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Latest revision as of 14:21, 26 June 2022

Lets talk.
Date of Scene: 07 January 2022
Location: Third Floor VIP Suites - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Slade Wilson, Thea Queen

Slade Wilson has posed:
Thea wanted to talk.

So Slade was willing to talk. Rather than be dressed for a job or in a way that suggests he's there to murder everyone in the room, Slade was more or less dressed in a fine three-piece suit worthy of billionaires like Bruce Wayne or Tony Stark. He was enjoying a cigarette as he sat down on the balcony of his sweet. He sent a simple message to Thea Queen, telling her to meet him in his suite.

VIP. Likely to be wine. He could tell at the costume party that she wanted to have a chat...and most likely, has something to do with her friends. Or maybe she's upset wit hhim over a lack of training sessions. Sometimes the job gets in the way. But the white-haired gentleman waits for the Queen Scion to arrive.

Thea Queen has posed:
As usual Slade beat her to the punch. She was going to send him a message to meet-up but before she actually got the mind to it? There it was. A faint frown on her expression. Mind reader? Regardless of what it was it is true that they should meet. Discuss. Specially after that New Year's party at the Verdant.

Arriving at the Suite there is a brief knock to announce her presence before the door is opened and she steps inside. And with it being the Hellfire Club it means she's dressed appropriately. Long black dress that doesn't quite reach the floor. Sleeveless, leaving her shoulders bare if it was not for the scarf around them. She casts a look around, then to where she expects will find him, the balcony.

"Good evening, Slade." No more Mr. Wilson apparently. "I got your message.."

Slade Wilson has posed:
No more Mr. Wilson.

"Come in."

Slade tells Thea as she knocks onto the door, and he hums a little bit when she comes on inside. He doesn't look at her, but he does gesture to a seat across from him. "Have a seat, Ms. Queen." Seems Slade feels the need to be polite. He's not here as her teacher at the moment, after all. "I trust you have something to discuss with me. Your body language spoke volumes, more so than your words could ever express." Slade suggests with a bit of a sharper tone.

"You look nice, by the way." He tells her then, though he hums a little bit. "I imagine you took issue with how I spoke with your friend."

Thea Queen has posed:
The formality has Thea quirk a curious brow. Someone is upset. Or putting her in her place? It makes her lift her chin just so but she knows better than to snort. She reins it in and instead makes her way across the room to settle down, the dress heard shifting about her form. "I wasn't expecting you to be there at the party." she admits. "Even if I did send you an invitation to it." did she simply think he'd have better places to be in during new year's? Maybe.

"It caught me off-guard. But then again, you did tell me to expect the unexpected always so.." Her shoulders rise before a small chuckle escapes her lips. "Which friend would it be? Felicity?"

"She is a dear friend of mine. Very dear. Does she know who you are?" Does she know you are a ruthless assassin? But she doesn't voice that last question.

It's right there on the tip of her tongue though!

Slade Wilson has posed:
"Neither was I."

Slade comments somewhat seriously, yet as she sits down where Slade can see her, he intends to settle what problem there may or may not be between them far more directly. The formality is far more a result of location rather than preference. Thoug hhe nods a little bit to her. "Alas, I didn't get an invitation from you. It didn't hurt my feelings." But her training might be a little bit harder.

"Ms. Smoak, yes. She is charming and wonderful company. Though, you seem to be quite protective of her, and do know that I have no desire to harm her, even should our friendship take a sour turn. As for my line of business, no, I have not told her. Have you told her that you are training under me?"

And just like that, he switches it around. "But...your concern is noted."

Thea Queen has posed:
Again Thea has to bite down a response. 'Do you even have feelings?' but nope, she doesn't say that. Instead she takes in a breath, "Felicity sent you one then." that has her look surprised for a moment, "Seems you left quite the impression on her." a beat, "For her to get out of her shell, that is." it's perhaps a good thing. But she won't give Slade the satisfaction of saying that! Besides, she knows she is in for some hard training already. Waking up at 4am? Ugh....

A shake of her head and she answers Slade, "I have not told her. Only Oliver knows. This has always been something between us, and I know discretion is important. To both of us." another pause, "I am not ashamed of training under you." why does she feel the need to justify herself?

And if Slade switches it around so does Thea when she asks, "Did you have fun at the party?"

Slade Wilson has posed:

Slade possesses feelings, else he wouldn't be having this conversation with Thea. "That's a possibility." He doesn't confirm or deny Thea's suspicions about the origin of his invitation, though he hums a little bit. "It would appear I did. She's a sparkling conversationalist, truth be told."

Though her secrecy makes him nod. "Oliver and I still have a...poor relationship. The events of Lian Yu were regrettable, but necessary." he informs her. "Nor I to train you." Slade has a hard time feeling shame. But she asks if he had fun and Slade paused mid-sip of his wine.

"I did. It was a surprising turn of events, if I say so myself."

Thea Queen has posed:
"How secretive." Thea points out about how Slade diverts the conversation away from giving her any real answer! Or maybe that's the answer in itself. It only makes the young Queen more curious though, but she also knows not to bite on more than she can chew. "But very well, I shall respect it. Keep your secrets. I shall just imagine." it might be worse to let her imagine!

The talk about Lian Yu, Oliver. It has her expression darken a smidge. She has been there too, it was redemption for her in a way. And acceptance. "I have put it behind me. Or at least what I could." she admits, "Not all is black and white, one side or the other. There are shades of grey where we move. And honestly, it is where I feel more comfortable in." she lets out a sigh. "I am not sure if my brother would understand, though I am not as altruistic as he is."

As the conversation shifts back to the party itself she nods slowly, "Then feel free to come by again. I am hoping to have a more proper and official opening to it soon, your presence would be welcome there." She offers.

Slade Wilson has posed:
Prevents people from getting too close. Thea was a fighter and someone who knows how to make sacrifices in the heat of the decision. A realist, if you will. She understands the dangers and pushes her limits.

Lian Yu.

That hellhole. What's worse, Slade made -many- decisions that others would find morally questionable. "As you should. The past will only continue to harm you and break you until you canno longer stand and result in self destruction. Nothing is in black and white. You kill a tyrant, you're stained with the murder of a ruler and cleaned by the salvation of thousands. You slay a promiscuous wife and return the children to a loyal husband. Kill the man, spare an abused lover. All there is happens in the gray."

He hums though. "Consider the invitation accepted. Just ensure, if your brother is there, that he minds his manners, and I'll mind mine." He grumbles a little bit. "Are you prepared to resume your training?" If yes, Slade will continue. "We will work on your silence. Be prepared for sneaking, and using the shadows and subtlty as your allies."

Thea Queen has posed:
"And have you accepted your past?" Thea then asks Slade, eyes continuing fixed with the man. Not one to go for the easy questions or topics. "You talk often about finding balance, about accepting what we have done. But have you accepted yours? It seems like so on the surface..." she admits.

"... Yet you don't let anyone past the surface so who could tell? Why don't you let anyone in?" she might be pushing it, and she knows it. But hey, no risk no reward. She has learned that lesson well.

As for minding manners? "You both will mind your manners I am sure." she says, "Or Vin will make certain you both do." is she talking about the bartender? She might be. "She is a good friend actually. You should talk to her sometime, you might have more in common than you imagine." she leaves that suggestion there before nodding sharply about training.

Work on her silence? Is this Slade saying she talks too much? Well, sometimes. "I am ready to begin, of course."