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Latest revision as of 14:08, 26 June 2022

Dragons and Arrows
Date of Scene: 14 April 2022
Location: Royal Dragon Restaurant - Hell's Kitchen
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Franklin Richards, Emiko Queen

Franklin Richards has posed:
After his last meeting with Emiko, Franklin had felt....inspired? No, warm to their friendship. They had similar classes together and had built up a good friendship. It was nice to not be treated as the 'rich kid' by Emiko or the 'kid who has too much' by her. So, in order to...well, see something and test his own mind. He pulls out his phone and he sends Emiko a text message:

'Hey Emi,

I was wondering if you would like to go out to lunch with me? I know this really good Chinese restaurant called the Royal Dragon. Best Lo Mein you'll ever have hands down.'

and now he waits. He can feel his stomach in knots. What if she says no? What if she shuts him down /hard/? He's like a fish out of water right now, he has absolutely no idea what to do. So now...he waits.

It helps that he's literally right down the street from the restaurant.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko checks her phone when it buzzes, smiling at the text message. She sets her studies aside for the moment and types out a quick message in return:

Sure, know exactly where its at, give me 10 minutes!

She makes sure the cats are fed and have some cat tv on a low sound setting for them. Taking a minute to change into an outside outfit, she hops on her motorcycle and heads over from her Union Square apartment to meet him. Even with the traffic, it's only a 7 minute drive, and she pulls into space just down the street from the Royal Dragon and hops off to walk the last fifty feet. Franklin's given a wave and smile as she approaches, "Hey! You must be psychic, that invite came at the perfect time.. I was needing a break from studying and my stomach was starting to let me know if was lunch time."

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin turns his head to Emiko when she gives him a solid wave! "Hey! There you are." Not like he was waiting long. He gives her a smile. He was dressed decently, wearing blue jeans and a longsleeve shirt with some Rick and Morty graphic design on it. "I've been told I have great instincts. Only psychic thing about me was that I wanted to see you today." He wanted to see her all the time, but schedules were a real pain in the keister to deal with.

"How was homework going? Finals are coming up soon for both of us arn't they? I haven't studied at all. I might be screwed." He chuckles to her.

Looking at the restaurant, he offers Emiko his arm if she so desires to take it. "Shall we, m'lady?" Though something comes to mind. "You know the place? Have you been here before or just seen? If so, you're probably more insightful than me on what's super good here. I got the lo mein once and I've stuck with it for years." He grins.

Emiko Queen has posed:
She's low-key in skinny jeans, a sleeveless black top under a short red leather jacket, and some wedge-heeled black boots. Emi flashes a grin up at him, "Aww! Well you're welcome to hit me up pretty much whenever. Things have been pretty quiet lately so I've been catching up on my down time and studying."

Nodding, she grins up at him, "They're going good! Thanks to the notes I took during those study sessions with you, I think I'm actually going to do okay in Biochem. I'm solid for everything else, but I've been reviewing footnoes in my Administrative Law class. I'm told the professor loves to cull questions from the footnotes and sidebars to throw people."

Emiko takes his arm as they enter, grinning, "I do! I come here pretty often, actually. Bart's place is just a few blocks away, so I've gotten takeout here a lot." She glances up at him with a smile, "I'll probably go on the lighter side today, sliced avocado salad and egg flower soup. But the szechuan pork and lemon chicken are both awesome. If you're in a veggie mood, I recommend the spicy eggplant. The way they cook it, it's so tender and not bitter at all. But it has a kick, so if you're not into spice, it's probably not the way to go."

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin starts to laugh. She looks truly spectacular. Franklin low-key feels like he's underdressed for the occasion. But he smiles at her. "Likewise, you know. I don't exactly have such a pressing schedule that I can't be talked to or approached." He laughs a little bit. "So anytime you would like to hangout, you let me know okay?" He smiles at her.

Though he hums. "I'm glad I was able to help you out. Oh yeah? Sounds like a crazy hard test. I'm not in that class, but maybe I could help you out with that too?" Franklin questions Emiko with a bit of a smile on his face. "professors at the university are -brutal-." He mentions.

She takes his arm and there's some muscle underhis shirt. He walks in with her and he hums. "Hah, that's what I get for trying to take you someplace new. Not only do you know it, you really /know/ it." Frank smiles at her. "Lemon chicken...can't say I've tried it, and I've eaten some weird foods. Must've slipped by me." He leads them to a booth and he lets her sit down first like a gentleman before he takes his seat across from her.

Emiko Queen has posed:
"I'll remember that." Emi flashes a quick smile up at him, giving a nod. "What sort of things do you like to do? I've been tyring to hit up some of the museums and galleries in the city. Admittedly, my favorites are the more interactive experiences, but like.. the Museum and Natural History has some great revolving exhibits. I'm always happy to have friends along while I'm out exploring. I've got a real weakness for those open air markets, too." She lifts a shrug and grins at him, shrugging out of her jacket once they're seated.

Chuckling, she shakes her head, "Not overly difficult, just with questions using more obscure references. That's why I'm taking the extra time to really look into the footnotes to make sure I have the material down. But hey, if you want to help quizz me on stuff, I'm always glad for the help!"

Emiko laughs lightly and smiles up at him, "There's lots of places in the city I haven't been, you just happened to pick one of the places that Bart and I order from often. The lemon chicken isn't really -weird-, if you want that we'll have to visit Chinatown and I'll take you to an authentic, old school style Chinese restaurant."

Franklin Richards has posed:
"I hope you do. I'll try and remember too." He gives her a playful nudge. "You like museums and galleries...interesting, interesting. Honestly, I'm kinda of a 90's kid by way of personality. I like going to concerts, I like playing in the arcades. I'm trying to learn how to skateboard but it's not really going well for me." Franklin starts to chuckle a little bit. "I don't mind those open-air markets. It kinda reminds you that everything is constantly in flux, you know?"

He waits a sec. "Does that make sense? I feel like I was being confusing." Franklin shrugs a little bit. "Sure! I don't mind it. I like helping you out." He smiles at her, looking at the menui. "I think I will try that lemon chicken. Do you have a preference on soups? I've only tried the eggdrop."

"Talk about unlucky, right?" Franklin smiles at her. "But, hey, if you're asking me to go with you, I don't have the heart to say no to you." He teases her.

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Well, not all the museums in the city are of the usual type. There's a spy museum that I've been wanting to check out, an old transit museum that has older subway cars you can explore, the Museum of Illusions..." Emiko flashes a grin towards him before giving a nod. "Arcades must be hard to find these days. Most of them died out in the late 90's. But there -are- still some interesting places that house a bunch of older video games, too. For concerts... I guess it depends on the band? I like music, but like.. there's a lot of strange bands out there." Chuckling, she adds, "But if you want, I can definitely teach you how to skateboard. It's all about balance and knowing your center of gravity."

"I love open air markets because the products are all home-made. Fresh produce, locally butchered meats... and there's all sorts of knick-knacks and fun stuff you can find there." Emiko flashes a grin before giving a nod, "Definitely. We can set up a time to get together and you can quiz me from the text." She glances over the menu briefly, then chuckles, "I'm getting the egg flower soup. Depending on how hungry you are, the wonton soup is great."

She grins, "Not at all. I like the food here, so I'm happy to come! And great! We'll make a day of it. You haven't seen the open air markets til you've seen the ones in Chinatown."

Franklin Richards has posed:
"That's true. Spy museum? Really? I knew there was one in DC, but I didn't know there weas one in New York too. That's pretty awesome, actually." Franklin chuckles a little bit, looking Emiko in the eyes. "We could go together if you want." Franklin suggests, though he tilts his head at her. "You know how to skateboard?" He laughs. "Of course you know how to skateboard. You're incvredibly multi-talented."

Franklin starts to laugh a little bit more, though he nods to her. "I'll have to go with you to Chinatown then. Show me the world, Emiko Queen, and I'll show you mine." He smiles at her, though he nods. "Sure thing, lemme know when you think you're ready and we'll get it done."

Emiko Queen has posed:
Nodding, Emiko flashes a grin, "I really want to check it out. Supposedly there's an interactive 'laser' hallway that you have to try to get through. All just lights, obviously, but it sounds like fun! There's some code-cracking exhibits, too. The whole thing just sounds like a really fun time!" She gives a nod and grins towards him, "Sure! Like I said, I love having people along for these things. It's more fun when it's not just me." She lifts both brows, then chuckles, "Technically I learned to snowboard first. The skateboard is actually a lot more forgiving, made it easier."

Emiko lets out a laugh and cants her head at him, "Is that from a movie? That sounds like a line from a movie." She grins, then gives a nod, "Sounds like a plan. I'll check my schedule and text you when I have a free day?"