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Latest revision as of 13:34, 26 June 2022

What's with the cheesecake monster
Date of Scene: 26 June 2022
Location: Robbie and Rien's apartment
Synopsis: Gabby comes over to Robbie and Rien's place after the cheesecake incident, and they talk boys
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Robbie Reyes

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The ride back in the car was... slightly uncomfortable for Gabby. If only because she was trying her absolute best to not get any blood on the upholstery, though likely the demon-charger had seen worse. If only on it's hood. Even so she knew Robbie adored the car, so she tries to use the tattered ends of her torn skirt to clean up some of the mess that might otherwise transfer from her to the seat.

"That kind of ruined my day. Everyone's day," she utters only to flash a grin of amusement. "Guess I ruined the outfit that reminded you of your math teacher," she teases weakly in an attempt to improve the mood. At least until they get to the apartment where she intends to clean the heck up.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
The young mechanic's pretty quiet on the trip to his place. One hand on the steering wheel, the other feathering the gearshift. Jaw hardened into that sharp line one could cut themselves on. His gaze shifts briefly toward Gabby when he spots her out of the corner of his vision, trying to clean her blood off his seat; she's treated to his darker right eye looking somewhere between perplexed and amused.

"You don't have to do that." He refocuses on his driving. "I've done worse to it." As to her outfit, he waits until he's parked out front, killed the ignition, and is in the process of climbing out to answer, "First off, she never wore a skirt lookin' like that. Second, she failed me." He slams his door.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Ouch," Gabby blurts out without thinking in response to that remark. Only to give a little laugh at the absurdity of it all. Swinging out of the Charger door she shuts it behind her a bit gentler than just slamming it before rushing after him. "I was trying to look classy. I only have a few sundresses, this, and then a couple evening gowns left over from when I was younger." A mumble of, "Probably don't fit anymore," follows that line of thought.

She's caught up to him quickly, and she reaches up to pinch the center of his shirt between his shoulderblades between thumb and forefinger. Not to pinch him, just to hold onto as she presses rather close behind him in an effort to hide from his neighbors. Who may have also seen worse.

"I can't wait to get out of this at this point though. Ugh."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
"Yeah, well. Math ain't my strong suit." Robbie's smile is wry; he doesn't look too broken up about it. "Sex was hot, though." He pauses as she grabs the back of his jacket, and shrugs it off completely, holding it up for her to pull on instead. "Here." Guaranteed that they, like his car, have seen far worse, but the offer's made regardless.

Then, if she permits, he slings an arm around her and guides her into the building. He has to reach back into his jacket for his keys though, and digs them before letting them inside the apartment.

"Gabe?" he calls out, "You home?" No answer. Which is probably for the best.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
A littel garbled noise comes from behind him at the mention of the hot sex with his teacher. For once, it's Gabby that gets embarassed by him. She's already red-faced by the time he offers the jacket over. It's tugged on over her shoulders to drape so she can hide herself and thankfully the size of it DOES cover the worst of the mess she was in.

Leaning in against his side she follows along until she offers out the keys. Once inside she slides the jacket off again with a sigh. "He's got that gaming tournament today at his friend's place doesn't he? I remember he was talking about it the other day at least," she points out even as she pauses to tip her head to the side, listening.

"Yeah looks like it's just us." She slings the jacket over the chair with a sigh. "Rien keep any clothes I can borrow here? Otherwise might need to steal a t-shirt at least."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
He *is* quite a bit taller than her, at a hair away from six feet. The jacket's practically big enough for her to swim in, and her blushing's noticed, but not commented upon.

"Yeah, he does. I, uh.. I wasn't sure if he was going. He tell you we were in an accident.. the other night?" His gaze shifts away from her as he goes to lock the door and toss the keys on the kitchen counter on his way to the bedroom. "Got banged up pretty bad," he adds in a low murmur. And by all appearances, Rien doesn't just occasionally stay the night.. she very much lives here. "Yeah, let me grab you something."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"What?" That causes Gabby to pause looking back at Robbie with a frown of utter concern at mention of an accident. "No, he hadn't. Is he all right?" Banged up. Bruised. The thought has her frowning even more, and she pauses to rake her gaze up and down Robbie as if checking on him, too. Not that he hadn't just been in a fight with her against Clayface.

"... Probably didn't want to worry me," she reasons with a little bit of a sigh as her eyes sweep away again. "I think Rien was really hoping we'd get together that one time. Been a little awkward since then so we mostly stick to memes and games and stuff. Anime. You know, the basics."

"All right, thanks." While he goes to grab something for her to borrow she carefully tries to work her hair away from her neck. It sticks to her skin practically glued in place by the dried blood as she fumbles for the clasp to the necklace she was still wearing. "Might have to leave this on. Ugh."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
"He's okay," Robbie answers quietly. He hesitates a moment, then disappears inside the bedroom he shares with Rien. There's some rifling about before he returns with a clean, folded towel and one of his girlfriend's sundresses draped on top. They're held out to the girl with a fleeting attempt at a smile. "Hey, don't overthink it. Besides, you gotta have no shortage of interested guys, huh?"

Once she's accepted the pile of linens and clean clothing, he steps around behind her, and pauses. "Want me to try?" To help her with the necklace, he means.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney drops her hands away with a sigh of complete frustration at being unable to find it in the tangle of her hair. The offered towel and dress are taken from him with a slight smile as she dips her head. "Thanks." Then her expression turns a little puzzled at his remark.

"If I do I don't know about them." Another tug at her hair is given in frustration. "Yeah, could you? It's not super expensive or anything but I don't have much jewelry in the first place. I don't want to ruin it."

Turning around she lifts her hair out of the way, or what she could manage to lift up. "I mean I've got some guys interested in how I can fight. Someone offered me a spot at a women's league mutant based MMA gig the other day."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
"Would you just-- don't. Hands off." He waits for her to turn around, then -- with what might be surprising gentleness from a guy who's capable of such unremitting violence -- he slips a few fingers under the necklace and starts gently teasing the snarled strands free of the clasp.

"Sometimes these things just.. happen. When you're not lookin' for them. You know? Maybe you're thinkin' too hard about it."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney tugs her hair a final time or two until he shoos her hands away. They drop back down to her sides only to lift up and cross over her chest to let him do the work on her necklace. It was distracting feeling the warmth of his hands next to her neck so she lets her gaze wander around the apartment. She'd seen it all before of course.

A soft 'hmph' of amusement comes from her at his remark. "I know. I'm trying not to. Just the last few times I thought something was working out..." She shrugs stiffly.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
"Yeah, well.." His voice is a low, scratchy rumble from mere inches away as he works meticulously to untangle her hair from the necklace. "..I've had a few misses myself." Like the whole sleeping with the math teacher twice his age, presumably. "Almost got it. There you go."

With a soft *click* he unfastens the necklace, and lets it pool in his palm as he steps away from her. "Go clean up," he tells her quietly. "I ain't goin' anywhere." Yes, he might be slightly overprotective of those he considers family.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney ducks her head in a slight nod as he frees her of the necklace saving the majority of her hair in the process. Likely if she'd kept it up she would have just torn through her hair. "Yeah. I think the last one stung the most though," she murmers. "Literally ran away from me in the middle of a date." She looks back flashing a little grin.

"Thanks, Robbie. I won't take long," she promises before heading for the bathroom taking care not to get the towel or dress she'd been loaned dirty. As she disapears through the doorway she adds, "I figure I'll set up a Tinder profile soon as I'm eighteen anyway."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
The 'ran away in the middle of a date' gives him pause. Because, "Seriously? Who does that? Don't blame you." For the fact that it stung, he means.

As she heads for the bathroom, he veers off for the bedroom. Just as eager, perhaps, to get out of his blood and grime-spattered clothes and put on something clean that doesn't remind him of cheesecake. There's a snort from the bedroom, amidst the rustling of clothing, when Gabby mentions Tinder. "Yeah, because the guys you meet on there are definitely going to be higher quality," he teases her.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I never said I was gonna *date* them," Gabby calls back, her voice echoing from the bathroom to be heard. "Just get some experience or something, I don't know. Boost my morale." She seems less confident about it the more she talks about it, of course, even if she had tossed the idea around for awhile considering it.

"I mean I've had ONE boyfriend. Everyone else is either scared of my dad, scared of my sisters, or ... Well I mentioned the 'thinking of me as a little sister' thing because I've been told that more than once."

The water turns on followed by a few quick splashes as she runs her hand under it to test the temp out before jumping in. "And yeah, we were having pizza. I suggested we take it to go to get out of the crowd and he like... Bolted up, blurted how we ought to rethink seeing one another, and just left."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
"Oh, so you're talking about meaningless sex," Robbie calls back, tugging on a pair of fresh jeans after doing a sniff test to make sure they're clean. "You think that's gonna boost your morale? I got news for you, that never worked for me." His voice is briefly muffled as he pulls on a tee shirt and rifles fingers through his overlong curls.

"To be fair, I don't blame people for bein' scared of your family. Especially Rien. Fuck, she still scares me a little." She hunts demons, after all, and what is he?

Sinking down on the edge of his bed, barefoot, he digs out his phone to check his messages while they converse through the wall. "Sounds like a pussy. Think of it like a bullet dodged. You don't wanna date a pussy, do you?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Yeah, well..." Gabby just tapers off in favor of ducking into the shower and tugging the curtain shut with a little rattle of the hangers. Scrubbing at her hair she still listens giving a faint grunt at his assesment of the situation. The water continues to run until it runs clean and she grabs whatever bar of soap was there to scrub the rest off with quick swipes of soap alternating with her hand to really scratch away any remnants of guck.

"I wasn't talking about Rien, I was talking about Laura. Rien's scary good and goes after demons. Laura is an assassin who likes to feed herself poisons to help her immunity to them. Do not ever eat her spicy chicken I'm pretty sure it's a biohazard in some countries."

The water shuts off and she dries herself quickly, then shrugs into the sun dress still a bit damp but much cleaner. Following the sound of where his voice is she steps into the bedroom patting the towel atop her head with a shrug.

"I know, meaningless stuff isn't great, but." She pauses, glancing aside, before looking back to Robbie. "I'm hoping it'll help me get over someone I need to get over."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
"Laura? Haven't met her." He's still scrolling through his phone, frowning slightly at some of the messages he'd missed while they were tangling with the mud monster. "Run into a few assassins, though. Gotten worked over real good once or twice, but.. nothing that stuck. Go figure."

Yes, Robbie can be an overconfident ass sometimes.

He looks up as Gabby steps into the room, and flickers her a quick smile. "Better?" He's at least being polite enough not to ogle her in the dress. "Uh.. yeah, well. Just be careful, huh?" Of what, he doesn't specify.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney watches him a moment more, only to reach out and flick her finger against his forehead a single time. "When am I not careful?" She reasons, only to smirk at him in turn with arms crossing over her chest. The postion isn't held long before she sighs faintly, and turns to flop down to sit on the edge of the bed next to him. "You should get cleaned up too. And... thanks for everything. I know I dragged you into this mess today. Just..." She pauses again, then leans in to give his cheek a quick kiss. "Thanks."

"You should go get cleaned up too."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
The forehead flick earns her a playful little lunge and snap of his teeth, like he's done a time or two before. He's not *actually* trying to bite her, but maybe that's only because she hasn't asked him nicely enough. "Comin' from someone who doesn't feel pain? I'm gonna go with 'way too fuckin' often'," he counters, returning her smirk.

"Yeah, I should," he agrees after a moment, watching Gabby with a slightly contemplative furrowing of his brows when she sits next to him. Then a tinge of a blush that creeps across his freckled nose and cheeks at the kiss. "De nada," he replies softly. He gives her thigh a squeeze, then climbs to his feet. "You can stay the night, if you want. Rien should be home soon." And then he's gone, presumably to see about that cleaning up.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney can only give a little laugh when he points out the obvious. "Touche. But I do try to be safe! Getting caught and injured still sucks even if I can't feel the pain part of it." Granted, she was the first to run through doorways to suspicious astral plane areas at times. Or at least that one time.

Falling back onto the bed she crosses her arms beneath her head just hanging half-on half-off the bed. "Yeah, I might. I don't feel like going back to the HQ just yet." And the school was mostly out for Summer. "Got a spare blanket for the couch?"