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Latest revision as of 16:16, 15 June 2022

Moving Out, Moving On, Moving... up
Date of Scene: 15 June 2022
Location: Stella's Bedroom
Synopsis: Stella and Hal discuss her impending move and hero-based business ideas.
Cast of Characters: Stella Roundtree, Hal Jordan

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     Stella had texted Hal to have him over! And as he arrives, she seems to be boxing some things up- not that there's a lot in her home, of course, but it's not really HERS.

Hal Jordan has posed:
For most people dropping by on a moment's notice can be something of a chore. For someone who lives out of the city entirely it would be much more. And for someone who lives on the entirely opposite coast? Yeah, forget about that.

Fortunately for both of them, Hal is not exactly most people and it is less than fifteen minutes before Hal is slipping into the apartment. As the window slides closed behind him that green costume is already fading away, leaving him in a much more regular jeans and t-shirt. "Stella?" he calls out.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     She pops back in, giving him a wave, "Hey there, hon!" She scoots over to give him a smooch. "Here I am! How was your trip over?" Granted, 'short' is the answer. "I have... news! Booster and I are starting a business and getting a warehouse!" she says, as if this non-sequiter is perfectly normal as she wraps her records.

Hal Jordan has posed:
Really, he doesn't have much time to answer her question before she is diving into her own news. Still, Hal returns that quick kiss to her cheek, listening with a somewhat bemused smile on his features, one brow raised. In interest no doubt, instead of skepticism. Being supportive and all of that. "That is indeed news," he agrees wryly. "What sort of business are you starting up?" he asks curiously. It's not that he doesn't have faith in her. Booster, however, might be another matter entirely.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "We're gonna work with the superhero app, and we'd be renting space out an' doin' a gym," she says, this perhaps not being the best business person at the moment. "I got a line on a few warehouses, so we're gonna check a few out, see if anything fits," she says. "I hope it's all right with you, since we'd be livin' in the same building and all that."

Hal Jordan has posed:
Look, Hal certainly does not have a masters in business either. He went from the military to being a test pilot. Not a huge stretch and not really any sort of business background. Nor has he always done the very best job of running his personal life either. So he parks his skepticism and dips his head, shooting a wry grin her way. "Well, I hope it works out. I'll definitely have to check it out when it's further along. And if you need anythingm don't hesitate to ask," he offers up. "I think you can be trusted to set your own living arrangements."

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "Well, I'm sure you can help me move in, all that. And move things around. And letting people know that we're open for business, too! The app seems pretty damn neat. I'm hopin' I can get some heroing in on my own, too! I need a costume. You know anyone?" she asks. "Who might make one for me? I have ideas."

Hal Jordan has posed:
He does make a pretty awesome mover it's true. "I think I can help some there," Hal assures her with that ready grin. "I don't think I've checked on this app beofre, but maybe you can show me," he suggests. See? He's interested! "As to costumes, I admittedly don't have a lot of experience there since the ring just conjures up mine when I need it. But I can ask around some. Chances there's someone out there who does that sort of thing for a living," he assures her.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "It's for people to contract out heroes," she says. "Ted and Booster were workin' on it, but I don't think they really used it, to be honest," she says. "So hiring out to use our powers, that kinda thing," she says. "But yeah! Ask around, I can't have my very super secret identity out there, right?" she says, leaning up against him, full of affection. "Plus, Booster makes a hell of breakfast. You'll probably be around some mornings, right?"

Hal Jordan has posed:
That draws a nod from Hal, understanding lighting there on his expression. "Ooookay, now I got you. Interesting," he says quietly. "I can see that working in some fashion, though you might end up dealing with a fair number of cranks as well," he admits. But there are worse fates. "And I will. I'm not sure that my colleagues in the Justice League will be much help. I don't think most of them contracted out their look, but they might know someone suitable," he admits before winking at her. "I'd say that possibility is pretty high that I'll be over the occasional morning," he admits.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "Well, I figure we take payment up front, like I do," she says. "NO refunds. And I'm curious how many people will just have us move pianos or whatnot," she says. "And I hope you're over a lot of mornings in my assumedly cute warehouse loft that I'll have," she decides, "Gotta mark your territory what with all those sweaty hunks in the building with me."

Hal Jordan has posed:
That is a little reassuring. That she has some business experience of her own. Perhaps that will help to make it more likely to succeed even with Booster's involvement. He has a degree of faith at least. "It will be interesting to see, yeah. And I'm glad you've thought of all these things," he admits with a quiet chuckle, a faint smirk slowly sliding over his expression. "Ahhhh, so you want me to feel a little jealous and possessive, huh?" he teases lightly. "I suppose you do make a valid point."

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "Not jealous and possessive, but I like to feel valued," she says, running a finger up his arm. "Okay, maybe a LITTLE. possessive. A hand on the lower back, being around so guys don't get any ideas, that kinda thing," she says as she leans in, feeling amorous indeed. But she often does around him, it seems.

Hal Jordan has posed:
He chuckles lowly at that and steals a quick kiss before straightening a little. "Mmmmmm, that sounds like a fine needle to thread. I shall do my best," he promises lightly, those arms slipping around her in turn, drawing her in close to him. "And they had better not get any ideas," he says with a mock scowl before winking more playfully at her. "So. did you need some help packing? Or did you have a different sort of goodbye in mind for the apartment?"

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "You seem like you can be intimidating, yet fair!" she declares. She nestles against him, all warm and cozy. "I suppose I shouldn't pack QUITE so soon, but it felt good to get a start on things. I haven't seen Hella in over a month, so... I dunno. So weird here. Though nice for us to use the couch for things," she laughs. "We shouldn't, but we COULD. Or we could give this, uh... room... a nice goodbye. Several times."

Hal Jordan has posed:
He can be a reasonably intimidating guy all things considered, Space Cop and all of that. Though really overcoming fear rather than instilling it is more of his schtick. "Mmmm, well since you aren't exactly in a hurry I know what option I would go for," he says slyly. Probably just about everyone can guess what option he'd go for. "So why don't we take advantage of us having the couch to ourselves, grab a bottle of wine and toast to your new enterprise. Then we can see where things go from there..." he says with a grin that leaves little doubt where he hopes they go!