Greg Rollins
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Greg Rollins (Scenesys ID: 2647) | |||
Profile | |||
Name: | Gex Rol/Greg Rollins | ||
Superalias: | Astro-Knight | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Ziranian | ||
Occupation: | Student/Superhero/Alien Noble | ||
Citizenship: | Ziranian | ||
Residence: | Metropolis | ||
Education: | Intergalactic Ziranian/High School (Attending) | ||
Theme: | Original (OC) | ||
Groups: | |||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 16 | Actual Age: | 16 |
Date of Birth | 30 October 2004 | Played By | |
Height: | 5'9" | Weight: | 150 lb |
Hair Color: | Ebony | Eye Color: | Amber |
Twitter: | |||
Theme Song: | Silverhawks theme. (Instrumental) |
Character Info
Astro-Knight is the name chosen by one Gex Rol, an alien peacekeeper who has found Earth his refuge and home after landing from massive ship damages. He has proven an enthusiastic helper of people in trouble. Despite this, he's known as a bit of a daredevil and likely to take on situations too big for himself. Overall, he comes across as a nice guy otherwise and is eager to do what he can to help out here on Earth.
* 2004: Born on the planet Zira IV, a mildly Earth-like planet on the edge of the Milky Way, Gex
was born to the noble family under the clan name of Rol. The planet was peaceful then, with little
to worry about. They were star travelling and peaceful traders with nearby systems. Unlike Earth,
their native population evolved from a insect-like species that eventually crossed with a mammalian
and became the dominate species on their planet, barring wild animals.
* 2009: Gex, like many
others of his planet, discovered his ability to hear and project thoughts and emotions. A reason for
the planet being so peaceful as it was extremely hard to hide negative emotions and thoughts. It
takes another three years before he has control, a year longer than the average Ziranian.
* 2011:
Gex is interested in the planetary defenders and manages to convince his family to show him their
facilities. The closest Earth term is 'Knight' with their job being planetary and system defense by
law. They were modelled after some of the fiercest beings known to them in their suits, hawk-like
creatures known as the thrix.
* 2013: Gex begins to learn about the Knights alongside his
schooling with a dream of becoming one eventually.
* 2015: The Aakon begin to invade the nearby
star systems, seeking resources. This is noticed and Gex overhears his parents talking about
* 2018: The Aakon are sighted a few star systems over. Gex overhears this again, and heads
for the defense facility where he hears plans being made for war.
* Early 2020: War comes to Zira
IV, Gex being of a noble family and possibly hostage material is kept in the local areas where he
can be managed. This backfires as the Aakon force decide to take the planet by superior force.
Late 2020: Gex, on the run with his family, is implanted with one of the Knight suits and stuffed
into their most advanced starship. One capable of FTL. His parents and friends in the Knights stay
to rebel, but seeing it as no place for the younger man, sends him off into space to safety.
2021: During the rush to escape Aakon territory, his captors, and others, Gex's ship is damaged on a
faster than light jump. Gex enters the Kuniper belt outside of Earth's solar system before escaping
in a fighter craft. It barely makes it into the outer solar system before miraculously sling
shotting around Saturn to land on Earth. Gex himself is fine, his ship needing repairs, and he is
approached by the DEO who detected the entry despite advanced cloaking tech of the fighter that he
settled in a cave in the Adirondacks of New York. Asking for asylum, Gex is granted it and begins to
live life peacefully under the assumed name Greg Rollins. An emancipated orphan in the system. He is
slowly picking up English.
IC Journal
Gex is naturally curious about the world around him. This curiousity leads to him poking at
things at times that may get him in trouble. Earth's technology and ways mean that he has a whole
world of curious things to look at. Warriors, powers, even the technology of the world is different
than what he is used to. If something catches his attention, he is liable to go investigate it
rather than do the sensible thing such as stay with his friends or stop a crime if someone else is
already doing so.
Helpful Soul:
Gex's entire racial society is about as close to a hive mind as one can get without giving up
individuality. He is more in tune with feeling out the struggles and moving to help people than
anything else. To that end, if he is without his helmet he will naturally seek out thoughts or
emotions of those that are troubled and try to help them. Whether they like it or not, the
teenager's usually there to help out as much as he can. The downside is that said helpfulness can be
taken care of if they can trick him into thinking they are doing no wrong at all. An example is a
carjacker saying it's really their car.
Noble Warrior:
Gex comes from a lineage that happens to be all about the warrior mindset. At the same time,
this mindset has been tempered in that he tries to keep the peace for those around. To him, combat
is a noble art form but also dieing in service to others is the ultimate form of death for ones who
are of the more warrior caste of mindset. While this is not the only form of death, it is the one
that he would prefer to go to and with the honor of doing so in the service to others
Survivor's Guilt:
Gex is probably one of the last survivors of his race that is free. He knows this, and he has a
particular guilt that drives him to either find a way to continue his race, find a way to utterly
annihilate their oppressors' very race, or get back with a lot of help to give them freedom. Even
then, it's possibly too late and it's a very strong possibility that anything that he knew from
before will not be the same. While intellectually he knows this, it still drives him to try to get
that help and free his people somehow in the long run. Besides this, it also means that he will take
insane risks to prove himself and to make people realize that he's desperate for help beyond just
teaching, superhero work, or anything else even if he doesn't realize it himself.
Character Sheet
His empathic powers are more attuned than his telepathic powers. With them, he can get a sense
of the general emotions. Fear, anger, jealousy, hope, happiness, joy. All of it is an open book to
himself. He can project the same back and much like his telepathy can establish empathic links with
individuals on a temporary basis. His maximum is 10, in which case he would be a standing receiver.
This does not overlap with his telepathy.
OOC: Note empathic reading is by consent on
Knight Suit:
The Knight Suit is an advanced alien suit designed to be a peacekeeping as well as search and
rescue cybernetic enhancement. Commonly it forms a metallic alloy suit with hidden emitters along
the entirety of the body when in use as well as acts as a badge of honor for those of Ziranian
culture and some other civilizations as well. The avian-like motif is designed around a native
predator bird of Zira IV.
Note - Powers preceded by 'Suit' are specifically for this cybernetic
Suit - Flight:
As a means of getting around, much like their avian design, the Knight Suit is equipped with a
trio of systems that allow them to reach an incredible speed in atmospheric conditions and more so
once they reach the zero gravity of space. The primary means is by the arm wings that allow it to
glide on their own at around 80 KPH (roughly 50 MPH) in the air and without bad weather anomalies.
With the gravity manipulation system in the suit, it can use a lens based technology to utilize the
force beams and push the flight speed up to Mach 2 in the atmosphere if there is enough room for him
to fly that fast. In city areas, that speeds usually kept to a good 120 or 160 KPH (75 or 100 MPH)
to avoid cleaning up the damage and because steering at that speed is rough.
Suit - Force Blasts:
An offensive use of the force field, the emitters can be repurposed to give off what looks like
lasers at first but is really beams of pure force causing injury. Due to placement, only two such
can be used at a time. Safety devices in the suit's computer require at least one low powered shot
to gauge how a target responds before going for more power on biological targets. At the most they
can mimic a tank round. There are around eight emitters on the Knight Suit. Two on the upper
shoulder, another pair on the side shoulders, two just down from the elbow, another on either wrist,
and a pair on the ankles. These emitters have to be pointed despite being hidden in order to use
them effectively. He also has a limited range of 1 kilometer, which will significantly weaken the
blast by the time it gets there to being a light tap.
Note - Using this power shuts off the Force
Suit - Force Field:
The force field serves as the primary defense of the suit, dampening such things as energy or
physical effects. The suit also gains power from effects that impact it, but it can be overloaded
and will take a few seconds to recharge. In terms of damage it can withstand up to a tank round and
dampen the effect so it only feels like a football player tackle on the suit's wearer before
shutting down. Multiple attacks can also overload it if enough are pointed at him as well.
Note -
Force Field shuts off to use Force Blasts.
Suit - Helmet:
The helmet of the suit's avian look also houses some advanced sensors primarily of the vision
and hearing range.
* Telescopic - The vision of the visor can go up to 15 kilometers away (around
5 miles) in magnification.
* Hearing - Selective hearing can be induced in order to sort out
heartbeats, cries for help, or other such sounds. A wearer can hear up to 1 kilometer away in
atmospheric conditions.
* Ultrasonic Hearing - The audio devices can hear into the ultrasonic
* Mental Shields - In order to protect Ziranians out in the field, this is necessary due
to their more open mind sets. The shields are about average and technology based, so can be bypassed
by a moderately powerful mentalist.
* Life Support - The suit is a sealed environment when
deployed and can support up to eight Earth hours of oxygen internally before running out. It can
also take oxygen from the environment if there is any.
* Communications Array - The helmet can
pick up radio or digital signals as well as some more galactic standard signals.
Note - GM may
rule what signals are picked up in non-standard setting signals.
Suit - Internal Computer:
Gex's internal computer is located in his helmet and serves as a means of both protection and
use of the Knight Suit abilities. It is also in constant contact with his ship when in range and
trying to keep Gex himself alive. Most of the time it does nothing at all but serve to aid Gex's
targetting or show diagnostics of himself and the Knight Suit on the visor. It does, however, have
control over the entirety of the Knight Suit despite having a sophisticated firewall.
Suit - Lifting Strength:
The suit, on it's own, isn't that much stronger than your average human. However, one trick that
is well known by Knights is the ability to push with their flight systems. This takes time and in a
contest of strength can often turn the tide if it's a straight on push. It's also useful in lifting
objects or pushing craft back on course. At the most the thrusters, wings, and all can push up to 10
tons if it has to.
Suit - Magnetic Gauntlets:
In order to perform space and sometimes atmospheric rescue missions, the gauntlets of the suit
can create an electromagnetic field that will pull an object with the force of around 400 pounds or
pull them to the object with the same amount of force. The gauntlets can not do any fine
manipulation and if there is nothing ferrous for them to latch on to, they will not work.
Suit - Tangle Launcher:
Possibly one of the most unique weapons is the tangle launcher. This sprays both a fire fighting
and containment foam in a small explosive shot. The foam is pretty easy to break for anyone with
beyond human strength or can be cut from the inside if one manages to get a hand free. It otherwise
serves as a fire suppressant in order to get in and get out of areas where others are trapped. The
foam when hardened lasts for an hour. It normally holds six shots with a typical foam blast able to
cover at least 4 meters (13 feet) in area.
Gex has the ability to read surface thoughts and broadcast his own. Mental shields will take an
effort that he might be able to get through if not maintained, but he will freeze in the physical
world to do so. If he wishes to, he can sustain mental links of up to ten people at the most. The
more people he has linked, the more concentration he has to put towards it. At ten, he is immobile
and simply acting as a 'receiving station' physically. His effect range without a mental link is
roughly line of sight.
OOC: Telepathy consent on PCs other than broadcasting to them.
Alien Technology:
Gex has been shown a lot of alien technology. He comes from an alien world that made their
market by being mostly peaceful traders with a peacekeeping force designed to help others. To that
end he knows how to repair, but not build most of the alien technologies out there that rely on
metals, force fields, and faster than light drives but lacks the parts around on Earth to do so. He
can also in most cases identify the maker of said technologies by alien race name.
Galactic History:
Gex, while not a scholar, knows a lot about the happenings out there as far as the history of
the galaxy. It's hit or miss if he has specific events, however, and some things might be unknowable
to the more peaceful Ziranian culture out there. In most cases he can ID the major galactic players
if he sees their usual forms and can often point them out in a crowd.
Martial Arts:
Gex's martial arts are pretty alien, but still something that can be used pretty well in gravity
or zero-gravity. Further, a lot of it is designed for his Knight Suit and to put someone in position
to be blasted by the emitters of the suit. His style is a highly acrobatic one, using sweeping
motions to guide or push an opponent out of position for a swift kick, take down, or even joint lock
if it will work on the species. Trading a punch is rare for him due to his wings requiring his arms
and all. His skill level in this is of a moderate standing. Almost any experienced martial artist or
fighter will be able to seriously counter or give him a run for his money in this.
Personal Flying:
Unlike his vehicle experience, Gex is pretty good at what he can do with his cybernetics or
other personal flight means. This includes things such as jetpacks, for example, hang gliders, wing
suits, and other such items. Primarily this is in relation to his own cybernetics, but he can apply
it to other such items as well in a gliding or flying capacity. Once in the air, he can maneuver and
fly with some of the best out there both in combat and out of combat. That is not to say he is one
of the best, but at least very much above average in skill.
Vehicle Flying:
Gex is an experienced pilot despite his young age, mostly by necessity. He can fly most aerial
and space worthy vehicles if he can figure out the controls, which in most cases are pretty close to
the same. While he is not overly familiar with combat flying, he can still at least give someone a
run for their money in terms of trying to shoot him down if it comes to it.
The Drifter Mirage:
The Drifter Mirage is the name of Gex's only remaining means of possibly getting back home. It
is designed as a support craft for rescue missions and lightly as a cruiser style fighter.
Unfortunately, a lot of it is damaged and it's only barely able to fly. Not to mention all of the
weapons are scrapped and the shields are only at the same level as Gex's Knight Suit. Gex currently
keeps it in the Adirondack mountains, using it as an impromptu base of sorts.
* Flight - The ship
can fly through anti-gravity and ionic fusion engines. It's top speed is currently Mach 1 in the
atmosphere, and sub-light speeds outside of it.
* Life Support - The ship can comfortably sustain
up to 30 carbon based life forms for around a week in terms of life support, recycled food and
water, as well as medical.
* Cloaking Technology - The Mirage's name comes from the advanced
cloaking technology much like the former mothership. It has advanced optical camoflauge and
technology to fool radar and some of the advanced sensors that use gravity or other means.
Medical Bay - The medical bay is necessary and one of the few things that Gex makes sure to keep
repaired and up to date on. It is able to patch up healing on most galactic species at least and
walk Gex through such. The automated medical bay is specifically tuned to help Gex himself and will
help repair his Knight Suit as well as patch himself up.
* Forge/Fabrication Systems - In order
to patch up the Knight Suit and other technologies, material is needed. Gex usually finds these as
junk laying around. So long as it is not too rusted, he more often than not can have it melted down,
taken apart, and turned into materials that can be put together by the ship to fix up other
technologies or Gex's Knight Suit. Totally new parts of course need a lot more, and a full Knight
Suit would require an actual junkyard full of materials alone as well as some exotic materials found
* Communications/Sensors Array - Originally much more powerful, the sensors now can
only reach the moon in terms of scanning and often just put warnings to Gex if it senses something
worth looking into. Otherwise the computer of the ship monitors Earth's communications and a few
galactic standard communications means in a non-standard fashion to try to update it's database and
search for Earth technology that Gex might use to get home.
Culture Shock:
There are significant differences between the culture of Zira IV and Earth. Such things as
offering help to someone in distress that isn't physically visible, for example. Gex still has
problems functioning whenever he is not in his suit or does not have some form of mental protection
going on that will allow him to not perceive such. As it is, he will usually go up to someone in
emotional or other distress in thought and try to help out in some way even if it is a
He does wear basically an all metal armor. Despite it being light weight and very functional, it
is vulnerable to magnetism and electical attacks. These attacks may temporarily short out or even
lock down his movement until the effects fade. Even worse, the force field doesn't protect against
Internal Computer:
The Knight Suit is a complicated cybernetic interface. More so than any organic mind can really
use on their own readily, meaning it has it's own internal computer system. Due to the
communications being on most of the time, it can be hacked and cause problems until successfully
repaired or reprogrammed.
Power Limits:
The main reason that Gex does not go back into space is a severe power limit. Without something
such as wind, moderate sunlight, or other such physical or energy based forces for his suit to
absorb it can run out of power. At the most he has one Earth day of power if left without something
for the force field to repower it with.
The Knight Suit that he uses is a cybernetic piece of equipment. The downside to this is that he
has to have the parts and materials to initiate the repair even at his crashed ship. Earth materials
usually take a bit to both melt down and reforge for the ship or even himself, meaning if he suffers
significant damage or injury to his systems he might be down for a few days or a week if he can make
it back there. Some of the technology might even stump Earth scientists.
What Mental Shields:
Unfortunately, he comes from a society that had little problems with racially developed
telepathy and empathy and only minimal shields from the adults at best. His own training in
shielding was supposed to start this year and currently he has none at all but what his suit
provides. And even then, it is enough to only stop his own mental powers and somewhat on others.
To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.
Greg Rollins has
22 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Happy Harbor: Game Night (December) | December 17th, 2022 | December gamenight goes well. Winter is here! |
Robbing the Bank | December 14th, 2022 | Astro-Knight and the King of Chins Hercules go fisto-a-face-o with Scorpion and Rhino! |
Teenagers in the Park | July 5th, 2022 | No description |
Pancake Hermit | July 4th, 2022 | While out getting pancakes, Greg and Jessica run into each other. Jessica's turmoil is enough for Greg to ask her what's wrong, talk to her, and reveal she's at least got one friendly heroic type. |
Hulk smashes, without the capitals. | June 25th, 2022 | A smashing summer's day in Montauk. |
Hawk & Badger in M-Town | June 24th, 2022 | Greg and Gabby meet while getting nachos. Gabby helps Greg, Greg helps Gabby some. Partial stories exchanged, and Gabby directs Greg towards the Genoshan Embassy for some help regarding his psychic abilities. |
The King Goes to School | November 10th, 2021 | T'Challa visits Happy Harbor High School for an assembly, a donation, and a demonstration. Awkward questions included. |
Some Days You Just Can't Get Rid Of A Rock | September 22nd, 2021 | An encounter with random people on Broad Street reveals disillusioning facts to RUBY, and after some time, directions to a hotel are given to KA'SHIRA, courtesy of local megateacher ALBERT and his astute space-pupil, GREG. To think, that the cats are neither cats, nor fat. |
Geekery Extravaganza! | August 1st, 2021 | Greg sees his first movie! Irie spends time with a friend 'her own age!' The ancient secrets of miniature painting are shared! ...along with a few more unnerving secrets. How can one be 5, and -15, and 16 all at the same time? Weird. |
You Brought A Ship To School | July 8th, 2021 | Greg brings his ship to school in hopes of getting some geeky types to look at it. Runs into Madison first, and they end up playing with the ship's food processor and getting alien biology lessons. Madison fangirls like crazy, Greg tries to keep her from using up whatever resources he has on his ship. |
Happy Harbor: 4th of July Celebration | July 5th, 2021 | The Four...Fifth of July happens in Happy Harbor and there's an uninvited guest. |
School Is Supposed To Be Lame | June 29th, 2021 | No description |
Unnecessary Roughness! | June 23rd, 2021 | Scarlet Spider, Silk, Owari, Astro-Knight gather to stop a jewelry store robbery, though an unusual song bird inside keeps the situation from boiling over. Plus, a cameo from Ms. Marvel and Bruno! |
But nobody would miss them! | June 7th, 2021 | No description |
Meanwhile, at the cafe... | June 6th, 2021 | Two new and unusual students meet and form a new friendship. And celebrate by delivering fresh foccacia to the rest of the students on the trip. |
When In Rome: Part One | May 28th, 2021 | Happy Harbor students and faculty make it to Rome in one piece and they surprise Nick! |
Impromptu Office Hours | May 24th, 2021 | Greg visits Happy Harbor and wants to know more! |
Idyllic Afternoon | May 13th, 2021 | A rather social afternoon at the park |
Food Trucks Aplenty - Batter at the Battery | May 12th, 2021 | Interesting food and interesting... people? |
Central Perk | May 12th, 2021 | A quiet day in Central Park is broken by a runaway horse and carriage. |
Obsession: Part 1 of | May 6th, 2021 | Arrested but not taken in, the obsession continues |
What Is A Scion Anyway | May 1st, 2021 | Gwen and Eddie go out nightclubbing, and run into Rachel Summers and Greg Rollins. |
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Greg Rollins has
22 finished logs.
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Entertainment Credits
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Greg Rollins has been credited in
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Greg Rollins has been credited in
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Greg Rollins has authored
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Group Memberships
Greg Rollins has been listed in 0 groups.