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Latest revision as of 14:20, 26 June 2022

Grand Central Meetings
Date of Scene: 10 January 2022
Location: Grand Central Station, Main Lobby
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Clarice Ferguson, Singularity

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Grand Central Station has becme the center for the rebellion, the defenders of the realm as it were, for those who aren't keen on anihilation, wholesale, of existence.

    Which is why SHIELD agents are working alongside Batfamily alongside Justice League alongside the darkness. There's people puttering, calls behind made, supplies being moved. Patrols had to be run, recon advanced, and research performed -- which is what Phoebe is doing, at t he moment, sitting on top of several currently emptied supply crates that were waiting to be sent back from whence they came, but she was using them to be somewhat cat -like -- keep a high point where she can watch the goings on. She's wearing the blue-lensed domino and hooded armor, with a snake wending its way up a staff that identifies her as some sort of Medic. She has a couple of books spread around her and a heavy sketchpad in her lap as she works.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "These ones over here?" Clarice asks. A woman with bright magenta-hued skin and hair, and electric green, pupil-less eyes approaches the stack of empty crates on which Phoebe rests - an amused smile on her broad lips, even as a feeling of exhaustion pulls down at the corners or her eyes. "Looks like these crates have been colonized," she points out to the SHIELD agent who was directing her her. "I mean. I can teleport things out from underneath her, but I find that people view that sort of thing as //rude//. Can't imagine why."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe glances up, the blue lenses lighting up as they adjust to the differences between 'looking at paper and analyzing' and 'looking at a person and analyzing, and her head tilts a little at the color of the lady below. She gives a small smile, adn closes her book.

    "Accidental colonization. I can move to a different stack if these going back is pressing." she states, and she gives a wave.

    "Balm, magician and medic with the Gotham group. How do you do miss...?" she inquires politely as she gathers her materials up.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Blink. I'm with the Brotherhood - doing our part to ensure the continuation of reality, you know how it is." A portal appears directly in front of Phoebe - and a second one beside Clarice. Looking through the portal in front of her - she can see Clarice through it, from a ground-level perspective. "Apparently we need to get rid of these so a new shipment can come in - ya da ya da ya da. You know how it goes," she explains, leaving the handy door open for the woman to use.
    Even as tired as she's become of late - such a small portal, affecting such a short distance - is not much of a drain on her resources.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe looks down at Blink as she opens the portal, and then through the portal at Clarice. She gives an appreciative nod.

    "-- Fancy." Phoebe observes, and with her gathering of materials she ports through the portal and down to the ground level.

    "Thank you." she gives a nod "So, Brotherhood? You know my friend Lydia then?" she asks conversationally as she adjusts her bag, now heavy with books. "I know how it goes precisely. I've been taking a look at the logistics of the Gotham refugee distrobution myself... luckily it looks like Wayne Tech has some drones and the mayor's pumping a surprising amount of resources into it. But let's hope this doesn't go on too long..." she looks about "... I dont' think Batman actually *likes* being in Manhattan."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    The portals blink out - and Clarice's smile broadens considerably at the woman's name. "Lydia is my sister," she offers.
    There's zero resemblance between the two women. In fact, other than her odd hair, eyes, and skin tone - Clarice's features most closely resemble those of African descent, with a broad nose and wide-lipped smile - very different than Lydia's appearance.
    Another portal opens, and this time it's SHIELD agents stepping through, pushing equipment to easily remove the crates - and replace them with new ones, filled with supplies. "Should we see if they'll stack them up the same way for you?" she asks with some amusement.
    "I haven't spent too much time in Gotham myself. Bit surprised to hear Batman would leave his roost... as it were.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Lucky you then, I'm sure you get to sample all her baking." Phoebe gives a grin, and indeed, unlike most of Gotham's domino'd heroes, she shares more a resemblence to Clarice herself than to the Batfamily.

    "No, I don't mind moving my research. Luckily *theory* is very portable. Once practical application starts, aaah, then comes the more difficult part of the research." Balm notes as she scratches as the back of her neck through her hood.

    "He's representing the Jutice League. I know the Titans will be adding -- unfortunately at least one to Michael's side -- but" she shrugs a moment. "Batman and Red Robin are excellent strategists. I'm helping with medical and magical." she points to her symbol, instead of a bat or an 'R', it's simply that snake climbing a staff. "So -- you're just here for the logistics portion, or will I be seeing you in and out of Medical as well?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "We started by helping with the evacuation. Long distance portals are handy for that sort of thing. Still helping with transport of troops, injured, supplies... Fighting a war involves moving tons, and tons of materials and people." Clarice lets out a long, slow sigh.
    "But I'm very much a trained combatant. If I'm not exhausted from all the portals - I'll be out there. I, personally, am curious to discover how angels withstand," she starts ticking off her fingers, "the cold vacuum of space, the crushing, airless depths of the sea, and the heat of a pool of magma."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a nod. "I recall seeing the Asteroid M and Genosha symbols on the busses, I'm sure everyone is thankful for the chance to get out of the city -- even if they land in Gotham." Phoebe comments quietly to Clarice, and she gives a slight nod, before she frowns, and looks to Clarice.

    "I can answer that for you ... basically they vaporize and regenerate within the half hour. Red Robin and I were mowing them down with a cursed sword and a holy staff. Then they just starting coming back, restored. It was as if there was no way we could harm them in any way that mattered... but... I have a couple ideas."

Singularity has posed:
There's a flicker of -blue- through the air then as a flash of periwinkle would resolve itself over into existence. Coming along with several shipping containers. THen there would be a flicker as a feminine figure that was less starry eyed and moreso starry-bodied apparating into existence with them. She would flash into existence, flicker up and over into the air, looking over in one direction, flickering to look in another, then figuring out where the crates needed to be.. Then flickering iwth them to take them in rapid teleports.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Well... if they regenerate, that's a lot less fun. What's the point of destroying something that's just going to come back?" She complains, letting out a sigh.
    What a drag.
    And more importantly, how do they save reality if that's the case? "So what ideas do you have, then? Do you think there's a way to... contain them? Trap them? Suck up their essence like in that Ghost Buster movie?"
    Her gaze flicks towards Singularity, watching as she flits and flickers about with her crates - while Clarice simply keeps a portal to the Triskelion option, for SHIELD to do all the moving for her.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Tell me about it. Ordinarily I'm not a big fan of utter destruction of a personality but in their case--" she pauses, and she sees the starry-boditied entity begin just... flashing around. Her head tilts. She tries to steady her gaze long enough for her domino to capture an energy reading and try to analyze, but boy does all the flitting and flickering make it difficult.

    "Actually--" Phoebe's head moves "that's more or less--" she tilts her head in the other direction "-- what I was considering doing --" she levels her gaze "-- on a slightly different mod-- can we *help* you, Miss?" she calls out to the flickering, starry teleporter.

Singularity has posed:
Singularity would pop up into the air, settling on firmly where the boxes would go after having sorted out locations and she would wave, "Hello!" she would then flicker over in a flicker of blue once more, popping into existence by the two.
    "Lovely to meet the two of you. I am Singularity. I am here to help!" Her tone so innately cheerful and sincere.
    "May I be of any help to you two?" Her body spiraling over with small galaxies whirling around, stars ablaze and going nova, small black holes dancing into gas giants, orbits decaying..

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "...you are dizzying to look at," Clarice remarks with bafflement, as she stares at Singularity. "What are you exactly? You're... not a mutant?" she doesn't sound convinced on that front, though. There are a //lot// of unique mutant gifts out there.
    She drags her vibrant green gaze away from Singularity to look at Phoebe instead, offering a surprise, "Oh, I was more or less right? Honestly didn't expect that. I mean - the sciencing of things is not my forte... unless you want to magic it? Lydia could probably help if it's a magic thing."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Uh..." Phoebe blinks a moment behind the blue lenses of her domino, and takes a deep breath and lets it out, puffing her cheeks a moment. "I'm not sure, Singularity. I'm Balm. This is Blink. We were just discussing magic and how we're going to defeat a bunch of angels -- and you are *stunning* to look at. Is that a class five methane-centric gas giant?" she asks, distracted a moment, before her attention turns back to Blink "Well. Yes. It'll be magic. That's... my main focus, actual. And healing."

Singularity has posed:
Singularity would go to flicker over and teleport, turning upsides down so she would be floating in midair, head propped up underneath her arms like a child hanging upsides down from a tree branch. "I am not. I am Singularity." Even with experience, the ability for the sentient pocket dimension to put -words- into what she was was difficult.
    "It is lovely to meet you, Blink and Balm. I love your skin! It is so gorgeous!" She would let out what might be a squee over at Blink. "I think so." To Phoebe. It was a gas giant, just she might not know the details of the scale.
    "They are creatures of evil." Her tone would be sad. "They are hurting people and destroying things for no reason."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Well... Thanks. I'm pretty fond of it, too," Clarice remarks in an amused tone. "My sister has a bit of it too - her skin's black, but it has some splotches of color. She rocks it."
    She continues to stare at the strange being front of her as she answers Phoebe. "I don't have any talent with magic - so I'm afraid I can't help you there. But I could bring you some animals or whatever to test your spell on - once you figure it out."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe has just regular human skin. She's also mostly hidden between the armor and the face mask. "Ah..." she blinks, not quite sure how to reason that 'good' and 'evil' are a little bit muddled at the moment as she rubs the back of her neck again through her hood. "Well. Your appearance is absolutely dazzling, Singularity. But you must hear that all the time."

    And she looks over to Clarice "... no, no, pretty sure all I have to do is firebomb some lesser angels once I have my circles set up and I should have my answer; I know Lydia's dealing with some stuff right now."

Singularity has posed:
Singularity would offer softly, "They are here to hurt people. To destroy everything. And wipe it all out. It does not matter what they are, where they are from, or what their reasoning is." Her taking the time to slowly form words. Her tone gentle. "They are here to hurt. THey are evil." She would say with the certainty of a child.
    "They are like the things from behind teh SHIELD.. They just kept coming and coming to tear down it all." She would rapidly shake her head, pupiless eyes flaring from spinning stars to a series of gas giants collapsing in upon themselves before flushing back to spirals as gaseous matter would be ejected from black holes.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Can't say as I diasagree. Ending all life is pretty evil," Clarice agrees. "I mean, we never attempted anything on that scale - and we still have to fight to get people to stop calling us 'The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.'" It's hard to tell that she's rolling her eyes without the pupils - but she is. She's rolling them hard.
    "Well. When you have your spell work figured out... I mean, I bet Lydia'd be happy to at least look it over?" She shrugs her shoulders. "If you drop her a message, I can probably get her to you easily enough."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "They're here to correct a failing in the Great Experiment without giving us the chance to find it and correct it." Phoebe states with a small shrug. "They're worse than evil. They're Corperate." she offers as a half joke, and she looks between the two, and she rubs the back of her head again as she breathes out.

    "All right, well... I've got to keep on the studying and... try to figure out what's going to happen next."

Singularity has posed:
Singularity would shake her head, "THey are evil." Not completely sure what Phoebe meant, but it was worse then evil so she would accept the phrase. "They must be stopped. Hopefully convinced.. Before they hurt too many others." Her tone is quiet. "I will help however I can. Too many have been hurt by this. And by all the other things happening from this."