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Latest revision as of 14:14, 26 June 2022

Wait, So You All Know Each Other
Date of Scene: 13 March 2022
Location: Greenwich St Loft Penthouse
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Oliver Queen, Stella Roundtree, Hal Jordan, Hella Rokkurdisardottir

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen isn't exactly in the neighborhood, but he'd been thinking of Hella lately. They hadn't been able to get together more recently, between Hella's shifts at the firehouse and Ollie's business interests combined with his extracurricular costumed habits. Ollie was, in fact, thinking of suggesting that he and Hella go on patrol together sometime.

Today, however, he knew fromt texts that she was getting off shift early and didn't have any plans. He thought he might surprise her and see if she wanted to go to a museum or grab some dinner. Nothing fancy, just a chance to spend a little more time together.

He's wearing a black leather jacket over a green shirt, jeans and boots. His hair, grown a little longer now, is pulled up into a manbun and he has a bit of scruff going on, artfully managed. He knocks on the door and waits casually, hands in his pockets.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "Huh, maybe she forgot her keys," Stella says, hearing the knock from her room. She does have company, but hey, Hella and she have talked about it, it's not weird. Not like she's sleeping on the couch, she has a ROOM! And thus she shrugs and gets up, in such a good mood that she just pulls on Hal's jacket for warmth over her pajama bottom shorts and tank top, and doesn't think much about anything else.

     Terrible for a security consultant to just open the door, but who else would be there?

     So while she still has to look up to see who it is, this is no blonde nordic bombshell, but a dude.

     "... Oliver. Uh... heyyyyyy," she says, immediately very aware of what she's wearing.

Hal Jordan has posed:
Of course New York City is not exactly Hal's normal stomping grounds either truth be told. Of course with Justice League transportation technology they maintain a small, often discrete presence in most major cities, but there's rarely a need for him to actually be there to service it or anything of the like. Even if it is based on Oan technology -- his little contribution. No, aside from Stella he doesn't have a lot of reason to be in the neighborhood at all.

Of course that's a pretty compelling reason really. He doesn't need a whole lot more. And he does have certain advantages afterall. When one can get around as quickly as he can, travel takes on a slightly different perspective. Breakfast in Paris, lunch in Tokyo, dinner on Alpha Centauri. That can affect a change in one's perspective pretty quick.

Either way, when Stella gets up to let her roommate in, he doesn't think too much about it. At least until she does not return pretty quickly. Only then does he crack open the door a little, slipping out into the rest of the apartment.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen keeps his hands in his pockets as Stella opens the door, raising an eyebrow, "Oh, hello again. Sorry, I might be a little early. I was going to catch Hella when she got home early, but maybe I underestimated her travel time," he says.

"Do you mind if I come in while I wait, or have I caught you at a delicate and pantless time that you would rather keep private?" he says with a wry grin, gently leaning over and trying to get a peek at whatever paramour she may or may not have.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "I mean, shorts are pants?" she says, pulling the jacket closed. "Uh... maybe I can just text Hella and see if she's on her way... wait here." She leaves the door cracked, but scampers back to her bedroom for but a moment.

     "Ugh, Hella's rich guy is here, one second... I don't want to send him away, I know she really likes him," she says to Hal, grabbing her phone and shooting out a quick text. In fact, she waits a good ten seconds before getting a reply. WELP. Rude to ignore him now.

     "I'm sure that they'll go out or something," she says, grabbing a pair of jeans and changing in a hurry so she's less exposed. She hollers out into the hallway, "SHE SAYS SHE'S ALMOST BACK, SO COME ON IN!"

     But now there are social expectations, so one change into a black sweater later, she's peeking back out, "The dog isn't here, either, so... I'm not sure if you already met him. But he's not a fan of strangers." Odd that she's talking about this dog as if he has his own very full social life. Perhaps he does.

Hal Jordan has posed:
Hey, over the years Hal has been in much more awkward positions then this. Usually it's his fault too, so really this is a nice change. A casual, innocent coincidence. The corners of his mouth quirk into a half-smile as he finishes tugging that plain, unadorned white t-shirt into place. He even goes casual, not even bothering to tuck it into his jeans. See how relaxed he is?

"Not a big deal. You even have a built in buffer," he points out with a faint grin, waiting for her to send her text before his gaze flicks down the hall. He is, afterall, at something of an advantage. He knows who Stella's roommate is seeing, so the fact that he already knows him won't come as a shock at all.

"Don't worry, dogs love me," Hal says confidently. He has absolutely no basis to make that sort of a claim really. Aside, perhaps from the fact that he's never been attacked by a dog. Various alien creatures on the other hand have not particularly loved him at all, and have attacked him numerous times. But they're not dogs, so they don't count, right?

Either way, Hal strides out into the main room, dipping his head towards the other man. "Ollie. Fancy meeting you here."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen makes his way in once he's shouted into the room, stretching his shoulders a little as he looks about. He hasn't gotten the best view of the apartment, only having been here briefly before. He doesn't seem to have a problem making himself comfortable, at any rate.

He's about to take a seat and wait when Hal Jordan, of all people, walks into the room, making Ollie explode with a small laugh.

"Of course you get along with the dog, Jordan. He's going to recognize an old dog like you when he sees you," he says, stepping over and offering his hand and a slap on the shoulder in greeting to his old friend and ally. "I didn't even know you were in town," he says. And by town, he means 'currently on planet Earth'.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "Yeah, this one might not love you, he's a... special boy," Stella says to Hal. "Not a normal dog. More of a mythical beast. But he's nice if Hella tells him to be. She just hasn't about you, yet." She is then rather taken aback by just how easily the unintended introduction goes.

     Too easy. This is suspicious.

     "Okay, well that takes off some of the pressure..." Stella says, her little brain chugging along to cement connections between them. "Though this can't be a surprise, right? Wait, am I the last one in the loop?" she asks, walking towards the kitchen and opening the fridge, her box wine waiting to be summoned.

     She pours herself- well, presses in the little button and fills- a glass of something that's essentially more red-wine-flavored than red wine. Yum! Franzia.

Hal Jordan has posed:
Ahhh, that could be a very different matter entirely. Hal has not had the best of luck when it comes to dealing with anything of a supernatural bent as of late. That ring of his might look like magic, but it most decidely is not. "I'm sure it will be fine," he says, brushing aside her warnings once more.

Overwhelming -- and perhaps misplaced -- confidence? Or that fact that along with that ring comes a personal force field? Perhaps a little from column A, a little from column B.

"Like does not always properly appreciate like. You should know that," Hal retorts with an answering smile as he takes the other man's hand briefly, chuckling quietly. "I've been back in the neighborhood for a little while but business has been keeping me a little bit busy as of late," he offers up. And while his day job as a test pilot does come with spurts of activity, that's probably not the business that he's referring to. "It's good to see you though. When Stella mentioned knowing you I almost fell out of my seat," or perhaps he would have if he had been sitting at the time. "The world doesn't look all that small from up chair," he says gesturing heavenward, "But sometimes it feels like it."

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    There is a loud clacking sound heard coming from the hallway. It's a rhythmic sort of noise that will sound very familiar to anyone who's ever owned a large breed dog -- oh, lort, he cometh... The pushed-to hallway door that leads from the bedrooms to the main living space bursts open from the push of a mighty paw, the doorway revealing Brimstone in all of his glory. (http://imgur.com/a/GD0xssz) Everyone present has most likely seen large dogs. Maybe only on TV or in pictures, but they have a general idea of what a large dog would look like in person. This dog...exceeds those expectations and then some. He's /large/. Unnaturally large, some would say. And, the sounds that are coming out of him upon seeing not one but two strangers in the house, along with Stella -- whom he is charged with protecting as thoroughly as he protects his owner -- are downright bonechilling.

    It's not an average sort of big dog sound, this growl that emanates from the menacing beast as his hackles rise and literal fire flashes in his richly amber-red eyes. It's something that's unnaturally polyphonic; many sounds in one, in chorus. The screams of tortured souls, the snarls of unholy creatures, the revving of a chainsaw or four... All in one go.

    However, before Brimstone has a chance to act on his instinct to attack unwelcomed invaders in his territory, Hella comes jogging out of her bedroom right behind the massive animal. "Brimmy!" she says sharply, skidding to a halt as she comes up behind him. "Good boy, Brimmy, good boy. These are welcomed guests. No kill," she says, the awful cacophony ceasing as soon as his name was called in that commanding fashion. He's now heeling next to Hella, sat on his big rump and leaning his body weight against her entire leg.

    Hella, fresh from work, is dressed in a snugly fitting t-shirt with a cute, 70s illustration of a fuzzy duckling on its front, a pair of jeggings, and some nice white sneakers. Her long, white-blonde hair is tightly woven to her scalp in a pair of twin Dutch braids, the tails dangling down her back. She looks up from Brimstone to smile brightly at everyone present, her dimples making an appearance as she greets the room with her characteristically boisterous, cheerful voice, thickly accented with Russian pronunciation. "Hello, honey, I'm home~" she grins at Stella.

    Looking to Hal, Hella smiles and offers the man her hand, which will grip his quite firmly and feel almost uncomfortably warm, should he accept her handshake. "You must be Hal, test pilot! How nice to meet you. I hear much about you," she grins broadly, not really giving any clues as to /what/ she's heard. Then, to Ollie, she smiles warmly and gives him a firm hug, "Nice to see you! Sorry I'm late."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen luckily has a certain amount of experience with wild animals and, while Brimstone may be tamed in the technical sense, Ollie still regards the big beast the way he would a wild big cat that he encountered in the jungles once upon a time. That is to stay, he keeps relatively still, doesn't show fear and makes sure he's ready to die if it decides he looks like lunch.

Hella's arrival takes away a lot of that tension, however, and he returns her embrace firmly, holding her against him and then keeping an arm around her waist as the hug disengages, framing them obviously as a couple across from Hal and Stella.

"Hal's an old friend of mine," he tells Hella. "Pretty strange sort of kismet, having the two of us going out with roommates. I think there might be a sitcom concept in this. We should contact somebody out in Hollywood, get them working on a script," he jokes.

As to Stella's question, he adds, "It's all a big surprise to me, but a pleasant one."

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "I mean, I met Oliver once and interrogated him to my satisfaction. Didn't seem like a murderer," Stella says, swirling the sugary swill in her wine glass and joining the group. But this time, more covered up.

     And then... DOG. The sound of Brimstone isn't exactly one she's *used* to, how could one normalize all that grinding, and the screams! Oh, the screams!

     But here she is. New York has been so full of surprises.

     "Hey there, darlin'. So good to see you after a long day of work. You want a drink?" she asks as Hella and the great beast of a dog finally get home. Stella's own hours can be chaotic, since most of her clients don't like having a person climbing up around and into things in front of employees. Depending on Hella's shift, sometimes they miss each other for a few days. Which can be nice when sharing an apartment with another person.

     But now comes another game, 'How Much Does Everyone Know?'

     "All right, so you two know each other? In our sitcom, what would this episode be titled?" she asks, lingering by the kitchen in case Hella wants a beverage. Seems like the boys might be on their own, or at least have to ask.

Hal Jordan has posed:
It might be a good idea for Hal to revise his stance on dogs. At least big dogs. Certainly Brimstone is a little closer in size and stature to some of those same alien beasts that have tried to make a meal out of him on more than one occasion.

Fortunately Hal doesn't really do the fear thing either. Like, ever. In some that might be considered a detriment to survival. Fear is a pretty natural instinct afterall. In the Grfeen Lantern Corps it is a coveted personality trait. Which might perhaps explain a few things about the Guardians.

Of course, if Hal felt inclined to start experimenting with fear he could probably choose worse places to begin then that hulking dog.

A lack of fear doesn't make him stupid or suicidal either. Force field or not, there is really no need to go provoking a creature like that either so he remains in place, both expression and stance neutral. At least until Hella appears and seems to immediately calm her pet down. With a smile, he takes the offered hand and if he finds it unusually warm he certainly doesn't say so. "A pleasure. I've heard a lot about you too," he agrees lightly.

His gaze flickers back towards Ollie with a smirk. "Well, you're more likely to know someone in that world then me, even if I live out that way. If you get someone to bite just remember to make sure I get my cut," he counters glibly. Now, if any of them need a infamous space pirate taken down and brought to justice he definitely has the connections to pull that off. Alas, it doesn't seem to come up as often as someone is looking for a good Hollywood producer.


Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella smiles and lets her body rest beside Ollie as he keeps an arm around her waist and she grins at Stella's rejoinder. "Ahhh, nothin' like hard day of work fighting fires and rescuing kittens from trees!" If she had her turnout gear on, she'd thumb her suspender straps! "Oh! If you don't mind, my huge water bottle? I put in fridge before work hoping water would be super cold by time I come home," she says, glancing toward the fridge where Stella stands, waiting for her reply.

    "Is lucky I decided to fly rest of way home. I saw Brimstone scaling building to terrace just in time. I was like, 'oh, no, I haven't cleared them yet!' Could've been big disaster! Whew!" she grins pleasantly to Hal, miming wiping the sweat from her brow.

    Hella tugs Ollie to sit with her on the couch, which still has plenty of room for Hal and Stella, though there are also other seating options -- some comfy armchairs, and a matching loveseat. Everyone can sit and be comfortable, should they so choose. Hella normally takes her sneakers off in the apartment, but she figures it's only polite to keep them on, for now. She sits comfortably and crosses her legs, letting her side press against Ollie as they sit together. "I am interested to hear anything! I can only learn more, at this point," she says with a blithe expression, her pale blue eyes sparkling as she takes in everyone present. Brimstone, bereft of Hella's leg to lean upon, has plopped down in his favorite spot in the sun, stretching his long, bulky body out and letting out a sigh that sounds like the rasp of steel on steel.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen settles in next to Hella, his arm around her shoulders and pulling her head against him, her blonde hair against the side of his neck. He isn't particularly worried about his identity at this point. He's trusted Hella with it and Hal obviously knows all. Stella is trusted by Hella and maybe by Hal, Ollie doesn't know how far their relationship has gone yet. But him dating her is a hell of an endorsement, insofar as the emerald archer is concerned.

"I might own a movie studio for all I know. I'd have to ask Felicity what the current holdings are. They get switched around quite a bit, as part of the company investment strategy. Which I have relatively little to do with, thank heaven, both for me and for the investors," he says.

"Hal and I were...well, I hate to say young men together. We're not that decrepit yet. But we were a couple of young hellraisers without a lot of sense more than willing to stick our necks into trouble. Got ourselves burned a few times along the way, but we always came out on top. Welll, I did anyway. We had our disagreements, but that just comes with being a bit bull-headed."

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     Mostly, Stella is just pleased that Hal's introduction to her roommate has thus far not produced any bloodshed. She dips into the fridge and retrieves Hella's water bottle, happy to hand it over. "Sure thing!" And in a moment, the giant jug of water is handed over, "Feels chilly enough from here," leaving Stella to slink back over by Hal to balance out the dynamic. She bumps lightly against him before she seeks out her own seating. If only Brimstone had one of his female companions around, then all would be truly balanced with the world.

     "Oh GOD. It would have been bad if he'd climbed in," Stella says. "... so I guess I'm glad this worked out in time. And Ollie, I am older'n Hal by a little bit, so... yes. I'll say for sure that we're not old. Yet. And that vague depiction of your camaraderie, uh... sounds exhilarating?" she asks, gaze flicking from one man to another, half-piecing together their game of trust telephone. She nestles deeper into the loveseat as she attempts to absorb.

     This is what she gets for leaving Ohio.

Hal Jordan has posed:
It is always an interesting dynamic, in this particular world, when meeting a peer or even a friend in a more social setting. Figuring out just who knows what about who. And while Hal might keep his identity concealed from the general world at large he is certainly not as fanatical about it as some members of the League *ahem*Clark and Bruce*ahem*. It does, admittedly help, that so much of his greatest exploits take place hundreds of lightyears from the planet of his birth. They don't really tend to show up on the nightly news. Though any member of the League is going to have some profile.

Sinking down beside Stella, he flashes a wry smile her way and casually slips a hand into her own. "I haven't shared all of our best stories with Stella yes," Hal offers up to Oliver. "But as it turns out it would seem that we all share a number of people in the same circle so to ease a few potential complications I shared a few important pieces of my background," he adds with a bit of a smirk. In many ways it was easier, like the decision was made for him in this case. No need to think and weigh consequences when it was almost inevitably going to come out. So better from him then another person's slip.

"But yes, we go back quite aways. And if we haven't always seen exactly eye to eye it's nice to work with people you like an drespect. I think it's fair to say that the only thing we do better than get into trouble, is get back out of it."

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella smiles gratefully to her roomie when she deposits the huge jug of chilled water in her hands. There's a faint hint of steam rising from where her hands are in contact with the jug. "Ahhh, thank you!" she says and, without much preamble, she opens the lid of the bottle and chugs the entire thing in one go. Just gulp after gulp until the water's all gone and, when she exhales, there's a definite visual of curling steam exiting her mouth. "Perfect! Always need lots of hydrating after work. I ate a lot of fire, today," she says, swallowing and pounding her chest lightly with a fist.

    She places the empty jug down on the glass table and relaxes, again, listening to the conversation. Hella looks back and forth as the delicate wordplay and double-speak flies between Oliver and Hal, the dance of trying to discover just how much to say and what not to say... "I will be honest," she levels with everyone in the room. "I have no idea what you are talking about or trying to say to each other. Suffice it to say that /I/ am okay with everyone knowing that my name is Hella Rokkurdisardottir, and my super-name is Discord, though I am new and not well known as of yet. I am very, very strong, very, very durable, I can fly, I can breathe and eat fire, and I work as firefighter when I'm not saving people in other situations. This is good, yes?" she grins crookedly.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen joins the others in the simple silence that comes with watching Hella drain a massive flagon of water with gulp after gulp. His admiration for her is obvious on his face, a grin on his face like a little kid watching one of their favorite cartoon shows. His just happens to be live action and could break him easily over her knee.

Then she speaks and he laughs, "Trust my girl to cut through all the bullshit, as usual," he says. "Hal, if Stella's down with you and I know she's down with Hella, I don't care. I'm not really good at doing the whole double identity thing anyway. I really only keep it going so my sisters don't have to deal with backlash on things," he says. "Not that they can't handle themselves, honestly, but there are some storms you don't invite unless you absolutely must."

He leans across the table and extends a hand to Stella. "Oliver Queen, Green Arrow. Nice to meet you fully."

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     Sometimes a mutant just needs to see someone else with very visible powers to feel included... or just not so out there. Hella can provide these very vibrant visuals. Both Stella's blood alcohol level and the sight of steam pluming up from her roommate help her to relax.

     "I just honestly didn't know how seriously people take this sorta thing," she says, leaning over and reaching out as well to give Ollie's a shake. "Stella Roundtree, no superhero identity, just a mutant and security consultant. Though I have been known to help out on occasion with hero-ing when I'm around," she says before releasing his hand and letting the loveseat absorb her once more.

     "So do both of you do space things? I'm learnin' to appreciate the space stuff. I've never actually- obviously- been able to go out and look at planets or any of that. It was a hell of a date," she says, sighing wistfully. "But it seems like there's plenty to do on Earth, too. Hard to even walk down the street sometimes without getting pulled into something."

Hal Jordan has posed:
It might be a little hard to play the old 'Wow, I'm just Hal Jordan, test pilot but it's amazing to see what you can all do!' card after all of that. And really he isn't all that concerned. Certainly it would help clear up any misunderstanding if he's found sneaking in or out of Stella's window despite the floor of the building.

"My mom and siblings aren't quite as able to take care of themselves but I don't imagine anyone here is going to be racing out to speak to the press with a hot scoop," Hal says drily, a shrug rippling across his shoulders. "I'm Hal Jordan, test pilot. Some of the time," he says. THen, in a blink of an eye the man in a t-shirt and jeans is replaced by a figure in a glowing green costume, complete with mask and an aura of emerald light surrounding him. "The rest of the time I'm Green Lantern," he says, a brief smirk sliding over his expression before he is back to just plain ol' folk just as quickly, the greenish glow gone as if it never was.

"And the League does sometimes get involved with space-based threats, particularly if they present a threat to Earth," he offers up to Stella, shifting on the couch a little as he glances her way. Yes, he's not above utilizing the cosmos as his own personal home field advantage when it comes to dating. "But it is a little more of my turf in general."

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     The costume is a lot less intimidating when she knows who it's on. Though judging by her attire when she greeted Ollie at the door... it's likely she'd have eyes for hall Hal regardless of what he might be wearing. "Well! That makes things easier, huh? Sheesh, now I feel like I gotta get my shit together," she laughs. "You all have a lot more in the line of accomplishments than I do. Is it just peer pressure that gets things moving when it comes to people with powers?" she asks. It's pretty unlikely that she'd be doing anything remotely power-related if she were still in her initial hotel room that she'd rented to do some contracts in the city. And yet her lease in the buckeye state is looking increasingly like it might not be renewed.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella grins a little sheepishly as Ollie calls her out on her attempt to clear the air and ease the discomfort that seemed to be brewing as everyone tried to figure things out. ?I don?t want anyone to feel uncomfortable, so I figure if I introduce myself, everyone can decide if they want to disclose everything or only tell what they?re comfortable saying. There is no pressure on anyone to say anything, of course!? she says, hoping to clarify things.

    Already knowing Stella's situation, Hella just smiles supportively while her roommate introduces herself and comes out as a mutant. Some people, even these days, aren't very kind about mutants, but Hella will have NONE of that, thank you very much. She's very protective and supportive of Stella, whom she considers to be her best friend.

    However, her reaction is visible excitement as Hal starts glowing green, in his spiffy Green Lantern space suit and with the ring and all! She looks like a kid at an arcade, with big bright eyes and a huge grin on her face. "Woooooooow, is nice to meet you, Hal Jordan, Green Lantern!" she says, despite the fact that she's already said the same thing only moments before! "Very coooooooool looking!" she says, looking to Ollie, grinning, and elbowing him gently as if to say, 'you know a guy who glows green!? so cool!'

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen shakes his head at Hal, "You always do know how to one-up somebody. No, I definitely don't do anything with outer space. I've been once or twice, but I don't even like planes that much, if I'm totally honest. I'm just a guy who shoots arrows. Really, really well," he says.

He's glad at Hella's enthusiasm - it's sometimes strange to him that the League is such a big deal. He knows what they've accomplished, but he's known many of the members long enough that they're mostly just people to him now.

"Accomplishments is just a fancy way of saying we've managed to survive a lot of bad situations, often by the skin of our teeth," he says.

Hal Jordan has posed:
A wry smile flickers over Hal's features once more at the excitement that greets his little transformation and he dips his head once more. "And a pleasure meeting you, in both identities," he offers up lightly before melodramatically clutching at his chest when Ollie confesses his dislike for planes. "You shouldn't say that sort of thing around me. Being able to fly is the best part of the ring, but flying planes is something entirely else," he says with a little smirk. Everyone does have their own passions afterall, and Hal has had his since a boy. Not even his father's death could erase it.

Hal is quick to nod his agreement to Ollie's words. "I think it's all relative and very much depends on your experiences. I mean, in most cases there's some sort of transformative experience right? For me, I essentially got drafted. A dying alien gave me his magic ring -- or the ring choose me if you prefer -- and it wasn't all that long after that I ended up in intergalactic boot camp," he points out drily. "You'd like to see if you can do more with your abilities and really, that's the important part. Don't look at it as a race," he says mildly, giving her hand a squeeze.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella glances over to Stella and shakes her head. "I can't speak for these guys, but you know me and how I think about this subject. I do good to make proper use of my talents. There is so much bad in world and never enough good to go around. Everytime I do a good thing, I don't mark it as tally, I don't keep score. I just want to help however I can, no matter when, no matter where. I want to help balance scales so that good people are helped and cared for and bad people are captured, punished, and hopefully reformed. Or else. I help them find new shape, like pretzel," she smiles, flexing her shoulders unconsciously. "No accomplishments, only helping."

    She nods at Hal's words, gesturing with an open palm in his direction. "See, he agrees. Don't think of doing good as race or game. No scores. Only helping. And, of course, not everyone helps in same way. My skills..." she lolls her head from side to side, "...eh, very visual, very physical and in-your-face. So, I would be foolish to try to hide my identity. I'm memorable, from what everyone tells me. But, your skills can be used very subtly. There is no need for you to run out and start helping wherever you see need. You do at your own pace, in your own way. Is plenty good," she says supportively, smiling and nodding decisively.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     It's easy to see how Hella and Stella complement one another, besides the charming cadence of their names. Hella's easy excitability and positivity, Stella's more reserved nature and gentle skepticism, the two work together to prevent one or the other into descending into their own particular brand of turmoil.
     And while Hal's uniform reveal is more familiar to her now, Stella still enjoys it, curling next to him like a content cat to Hella's bouncy golden retriever attributes. "Thrilling, I'm sure, but dangerous," she says to Ollie. "And space would be very scary without a buffer, I'm sure. I jumped a few times when other green... constructs...? Appeared. Definitely afraid our little space bubble would pop."

     "Doin' more with my abilities is definitely the goal," she says. "Hella and I are planning on training, seeing if I can redirect some of her power without cooking myself, and I can probably make arrows do some fun things. Hal's ring energy is a little baffling to me, I don't even know if I could make it do anything- oh! Yeah, Ollie, my thing is energy. Motion, sound, electricity. I can take it from one thing and change it, basically. Where it goes, how much it goes, that sorta thing," she says, trying to abbreviate her powers.

     "Mostly I use it to win pool games and keep cars from making people and small animals into road waffles," she chuckles. Maybe both ladies are hungry, as food does seem to come up in their conversations. "But yeah, Hella's right. I can blend in. Mostly. Hal caught me, but most people don't."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen can read into those conversations easily enough, "Perhaps we should all get something to eat? I could get us in most anywhere if you'd like or we could order food in. Uber Eats or one of the other apps could get us most anything. And yes, Hal, you could just fly over and get it in ten seconds, but it's better to be able to pay some snot-nosed kid a fat tip for driving it over in their Honda," he says.

At Stella's revelation, he smiles, "Good thing I didn't challenge you to a game of pool when you came out tot he mansion," he says.

Hella gets a firm squeeze on the hshoulder affectionately, "Hella, I think, might be one of the most natural born superheroes I've ever seen. A pure soul, a real paladin. Kind of like Superman in a lot of ways. He had kind of an isolated upbringing, too," he says. "Maybe that's why I'm such a scoundrel - too much socializing as a youth."

Hal Jordan has posed:
"Space definitely has it's fair share of dangers," Hal agrees with a smile. "But I'd like to think you got to see a lot of the beauty too. Fortunately the ring has never failed me in that regard," he notes with a smile and a shrug of his shoulders. Not every Green Lantern has always been so lucky of course, but that is what training and experience is there to help mitigate.

"You know that I will help some too, if that's what you'd like to do. Like I said, the League has some pretty cutting edge facilities obviously," he notes. "Though there is a lot of value in not just focusing on your powers. Never under estimate what you can do with other skills," he adds before grinning and motioning towards Oliver. "Case in point, amongst others," he adds wryly.

"And yes, if people are hungry I can certainly eat. And I'm happy enough to defer to my fellow emerald friend here in getting us in somewhere, or placing an order," he says drily, shooting a smirk Ollie's way. "Unless of course you prefer to perhaps hit a cafe in Rome. In which case I think Air Jordan will be of greater service," he says archly.

"The glowing green jet kind. Not the sneakers." Just in case anyone was wondering.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella leans forward and slides her empty water jug over toward Stella. "Do that thing you did when we first met. Looks so cool! The one where you make thing jump into your hand!" she says with a big grin. Honestly, Hella isn't difficult to entertain and some might say she's easily impressed, but that does NOT mean that Stella's powers /aren't/ super cool and impressive! She sits back and waits. The first time Stella did this, it was with an empty cocktail glass that'd once held a mimosa. Hella will never forget how shocked she was to watch the glass behave unnaturally when Stella controlled the energies to make a little performance for her!

    Looking to Ollie, his comment having surprised her, Hella's eyes are wide and her lips parted almost like she wants to deny his words out of modesty. But, it really means a lot to her that he sees those traits in her. So, she just kinda blinks away some stinging in her eyes and closes her mouth in a pleased ittle smile. She lightly squeezes his knee in silent gratitude for his compliment, though.

    "Well, for those of you who know me, I'll say this -- you know I can always eat! What about some Chinese takeout? I really am hungry for some steamed dumplings, some pork lo mein, some mu shu pork, some spare ribs, some General Tso's, some..." she kinda trails off, thinking of other dishes she wants to try. "OH, can't forget hot and sour soup!" she says, holding up a finger of realization. "Egg rolls, crab puffs, beef and broccoli..." She could literally keep going and will, unless someone stops her.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
    . Stella glances over to Oille, swirling her wine like a villain. Another life, or other friends, it might have been easy to tip her in that nefarious direction, unlike her roommate. "Oh, I'd have demolished you and enjoyed every second, but you're growin' on me," she says. But between you and Hal... I'll definitely take all the help I can get as far as training! In space or otherwise." Stella laughs. "So I think I'm in good company. Might make something formidable out of me yet," she says.

     "Let's see... I don't have a beer on me, that's the best one, but this will work pretty well," she says, holding the wine glass up in front of her and then dropping it. It looks like it's going to shatter on the floor, the liquid even streaming out the top- but it doesn't.

     Instead, the glass lands. It doesn't even wobble, it just neatly settles as if placed there with tender loving care, the wine itself curling back into the class like a snake before everything settles. It even seems to happen in slightly slow motion, for the full effect!

     "So right now, I'm really good at bar tricks and stopping cars," the brunette laughs. Speaking of bars, they have food," she says, stomping her foot. No sound, but the glass hops back up into her hand, where she catches it by the stem. "And Chinese sounds like just the right kind of food to have. Honestly, if not for workin' out every day, I would have had to buy all new clothes since getting here," she says. "If I ask Brimstone to get a menu, will he be mad?" she teases. "I mean, he'll get something FROM the menu, of course..."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen watches Stella's demonstration, keeping his arm around Hella and his attention focused on the glass. He gives a small nod of acknowledgement at its conclusion, "Impressive," he says. "Hey, stopping cars is no easy feat. I can stop them, but only by shooting out their tires or hitting them with an exotic arrow. Like a bomb or a big pile of foam," he says.

He draws out his phone with his free hand, flicking through it, "I know an excellent Chinese place that I can have delivered on short notice. The Ruby Red Dragon. Authentic as hell and they give me a bit of extra leeway with my ordering. They had an evil terracotta warrior problem where they kept getting attacked at night in re-enactment of some ancient battle. Really put a kibosh on the customers, but by defeating them in martial combat, I put the spirits to rest. Sometimes that magick stuff is easier than it seems," he says.

Hal Jordan has posed:
Like the others, Hal watches the supposed 'bar trick' with interest. While he has already had a taste of her abilities of course -- watching her literally stop traffic was a pretty big incentive to get some secrets out in the open as quickly as possible -- he at least has an idea of what's coming. As bad as things might look for that innocent glass, he's fairly certain that it is in no real danger.

So when it lands upright, when the wine swirls it's way back in without even a small spill he simply miles briefly and gives a slow nod of his head. Certainly it seems to have a measure of significance to the man.

"See? Sometimes it's all how you look at things. Like Ollie said, stopping a car is no mean feat. Consider how much force a vehicle is putting out, that weight even at a relatively slow speed that you tend to find in Manhatten stop and go traffic. It's not an insignificant amoutn," he points out.

"Then add to it a degree of control to not only keep a glass from shattering when it hits the ground, but to direct the contents back into it. Power and a fine degree of control can be a pretty potent combination. Sometimes it's just how you get to use it," he points out archly.

"And yeah, Chinese sounds good to me," he echoes with a grin. It's important to pay some attention to the important stuff too.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Perhaps Ollie is used to seeing such displays of finesse, since he's also capable of impressive feats that require a masterful touch. Hella, however, is a sledgehammer and, considering she spent many years learning to catch a raw egg without breaking it, the kind of detail work Stella does is /highly/ impressive to her! So, though Ollie's reserved in response to the demonstration, Hella does a fist pump and hisses a sound of hushed triumph for her bestie! "Awesome, Stella!" she says, giving a big thumbs up! She elbows Ollie a little in the side, making a scrunched face at him. So reserved, this guy!

    She nods along with Hal's assessment of how Stella applies her skills and abilities to do something that, at first glance, may appear to be subtle, but can be turned into something quite dangerous, especially with a creative mind. Stella's not short on that, either! To Ollie, she glances at his phone, "Do they have menu?" She glances over to her roommate and grins, "There is very real possibility Brimmy will ruin menu with acidic, boiling hot saliva. But, I think he will very much appreciate if we get him treat from there. He likes wooden chopsticks!" she says with a look over at Brimstone, who's still lying on his side in the sunlight streaming in through the floor-to-ceiling windows. "Also, maybe we give Hal and Ollie some 9-volts to feed him, get on his good side, mmh?" she says with a conspiratorial grin.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "You all are sweet to say so. But... yeah! Stuff like this got me money for my first car," Stella says to the group, grinning. Her cheeks are a little red, though, be it from wine or being given attention. "That and pool. And darts. I think everyone back home thought that mutants would look really different than regular people, and every once in a while I'd 'lose' badly enough that I hope I kept it up. Either that or they really wanted me to have that '02 Escort," she smirks. Between Oliver and her, they likely had very different car experiences in their teenage years.

"You might have a point, Hal. I just see people who can FLY... two of them in this room, not naming any names, of course, and the grass looks greener. Or maybe the sky just looks bluer," she considers, pressing her hip against Hal's.

    "But you guys are definitely helpin' me to see the value in it. I guess I hadn't thought about all the moving parts. Just practice, like anything else.

     "But in the meantime... special Chinese food sounds even better. Is it still magickal?" she asks. "I just want a big pile of wontons and some walnut shrimp. But bribing the dog with some of his, uh... unique treats might help, too. Since I'm bettin' both these boys might wanna visit again."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen points a finger at Stella, "See, I have had to do that, too. Not that archery competitions come up very often, but most anything where accuracy matters. It's just part of my skillset. I don't know if it came from my Dad or what. It definitely seems to run in the family," he says. "But I've had to play it down sometimes. Especially in public. God forbid billionaire Ollie Queen look anything but clumsy in front of the press," he says.

He goes through his phone and finds the menu, sending a link to it to Hella's phone and letting her distribute it from there, "I don't know if the food is magickal, but hell, I dunno, maybe it is. Maybe the egg rolls are full of fairy dust," he says with a helpless gesture. "And yeah, I get it, the flying thing does look pretty fun. I might have Hella carry me around sometime. Oooh, or maybe I could ride on your back, like a magic carpet or a surfboard..."

Hal Jordan has posed:
"I guess I'm pretty fortunate there. I'm a pretty amazing pilot if I do say so myself. No one ever questions the fact that I can pilot a plane so amazingly well," he says, clearly pretty proud of that. No false modesty there, nope. "I don't really have to worry about the whole, wow, he's such a great pilot I wonder if he also can make great glowing trains or boxing gloves appear as if magic," he points out, oh so seriously. Aside from the corners of his mouth that twitch and threaten to curl upward.

Generally his secret identity isn't all that hard to keep. Which might explain why he doesn't take any great efforts to conceal it while others in their circle most definitely do.

"And no magic! Plain old chinese food. Really good chinese food is a plus, but nothing enchanted about it. I've had more than my fill of that as of late," the pilot complains, though the smile at least suggests that he is not wholely serious in that particular respect. "And while I'm concerned that I'm being setup here, I suppose I can feed your dog a nine volt battery. If I see any cellphone cameras aimmed in my direction though all bets are off," he warns with that ready smirk.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella smiles warmly to Stella. She can /totally/ understand the bummer it is to not be able to fly. However! "I know my brains aren't my strong suit, but maybe we can find a way to teach you to fly, using your powers! You just need a steady source of energy to keep yourself aloft; right? Well, we can work on practicing it together. We'll do scene from Dirty Dancing. I be Johnny, you be Baby. We do lift in pool!" she grins broadly. The visual, alone! So amusing! "Also, you know any time you want, I take you flying with me! Hal, too, I bet!" she smiles toward the man in question.

    Hella uses her phone to send Stella the menu so she can check it, and share with Hal. She's not even scanning the menu, as most places carry all the foods she'll probably order. GARLIC CHICKEN! Yes, she must have some of that, too! -- She grins at Hal and nods her head, "Is true, he loves 9-volt batteries. Like snausages to him. He eats all kinds of surprising things. I promise is     not joke on you, but I may record it for memory keepsake!" Hella's so sentimental, sometimes!

    She turns to look at Ollie with a bemused expression. "Yes, of course, you can sit on my back while I fly. We might need to fashion some sort of harness so you don't fall off, though." She leans in a whispers something in Ollie's ear. Then, she sits back and begins making a list on her phone of all the food she wants to order. "Okay, I make list of order! Call out what you want," she says with a grin.

    Then, something strikes her. Something in what Hal said a few moments ago. "AHH!" she says, pointing at Hal with a look of shocked realization. "YOU MAKE SLIMER!" she says, her mouth forming an 'O' and her eyes popped wide. "You did; didn't you?" she presses, looking just...all too thrilled by the thought. "You make him and tease Stella that he never was there! Naughty Hal!" she shakes a playfully admonishing finger at him while she grins. Then, she resumes making her list, the eureka! moment coming to a close.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "Gotta lose sometimes, or people get pissed," Stella agrees. "They won't wanna compete anymore if they know you'll just mop the floor with them. A little hope isn't a terrible thing, I guess. But when you're around other people who can also do interesting things, it does take the pressure off..." She thinks for a moment.

     "I haven't actually been in a plane with Hal, but I have flown with him in his bubble. Which has been a lot of fun. Probably a little more comfortable than your plane," she says to him. Superpowered rings might seem a safer bet than experimental aircraft.

     "I do just need the right kinda power source. All my little bar tricks are just taking energy and moving it. Kinda re-routing it. I can hold onto it- electricity, mostly- for a few minutes, but then I get spinny and sick and I have to let it go. So I haven't been too motivated to test just how long I can do it without throwing up," she admits, her cell phone making a little chime sound as she's texted the menu, soon scrolling through it. "I've seen backpacks for carrying large elderly dogs, maybe Ollie could fit in that while you fly around. Like a geriatric labrador," she teases, looking over her meal options .

    . OH! Hah, yeah, when we went on a date, his ring went off, I think? Maybe? I didn't know what it was at the time, but I almost fell through some stairs, and I thought I saw a ghost. Turns out it was just Hal," she chuckles.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen makes a slightly playful sour face at all this discussion of harnesses, "I'm not sure straps would be entirely necessary," he says. "Although...I mean, that could be kind of fun, in certain circumstances," he says, waggling his eyebrows at Hella.

"I've been bubbled a few times, too. It's weird to step on 'light' like it's a solid thing. Very surreal. I know it's all there because you want it to be, but then...what if you don't and I just fall? I'll still mostly stick to doing my flying in the form of flying arrows," he says.

"And wait...geriatric?!? I'm not geriatric! I'm not even middle aged yet!" he sputters.

Hal Jordan has posed:
"When it comes to flying, I do recommend glowing green bubbles as an excellent way to travel. Much faster then jets but without the issue of straps -- fun or not -- or wind friction, or insects or any of the other little inconveniences that can come up when you're winging about at high speeds without a force field to protect you," Hal says wryly. He might be a little biased though, and apparently the safety thing is not quite as big a concern for him given that he refuses to wear the ring when he is actually in the cockpit.

Boys, sometimes they can be rather stubborn about some pretty strange things.

For a moment he is going to object to the Slimer reference, glancing towards Hella and blinking. "I never... oh, that," he says drily. "Ahhh, yeah, I guess I kinda did at that. The ring is a little quicker then a cellphone when you need light in a hurry," he agrees, nudging Stella right back. "Sorry I startled you with that," he allows with a slow shake of his head. "But it's not a bad idea. Ghosts and ghoulies might need to be another set of constructs that I add to the rotation. Though causing fear in criminals is really more of a Gotham thing," he points out drily.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    All this talk of losing on purpose has Hella completely confused. It was never this way in her family when she was growing up. "You know, my brothers would only ever get mad if they knew I was holding back," she says, trying to make sense of not giving someone your best at all times. "That taught me to show respect by giving someone everything I have. Unless, of course, I would end up harming them with my everything," she says, her brow furrowed. "Is fine balance between not holding back and making sure I don't hug someone into fine blood mist," Hella murmurs, still seeming thoughtful.

    Grateful for a switching of topics, Hella smiles to Stella and nods, "Like I said, we practice. We figure out how to help you learn to fly. I believe you can, if we find right way to do it. Build up endurance. I'm very patient, so we take our time," she says supportively.

    "Maybe I put straps on you and ride you around, too!" Hella says saucily to Ollie, bopping her thigh against his in a playfully challenging fashion. "Let's see how you like being pony! Though, I am, of course, flying unicorn, not pony," she clarifies for everyone.

    She glances over to Hal and grins, "There's something special that happens when I fly. My body heat generation sort of provides barrier between me and bugs and stuff like that. I don't think is helpful for anyone or anything I'm carrying, though, unlike your green bubbles!" she smiles. "But, I totally want to see Slimer if you practice making him. I want to feed him hotdogs. Can you make this happen?" she says with a big ol' grin, her dimples deep and genuine as she imagines recreating the weiner scene from Ghostbusters. "Even if you aren't into scaring criminals, ghosts are still very distracting!" She's fully in favor of this idea of adding ghosts and ghouls to Hal's rotation!

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     If Ollie's not careful, Hella might accidentally burn a hole in the couch.

     "I mean, you're already shuffling around an old mansion with tapestries, maybe a portrait of you grows older somewhere hidden away, Ollie. I don't know. I'm a poor. We just pickle our livers in dive bars as we accept the creepin' hand of death," she teases. "Either way, I'm sure she won't let you fall. What with all the straps," Stella says with a big grin. Maybe she likes stirring the pot.

     "Yeah, but it was thrillin' for a moment. It was a pretty cool exploration. We found all kinds of spooky shit. Looks great in my journal, all printed out and pretty," she says. "I think a lot of people go into the ruins to shoot student films and music videos. We found some neat leftovers from that... creepy dolls, murals, that kinda thing," she says. "Maybe you can get your ghosty-goos in order to stop crime before it happens."

     "Different circumstances in a lot of cases, though, Hella," she says. "People can get mad or feel scammed and get violent. I mean, I was scamming them, for sure," she admits. "In a way, anyway. Depends on if you count a mutation as bein' something that isn't fair. But if it comes to flying, I am definitely on board with doing whatever it takes. I can slow down my falls... used to take bets on jumpin' off of barns," she giggles.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen grins at Hella, "I hate to say it, babe, but I'm starting to think that you may not have had a typical upbringing. I suspect that most people did not go up with in gargantuan Nordic musclegod families wrestling and carrying cattle around on their shoulders in between churning butter and battling Fafnir the Troglodyte Dragon. But I am a spoiled rich boy, so maybe I just don't know how other people live?" he teases.

He holds up his hands, "Look, I'm willing to work out whatever strapping situation works best. It's when we start talking about pegs that I get nervous," he says.

He stays out of the ghost discussion, just adding, "Everyone just text your orders to me, you all should have my number now, I'm sharing it with the room, and I'll put together a big old order, by which I mean I'll send it to my assistant, she will make it a big old order and it'l be here fast as hell."

Hal Jordan has posed:
Flying is something that he never gets tired off talking of -- whether it is testing out the latest technological advance in the world of fighter jets or the type of flying that he does when he is all green and glowy. Everyone needs a passion, prefereably more than one. "I get that too. Nothing burny, just my aura will generally deflect almost anything. I can even extend it to anyone I'm holding. But generally the big green bubble works better and is a lot more comfortable for everyone involved," he notes drily.

"I'm sure my employers would disapprove of me using the ring for party tricks, but a little annoyance is good for them I find. I can definitely do the Slimer thing sometime. Though I hope your pup likes hotdogs because it's liable to be a little messy," he points out. SOmehow Hal doubts that is much of a problem. But it never hurts to be sure.

"I gotta say, Ollie might have a point with that one. I mean, my brothers and I could certainly get up to some rough-housing. But there was no carrying cattle on our backs, that's for sure," he adds slyly before turning his gaze back over towards Stella. "For that matter there was no hustling pool or jumping off of barns for pocketchange either. I'm starting to think I've fallen in with some disreputable types," he accuses, eyes glinting merrily. "Usually, in most groups, that's me."

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella heaves in a big breath that she expels in a sigh as Ollie makes a very good point. It's true that his joke is closer to the truth than not, and she can't quite argue against it as being 'normal,' but she can't help herself from defending her family's ways, which are traditional and highly respectable. In her opinion. "Even so, is true that giving someone your best is good way to show respect; ja?" she counters. The way Hella pronounces that 'ja' isn't German, though it means the same thing -- it sounds closer to 'yow' and is very much a hold-over from her family's native tongue. She tends to start peppering in some Old Norse when she thinks about her family and her childhood.

    She sends her list to Ollie at his request. It's food that would likely feed a family of six, but Hella will pack it away rather tidily! While she's doing that, though, she glances up at Stella and relents her argument only slightly. "I suppose, if you cheat them, yes. Pretend you aren't good when you are very skilled. But, if you tell them, 'I will definitely beat you, no question about it,' where is harm in that? Would they not take bet because they know you are right, or will hubris be their downfall?" she says with a little grin.

    She nods her head approvingly at Hal, "That is very handy, being able to extend it to others! Would be nice if I could do same, but there must be balance. I have many skills; I am grateful for them. I don't complain," she says with a smile. Ollie might, but she'll have to wait and see! Then, she laughs. "Rough-housing is way of life in Rokkurdisarson family," she agrees. "We carry cows, boulders, full-size trees, farm equipment, and so on. We carry whatever is necessary! Help family, help farm, help animals... But, also for fun," she grins at Stella and Hal. "We have triple- and quadruple-stack chicken fighting, to make more challenging for us, for example," she shares.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     Stella texts her order. Very important! Crab rangoon and walnut shrimp, a death sentence to anyone suffering from certain aquatic creature allergies.

     "It wasn't for pocket change, twenty bucks a jump at least. Well, for me. Other people who tried it probably had to spend more money on it depending on how good their insurance was," she considers. "Anyway, I had to stop after my mom got real mad and then went to stay at a dry retreat for a couple of months," she says, and then she's pretending to still be looking at her food options.

     "I have told people I'm good at those sorts of things, that I'll definitely win, and they've gone ahead anyway. Can't say I didn't warn them! But yeah, I'll throw a game if it looks like someone might be a problem to others. But it certainly sounds like your family is unique, Hella!" the brunette says with a giggle. "We had our little farm, but it was mostly for fun and goat cheese." God, that rangoon sounds amazing about now...

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen gestures, "It's true, you can warn people that you're going to beat them all you want. Some people will always overestimate their own abilities. They've had polls that show a majority of men think they could beat Venus or Serena Williams at tennis, just because they're women, even though every bit of evidence says they would crush these dudes. I will say, much as I hate to admit it, Hal, I think guys are probably more susceptible to that kind of ego bullshit."

"I really look forward to maybe visiting your family homestead someday, Hella. Provided that your brothers don't tear me limb from limb," he says with a hint of a wince. He's mostly joking. Mostly.

Hal Jordan has posed:
"Oh, you won't get any argument from me. I think when it comes to most competitive activities a certain amount of, well, bravado if you want to be nice about it is just part and parcel of the whole experience. You just sort of expect people to boast that they're amazing at something, but you're doing the same thing so you don't necessarily think anything of it. Until it's too late," he notes drily.

"Of course you might run into someone who plays smart and sets you up by throwing a game of pool before being entirely unstoppable at darts, hmmmm?" Hal adds, directing a little smirk Stella's way and nudging her thigh once more as he settles in beside her cozy-like on the loveseat. "Though I guess in the grand scheme of things I came out pretty good for all of that. And I learned a valuable lesson," the test pilot adds wryly.

A little later than the others he quickly shoots his preferences over Ollie's way as well, adding to what is no doubt turning into quite the order. Only when that's done does he glance up once more and shoot Hella a grin, dipping his head in agreement. "We all have our unique strengths. I'm sure Oliver will find some way to endure."