you are. I get it." Gabby does take a swipe over her own chin getting some of the bat sauce that had squeezed out of the burger. It was juicy at least! But that led to being messy too.

"Yeah I think I've seen you too. Nice to finally meet you!" Here she pauses, considering a time or two, before giving an indifferent shrug. "Eh I don't have a secret identity really. I'm with the Outsiders," she explains though she does keep her voice low. "And some other groups I help on occasion, or I just sometimes show up. I tend to move around a lot and know a lot of people. Like Vorpal. He's a Titan too, I've known him for ages." Though she opts not to say HOW they met. For once.

"I didn't even think about this being the Titan's home area when I came here."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
A laugh and she nods her head, "I really get around a lot, too! I fought a Doombot once, been into space a lot, been over to Themyscira, been to Wonderland, been to New York and...huh, I think I've only been to Gotham once now that I think on it." She holds a frie and casually considers it. Her eyes going over it as she then dips it into ketchup and eliminates it with great efficiency.

"Ya know, I think I've been to space more than I've been to Gotham." She looks over at Gabby, "Is that weird? Seems weird."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Nah," Gabby assures with a shake of her head. "Most people try to avoid Gotham in general. It's weird. No one really wants to go there, but the people who ARE there are like, feircely loyal to it. It's like rooting for a losing team." Some ketchup is squirted onto the wrapper of her burger before dipping a good few fries in all at once. "Don't tell Robin I said that. I've never been to space, though! Seems like everyone wants to keep me away from it for some reason." Shrugging she takes a quick chomp of her fries pushing them in until she's chewing with full puffed cheeks. Messy but good and it's all washed down with another gulp of soda.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
"Space is cool but it can also be really boring." She nods her head, "I recommend only going there if you have a good reason. Otherwise it's just big and empty. Why they call it space, I suppose." She nods her head and then chows down on another bit of her burger, tearing it apart. Every time she eats into it, she appears to avoid the bun, simply ripping it out of her way once she gets burger, cheese, and bacon off of it.

"I've worked with many people, I just never really did the Gotham thing." She shakes her head, "I love that people are loyal to it, though, I guess. Someone needs to be."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney nods solemnly in agreement with a burgeoning grin. Now that she could smile without having a mouthful of food. "Yeah, they need help. Having someone to rely on is important." She's about to reach for her burger again when her phone buzzes at her earning an upward roll of her eyes. "Ah, I knew someone would notice I was gone at some point." A sheepish shrug is given. "I'm still only seventeen, not that it matters much. I can take care of myself."

Dragging out the phone she glances at it with a knowing nod. "Yeah, I'm gonna have to run. It was great meeting you Kaida! And thanks for the tip on the burger, that was pretty good."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
A smile and she nods, "Nice meet you, too!" Kaida declares as she eats another fry and nods her head. She then looks at the phone with a twitch of her ear before shrugging, "Either way, have a safe trip home and just, ya know, it's not always bad to have people worried about you." She chuckles and shrugs before returning to her meal even though she still occasionally gets weird looks.