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Latest revision as of 23:52, 22 June 2022

The Prodigal Grandson
Date of Scene: 18 June 2022
Location: Amusement Mile
Synopsis: Ra's and Damian enjoy some family time.
Cast of Characters: Ra's al Ghul, Damian Wayne

Ra's al Ghul has posed:
It's your typical Gotham City summer night. It's hot, muggy, and all-around unpleasant. Add that to the long list of Gotham's sins. Something pinged on Robin's HUD; an altercation at Amusement Mile. While not a rarity by any stretch of the imagination, it did seem peculiar that there was no reference to the alleged shooting on any of the police blotters.

Had it simply been an oversight? Did the Gotham PD condemn this stretch of erstwhile gayety along with the other God-fearing members of the city's population? Or was something more sinister afoot? Perhaps it was just a usual gang land dustup, or perhaps it was an answer to the questions that had long been gnawing at the back of the young man's mind.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Robin had found himself drawn to the Amusement Mile. Though the why of such things was something he was unsure of. It wouldnt be the first time the GCPD had neglected to rush to a scene, part of why Robin had a bit of a...dislike for some of the force.

  But there was something in the back of his mind...something that made him feel like this was familiar in some form. Nevertheless, he arrived on the Amusement Mile in good time, the eerie stillness of the once active and very alive section of the city. It was of course much past closing time, and usually only thugs and junkies were still active this late.

  He walked down the street, unafraid to show himself in the open at the moment. He may have been an assassin, but he was also a warrior, and he walked with a warrior's determination.

Ra's al Ghul has posed:
"A garish costume, but...all black clothes do not an assassin make, I suppose," remarks a voice from behind Damian. Speaking from experience is Ra's al Ghul, wearing the traditional League of Assassins garb colored in a dark green...and complete with a high-collared cape.

There's something in the young man's gait that draws a smile from him. Perhaps it reminds him of his mother. Or of himself at a younger age. A bottomless passion for...something beyond. Something higher.

"You have grown strong, my boy," Ra's remarks, one hand resting lazily on the hilt of the saber at his hip.

Stepping more into the light, his wolfish countenance is revealed. He may be pushing into his 7th century, but he doesn't look a day over 50. His movements are calculated, but not slow. More purposeful.

"Do you know who I am, young Damian?"

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian's hood had been up, the white eyelets of his mask glowing underneath, it was an intimidation tactic as much as a strategic one, the all white of the eyes kept someone from seeing exactly where the wearer was looking. To most it was either disarming or unsettling, to someone like Ra's, it was not nearly as useful. But Damian had been taught of his grandfather, of course he would have been. Years cloistered on Infinity Island and a curriculum hand picked by Talia to mold Damian into the perfect heir to the League of Assassins saw Damian years ahead of other people his age.

  Damian's cape hid a short sword in his hand, but he turned around, keeping the cape draped around him. It wasn't until the man stopped speaking that Damian took one knee, slipping out the sword from the cape and resting the tip on the ground. The sword had been designed for him, and made by the best Themysciera had to offer, the blade was tempered in such a way that a hamon of flying bats could be seen, and even though it was of Grecian style, it very much felt a part of him.

  "Yes." Was the only word he spoke, he knew if Ra's or Talia had wanted to fight, it would have been started much before now.

Ra's al Ghul has posed:
Taking a few steps forward, Ra's continues his inspection of the boy. His own sword remains in its scabbard. It's nothing quite so special as Damian's weapon, but it is nearly as old as Ra's himself.

He crouches down and smiles warmly. "You are beautiful like your mother, Damian. The heart of an al Ghul beats within your chest," he says, balling his free hand into a fist and thumping it against his own sternum.

"You can stay your blade, child. I have no wish to harm you. You will forgive me this breaching of your trust," he says, gesturing to the locale around them. "I wished only yo see my own flesh and blood, and I did not think I would be welcome at Wayne Manor." There's a sly grin that follows.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     There was no feigning of being shocked with the mention of Wayne Manor. "Correct."

  He remained kneeling for now, that sword tip resting on the ground while he held the handle. Robin looked up, to his grandfather. "And what of mother?" He asked, the last time he had seen her, she laid a bombshell to both Damian and Bruce, revealing that he was indeed the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul. It was a deception that took him a while to get over, but it caused him to begin learning what it was to be a Wayne.

Ra's al Ghul has posed:
"She, as always, has her own path to follow. I have not seen her for some few weeks, but that is nothing out of the ordinary," Ra's says hand moving from the hilt of his sword and clasping with the other between his legs.

"Tell me, boy, what do you know of me?" he asks, standing back up, hands still clasped in front of him as he turns his attention to what little of the Gotham skyline he can see from behind the facade of Amusement Mile.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "You...are The Demon. You head the League and have structured the world according to your desire. Corto Maltese...I assassinated the President five years ago for your desire." Damian's words start to falter, he never knew the exact why behind what Ra's wanted. Only that it was his duty to do as The Demon saw fit. "When countries start to cause the world harm you intervene. As Rome and Constantinople rose and presented a danger to the earth...it is the will of The Demon that tips the balance back, and gives the earth time to heal."

Ra's al Ghul has posed:
"While Rome and Constantinople are somewhat before my time, yes; that is the idea," Ra's says with a nod.

"There was a time when empires would collapse under the weight of their own sins. They would...take care of themselves and the cycle would continue. Now the most prideful and bloated countries lead the pack. They have made themselves 'too big to fail', as it were. Incapable of collapsing on their own, someone must come along to see things right," Ra's explains. He does not expand on why he had Damian conduct that particular assassination. It's not his place to know. Yet.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "Correct. And plundering the world's resources to the point of exhaustion. I would have arranged for this nation to..." He pauses, where one point he would have said he would have razed the United States, the time away from the League, the time with his father and the Titans have him second guessing.

  "Arranged for it to fall." There was a slight solemnity to it, but he did know the country had gone too far without even the slightest inking of changing their wasteful ways. "So, Grandfather." He stood, much taller now than Ra's had seen years ago. "You came to Gotham just to see me?"

Ra's al Ghul has posed:
"That sort of arrangement takes time and care. There are innocents who must be protected while the guilty pay for their crimes," Ra's says. "It is a delicate balance."

Ra's smiles for a time at Damian before he shakes his head. "Would that I could say I did. When I founded this city, I had such hopes for it, but it's people have turned sour. I'm afraid there is much work to be done here," he notes, moving to rest a hand on Damian's shoulder. "Work I could use your assistance in, my boy."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian's eyes go from one side to another, weighing what exactly Ra's just said.

  Surely it wouldnt be spurning the Bat to work with his other family, right? And what else? His closest friend on the Titans certainly believes in nearly the same cause.

  "Yes, Grandfather."

Ra's al Ghul has posed:
"Good. It would do well for us to have some time together," Ra's says, nodding his head. "I may have to leave you for some time to begin my preparations," he says, beginning to unfasten the scabbard sitting on his hip. "But until I see you again, I would like you to have this. I wasn't much older than you are now when I first took this blade in-hand."

He grabs the scabbard by the center and holds it out to Damian. "Wield this and remember that you are an al Ghul, boy. While we can oft stand to bare this era's rules, remember that this is the real tool of change. Our blades are the fulcrums on which the Earth shifts."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian's sword is sheathed back, resting against his spine before he holds out two gloved hands to accept the sword...it was something he hadn't expected in the least.

  He listens while examining the blade, very much so entranced by its features. The words of his only living grandfather inscribe into his memory. "And it is by our blade, that the Earth shall find salvation." Something his mother had told him as well, engrained into his memory when he was but a toddler. "I will await your word, Grandfather."

Ra's al Ghul has posed:
"Her name is 'Sora', and I have no doubt you will do her justice, my child," Ra's says, looking down at Damian for a time before offering him a nod. "Until we meet again, Damian," he says, stepping past him.

His strides are long and confident, whipping his cape a bit behind him with each step. But, only a few feet past the young Wayne...and Ra's disappears into the night.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian remains standing, looking at Ra's just until he exits his peripheral vision. Of course, Batman and the Familt werent the only people capable of vanishing wothout a trace. An Assassin puts ninja to shame with their stealth.

  "I guess I need to drop you by the Tower. Father keeps an inventory of my swords." He utters, before reaching towards his gauntlet to call his motorcycle to him. Best for Batman to not know of his familial visit for now.