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Latest revision as of 14:15, 26 June 2022

Bouncing Boy Bounces off the Walls
Date of Scene: 04 March 2022
Location: The Legion's Cave
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Brainiac 5, Chuck Taine

Brainiac 5 has posed:
The cave the mini-Legion had adopted had started to take on a bit of the appearance of an actual base. Despite being low on funds, it was amazing what Brainiac-5 was able to assemble from the cheap parts he was able to scavenge about in the city. He had a working computer system, nowhere near the caliber of what he had built back home - although even he shied away from building computers of that caliber, given what happened. And it was busy scanning for any signs of the ruiner of coffee.

Brainy himself was standing staring at a wall, his fingers rubbing at his chin. Contemplating, perhaps, the rocky striation.

Chuck Taine has posed:



Chuck Taine appears in the mouth if the cave, bearing bags of different groceries. He peers into the gloomy space. Then a feverish manic smile lights up his face. "I have been all over the city, doing research on coffee and trying to find clues to the upcoming disaster. I had... a lot of coffee. But, I discovered... coffee is really good! Like it makes soy-caff look like liquid nass good! I drank some, I bought some. Then I got these desserts I wanna call them, though it damns them with faint praise, at this place Called Cinnabon! Look here you gotta try this!"

Chuck pulls a very gooey pastry from one of the bags, sets them down and advances on Brainiac with it. "Join me! ... Oh and I found this drink they make with coffee, called Kah-Loo-ah! I drank a bottle of that I bought in this liquor store... I geuss it's a libation... how fucking smart are my ancestors to make this drink. I brought another bottle for you. Here, try this buddy! Querl? Queeeeeerrrrrl? have some, live a little!"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Turning to consider the bouncing Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5 arches an eyebrow. "Oh dear." He turns and regards his Legion colleague as he charges in. "Investigating coffee is certainly a good idea and has strong merits, my friend, but did you need to consume quite so much of it?" He makes his way towards Chuck and then pauses, seeing that Chuck is making his way over. And quicker.

"I suppose it would not hurt to sample this centuries derivations." he reaches out to take the cinnabon with one hand, and takes the bottom with another. After a bite, he nods. "Fascinating. This is a most wondrous treat."

Chuck Taine has posed:
Chuck Taine looks around suddenly. "I hate this cave... it's just a cave. I jmean we know people in this time did still live in some caves. remember the Jersey Digs? They unearthed that huuuuuuuge copper coin and robot dinosaur. Too bad the robot dinosaurs are all extinct. Anyway... let me see..." He starts digging into their meager luggage. Clothes, a couple towels and some thermal blankets get tossed around. Chuck finds what he wants and takes a roll of fabric out and attaches it to the wall. It is an L* flag.

"Long live the Legion!!!" He fist pumps. Then he bounces a little more.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"Once we find a way to earn some resources, we can move out." Braniac 5 pokes Chuck in the chest. "That means you need to get a job." He does not mention that he needs to get one - searching for the coffee thief on the computer is his job. He would never outright say he is too important to waste time earning money to Chuck's face. But he would think it. Twelve times over if need be.

"That really is fascinating. I remember that the carbon dating places it somehow to this century." He pauses. "Of course, if it has anything to do with this century, Saturn Girl took care of that." A shrug. At the proclamation, Brainiac 5 chuckles. "Long live the Legion."

Chuck Taine has posed:
Chuck Taine continues the bouncing.

"Sprock the Khunds!"

"Sprock the Doms!"

"Sprock the Dark Circle!"

"Sprock the Durlans! Wait... Durlans are on our side now? Right! Good thing Reep missed that."

He stops bouncing when he's poked, "I thought I was bringing enough credits shooting pool and sprocking over dumb college kids? Well grife. Let me just get some dinner together and I will head right out! I got some dinners but... you gotta make something called a micro-wave oven. I think it's Imskianan. Nan. I'll get the food ready." He morphs back to his regular size and walks right into the cave wall, laying himself out on the floor.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainiac 5 shakes his head slowly. "Chuck. I feel like perhaps I should pump that out of you." He walks over the Bouncing Boy, heading back to his workstation to obtain one of his improvised medical devices.