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No One Gets a Telepath... Like a Telepath
Date of Scene: 28 March 2020
Location: Emma's Suite - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Jean and Emma heal Alex's mind... and determine the cause of the hidden memories.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Jean Grey

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma has no idea what to do.

After she had... pulled out a psychic block left by... well, Emma still wasn't sure, really, from Alex's head the night before, leaving him unconcious, she had delved him, found him... well, he wasn't dead. So hoping he would awaken in an hour or two, or six at worst, she had simply gotten a blanket from her bedroom, tucked the mutant in on her couch and let him sleep.

Her own sleep was fitful. The face she saw as she destroyed Alex's mental block kept haunting her nightmares, and finally, just before dawn, she forced herself out of bed, making a pot of french press coffee. She didn't care if the grinder woke up Alex-- which it didn't. She somewhat hoped the smell of the hot coffee would stir him. No.

And so Emma stands in her living room, helplessly looking at his sleeping form. She gives him a mental nudge. Nothing.

//Oh god, did I... did I break him?// Emma barely sips at the hot beverage. She picks up her cell phone, and flips open the screen to her recently added contacts. She scrolls down to a certain red-headed telepath she had met the other day... and opens up the text program.

'Jean, it's Emma. I think we have a problem.'

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean was waking up herself, helping herself to a cup of coffee in the mansion. Sipping the cup, she blinked as her phone buzzed, and saw who it was texting. The smile quickly turned upside down as she read it, and then she texted back:

'Okay, need me over there?'

She doesn't hesitate, really. Since if there's a problem, it's probably involving Alex... and she needs to make sure he's okay, first and foremost.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma is relieved when she sees the reply. 'Yeah. Hellfire Building. 6th floor, Suite 610. I'll call down and have the front desk have you a key for the elevator.' She pushes send. Then she sits on a stool by the bar separating the kitchen from the living area, and waits. Every so often she nudges Alex a little with he mind, and every time the lack of response frightens her a little bit more. And the more frightened she gets inside, the icier and calmer she looks on the outside.

Jean Grey has posed:
It doesn't take //too// long for Jean to arrive, but traveling from Westchester to New York isn't exactly easy. Even on a Saturday afternoon. But, she does arrive, striding in wearing a loose green blouse and denim jeans. She glances over at Emma, tilting her head as she says, "What's going on... is this about Alex?" She's pretty sure it is, otherwise Emma wouldn't contact her. Well, unless sentinels were attacking... in which case she'd get more than just Jean, right?

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma gestures at the lump on the couch, covered in a light white blanket. "See for yourself," Emma says calmly, though Jean should be able to feel that under her icy exterior, Emma is //not// calm at all. "I didn't mean for this to happen. I just..." she trails off. "Did you want some coffee?" The absurdity of polite niceties when the brother of the X-Men's field leader might be a rutabega.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean nods, "Coffee is good, and..." She pauses, and probes lightly into Alex's mind. Such as it is right now, apparently, as she simply asks, "What happened?" There's no judgment in her tone, just concern as she takes stock of the situation.

Emma Frost has posed:
"We..." Emma at least has the grace to look slightly embarrassed. "We were discussing the incident at the club the other night, and... I delved him a bit. I found a mental block. A strange one. And it was unravelling, almost, like the fear toxin had knocked it loose." Emma sighs, starting to make another pot of french press, but thankful for the minor distraction. "It was some sort of block on his mutant abilities, I think, mixed with implanted false memories. And I think the telepath who did it... was still linked, somehow."

She pours a mug for Jean and slides it to her. "He-- the telepath-- warned me to put the block back, or I would regret it." She looks discomfited. "I didn't. But now Alex won't..."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean frowns, "Did you try putting it back after this?" She looks curiously at Emma, taking a seat near where Alex is laying down. "And, well, who was this other telepath? Because it sounds like they know a lot more about this situation."

Emma Frost has posed:
"Of course I didn't," Emma says imperiously. "I'm not going to be told what to do by some silvery, black-eyed creep in a bad cape. Besides, the block was stressing his mind, having been damaged. I suppose I could have rebuilt an undamaged one, with a new set of false memories..." she doesn't mention what the real memories were; that Alex has killed someone with his powers. She keeps that tightly behind her own shields. "But to what end? And I've never seen this other telepath in my life, but I'm not sure I'd like to, either."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean sighs, "Well, since the block is gone... we could try to repair the memories. I've done this a few times before, but it's not easy, and I definitely can use a backup." She looks over at Emma, arching a brow as her meaning is pretty clear there.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma draws a slow, deep breath. There's a lot of trust involved with just one telepath being allowed to root about in someone's mind (assuming they get permission), but two working together requires trust between them, as well. She looks at Alex's form, considering for a few long, silent moments.

"I saw the true memory as the block was destroyed," she admits. "I can provide a structure for the repair." She puts her mug down. "Jean, I don't think you're going to like it. Please don't... don't tell the others at your school. I don't want them to think less of him."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean looks over at Emma, "We all have things that we've dealt with, Emma. I'm going to leave it to Alex to tell them, since it isn't my business to do it."

She hmms, and gently places a hand on Alex's face. Emma probably isn't geeked enough to recognize the Vulcan Mind Meld thing, but well... Jean has a few mental ticks with her telepathy when stressed. And right now, she's pretty darn stressed.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma moves over to the couch, sitting on the armrest beside Alex's head. She runs her fingers through his hair gently, and then slips into Alex's mind, easily. And she mentally calls out to link up with Jean, though for now, she's willing to let the redhead lead, only providing extra power and skill-- and the original memory's structure-- to the repair.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean nods, focusing on the repair, delving into Alex's mind. <<I'm going to try and see what we can do to repair this but not block it off again. This is going to be some work... and you know his mind better than I do, Emma.>> She draws on Emma's strength and knowledge, and the combination of Jean's telepathic power with her psychiatric training make this... almost frightening in what she seems to be able to do.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma links up with Jean, offering her not-inconsiderable power to the red-headed telepath's aresenal. She shares what she knows of Alex's mind, offering the core of the previously hidden memory. Along with it, Jean should be able to feel genuine concern, and affection for the Summers.

And hints of Emma's own hidden self. A slight tinge of jealousy towards Jean, but not for powers, but because she was teaching. A fear of other telepaths, a deeply personaly one as if she's accustomed to having to compete with them.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean smiles, sending a reassurance to Emma, no judgment or competition there at all. Just a simple appreciation for her help, acknowledging Emma's concern and feelings for Alex as she focuses on the fractured memory.

It's like a spider-web, now torn and shredded with the damage... so Jean starts weaving, trying to recover and repair what she can, though she looks a bit strained, even with Emma's assistance.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma 'watches', frowning, then an almost icy-looking web joins Jean's, adding to the patch the other telepath is building up, supporting Jean's efforts. She sweeps away the ashy, dusty remnants of Sinister's old block, leaving Jean to be able to completely focus on rebuilding.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean does make a note that it is, in fact, Sinister behind this... and her eyes narrow alarmingly in the link. There's a distinct impression of a terrifyingly powerful firebird in Jean's thoughts... or an echo, rather, as Jean works on repairing Alex's mental links, using Emma's work to bolster her own so Alex... well, he should be okay after this, though there's definitely a lot of things for him to process.

But now, at least he can...

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma withdraws as the work is done, breathing a touch heavier than she otherwise would be. She waits for Jean, drawing her hand back from Alex's skull to cross her arms across her chest.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean opens her eyes, then looks at Emma, "Sinister? You know him?" She saw the memory, and her lips curve in a sharp frown, "He's... not a nice person." Which is, definitely, putting it mildly as she sits back, taking a sip of the now-cold coffee. Better than nothing, at least.

Emma Frost has posed:
"That's his name?" Emma scowls a bit. "Sounds like a real nice guy. Never met him. Not sure I want to. I'm not sure what he meant about..." She waved, thinking about the reference to his mention of Alex's genetics. "But I'm just glad whatever he did to Alex is gone."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean sighs, "Yeah, he's a piece of work alright. And I have it on pretty good authority that he was somehow behind the Genosha attack. To what degree, I don't know. I'm going to try and find out, though." She frowns, "Actually, about that, I need to talk to Scott and some of the others, so if Alex wakes up... well, probably best that he sees you first so you two can talk." She gives Emma a warm smile, then moves to the other room.