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Latest revision as of 14:21, 26 June 2022

Return to Sender
Date of Scene: 05 January 2022
Location: Location
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Aldrif Odinsdottir, Bobbi Morse

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Dr. Bobbi Morse, agent of SHIELD, is on the Triskelion's nerd deck: so called because it's where the labs are, and because even SHIELD agents aren't immune to the kind of alpha jock nonsense most people with guns and the authority to use them are subject to. She's running some hematological tests to identify alien blood found in a broken-into crypt in Gotham City, one that the forensics team had a lot of stuff to say about because let's be honest, a probable site of human sacrifice makes for hot workplace gossip in law enforcement.
    The battle there had been neither interesting nor fruitful for Angela, who did not get the information she'd gone to the scene to achieve, though the demon itself was a moderately respectable foe, forcing her to sacrifice a bit of skin for the sake of victory. She thought nothing of it at the time, though while observing the human investigation that took place after the battle, she came to realize she had made a mistake by not cleaning up after herself. She has no qualms about leaving her blood on the ground, but for someone to come along and claim it? That means it is valuable in some way, and that in turn means she is obligated to either claim her due for it or deny it to the thieves who took it.
    Given the situation, splitting the difference seemed the most appropriate response to her: reclaiming her blood without punishing the thieves who were, in all fairness, acting in good faith. If anyone was at fault, it was--well, it was the summoned demon; but since Angela killed the demon, its responsibility transferred to her.
    It is not trivial to break into the Triskelion, but Angela is Heven's Huntmistress. She has tracked beasts far more elusive than a scrap of her own blood. That is how she appears to Bobbi Morse, entering the room through the door behind her, weapons still sheathed for now, silent and grim.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi Morse had not been part of the field team, but being one of the foremost biologists in SHIELD, and in points beyond, it made perfect sense for her to examine the blood sample after the initial analysis flagged it for a number of anomalies warranting further investigation.

Dressed in scrubs and a properly white lab coat, the blonde was currently skimming the initial analytics and preparing to move a sample already placed on a glass slide over to the spectrum analyzer to begin the more detailed work. She rolled her stool over to a second computer and began typing and gestureing at the holographic interface to set up the parameters. Her motions were smooth and casual from countless hours of such work in the past. Taking the glass slide in her sterile gloved fingers, she moved it to the machine's tray and set it gently in. The tray retracted inside and a soft blue glow emanated as the machine powered up and began to work through its instructed processes.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Despite being dressed in rather a lot of leather and metal relative to her otherwise bikini-like outfit, Angela is silent as she enters the room. She's silent as she picks up a chair, silent as she hooks the back of the chair under the doorknob to make a makeshift doorstop of it. She's silent until she speaks, six feet away from Mockingbird.
    "You have my blood. I have come to reclaim it. I have faith that you wish to do the right thing and reverse this act of theft; therefore, if you return it, then I will consider the matter closed."
    Her voice is flat and emotionless, as is her face. She could be an alien (which seems likely, since her eyes are featureless and she has some Star Trek-looking face markings), or a robot, or just a psychopath with no feelings.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi Morse hadn't heard anyone enter, so inside, her heart may have just skipped a beat - a not so healthy thing for her over all - but she covered it well. She'd be a terrible double agent if she couldn't mask surprise. Instead she continues to look at her equipment, confirming the machine's processes have begun. "Well that will help solve one of the questions raised, won't it?"

Gently pushing back, she rolls and swivels on the stool to face her visitor. "If it's yours, we now have some idea who was there. At least in a basic sense, hmm?" She looks to Angela, "I'm Commander Bobbi Morse of SHIELD. And you've broken into a secure facility. I'm guessing that doesn't mean much to you at this point."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    "I have weighed this transgression against yours in taking my blood, and have determined them to be of equal value," Angela says seriously. "I believe that neither of us owes the other further punishment, so long as the original theft is set right by you returning to me that which is mine." She makes no aggressive effort, comes no closer to Mockingbird, though perhaps her voice betrays the slightest imaginable sign of appreciation for Bobbi's cool nerves. Perhaps. Could be your imagination.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi Morse arches a brow. "Transgression is a pretty heavy word to be throwing around. Based on City, State, Federal - and even Planetary - laws, the only one of us here that has transgressed is yourself, Redhead whom I have yet to meet." She slowly stands up. "These samples were found in the field and they were unclaimed. As there is no lost and found for blood, per se, I believe the simplest description is: Finders, Keepers." She looks at Angela, "A crime scene was investigated and under all appropriate laws, evidence was gathered. Of which this sample is a part. So, once again, you've realy placed yourself in a bad situation that already comes with a laundry list of crimes you could be charged with."

A shrug. "I can't just give you the sample. It has a legal trail of possession and record already."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela points out, "The law is not an indication of a right. The law is a declaration of the ability to use such violence as to enforce one's will. It does not make an unjust action just: you believe my blood is a thing of value, else you would return it to me. You intend to profit from the possession of my body. Angela, Huntmistress of Heven, intends you no ill will, Commander Bobbi Morse of SHIELD, but she will take such action as the situation makes necessary to prevent you from claiming ownership of her body."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi Morse tilts her head, "Huntmistress of... Heaven? So, an angel?" She tries to make sense of that statement. "There is no value to your blood in the sense you seem to believe. It was found, again, at a crime scene. A murder appeared to have taken place. There is an investgation of all evidence found in the area. If you are saying that this is yours, then that implicates you as being at the scene. So it isn't you that was killed. Want to offer some clarification as to what you saw?"

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela eyes Bobbi carefully. "Will such answers cause you to return my blood to me without resort to violence?"

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi Morse sighs softly, rubbing her temples. "Possibly?" She looks at Angela, "So here's the situation. A crime was reported. A presumed murder or, well let's call it some sort of sacrifice, to keep it simple. Given your desire to reclaim the blood sample, it is either yours or you're trying to cover your tracks. If it's the first, then tell the truth and we can work from there. If you're here trying to cover up the crime, I have no expectation you're going to tell me that. Obviously. But without some solid facts, no one is going anywhere with anything." Her voice is quiet and calm.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela regards Bobbi. "I have been among humans for long enough to understand you do not believe in paying your debts. You believe in taking what you want without regard for whom it hurts. That is not the angel's way. What you have taken from me, I must reclaim or receive fair compensation for. To do otherwise is unforgivable.
    "I will tell you what I know, if that will end this negotiation without bloodshed and with the return of what you have taken from me. It will give you the understanding you seem to want. Can you give your oath to even that much, Commander Bobbi Morse of SHIELD?"

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi Morse pinches the bridge of her nose as she listens to the ever widening impasse. A slow breath is followed by, "If you're from Heaven, then you have laws too. Right? When someone breaks those laws - do you not have processes to determine the truth of the matter and render judgment based on those facts? You speak of being among humans. Then you should understand we also have means to determine if a crime has been committed. That's all we are trying to do." She pause a murmurs, "...and I really hope you're not going to tell me you killed someone for Heaven.."