Brainiac 5 |
Brainiac 5 (Scenesys ID: 3826)
Querl Dox
Brainiac 5
Science Academy
Apparent Age:
Actual Age:
Date of Birth
30 December 2952
Played By
Jesse Rath
205 lb
Hair Color:
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Theme Song:
"She Blinded Me With Science" - Thomas Dolby
Character Info
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Originally from the 30th Century, Brainiac 5 is a super genius from the planet Colu. While most Coluans are 11th level intellects, he stands out even among them as a 12th level intellect. His adopted great great grandfather was the universally feared villain Brainiac, and so he is on a constant quest to make amends for his namesake. He joined the Legion of Super-Heroes, a team dedicated to fighting villains, as part of that effort. He is a scientist and an inventor, and support the Legion in these ways, until a trip back in time to the 21st century strands him with some of his Legion colleagues, with no way to get home and no knowledge of the time period they have been dropped into.
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2952 - Born to Kajz Dox (Braniac-4), son of Pran Dox (Braniac-3), grandson of Vril Dox (Braniac-2) who himself was adopted by Braniac.
2958 - Orphaned by the death of his father and abandonment by his mother.
2963 - Applied for and granted membership in the Legion of Super Heroes.
2965 - Named Leader of the Legion of Super Heroes.
2968 - At his birthday party, given a lumna-organ and learned to play. Five other Legionnaires nearly die of poisoning.
2975 - Invents Legion Flight Ring
2977 - Embarks on trip back to 2022 on a secret mission for the Legion and becomes stranded in the past.
IC Journal
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Apology For Braniac:
Although descended biologically from Vril Dox, aka Brainac 2, Brainiac 5 bears the name of Vril's adoptive father, the menacing villain Braniac. And so Brainiac 5 will often feel he must apologize for Braniac's crimes.
Braniac 5's 12th level intellect is at its best when calculating, and so he often spends more time focused on determining possible outcomes than actually taking action. Although in his case, these calculations come lightning fast, and so there is often little delay noticed by anyone else.
Brainiac 5 has an insatiable curiosity, and will often take whatever path leads to the most potentially interesting knowledge instead of what is easier or more likely to succeed.
Socially Awkward:
While his IQ is off the charts, Braniac 5's EQ is dismal. Even among the Legion he was often aloof, and so his understanding of how people interact is somewhat limited. And not necessarily something he has yet to try to work on.
Character Sheet
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12th Level Intellect:
The average human has a 6th level intellect. The average Coluan has an 11th level intellect. Braniac 5 has a 12th level intellect, equal to the villain Braniac, his adopted great-great grandfather. This grants him superhuman calculating speed, a vast and perfect memory, and an innovative mind. He has learned vast troves of knowledge, and is able to engage in thinking through 12 separate tasks fully at once. It also offers him limited resistance to hypnotism, illusions, and mind control. His thinking is so fast that it eludes mind readers.
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Advanced Science:
Brainiac-5 was an incredible student of advanced scientific topics in the 30th Century, so his understanding of physics, chemistry, and various other disciplines is incredibly advanced.
Brainiac is a trained pilot, and has flown all manner of spacecraft during his time with the Legion in the 31st century. While he is not familiar with 21st century technology initially, wth the way he can absorb information a few seconds with the instruction manual for any current flying vehicle will give him the necessary knowledge combined with his existing flying experience to enable him to pilot all modern aircraft.
Predictive Combat:
While not a trained combatant, Brainiac 5 has studied academically a great deal of various martial arts and skills. With the swift processing power of his mind, he can often calculate out points of impact at speeds sufficient enough to dodge or evade attackers, and occasionally penetrate their defense. This is more of a defensive ability - he does not have enhanced physical abilities.
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Force-Shield Belt:
Brainiac 5's belt generates a force field about his body that can be extended to protect someone he is carrying. It renders him invulnerable to most weaponry and can protect against the punch or other force such as from Superman. It can be adjusted to also block radiation, including Kryptonite. The belt is attuned to the wearer, and so if removed from him it will not work unless he sets it to work for the new wearer. It can also use the energy in a focused blast, enough to punch holes in a brick or cement wall.
Image Inducer:
Brainiac 5 has an image inducer that will convert his appearance into that of a normal human to allow him to more easily move about, and in some case it is more comfortable for people he is talking to. It just converts his existing image into a more palatable human appearance (color changing, mostly) so it cannot be used to change his appearance in any other way. If he has a cut or bruise on his face, the cut or bruise will still appear.
Legion Flight Ring:
Standard issue to the members of the Legion of Super-Heroes and invented by Brainiac 5, the Legion Flight Ring is made of Nth Metal and bears the logo of the Legion of Super-Heroes and grants the wearer the ability to fly effortlessly, or levitate in the air. The ring has limitless power and no real limit on speed, but does not offer protection from air resistance so without invulnerability the wearer could be injured flying too fast. It emits a thin protective barrier that retains breathable air and resists extreme temperatures. It also provides effectively telepathic communication with other wearers of the rings, and can translate for the wearer.
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Braniac 5 is a 12th level intellect and KNOWS it. As a result, he often assumes, perhaps rightly, that whoever he is dealing with is far less intelligent than he is. It is not an endearing trait, however.
Lack of Creativity:
Despite having a high intellect, Braniac 5 is not particularly inventive and lacks creativity. His expertise is with improving and adapting existing technologies, not creating brand new ones. This is a source of frustration for him, as he sees individuals with greater creativity but far less intellect than he create new items while he cannot.
Memory Wipe:
Before embarking on the time travel trip, all members of the mission had their knowledge of history prior to 2021 placed under a mental block by Saturn Girl so they could not inadvertantly influence the future. Brainiac-5 is familiar with his entire past, but even knowledge of the original Brainiac's misdeeds post-2021 are behind the shield. They are all aware that this block was placed there, intentionally, and the reason for it.
While on a trip back from the 30th Century, a mishap has caused Brainiac 5's time sphere to malfunction, stranding him in the 21th Century.
Entertainment Credits
Brainiac 5/gallery
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