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Latest revision as of 04:30, 25 June 2022

Hawk & Badger in M-Town
Date of Scene: 24 June 2022
Location: Bushwick <Mutant Town>
Synopsis: Greg and Gabby meet while getting nachos. Gabby helps Greg, Greg helps Gabby some. Partial stories exchanged, and Gabby directs Greg towards the Genoshan Embassy for some help regarding his psychic abilities.
Cast of Characters: Greg Rollins, Gabby Kinney

Greg Rollins has posed:
Sometimes you hear things, even by accident, and decide to check them out. Gex Rol, or rather Greg Rollins as his Earth name was, had heard about the possibility of some other psychic individuals. And that place was mutant town. That had lead to his coming there for a visit. But with the reputation it had as well? Well, he wasn't about to go around without his full suit on.

That had lead to his actually just... well... walking in. Full silvery, form fitting suit and all on him and just looking around. The funny part was that he seemed to be fitting right in more or less. And all that despite the curious looks he was giving as he looked around without his visor down as he just wandered with a cheap denim jacket over the top of his suit. That's about the only way he would have pockets, after all!

That he was able to at least talk with a few was a good thing, but he was still looking like a lost individual at the moment as he munched on some nachoes that he had bought from a street vendor.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
After the lovely evening that Cheyenne had set up here the prior night with tacos and churros and other great goodies being cooked up to advertise his new building that hadn't been finished yet, it reminded Gabby that she hadn't really visited Bushwick or Mutant Town in awhile. All the more reason to catch up while she was still in New York visiting family.

While 'Greg' might fit in even with his odd look he was definitely very SHINY and eye catching. Things which ping Gabby's attention in more ways than one. One of these days she imagines someone might get her diagnosed with ADHD but she really could focus when she wanted to. Why bother though? There was so much to see!

Like those nachos from the vendor. She queues up to grab some of them as well, and once they're in hand she turns toward the flashy visor-covered individual to remark, "If you like spicy you should try the Thai chili peanut butter icecream at Mootant Town Milkshakes after."

Greg Rollins has posed:
The comment has Greg turning to look at who is speaking. He does blink a few times, then nods. "That sounds like an interesting flavor. Um... thank you?"

He looks a bit curious. "Hey, uh... um..." He scratches the back of his head with a free hand. Definitely looking unsure how to ask something. "... uh... well... erm... you know anyone that can like... talk in people's heads or something like that?"

He does look unsure of asking a total stranger about it. But it's someone who's telling him where good food is!

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney tucks one loaded chip into her mouth to crunch on while Greg does his hesitant questioning. She meets his gaze the whole time though patiently waiting for him to get out whatever question he had. Once he does, she gulps down the mouthful, swipes at her mouth with a napkin, and offers a broad grin.

"Yep. Also know someone that can turn metallic like you, and several with others skills, too. Though most of the telepaths are adults and usually busy," she has to admit with a little shrug.

"You looking for someone in particular or just curious who might have similar skills?" A simple enough question, really, and Gabby does her best to look very unthreatening given his apparent hesitance. She was short, and had scars on her face. That along with the Summer sun dress she had on left her looking relatively 'safe', she hoped.

"I'm Gabby, by the way," she offers with another grin. "Nice to meet you."

Greg Rollins has posed:
"Turn... oh. Um... this isn't really a power unless you count cybernetics?" He says.

Considering what she said has him looking a bit unsure, "Similiar skills, well... powers. I'm... not exactly from around here... as in... planet."

The name introduction as him smiling at least, "Gex... well... Greg is what I go by on Earth."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grins at his response, along with a nod of easy acceptance. "Know a few of off-worlders, too. I get around a lot." She pauses only to glance to the side with a furrowing of her brow. "That sounded wrong. Anyway!" Instantly cheering up she offers her hand out for a friendly shake. "Nice to meet you, Gex or Greg. Gex honestly isn't too odd you could probably use that name here, too, if you wanted. But I can call you Greg."

"I go to a school that helps out a lot of mutants and others, so I'm used to seeing a lot."

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg gives a nod, then blinks a few times. "Oh? I thought the one I went to was the only one. Kinda cool that there is another."

He seems to consider, "I might... I just... well... long story. But eh... usually I'd have an adult help me out with my um... powers, but the rest of my race are like a whole half a galaxy away or somewhere like that."

He shrugs, "I'm hoping to find someone that can here, but a whole school?"

He seems to consider on it. "That's definitely unexpected."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney lifts her hand to give a little side-to-side wobble as she grins. "There's a couple. I've been to two schools in my time, but... Each has their pros and cons. I've kind of worked past that at this point and work with a couple of teams. Then again," she adds with a laugh, "My powers are pretty basic."

"What is it you're looking for help with? I could probably pass on some information to some folks if it helps. Though," she trails off glancing around Mutant Town a moment thoughtfully. "While this part of town is pretty accepting, there's a lot in the world who aren't. The school I go to likes to remain as quiet as possible on such things. I know one of the teachers there is an off-worlder, too, though. Maybe he could help."

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg looks unsure on what he has to say despite it all. "Huh... Happy Harbor happen to be one?"

He looks considerate, then shrugs, "Basically I can read thoughts and emotions, but... um... no filter?"

"As in, it's constant. My suit helps 'cause it has some tech that blocks it, but I'm not exactly wanting to wear it all the time. Makes it somewhat uncomfortable." He says, shrugging.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney dips her head in a bit of a nod at that. "I went there my first year, then went to the other. Had family ties with the other one," she explains only to reach up and rub her chin. "I don't think he's telepathic. Or if he is he hasn't mentioned it... But yeah, the rest I can understand."

"I know some basics about blocking telepathy but I don't know if that would help out from the standpoint of someone with your skills." Smiling wryly she explains, "I mostly just heal, sorry."

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg smiles, "Family is pretty important."

He seems to consider, then nods. "Well, blocking isn't so much the problem.. just... yeah. So are there other telepaths here?"

He does genuinely seem curious, and a bit concerned. "Heal? You mean as in you get cut or something and you heal fast or um..."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney allows herself a broad grin again at the question about telepaths. "Oh there's a ton. I'm sure you won't have trouble finding some that can help out, one way or another. Empaths, too, though seems most are also telepaths." She ponders a moment, mumbling, "Maybe the Stepfords. Nah."

Unleashing the Stepford Sisters on Greg seemed a bit much, even if she did get along with them herself. The question about her power has her glance up. "Oh! Right. It's more accurately a healing factor, not the ability to heal others," she corrects with a glance down to her tray of nachos.

She presses her finger to the lip of the plastic and pulls hard, slicing open the pad of her finger. It's held up to demonstrate as it only bleeds a moment... Then seems to stop entirely. By the time she wipes it clean with the napkin, the cut is closed. "I also don't feel pain but that's due to some nanomachines in my brain."

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg stares a bit at it. "Wow. That's cool... wait, what? Someone went that far?"

He makes a face of disgust. "I read about something like that one time. Powerful, but dangerous."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Yeah." Gabby's mood sobers a bit at the mention of it being dangerous. "Yeah," she agrees again with a small nod. "Only two of us survived that experiment. I'm a clone, and they used us for lab rats until we escaped. It's... Not a great story, sorry. I just didn't want you thinking this was something *normal* for Earth. It isn't."

Clearing her throat she puts on a grin again. "Yeah it comes in handy at times but I also can't tell when I'm injured. And even though I can heal, it takes awhile depending on the level of injury."

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg nods. "The one other case I heard of was an early experiment on my world with a prototype of what I wear. The.... user went insane and died in a ship explosion."

"But definitely a useful ability. More so than my mind reading." He says, giving a sigh.

He looks at her carefully, "Who are the Stepfords?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney draws a rather deep breath at that. "They're a ... group of telepaths hive-minded together," she explains. "You can deal with them seperately but they're also linked, like, constantly. They're not bad," she hastens to add with a grin, "But they're kind of a group. I'm not sure if they'd be up for helping teach someone."

"Sorry to hear about that... I mean, the experiment. I can kind of see that."

Greg Rollins has posed:
"Hive-mind..." He seems to consider, then his eyes widen. "Like my people. I... did not expect to hear of that one."

He shakes his head, "It was long before I guess either of us were born. Many, many Earth years ago. In a way, it did help to make what I am wearing, even if this is just the most basic."

Greg looks considerate, then sighs. "I start to get the feeling putting an ad in the internet might be better than all this searching."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney can only offer a sympathetic smile at that, along with a shrug. "Maybe. Or," she suggests pointing to a building not too far off. "Try the Genoshan Embassy, maybe. Genosha is one of the few pro-mutant nations. They might have a bulletin board or something for people looking for help with abilities." Glancing back she grins, "Even if your abilities are due to your heritage as opposed to a genetic mutation, it's still a power that could use to be trained. I'd try there first if you were to ask me. They aren't so worried about keeping identities secret because of who they are."

"Though they'll respect others that may need to do that. Not everyone is free to be open about their abilities after all."

Greg Rollins has posed:
That gets a nod from Greg, "Genoshan Embassy..." He looks at the nachos, then takes a bite of one of his own. "Hm... these are not bad."

He shrugs, as if considering, "I wish I could repay you for the help somehow. You have given me a lot more names to look up and well... some place to at least try to get some help from?"

Greg's definitely considering what he can do to help out, and coming up blank now. Totally and utterly blank.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney reaches out to pat him on the arm, metal or not, at the mention of paying her back. "Nah, don't worry about it. Sometimes helping out is just the right thing to do. Besides," she adds with a faint shrug as her gaze sweeps around the town. "People here need to look out for each other. If they don't, who will?"

Grinning once more she looks back toward Greg with a nod. "But I'm glad I could help a little bit even if it's not really my specialty."

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg hums, then nods. "Is there regular trouble in this neighborhood? I might start coming around more and looking to help."

His curiousity might get the better of him, but he does look curious and helpful at least. "I did some crime fighting here and there, and well... it's a helping people thing?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
That earns an outright grin from Gabby. "Yeah, I do that too, just not around here anymore. There's a group known as The Brotherhood that patrols the area. They're a bit militant but help keep things safe." Her weight shuffles from one foot to the other as she thinks. "There are sometimes pro-human activists that cause trouble out here. I've been involved with keeping a few things safe from them. They act up once in awhile, but things seem to be better now that the Embassy and others are moving into the neighborhood to help keep it safe. Still, nobody's ever gonna sneeze if you see trouble and hop in to help," she admits.

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg seems to consider, then nods. "I should probably go find that embassy. Do you know where it is, or what it looks like? Or if I can... um... 'google' it?"

He has finished his nachoes while they were talking, and looks for a trash bin while pulling off his jacket.

"It was nice to meet you as well." Greg mentions, with a smile.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney gestures down the street with a laugh. "You'll see it no problem if you keep going down that way. Theres' a rec center attached so it's pretty busy usually, and people can point you there if you get lost," she assures. "Plus yes, you can google it."

Nodding she turns to head off herself, "Nice meeting you! Good luck in your search!"

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg gives a few nods. "Thank you again!"

If she thought the silver suit was flashy, once he ties his jacket around his waist that suit actually has arm wings attached. As in the type that go under the arm to the wrist. And he takes off, leaving a glittering blue trail.

And down the street, too. At least he's keeping it to average car speeds so he can look for what she told him. Or maybe he's got some sort of internet connection in it.