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Latest revision as of 01:04, 24 June 2022

Meeting Koga
Date of Scene: 23 June 2022
Location: Swordfish Bar (SHIELD)
Synopsis: Natasha and Koga talk after Latveria.
Cast of Characters: Koga Miura, Natasha Romanoff

Koga Miura has posed:
Koga, after all the Latveria stuff, had been flown back to the Swordfish Bar since despite it all he did get some bumps and bruises from the thrown rocks by those ogres. Seriously, those hurt even with a mystic exoskeleton whatever he has.

That being said, he was currently at the Swordfish Bar in the back room, and sipping at some sake. The excellent question is probably where he even got sake from. As it was, he was just at least doing a little bit.

That, and looking at a book that was apparently about western fantasy creatures.

Otherwise, the racer of an agent was dressed casual with only a bandage slightly showing under his shirt from the whole action incident. And that was only showing because he didn't have the jacket draped over the back of his chair while in the safe area.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Latveria is never enjoyable on the best of times. The best of times involving a dictator that may or may not occasionally wish to control the world and destroy everything that resists. Perhaps. Natasha Romanoff is one of those that on occasion has to deal with it. So there's always the aftermath to handle. She might not have to handle it mentally..

But she can sympathize with those who do. "How are you handling it?" She's not calling him by 'Agent'. The bar is for off duty personnel.

But she's not calling him by name either. She doesn't particularly know him beyond field imssions and his psych profile.

Koga Miura has posed:
Koga looks considerate, then closes the book. He glances to his shoulder, then looks carefully at Natasha.

Finally he gives a sigh, "I would say as well as can be expected. First time I've ever had to not finish a mission on the first go around."

He smiles a little, "Uh... I'm Koga... I... erm... don't think we've met?"

Well, he looks a bit nervous. After all, it is the Black Widow he's talking to. And even Japan probably knows of her.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod, "Natasha Romanova." She would reply casually over to him. "And not all missions are finished nor do we accomplish our objective fully. Our platform was reconaissance and to protect the refugees. We gathered data and were able to allow for an evacuation of most of them and the majority of personnel in the area. We accomplished both primary missions to the best of our ability given the circumstances and personnel available."

"Given the circumstances, I feel that we performed sufficiently."

Koga Miura has posed:
Koga seems to consider on that. Really consider it.

"I... guess so." He reaches for his cup, then winces a bit before using his other arm. "They just had to get me in my good arm."

He motions at the bottle with the cup in hand, "Sake? Odd as it sounds, if you had any bruises or injuries I can help a bit with that."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod, "Most injuries will heal. And I'm quite fine." The benefit of part of the Russian Super Soldier Serum gave some advantages after all. "Saveyour energies for those that might require them in triage." bruises were a non issue for her after all.

Koga Miura has posed:
Koga rolls his eyes, "Sometimes I think that is the only reason I am kept around."

"So, any tips on fighting goblins and ogres next time? Let alone gargoyles and a dragon? They are not exactly well... around where I'm from."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would shrug, "Generally for the second superior firepower. Given the frequent lack of that, evasion is your best choice. Leave them to those whom can fight them. Gargoyles stay at a distance from. They are heavily armored so target weak points. Wings in particular. Aim for joints. Eyes. Try and avoid limbs unless you're strong enough to break them. They are extremely durable and fast. Your attacks should focus on limiting their mobility. Goblins often swarm in large numbers. Try and thin them down."

Koga Miura has posed:
Koga hums, "I did not see if my strength could match the one I fought. I did find out whatever my sword is made of happens to be tougher than theirs."

Koga looks thoughtful, "Perhaps we should make sure to have trained swordsmen and bow users on that front? I know it is not popular, but even some of the JSDF or marine training with knives would be better on that front."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod, "A good suggestion. We can at least have field personnel put through sword drills. Though such weapons are far from common issues in the field and I don't think they would be rotated in if not needed. But still useful to let them know how to fight an enemy with one."

Koga Miura has posed:
A hum comes from Koga before he sighs, "I can help with that once I am healed up. I at least remember the drills and can start them off. Perhaps instead of full swords, go with field machetes or the like? Survival equipment?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod, "Possible. Again, such things are going to be very bulky, needed in large numbers, and be heavy for use as standard equpment for most field deployments. Everything is a tradeoff."

Koga Miura has posed:
That has him looking thoughtful, "Mmm... nah. Those are too flimsy usually. Ah well. Something can be figured out, I'm sure."

"So... anything else I miss in the past... six months or so? My racing career somewhat occupied me more than I thought, along with all the ferrying around agents bit that comes with it." He asks.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would grin, "That dependsmuch on your classification level. And what you are permitted to access. And even if so this is an informal setting and there are those around that are not cleared for things."

Koga Miura has posed:
Koga laughs, "Ah well... at least have a drink?"

He seems to consider, "I... do have one question. Um... a bit personal, and a bit... uh... ability related?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would shrug, "I make no promises on answering it, but you are free to ask. Some things as well you may be able to access in my profile if you have the clearance to review it>"

Koga Miura has posed:
That has him looking more thoughtful, "Well... uh... I at least know a little here and there. My clearance level isn't that high what with being on loan from the Jingiin and all."

"I was... actually wondering if you knew of others that might be like me, or well... know someone who might be able to help me out as far as training? I mostly rely on eh... being able to take a hit and having strength to back it up. The ogres are really the first ones that I've not been able to match up to in terms of strength."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod at Koga, "Training.. One of the higher level agents is good at that. They can be a sparring partner. I wuold suggest Agent May. She's among the best fighters present and has much experience engaging mystical opponents. She also has the power or at least the trickery to do so>"

Koga Miura has posed:
"I've run across May at least once, I think." Koga hums, then shakes his head, "I guess the idea has some merit. I might have to start looking a dossiers again, too."

Koga sighs as he looks at the book, "Most of my research is not helping, and I can say I am mostly out of my depth as far as the mystical in this part of the world."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would consider, "I might suggest talking to someone in WAND. They're the specialists in magic and could probably make a more proper referall or have an idea for what outside consultants would be useful."