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Latest revision as of 19:50, 29 March 2020

All's Quiet in Coventry!
Date of Scene: 26 March 2020
Location: Coventry - Miagani Island
Synopsis: Black Canary meets one of the Robins!
Cast of Characters: Dinah Lance, Carrie Kelley

Dinah Lance has posed:
A couple blocks from the Gotham Zoo, things are beginning to quiet down again. Two GCPD squad cars are on the scene, picking up unconscious and semi-conscious bodies while trying to sort out the details. There are almost a dozen gangers scattered along nearly a full block, on both sides of the street.

A detective is trying to sort it out. "No, it wasn't a gangfight. See? They're all wearing the same colors. No gunshot wounds. No stab wounds. Nothing!" He turns towards a uniformed cop, then. "Almost looks to me like someone just swooped in, kicked ass, and freakin' left." And while he's careful to avoid the 'B' word, it's at the forefront of everyone's mind.

On a rooftop behind the squad cars, a blonde woman wearing fishnets and a black bodysuit watches the scene below and listens. No, it wasn't a Bat who did all the damage, and the masked blonde smiles wryly at the description.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
It was rare that most things in Gotham weren't handled by the 'B Word' so that's not an unreasonable guess. As it was, one of his particular crew alights on the rooftop that Dinah is on with only a small shift of tarred gravel beneath her feet. Robin, the female version at least, stands there tucking her grapple gun back onto her belt as she regards the fishnetted woman from behind. It didn't take the elder detective to figure out what may have gone on here.

"Looks like I missed out on some fun," she states simply to help announce her presence while still leaving a good bit of personal space. You never knew how someone might react when snuck up on. Sometimes it included punching or even stabbing, depending on the person.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Black Canary half-turns with a start when she hears the shift of gravel under boots, already moving towards a ready stance. Spotting the costume, however, she relaxes and those red lips pull into a small smile. "Oh, you know how it goes. Just a bunch of kids out in the wrong place at the wrong time. Victims of Gotham's vigilante culture, and all that. Or at least that's what the lawyers will say."

Turning more fully towards the female Robin, her own boots scuff the gravel with every step closer. "Black Canary. Don't think we've crossed paths before."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
A rueful chuckle comes from Robin as she inclines her head a single time in agreement with that assessment of the media response. It sounded all too familiar after all. "No, we haven't. I've been on a bit of a hiatus. I can't let the boys have all the fun all the time though," she reasons with a roll of her shoulders in a half-shrug.

"Robin," she offers. "Obviously not the one most are used to seeing, but I think it's easy to tell us apart even so." Even if she weren't a woman she was a redhead. That stuck out among all the dark haired Robins that were often around.

"Nice work though. Doesn't even look as if most of them are bruised," she remarks with a glance over toward the flashing lights in the not far off distance. "How'd you manage that one?"

Dinah Lance has posed:
Canary is VERY well-acquainted with at least one of the Robins. Or, rather former-Robins. Her stance shifts and she folds her arms over her chest. "Trade secret, girlfriend." comes the smooth reply. Of course anyone in the Gotham superhero community knows that Canary's trade secret is an ultrasonic cry. "But judo only bruises egos, if it's done properly."

Canary steps a little closer, squinting behind the simple mask. Redhead. Something occurs to her, then. "I don't suppose you're a librarian by any chance, are you?" Pause. "You know, as a ...hobby."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Ah... No, I'm not," Robin responds with a little chuckle and shake of her head as her own grin grows rather broad and amused. She wasn't the one that Canary was thinking of, but she had an idea who she might be thinking of. "I don't suppose this involves a certain dark haired police officer?" It's just asked with amusement, and her head shakes again. "Familiar with, but not who you might be thinking. I see we run in a lot of the same circles though."

Dinah Lance has posed:
Black Canary smiles at that, and she even relaxes a bit more for some reason. Then Robin brings up the familiar police officer and she chuckles as well. "I forget, everybody knows -everybody- around here." she replies. One hand lifts away, fingertip circling slowly. "It's... something like that. And we're acquainted." Acquainted enough to recognize the police officer reference, apparently. "So were you really gonna take out a dozen goons all by your lonesome?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"We are family after all. In a way," Robin points out with an open palmed shrug. There was more she could go into, but there were masks involved currently. Enough info was bartered around she knew to hunt down Dick and get some more information later if she needed. Lightly tipping her head to the side she considers the question only to give a warm laugh in response.

"Why not? Didn't you?" Still grinning she nudges her chin in the direction of the already solved fracas below. "I might not be as common a face around here, but I have been at this since I was a kid. In fact, I used to dress as one of the boys so we could tag-team goons and creep them out. They just couldn't get away from us Robins." Grinning wide at the memory it's shaken off after a moment.

"You just do solo work, or are you working with one of the groups? There's a few starting up again in the city. Could use some more help with them if you're interested."

Dinah Lance has posed:
Canary's smile turns wry, then, her voice taking on a bit of a confident drawl. "Yeah, but I knew I could take 'em." she quips back. A challenge, or perhaps a bit of professional bravado? Either way, the results speak for themselves and the blonde is without a scratch.

"I'm sure you hold your own just fine, kid." she adds, smoothing feathers a bit. "I work alone, for the most part, but I do have someone who I can call when I need backup." She looks interested, then. "What sort of group do you mean? Are there really THAT many bats out there?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"You got no idea. Mostly ex bats, and some others," Robin points out with a glance upward. "I think we're mostly women so far ... But technically it's not my call on recruiting. Still. We're not as uptight as the Boss can be at times. Kind of a refreshing change of pace." She'd have to talk to Oracle to begin with to get more info on this Black Canary, though likely Bats had something in his computers. For now though she was still playing catch up from being on hiatus to pursue college. And other training.

"If you are interested though, I'll pass the info on for now and see if Oracle wants to set up a meeting. I know she's keen to get the group going again."

Dinah Lance has posed:
Oracle? Now that's a name that even computer-illiterate Canary has heard of. "Okay, even *I've* heard of Oracle." the blonde replies. "I'm definitely interested in meeting and having a chat, at the very least." Truth be told, as confident as Dinah is in her skills, even SHE has gotten into trouble she couldn't handle. Granted that was early in her career, but you never know when someone like Bane is going to fall off of a roof onto you.

"If Oracle is as good as they say, then contacting me and setting up a meeting won't be any problem."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Robin smiles knowingly at the reaction to that name. Oracle really had made a name for herself outside of the costume. Even if it was good that she was returning to the costume at times, too. "Well then. I'll pass word along," she agrees only to offer one gloved hand out toward Dinah to shake. "It's been great meeting you, Black Canary."

Dinah Lance has posed:
Canary accepts the offered hand in a black glove. Her grip is firm and confident, as would be expected. "The pleasure is mine, Robin." she pauses, then adds. "Do you guys assign numbers or something? Sorry, just curious and that amusing thought wandered into my head. Tell Oracle that I look forward to the call."

The handshake relaxes, then, and she adds. "And be careful out there."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Only in lineage. Though given how things are going I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up that way," Robin has to admit with another wry grin. At the more serious note she nods in agreement. "You too. I think we both know how dangerous this city can be."

With that she turns to leave lifting a hand to wave over her shoulder while pulling out her grapple gun again. "Hope to see you around either way."