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Latest revision as of 14:15, 26 June 2022

Visiting Hours at Booster's Bedside
Date of Scene: 25 February 2022
Location: Cedar's Sinai Hospital - Room 986
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Booster Gold, Stella Roundtree, Ted Kord

Booster Gold has posed:
It's been a day since Booster Gold's rescue by Hella, and the details of the past week have finally started to emerge. For reasons yet unknown, Booster Gold was in the Palisades just outside of New York City when he became aware of a shifting in one of the rock formations. There had been screams of terror coming up from a small save where a pair of hikers had snuck in for a lunch date as they saw the rocks tumbling down outside of the mouth of the cave. Booster had acted swiftly, without thought - as he tends to do. Before the cave collapsed under the weight of the rocks he made it inside and held up one of the large boulders. The couple had panicked - the save was technically off limits - but eventually Booster convinced them to run out its mouth.

The strain of holding up a mountain was too much for the hero, unfortunately, and as they made it out he felt it start to slip. He had told Skeets to go find help, and then tried to move forward himself but the weight was too great. The last thing Booster saw as he went down, a pile of rocks collapsing on top of him, his force shield blunting some but not all of the trauma, was Skeets making it to the entrance. What he did not see was the large boulder that came careening down to smack into Skeets just outside, knocking the small robot to the side and burying him under some lighter gravel.

The couple staggered to find the park service and we're clearly in shock, so when they had rambled to the ranger about being saved by a golden man, they were discounted. They were brought to the hospital and each after being told no one was there accepted that version of the truth.

It Skeets nearly a week to dislodge himself, bit by bit, from the newly formed gravel pit. Battered but not down, the intrepid robot had limped its way to Hella's apartment - whether that was because it was closer as the crow flies than Kord Co or because of the robot's choice is unclear.

By the time Hella had gotten to Booster, he was in bad shape. While the forcefield had prevented most of the impact trauma, the crushing weight of the rocks had broken some of Booster's ribs. He had taken a shot the face upon landing and had a bruised jaw and busted lip. He was dehydrated and starving. Fortunately the rock pile had not been airtight, and so he was able to breathe throughout the duration of his captivity.

Now pumped full of fluids and nutrients via an IV, he has regained consciousness and his loved ones have received word that he is able to accept visitors. One of them probably told Ted, too.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     Stella is not a loved one, really. Barely a friend. But she is a curious cat, and she's also always suspicious of larger institutions, hospitals included. Comes with the territory. With Hella being a bit emotional at times as well, the brunette mutant took it upon herself to visit and make her own assessments. She's got time before she has to head back to Gotham to follow up on a client.

     She's dressed for work, more professional than her usual semi-inappropriate band shirts and tight jeans. It's all button ups and nice coats and a nice leather bag over her shoulder as she strides in to check on the damaged hero. Honestly, she didn't actually think he got into risky situations, so this comes as a surprise.

     And thus she is let in, leaning in through the door to gauge if he's alert enough for company. "You awake?" she asks gently. All the machines and sounds in the room display to her in that strange visual way, almost distracting.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord gets in too. He trades on both his names. The Blue Beetle despite New Yorkers' frequent japes and jabs IS Justice League, as is Booster. A debriefing by a fellow League member is routine when one of them is down. If that isn't enough there s the new wing Ted Kord donated to the hospital. When did that happen? In about an hour if you get the hell out of the way! Flying in through a window is another option if he is still blocked.

Let there be no doubt, this is not the happy fun loving 'Bwahaha' prone Beetle. This is the mop up the floor with Jean Claude van Damme Beetle. So he does get in. Plus he is listed as an emergency contact number and probably next of kin. So he gets in.

Actually he's blocked at the door by Stella. He stands there a moment, hands occupied with a huge bouquet of flowers. A Booster Gold Teddy Bear (tm) from his own Giftte Shoppe and large card signed by the Kord co staff. To be honest, he had that done in advance and held onto it because Superheroes.

"Hey, Stella," he says quietly from behind her. Like most supers, he does appear suddenly in your personal space.

Booster Gold has posed:
Slowly, Booster opens his eyes. It takes a moment for them to focus on Stella, and he manages a slight smile to her. "Stelllllaaaaaaaaaaa." The weakest Brando impression ever. "Good to see you." His tongue slips out for a moment to move over his lips, wetting them. "Thanks."

His gaze drifts past her, without moving his head, to spot Ted. "Didn't notice no one raiding the fridge, huh?" He sighs for a moment, closing his eyes, as if that effort at speech drained him.

"Come in. Sit down." he says softly.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     There's a gentle pushback against Ted as he comes up behind her. Turns out that Stella doesn't like people in her personal space, but she moves out of the way and the pressure vanishes as she does so. She's outwardly brought nothing but company and a smidge of concern, so she lets Ted get over to the bedside table to distribute his goodies.

     "Ted, hey," she says as she looks over the bounty he's brought.

     "Boooooosterrrrr!" she says to the incapacitated Idol of Millions. And then she reaches into her bag an pulls out a small gold envelope and tucks it amid the items on his nightstand, looking to see if there's a glass of water, preferably with a straw. "You need help with anything?" she asks.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord enters smiling at Stella. "TELL me who did this to you. I'm a busy man and I have to plot their downfall immediately. Toyman, Despero, Brickhead... Max? The JL was going to send Diana but I said her showing up might cause a relapse and came instead." He sets the goods down. As he does this he eyes the machinery, then goes over to look at Booster's chart.

Ted has engaged his entitled asshole mode. Be afraid. Or at least apprehensive.

Booster Gold has posed:
Another smile for Stella. "Thank you." There is a styrofoam cup of water with a straw, yes, on the end table. He does nod to that, agreeing with where her gaze is going.

"Go punch a mountain, Ted. Should work out well." Booster manages to roll his eyes despite barely having his lids open. "Thanks, though."

He shuffles a bit, trying to sit up in the bed so he can look at his friends, but winces immediately and grunts, moving a hand over to clutch at his ribs.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     Stella picks up the water and turns the straw in the right direction, offering it to him, like she might a sick relative. "The important thing, I'd imagine now, is that he's here and he's safe," she says, giving him a very gentle pat to his non-bruised cheek. She doesn't seem that riled up, which might be good in contrast to Ted's lust for the blood of the guilty. "You need help sittin' up?" she asks. "I can support you slow and gentle if you want. Powers and such," she says, giving him a smile.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord boggles a moment. "... You hit a mountain. Booster, I know how mountains work. They are big and easy to see and don't move. How did you hit a mountain? And what room do they have the mountain in?" He says this with a treacly smile. "And where's the glittery little smart ass who writes your best material?" He looks around for Skeets in the corners of the ceiling.

Truth is, Ted has not worked himself up this much since the Mad Men tried to throw him off his own building. Suffice to say it did not work thanks to Starfire's timely arrival. Ted was so angry that time he sort of braided ten of the lunatics together in an ugly multicolored friendship chain. It takes a bit to come down from that level of gritty.

Booster Gold has posed:
"That'd be great," replies Booster, nodding to Stella as she offers to help him up. He shifts a bit, accepting the aid. "And yeah. I'm here. Yaaay."

He looks over at Ted and tries to shake his head a bit, but winces. "Cave in. Stupid hikers." At the mention of Skeets, Booster frowns. "Hope he's ok. He got dinged up. Hella has him."

He closes his eyes for a moment. "Stella, fill him in please before he starts arching the entirely Palisades. I assume Hella told you."

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     Stella says, "I was textin' Hella and she said that you'd been stuck under rocks after a cave in. And I wasn't with her, so she had to do it all herself. She said she felt very unprepared and will being a medkit with her everywhere now. Uhhh... and your powersuit wasn't working, I think?" Stella says. She seems to be leaning forward but no going anywhere, and instead lifts Booster gently up and then props two pillows behind him. "Far as I can tell, Skeets came and got her. I was out for the evening," she says. "Didn't know until I got back. But I think it was just lost hikers, yeah? Just nature trying to take you out, not any person in particular," she says, stepping back. "Better?"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord looks into his phone. "Awwww... I had been engaged in some high energy research. It must have screwed my phone up. Yes, here's her messages. I should go find her and see what I can do for Skeets. Damn. A cave in. Well for what it's worth you done good buddy, you saved people and you got out more or less intact. You want me to take your powersuit and give it a once over too? Or at least secure it, keep some wanna be from being Booster Fool's Gold." In his head, he's a little worried. Booster is banged up but all right, but the idea of trying to repair his future tech is daunting. Ted usually over reacts to things he finds daunting.

Ask any woman.

Booster Gold has posed:
"Yeah. More or less. Stupid hikers." Booster nods in appreciation as he is sat up, and smiles towards Stella. "That's it, mostly. Tried to hold up a mountain so it didn't fall on their head."

He looks over at Ted, and nods. "Suit will be fine. Just taxed. It'll be fine. I can take care of Skeets. The dent will give him some charm."

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "So is Skeets hangin' out at Hella's for a bit? I can bring him by between work things," she says. "Not a hospital that they can keep me out of. Most buildings, actually," she says. "Glad Hella found you, I think she was worried 'bout you missing. And... other stuff," she says as she fusses a little with the flowers and bear, setting them up aesthetically.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord peers at the text. "According to this he is with Hella and inoperative. Joan and I can help there. She can repair the structural damage and I can help reboot him. No poking around in his guts necessary... where's his reboot button? Maybe Bailey can give him a kiss and wake him up. I think she's crushing on him. A sort of West Byte Story."

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "Sounds reasonable," Stella nods. "I'm not sure if she's home or not, but I gotta get going to my next job anyway. Feel better, Booster," she says, pulling her bag up. "Hah, looks like he's out. Poor guy," she says. "Later, Ted. I s'pose I'll see you both around." And with that, she quietly leaves the room, leaving Ted to hang out with his buddy.