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Latest revision as of 01:04, 24 June 2022

Resting in the Water
Date of Scene: 23 June 2022
Location: On A boat: Breakstone Lake
Synopsis: Kitty gives advise to Monet while at the lake.
Cast of Characters: Kitty Pryde, Monet St. Croix

Kitty Pryde has posed:
It's a fairly hot day. A few clouds float through the sky, though only rarely stopping the sun from beating down. And even then, only briefly. There's just enough breeze to not be windless, but not so much to take the edge off the heat.

A sailboat floats on Breakstone Lake. The sail is pulled up so the boat is just drifting peacefully on the water. Across the back of the boat, Kitty Pryde is sprawled. Sprawl is really the right word for it. Head on a back corner of the sailboat, an arm hanging over each side, and one foot dangling over another edge of the boat as well.

She has sunglasses on, and her tanned skin glistens with moisturizing sunscreen. Lockheed is lying on his back nearby, catching sun on his belly. There's a cooler or drinks and some snacks. Kitty has a juice bottle with a straw in it, just recently opened, ice still clinging to the side.

Yes. This is the life.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix is not one of those whom is in the 'city out and sun' type. At least, not when there are those around not to appreciate the sight of her. but.. Due to her own sort of recent events, she has needed some time of solitude and to center herself. Some things are to be done to regain peace.

And nature.. Is enough for her to get by. The lake is quiet, open, and relaxing. She's urrently sitting over on a spread out towel, likewise letting hereslf bathe over in the sun.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Lockheed draws in a deep breath. Stretches. And lets it out. "I hear ya, boy," Kitty murmurs to him like he just shared some kind of deep thoughts about existence. She picks up her grape juice and holds the straw out towards the dragon, who sucks on the straw a few times before relaxing back again.

Kitty takes a sip from the straw too. No it's not like drinking from somewhere your dog did! Lockheed's no dog. "Glad you were free, Mo," Kitty murmurs lazily, setting the grape juice back down.

She reaches up, giving the rudder a nudge. Just enough to cause the boat to turn very slightly, keeping the shadow from the mast from falling on either girl, or dragon.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would glance at Lockheed for a moment, "How do you two converse? Is ther esome sort of empathic or telepathic connection?" The way the two communicate seems rather more in depth than one might with a dog or a cat. Lockheed is extremely intelligent, so there's likely a way for them to go into far greater details than merely pantomime.

And so Monet breaks her quiet for the first time since the trio started sunning themselves.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty doesn't react for several long seconds, though it's because she's thinking. "I don't know. Maybe it's empathic. There's definitely times he seems to know my mood. And there's times I've known he was anxious and not even in the room. Though Jean and the Professor can't read his mind, they've said," Kitty explains.

She glances over at the small space dragon. "He can make sounds too. Just doesn't. Hardly ever, even with me. A man of few words. God we need more of those in the world!" she says with a warm laugh.

"So what have you had going on lately?" Kitty asks. "Time to share some gossip."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would look over at Kitty, at the question. It takes her a moment of consideration. Of whether seh wishes to open up on it or not. There is a look of pain on her face. For the hyper-intelligent girl, one can almost see her having to come to a decision.
    "I.. Was shown my inconsequence in the world and the scale of which I am properly showcased against as a non entity."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The boat drifts lazily, a slightly strong breeze coming up for a few seconds, though there's no sail prepared to meet it. Though it does give the boat a little caress of its own to add to its slow drift.

Without moving, as she sunbathes, Kitty asks, "Wait, did this involve faerie cake?" Then after a brief pause one of her hands moves as if to wave the comment off. "Sorry. A book, don't know if you've read it. And, not important. So, not quite the kind of comment I was expecting. What happened exactly, Mo?" Kitty asks, lifting her head just a bit to look over towards where Monet is sunning.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would close her eyes, "No. Aiding the Amazons fighting something monstrous, likely magical. And being of no remote use whatsoever in it and seeing them fighting to thier utmost." Seeing beings of godly myth and power having to fight at their best to stop something beyond that which was beyond her own comprehension.
    Monet's ego was always her strongest point. So having it popped like a zit..

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Thankfully, similes are not quite as graphic to be around as they might sound. "Ah," Kitty says. "Yeah, that can happen. I mean, the stuff we go up against, you learn there's always a bigger, badder fish," she says. Kitty reaches down, dabbling her fingers into the water. Which is probably bad timing when she's just talking about big, bad fish. If there was a moment for ominous foreshadowing it would be now.

Alas, her fingertips just get wet, and cooler. "Don't let it get to you," Kitty says. "There's a lot to doing what we do beyond our powers or the physical brawn they bring. The biggest contribution can come from the most overlooked person," she says.

Kitty's lips curl back in a slight grin. "There was a student, before you got here. New girl, was talking about powers. And made kind of a disparaging comment about my own. Not intending it to be, I don't think. Just basically complaining that her own mutant powers weren't particularly potent, and compared herself to me. Should have seen the reaction she got from others on the team," Kitty says, cackling.

She reaches a foot out to poke Monet's outer thigh with Kitty's toes. "You're far from insignificant, Mo. But, maybe there's things you can work on that you've never considered, that might come in use in a moment like that?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would fold her hands together, "Perhaps. I.. Just have no remote level of comparison. I am.. Sorry if I added to a sense of dismissal given to you. That was not my intention." Monet has been trying in her months here to be on better terms and to restrain hereslf and some of her worse tendencies.

She has a long way to go. "I would hardly call my contributions to it big. Nonexistant." She's always held pride in herself. For all things she is the best or among them. It is trying for her vanity.

The poke catches her by surprise. Her expression goes to questioning. None of the usual defensiveness she might get at a light pressure.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty gives a dismissive wave of her hand at the first comment. "Nah. I'm pretty comfortable in my abilities. Save the Earth enough times and you kind of build that up," she says. "Not that I didn't have some moments along the way when I was younger. I know this is impossible for you to believe, but I had a little bit of a temper back then. Sometimes."

Impossible to believe!?

"I just mean, there's lots of ways to contribute. Sometimes it just takes finding them," she says. Kitty rises from where she's lying there, finally moving over to begin lowering the sail. It doesn't have much effect with so little wind until she tightens it. But that does give him a little bit of forward progress as Kitty goes back to the tiller and turns it to begin turning the sailboat in a slow arc. "So you going to survive?" she asks with a wry tone but a smile.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would glance at Katherine, "I have.. Seen some of the pictures." So she can believe it. which may or may not make Kitty feel better or reassure her on things that someone had paid attention over to things.

"And it was something of strength and power. Compared to everyone there.. I had none. And.. I will survive. I was moderately injured but have healed. I do.. not think there is any remote way I can be of any use in such things."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
"Sometimes it's about saving civilians. Sometimes it's about getting a message through to the right person. Scouting. Making the right call. Observing something that no one else does," Kitty says, with a shrug as she continues the turn.

"Boom," Kitty warns, about 4 seconds before the sail's boom swings across as the bow cuts across the window and the sail swings to the other side. She's steering back towards the boat house where the sailboats are kept. "My first introduction to the team involved a bunch of getting kidnapped. So, kind of easy for me to not take for granted there's always something out there. But, what's important is now you learned that lesson, what you do," she tells Monet warmly.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would close her eyes, "You are correct." Her tone is generally flat. But the more experienced woman has a point. And is very right. So Monet is at least trying to let things cut through her normal invulnerable shell of pride and ego.

She would keep her eyes closed, and her expression neutral. But is understanding of the point.