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Latest revision as of 14:19, 26 June 2022

Mallrats. Er. Turtles.
Date of Scene: 24 January 2022
Location: Landmark Mall (TMNT Base)
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Terry O'Neil, Gar Logan, Michelangelo

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Everybody knows that the best pizza in New York comes from Angelo's. Those who have disputed the factual nature of this claim have found themselves entrenched in a passionate religious war, zealots swinging zucchinis in violent arguments of super crust supremacy, sauce sagacity, ingredient insight and ratio of actual discounts during specials. When the dust settled on the argument, only the disciples of Angelo's, also known as The Angelical Ones, were standing.

But tonight, Angelo's pizzeria is temporarily closed because, apparently, an actual angel went through the front window and the ensuing fight wrecked some of the equipment. The irony of this did not escape the opposing factions, and there is tension in the air as the expectation of a renewed debate looms yet again.

But we don't care about any of that.

We care about the fact that the Cheshire Cat has just opened a Rabbit Hole into the Landmark mall, and there is a pervasive and overwhelming smell of /pizza/ as he walks in. The best Pizza in Metropolis, to be exact, pizza from Giorgio's!

"Guys!" the feline calls out. He's still in his Titans attire, having had little time or inclination to change, as he would not be traveling in the cold, after all. "Pizza delivery, come and get it!"

And, after a brief pause, "Beast Boy's with me so I /really/ mean it, come and get it!"

The Green Titan's appetite is, after all, famous. The fact that he is carrying eight pizza boxes doesn't mean everybody is going to be equally fed.

Gar Logan has posed:
Various circumstances have resulted in Beast Boy seeing very little of the ninja turtles, especially compared to Vorpal. The ties the feline has to them through April are more defined, though when he and a few other Titans were lost in space, Gar had got in touch with April and met Donatello as part of it. Most of them, he's seen once or twice.

"A mall, huh? If we didn't already have the tower, this would be a pretty cool place to have as a base," he remarks, in between a few bites of pizza, a couple slices in each hand. Meat-lovers, veggie, BBQ chicken, the good stuff. Vorpal isn't kidding when he's telling others to get their butts over there for some.

Then he squints at the fellow Titan. "You /did/ let them know we were coming over, right? What if they're all off fighting that bad guy of theirs? Who is it? Toaster Oven?"

Michelangelo has posed:

Michelangelo loves living in the Landmark Mall. He still hasn't come up with a sicker name for this place but he's working on it. Right now, though, he's on his skateboard and just kind of skating his way through the mall when his Sixth Sense kicks in. No, that's correct. Sixth Sense. Michelangelo can sense pizza before he can smell it. It's a gift.


Michelangelo's arrival comes with the loudness of a turtle that is in dire need of pizzatic assistance. He skates up to a certain point before leaping off the board into a somersaulting vault in the general direction of the arrivals and pizza.

"Pac-Man me!" This request is tossed in the direction of Terry or Gar or both because Mikey has flattened out his sailing and is all wide open mouth... hoping there will be a pizza slice for him to catch in it. If somebody's got good aim.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
The Cheshire cat grins and digs into the first pizza box, "Your wish is my command, Michaelmaestro-"

He's got a relatively good aim, or at least enough to not keep him from being a terrible aim. The first selection- pizza margherita, gets a slice taken out of it.

"I am not responsible for damages incurred! But here it comes!"

And that triangle of lusciousness, of cheesy revelation flies through the air with the greatest of ease...

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan looks about to add more to Vorpal when the telltale 'Cowabunga' heralds the approach of the skateboarding turtle mutant, and when he calls for a slice to be sent his way, the fellow green one looks down. Uneaten cheese slice. No toppings to go flying off.

With a shrug, he calls out, "Okay, think fast!" No conventional throw. Instead, he flings it from behind his back and it sails toward Michelangelo like a frisbee in flight. "Incoming!"

Depending on how good either of their aims are, this could go well or get messy quick, and that also depends on how good the turtle is at actually catching them.

Michelangelo has posed:
Michelangelo's eyes widen with both hunger and excitement when he sees two slices flying through the air in his general direction. This is going to take some ninja-ing but what else would this skill be used for.

Mikey swings out with a single nunchaku, smacking one slice of pizza up and into the other. However, this changes the trajectory of the slices and they ascend a little higher before the new pizzamelt starts descending toward the (probably not clean because what teenager cleans) mall floor!

Mikey flips himself over and skids shell first across the floor, hands behind his head and mouth open for the pizza to fall...

Right smack dab across his eyes. Rather, right SPLAT dab across his eyes. "Aw, dangit!" Now Mikey's going to have to do a little peel and bite.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"I am going to give it ten for style, but minus four for actual results," the Cheshire cat laughs, coming to a stop by Mike's side. He deposits the boxes on a table and sits on his haunches next to the turtle.

"You should've consulted Donnie, Mikey, he's the one with the knowledge of physics. But hey, if pizza masks are even half as good as cucumber beauty masks, you are not going to get any bags under your eyes for a while!"

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan tsks, shaking his head after watching the display end without success. "So close, yet so far," he laments, heading over to the boxes to grab a replacement slice for the one he chucked toward the orange-masked turtle teen. "The Russian judge gives it a 3.7."

Leaning against a table in the open area, he gets a good look at the nunchakus, rubbing at his chin for a moment. "Oh, that's right. You use those. The one with the blue headband has the swords, the purple one has the long stick.." He trails off, having managed to forget all the actual names. It happens when you don't get to know someone especially well yet, and only see them rarely. "Ah, right. Donnie. The stick one. Anyway, cat here thought we should drop by."

Michelangelo has posed:
Michelangelo pops up into a seated position and just peels the pizza pile off his face and just starts getting himself into chomping motion. The deliciousness is ever so better than the scores that he's gotten. At least from the Russians. "Pizza is the best score I could ever have." Which is why he's scarfing that pizza pile of his all down. It really doesn't take long when it's Michelangelo.

"Got it in one, dude." Mikey shoots a finger gun in Gar's direction. "Obviously, the nunchucks are the best but you're right on time!" Mikey immediately throws open a box and just goes for another slice immediately.

"Remember, you can always drop by when you drop by with a pie."